Forbidden Prescription: A Stepbrother Romance (25 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Prescription: A Stepbrother Romance
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My expectations from love were way too high, which is perhaps the reason I had yet to find love. I didn’t want to settle with someone I was merely half in love with. I was looking to find a guy who could be wholly invested in me, who wouldn’t think of the ex he had left behind or the tomorrow without me. I wanted someone who would like to speak to me every night before going to bed. Someone who would want to know what was transpiring in my head, who would know when I was sad even before a word had been uttered from my lips, who would not be afraid of letting the world know that he loved me. It isn’t easy to find such a guy, is it?

I chided myself for thinking of love so quickly. I didn’t even know who Nick really was, what he did, or anything else. He was a good guy, or so it seemed. However, for the first time in my life, I really wanted to know someone.

My mom often told me that we bump into people for a reason. “Every face you come across appears because of a reason, and you should respect what the stars send to you,” she would say.

As I was gathering these thoughts, my phone chimed again and saw that it was a call from Nick. Things were proceeding really quickly.

“Is it a good time to talk? I just wanted to hear your voice again, Lacie.”

“Aww. That’s such a sweet thing to say. Yes, it is always a good time to talk. I was thinking of you, too.”

“Were you? What were you thinking?”

“Just how we happened to bump into each other, and even though I have met you only once, it feels like there is something connecting the two of us. Am I sounding creepy?”

“Oh, honey! You can never sound creepy. What are your plans for tomorrow?”

“Nothing much right now. I need to take a look into the orphanage matter before things start going downhill. The children really need me. My friend who owns the place had to go on a vacation, and I promised her to set things right.”

“Lacie, why don’t you meet me tomorrow, and maybe I could help you out with it?”

“Are you asking me out on a date?”

“Would you say ‘yes’ if I said ‘yes?’”

There was a long pause as I debated what to say. Of course, it felt good to be asked by someone so amazingly handsome as Nick. However, I have never been the one to trust so easily. As much as I was aching to say a yes, I ended up saying something which even shocked me.

“Why are you doing this, Nick? We barely know each other, why are you helping me?”

“I like you, Lacie. I want to see where this goes. You’re attractive, beautiful. You’re fierce and independent, and I like strong women. A lot.”

“Okay. What time tomorrow?”

Nick laughed, and I swear there wasn’t a sound more melodious than the sound of his laugh. I knew I had to be really careful, and I shouldn’t have put my heart at stake so early—but sometimes in life you meet someone your heart picks. No matter how careful you are or what plans you make, you can’t control what you feel. I had no way to know if it was lust or something stronger, but Nicholas Jackson was everything this hungry heart seemed to need.

We decided on the venue and the time and very hesitantly kept on the phone. I felt bad for not thinking much about the orphanage, but sometimes, in life, you have no clue where your life is headed, and you do things because your heart makes them do them.

* * *

he very next morning
, I woke up quite early. I wanted to look my damned
and decided to take a really long hot shower. Of course, I was a little stressed, owing to the huge influx of tasks the previous week. My life had started to look like a never-ending string of deadlines, and today was a day I had taken off from my daily schedule, because I had finally decided to sort out the priorities in my life.

I even spent some time giving myself a manicure and pedicure. I curled my hair and spent half an hour in front of my dressing room. I picked a red strapless blouse with a black, flared skirt. Then I highlighted my eyes with the only eye shadow I owned. I wasn’t a huge fan of makeup, but it had been nearly a year since I had been on a date, so I did take some liberty in applying what I thought was best and, really, all I had to work with.

As I headed out of my apartment, I wondered how the day would turn out to be. Yesterday, I was so stressed, and today seemed to be a fresh start altogether. We had decided to meet at Starbucks, and I stood outside the door, taking a gulp of fresh air.

Somebody said, “Hi, honey,” from behind me. I didn’t have to turn back to see who the voice was.

Nick was looking even more stunning today. It was impossible to believe that this beautiful, breathing marvel was someone I was seeing in reality. He was wearing a red striped shirt and beige pants and had a charming smile on his lips. I had to try very hard to control my urge to kiss him there.

“You look so gorgeous, Lacie.”

“You are pretty handsome yourself, Mister.”

After we were done complimenting each other, we decided to head inside. Nick gestured to move to the corner most booth so that we could talk easily over the sound of people’s voices.

“Thank you for coming, Lacie,” he said, smiling.

“Are you always so courteous, or are you just trying to impress me?”

“Is it working?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Nick was cheeky, and he looked like the kind of man who could have literally anything. Almost any woman would agree to be with him because he was so flawless and handsome beyond words.

“Oh, God, what do I do?” I whispered to myself, probably a little louder than I thought.

He perhaps sensed my thoughts or even heard my less-than-subtle whisper because he held my hands and said, “We are here to talk. So why are you so busy talking to yourself? Am I such bad company?”

“Of course not. I was just wondering why someone like you would pick me. I mean I am—”

Before I could finish my sentence, he said “beautiful,” and I could do nothing but smile.

We spoke about a lot of things. I wanted to know more about his life. He didn’t share too many details of what he used to do, his background and other facts like that. He said he preferred keeping things mysterious, as it made things a lot more interesting.

I smiled at him, and I had to say that he knew how to charm his way through a woman’s heart. I looked at the watch and was shocked to see that three hours had passed. When you were with someone you liked spending time with, you don’t even notice how quickly it flies away.

“So, how is this date looking, honey?”

“Do you call everyone honey?”

“Ha! Why would you think so?”

“I was just asking but I saw how you averted my question. It’s alright. I was just curious.”

“I like calling you honey. Your eyes dilate when I say it, Lacie. They also dilate when I say your name. Yes, I am a very keen observer.”

I laughed, and we blushed together, and before I could say something further, he whispered slowly, “I am trying my damn best not to kiss you right away. I would, however, like to do a lot more than just kiss, if you would like to come with me.”

I stopped midway and blinked hard. It was surreal, and Nick definitely caught me unawares. Yes, we had a mutual attraction, and of course I liked him. It would practically be a sin not to like Nick, but the way he had seductively said that he would like to kiss made me dizzy.

When I gave no response, Nick tried to gauge my reaction and added, “Did I say that a bit too quickly?”

I said, “No. I mean, yes. What I really mean is,” I realized I was blabbering, and my face was flushed, and I decided to stop because Nick realized that I was ready to take this to another level.

He didn’t say anything, just took my hand and left with me. My stomach was full of a million butterflies dancing to a song I had never quite heard. I knew this could be the wildest of my imagination come alive. It wasn’t like I had never made love before, but holy god, who was I kidding. Making love with Nick Jackson would be a memory I was not going to forget for a long time to come.

hapter 4
: The Kiss To Keep

no clue where Nick was going to take me, and it was a really long drive. As I stepped down, I saw it was a huge meadow of sorts. I would have bet all my money that there was no such place in the whole of New York City, but there I stood, right in front of a meadow, and it looked all kinds of beautiful.

We moved inside the park, and I followed him. He had a smile on his lips, and when he stopped, I saw the most breathtaking scenery all around me. There were endless flowers, and Nick kissed me fervently on my lips. I knew this was one man who was romantic as hell.

“Where are we, Nick? I have never been to this place before,” was all I could say as I found myself standing in the middle of the meadow. There was an infinite trail of lush green grass around me and I could hear the stream of water running somewhere nearby that made for a perfect symphony in the background.

“You don’t need to know that. Just close your eyes and imagine that you are somewhere away from the bustling crowd and traffic of the New York City. We have traveled in time, and you are not yourself anymore. Let your spirit be wild and do whatever you want to do, Lacie. It is just this moment, nothing else exists anymore.”

He was right. That place didn’t feel like New York City at all. It felt like we had traveled back in time, where no one except the two of us existed.

Nick took a blanket and placed it carefully on the ground. He also had a picnic basket, which looked both adorable and charming.

“What do you have here? I thought we already had brunch,” I said while I sat with him on the blanket. I opened the picnic basket and found a few munchies inside.

“This is nothing, just some snacks and muffins for us to eat,” he added.

He filled a wine glass with some exotic red wine he pulled from the basket. As I drank, it felt like I tasted a part of heaven in my mouth. I looked at the sky, and the stars shined brightly with their entire luster.

Nick looked at me, and his breathing was heavy. I knew what he was about to do at the next moment. I felt as if time stood still when he kept looking at me with his big green eyes. I saw my reflection in his eyes, and there was nothing else that I wanted to look at.

No rules of time or space existed between us anymore. As Nick’s lips touched mine, it felt like all my stress and disbelief vanished. There was absolutely nothing existing in the universe that could worry me. I felt his warm lips inside me and as his tongue touched mine, I closed my eyes. There was a thick cloud of darkness in front of me, but I could still see the whole wide world.

I felt Nick’s tongue pressing into my lips and inspecting my mouth. Our tongues made a perfect symphony, and it felt like we were creating art. We danced on the tongue of salvation and became immortals at that moment.

I was wearing my red strapless dress that had a zip closure at the back. I felt Nick’s warm hands unlocking the closure and letting me shine in my true colors. Before I could realize fully what was happening, he had undressed me and set my clothes aside. I unbuttoned his shirt and opened my eyes to see the marvelous beauty of the rugged man that was standing in front of me. Each and every muscle, every cut in his body was nothing but flawless. He looked like a Greek god who was ready to take me to Atlantis.

Nick knew what was coming, and he was all prepared for it. He kissed my lips and slowly pressed my neck. He massaged my back and placed his hands on my shoulders. Slowly he pressed with his warm hands, massaging my neck to make me feel relaxed. I could feel my senses getting calmer as he licked my neck and slowly reached my bosom. He pressed my breasts a little, as gently as he could, and gave a kiss on my left side, which made me shiver with passion.

I could sense an undying shiver of affection that crossed my spine and entered each and every cell of my being. It was as if Nick had already become a part of me. He let go of everything else that I was wearing, and I echoed him. There was not even a single ounce of cover on us. We both were there, entwined in each other, completely naked, without any trace of shame or remorse. We were unafraid to show our true colors to each other.

“You look so gorgeous, Lacie. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen,” he whispered in my ear as I felt his fingers near the gap between my legs.

Our bodies twisted and turned, and it felt like we were dancing to a beautiful song that was being played somewhere in the background. We were covered with the blanket, and I could feel how warm his body was. He kissed my neck and across my breast. As he bit them gently, I moaned in pleasure. He sucked them gently, then again a little harder the next moment. I felt as if I would melt in his mouth as it felt so warm and real. I was going into a state of utmost pleasure and had no regrets.

I surrendered myself to Nick and let him do his magic. He was the master of it all, and as his white, muscular body held me tightly, I felt more precious than ever. He kept showing his love for me, for a few more minutes by bestowing kisses on every inch of my body. From my forehead to my breasts and from my navel to my wrists, he was present in each and every part of me–both inside and around me. Before I could take it all in, he became an integral part of my being.

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