Forbidden Prescription: A Stepbrother Romance (20 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Prescription: A Stepbrother Romance
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He moves swiftly and I find myself pinned beneath him.

I stare up into his eyes, “Take me, Damon,” I whisper.

He gives a satisfied growl and rips my robe open. He draws in a sharp breath when he discovers that I am completely naked underneath. He slowly removes the material from my body.

I begin to feel insecure. I instinctively lift my hands to cover my nakedness.

He catches them. “Don’t, I want to see you.” His gaze slides lazily down the length of my body. “You’re beautiful,” he whispers hoarsely.

I shake my head. “I’m not.”

His forehead creases. “Why don’t you think you are beautiful, Alice?”

I shrug. “I-I guess I’m too thin and tall and you—well you weren’t really attracted to me three years ago, or ever for that matter.”

Regret flashes in his eyes. “I never said you weren’t attractive.”


“If only you could see yourself through my eyes,” he whispers.

I stare at him, utterly speechless. If it’s possible, I have fallen even more in love with him.

He lies down, stretching his long body out beside me. He cups my breast and I gasp. I nearly catapult off the bed when he takes a nipple into his mouth. I am about to cry out but I remember that Richard is asleep next door. Guilt assails me, but quickly vanishes when I feel his warm breath on my most private place. I freeze and my eyes widen. “Damon, what are you doing?”

He responds by flicking his tongue over my clit.
“Oh my God,”
I moan. I am flushing from head to toe, totally embarrassed. I lift myself up on my elbows and peek at him shyly. “Damon, no, this is weird. I’ve never done this before.”

He frowns, “Has he really never pleasured you like this before Alice?”

I swallow hard, not sure how to tell him that the furthest I have ever gone with Richard is kissing. “Er-no.”

“Relax. Let me show you how it can be.”

His tongue darts out to lick my sensitive bud again and I fall back onto the bed. My back arches as he expertly pleasures me with his tongue.

My breaths come out in shallow gasps and I writhe on the mattress. The sensation is almost too much for me to handle and I try to escape.

His hands pin my hips down.

I let out a groan, trying desperately to remain quiet. A strange sensation erupts inside of me and my entire body convulses.
Holy crap
. I have just experienced my first orgasm.

Before I can come down from the sky, I hear something being ripped open. I look up to see Damon standing completely naked, unrolling a condom over his hardness. I openly admire his male beauty. I take into memory every chiseled and toned body part. My eyes drift downward to his impressive length and I gulp. He still doesn’t know that I am a virgin. I want to tell him, but I am too embarrassed. The last time we were in this position I admitted it to him. But the fact that it is years later and I am engaged, he must assume that I am experienced.

He looms over me and I am hypnotized by his lustful gaze. “I finally get to have you Alice,” he murmurs.

My breath hitches in my chest. His words imply that he has been longing...for
But how can that be? I don’t get the chance to follow my thoughts any further because I'm following him from the high of my first orgasm to my hunger for my first time. I want him with a powerful lust that I've never known. It has gripped me tighter than anything I have ever felt before, and I can barely breathe, much less

I feel his erection press against my softness and he pushes forward.

I let out a shriek as sharp pain pierces my lower half.

He freezes and lets out an expletive. His eyes widen and he looks down at me in disbelief and a touch of confusion. “Alice what the hell…”

I peek up at him guilty. I am ashamed and afraid that my virginity will scare him away. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I-I was embarrassed,” I say weakly.

“Damn it, you should have said something. I would have been more careful. And it’s nothing to feel embarrassed about. As a matter of fact, I’m glad.”

“Y-you are?” I shyly reach up to run my fingers along his jaw. “I don’t want you to stop.”

He grins, a look of pure male satisfaction on his face. “Hold on to me, Alice.” I wrap my fingers around his bulging biceps as he eases into me once more. The pain that I feel dissipates with each of his slow movements. My tight muscles grip his length and all I feel now is the strange sensation of being filled and the unadulterated pleasure that feeling brings. I moan and arch into him. The pace of his hips increases causing my pleasure to escalate.

I arch into him. “Damon,” I moan in his ears.

“Yes, baby. I have wanted to hear you moan in my ear for so long now.” He captures my lips, swallowing another soft moan that escapes. He lifts his head to peer down at me. “You are mine in every way, Alice. Mine alone.”

“Yes,” I breathe. In that moment I can’t even analyze his words or question the meaning of my own. I am incapable of any sane thoughts, but with Damon I cannot lie. Not with him inside me. Not when he is holding me so tenderly, and I’m being taken by him so roughly all at once. The tension starts to build inside of me again and I know that I am about to explode. My body bows and releases. I grip Damon tightly. My nails sink into his skin. The orgasm that passes through me is even more intense than the one before.

He lowers his head to muffle my scream with his mouth. I feel his body shudder on top of me as he reaches his peak seconds after me. He collapses on top of me but quickly rolls off, leaving me feeling empty.

“Don’t go,” I mumble, hardly able to form the words but desperately needing to call him to me and to cling to him. I finally have him and I don't want to let him go. I don't want him to let me go.

“I’m too heavy.”

We lay in silence, our heavy breathing mingling and filling the otherwise silent room.

I finally come down from my high and the guilt that I was feeling begins to seep back into my mind. I have betrayed Richard in the worst way. The worst part is, Damon didn’t force me into anything, I actually asked for it and it was amazing. I have never felt anything like what I felt with Damon before. What am I going to do now? Tears spring up in my eyes and spill over my cheeks. I feel like the worst person on the face of the earth.

Damon finally sits up. “That was incredible.”

When he gets no answer from me he reaches for me, and I am turned around to face him. He looks horrified. “What is it? Did I hurt you?”

I shake my head and his shoulders relax but concern is still on his face.

He wipes at my tears with gentle fingers and that makes the tear flow even more. “Then what is it, Alice? Talk to me.”

“Richard is right next door,” I sob. “What we just did was wrong.” I lift my hand up to study the gold band with a solitary diamond embedded in it. The ring represents commitment, trust, and love—all of which I have just thrown out the window because I couldn’t resist Damon.

He wipes a hand over his face, “Don’t marry him. Break off the engagement.”

I stare at him, horrified. “Do you really think it’s that easy? I do love him, you know.”

But think I love you more.

Good grief, I am one messed up individual. Richard has been nothing but loving, understanding, and kind to me and I love the man who I had vowed to hate, who has wounded me in the past, more than him.

Damon clenches his jaw. “So you just had amazing, passionate sex with me and you are still going to marry him? You haven’t even slept together for crying out loud. How hard can it be to tell him you don’t want to marry him?”

“How do you know I don’t still want to marry him?” I ask, quickly getting irritated.

“If you loved him like you say you do, you wouldn’t come undone so easily with just one touch from me. You wouldn’t give me the one gift that you were saving for your wedding night.” His eyes bored into mine.

I simply stare at him. I have nothing to say because he is absolutely right. I let out a sob and he pulls me to his chest.

“Don’t marry him,” he whispers again.

I shake my head, “You have to go. What if Richard finds you in here?”

“Don’t worry, the door is locked. I will leave before anyone else wakes up, I promise.”

I cry silently, wrapped in his arms. I was right where I had dreamed of being since I was a teenager. But now that I am finally in his arms, I am miserable.

What will everyone think if they ever found out that Damon and I slept together? Our parents probably wouldn’t be too happy about it. I sniffed loudly.

A soft kiss is planted on my forehead and I am rocked back and forth. The bad boy has once again disappeared and is replaced by a tender, caring man. I am amazed how he switches from one to the other.

“Yup, totally unpredictable,” I whisper.

“Hmm?” He looks down at me.

I lips curve slightly upward, “I said you are totally unpredictable.”

He grunts, “I feel like I should be offended by that, but I’ll let it slide.” He looks down at me. “Alice can I ask you something?”

I nod.

“Why haven’t you slept with Richard?” He says the name with pure contempt.

I shrug. I would love to say confidently that I was saving myself for marriage, but in my heart I know that isn’t entirely true. I was ready to give up my virginity three years ago to Damon, after all. “I don’t know. I guess the time just never felt right.”

“Did it feel right tonight?” He inquires softly.

I swallow hard.

It sure did.

“I-I suppose it did.” I decide not to lie. I couldn't lie to him when he was inside me, and now he's seeped into every inch of my soul. I let him into me in every way that I have dreamed all these years—and more—but I know that I don't want to lie to him. Not now.

I feel him let out a breath. “Of course it did. You were meant to be mine all along.”

I frown, wondering if he is referring to me or just my innocence which I so freely gave up to him. I open my mouth to ask but snap it shut. More than likely his comment doesn’t mean anything deeper. He is probably just satisfied as most men would be to bed a virgin.

I fiddle with the ring on my finger feeling absolutely horrible again. I still have to figure out what I am going to do about Damon and Richard. I am very annoyed with myself for complicating my life in such a manner. I really should have put up more resistance tonight. I shake my head slightly. Even if I did put up more resistance, Damon probably would have worn it down anyway. The man is lethal, not to mention pure temptation.

My limbs are beginning to feel like jelly. I am now feeling the effects of the plane ride, the alcohol, and the night’s most recent activities. I smile slightly, loving the feel of being wrapped in Damon’s arms.

Dreams do come true

My smile turns into a frown. “You have to remember to go,” I slur drowsily. We can’t risk anyone discovering him in my room in the morning. My eyes are already closed when I feel his lips on mine.

“I will, go to sleep.” My eyes flutter open. He is staring down at me, a mixture of emotions playing across his features. I’m much too exhausted to even try and identify any of them.

“You are a beautiful man,” I slur again.

He grins, “I think somebody should stay away from the wine for a little while.” He pulls me closer and I give in to sleep.


y eyes snap
open at the sound of my name being called. It’s Richard. I sit up abruptly, my eyes flying to the other side the bed. I then glance around the room. I sigh in relief. I didn’t even hear him leave this morning. The bottle of scotch that he placed on the nightstand is gone as well. “Alice, are you up?” Richard asks, knocking lightly on the door.

“Uh, yeah, just a minute.” I jump off the bed and wince. The soreness between my thighs is a reminder of the carnal sin I committed last night. I pull on my robe and comb my fingers through my hair. I search the room one last time to make sure there is no evidence of Damon. I amble to the door and pull it open.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Richard greets me brightly. His eyes rake over me. “Wow you must have slept well. You look… different this morning.”

A nervous giggle escapes my lips. “D-different how?”

He shrugs, “I don’t know. I can’t explain it,” he frowns slightly, but seems to brush the thought aside. “Anyway, are you up to giving me a tour of the grounds this morning? I would love to see the rest of this place.”

“Of course. I’ll just take a quick shower and get dressed.” I close my room door after telling him I won’t be long. I sag against the wood and let out a low groan.

Guilt washes over me.

I am in such deep shit.

After breakfast, I announce to everyone that I am taking Richard for a tour.

“Really? May I join the tour?” Damon asks.

My gaze swings to his. I give him a deadly look.

He looks at me with an innocent smile. I stifle a moan. I am not at all ready for the awkwardness that is about to ensue.

* * *

erry Christmas
, everyone, let’s dig in!” Gramps says, rubbing his hands together. There is a magnificent feast laid out on the dining table. There is enough food here to feed a small village and I have no appetite to partake in any of the delicious looking dishes. We have been in England for four days now, with only three more to go. I can’t wait for it to end. What was supposed to be a nice holiday getaway has turned into hell.

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