Forest of Demons (17 page)

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Authors: Debbie Cassidy

BOOK: Forest of Demons
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A fighter. Yes. Aryan had seen it in her eyes. It was what had drawn him to her, what compelled him to protect her.

“Well go on then. Have your fill.” Gunhild slapped him on the back, his demeanor shifting, as if they were old friends. It made Aryan’s skin crawl, but he didn’t flinch. Darius had been right. These men were not themselves.


Bojan joined the group just in time to catch the tail end of the bargain. His lips twisted in distain. He glanced away as if unable to look at Aryan. There was no time to explain himself to his Hand. That conversation would happen later, for now they would have to believe the worst.

He entered the female’s tent, Bojan’s eyes hot black rocks on his back.

There were three females left. Two were dark haired, one with pale skin, the other ebony, but he had eyes only for

She looked up at him, her lip curling in contempt. She spat words at him, sharp and fast like daggers. The tent flap opened and Miles slipped in. He looked from the dark-skinned beauty to the pale one, undecided. The pale one cowered but the dark-skinned female lifted her chin in defiance. Mile’s grinned and reached for her.

She went quietly enough, but there was no resignation in her eyes.

Aryan swallowed his nausea.

Pale skin was taken a moment later, kicking and screaming by Jarl, and Aryan was finally alone with Tiger Eyes.

She glared at him as if daring him to approach.

He held up his hands, dropping his voice to a low rumble so as not to be overheard by the others. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

She narrowed her eyes warily.

Did she understand? “I’m trying to protect you.”

She hawked and spat at him.

Obviously not.

The gob of spittle hit the furs on his chest. He sighed, lowering his huge body to the ground a few feet away from her.

She tensed.

The flaps of the tent opened and Gunhild’s head appeared. He looked from Aryan to the female, his lips pinching. “What you waiting for, boy? An invitation? If you’re not going to take her, then I have a line of men who will.”

Aryan grit his teeth keeping his eyes fixed on the female. “I prefer to do this without an audience, and I prefer to do it my way.”

Gunhild snorted. “Have it your way but have it.” He chuckled. “Take your time; fuck her slow if you want, but fuck her. My men aren’t pleased. That’s the best of the cunny you got there, sweet like honey and tighter than a drum, so I want to hear fucking, or the deal’s off.” He retreated from the tent, leaving Aryan with a dilemma.

The female stared at him with open curiosity. The derision had been replaced by reluctant comprehension. Maybe she did understand him after all.

“Listen, I have to make this convincing. I need to lay with you. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

The razor features softened, giving him a glimpse of the vulnerable beauty beneath. She licked her lips, her eyes on the ground, pupils flitting side to side as she processed.

Finally she lifted her chin, nodding sharply. Still he hesitated, not sure he had read her right. She said something in her strange tongue, softer now with resignation, and lifted the furs inviting him in.

Lying beside her was torture. Her body was long, lithe, and powerful, but undeniably feminine. She had removed her furs and tunic, leaving only her breast bindings. Her legs were still encased in the leather britches the warriors had provided, and in order to take his mind from his arousal he wondered what her native attire had been. A rustle outside the tent alerted him to the fact that he was being listened to.

He was at a loss as to what to do to convince the listener that he was indeed fucking. He looked down at the female to find her gazing up at him intently. Then he gasped in shock as her hand cupped his arousal.

“What? What are you . . . argh,
!” His eyes rolled back in his head as she began to massage his shaft.

It wasn’t long before the tent was filled with his gasps and moans. She added her breathy sighs and guttural moans to his, serving only to arouse him further until he unloaded his seed all over her hand.

He lay back, chest rising and falling with uneven breath. He had never experienced such a thing. This was a new delight, one she would be cleansed of. For the first time, he wondered about all the delights that may have been lost through the cleansing. What other new and exciting things had the females they had captured known before they had been cleansed?

The female shifted, sat up and wiped her hand against the furs. Her tiger eyes were strangely empty.

He wanted to say something to bring back the fire, but the words eluded him.

She turned her back on him, her shoulders shaking. He wanted to comfort her, to explain how the sadness, the memories of her tainted life, would all be wiped clean, that she would be prized, loved, and protected, but mere words seemed inadequate. Instead he wrapped his arms around her pulling her to him. She tensed, her whole body quaking, but he remained still. Long moments passed in which he waited patiently. Finally he felt her shoulders relax, and then inch by inch, the rest of her body turned to water. She sighed, her breath evening out. Aryan exhaled and closed his eyes.

He dozed for a while, his mind ever alert so when she shifted against him, turning to face him, he was instantly awake, instantly aroused.

He exhaled slowly, willing his shaft to soften, but it remained stubbornly erect.

A low chuckle vibrated against his collarbone. He glanced down in surprise to see her smiling shyly up at him.

She spoke to him softly, words he didn’t comprehend. He shook his head to indicate as such, but she simply placed a finger to his lips. He resisted the urged to take it in his mouth. Her eyes darkened as if she had read his thoughts, and in the next moment she had replaced her finger with her mouth.

He gasped and she slipped her tongue in, exploring, tasting. He let her have her way, afraid that if he moved he would explode, afraid that she would stop.

Her hands stroked his jaw, and then slowly she pulled back looking deep into his eyes. This time when she spoke he understood the sentiment.

Thank you.

She had said thank you.


His warriors alternated between avoiding his gaze and glaring at him in disapproval. There was no time to explain his decision to them, not without entertaining the risk of one of the other Hands overhearing and reporting back to Gunhild, so he suffered their derision in silence. The remainder of the journey passed with Gunhild and Harlow’s Hands in good spirits as they approached The City.

Aryan kept his distance from the men, hovering in the center of the train, his eyes frequently snagging on Tiger Eyes. He wished that he could know her true name, now, before she was irrevocably changed. He immediately chided himself for the blasphemous thoughts. Of course he could wait. Once she was one of them, once she was given to a warrior as life-mate, they would all know her name. His chest tightened, hands balling into fists. Someone else would have her, and this time she would part her thighs willingly.

Footsteps approached and he tensed.

“Chief.” Fen drew abreast of him. “Why?”

Aryan didn’t need any elaboration. He glanced about, but no one seemed to be listening. “I didn’t violate her, I saved her. I just wish I could have saved them all.”

Fen exhaled in relief. “I knew there would be a reason.” They trudged in silence for a while. “We could have fought.”

Aryan glanced sharply at him. “If you wish to progress in ranks, then you need to think with the serenity of your mind, not the fire of your heart. Fighting would have been the moral choice. It would have resulted in all our deaths. Standing down was the tactical choice. It saved your lives.” He dropped his chin. “This will not go unpunished, I promise you.”

“I don’t think I want to go on a discovery run again . . . I don’t think I want to sail either.”

Aryan’s heart echoed Fen’s words. He had nothing in common with the warriors that had disembarked from the discovery ship, and the thought of becoming one of them chilled his blood.

He and Fen continued in silence, each lost to his own thoughts.


Aryan approached Marduk’s office just as Gunhild was leaving. His heart stalled as the warrior’s eyes met his. He had given his word not to report them. If Gunhild found out, there would be bitter blood between them, but the older warrior didn’t even flinch. His gaze slid off Aryan like syrup, and then he was striding past and out the force headquarter’s doors. Aryan watched him leave, confused with the lack of reaction.

He took the puzzle into the office with him.

“Aryan, how can I be of assistance?” Marduk asked from behind his opulent desk.

Aryan wondered how much wood had been used on the excessive piece of furniture; surely a simpler design would have served just as well. In fact, the whole office seemed overly excessive—tapestries, plush cushioned seats, and several carefully carved ornaments.

He realized with a start that Marduk was still waiting for a response, his lean face arranged in a picture of enquiry.

“I wish to make a report.”

“A report?”

“Yes, about our escort run.”

Marduk leaned back placing his hands flat on the desk. “Go ahead.”

“On the way to the coast we were attacked by ice wraiths.”

Marduk’s brows shot up, unease flickering across his features, but it was gone in a blink, replaced by an incredulous smile. “Ice Wraiths? Surely not. You must be mistaken. Pray tell, was there a blizzard?”

“Yes, almost blinding.”

Marduk shrugged. “Well, there you have it. You
have been mistaken.”

Aryan’s cheeks flushed with annoyance. “We
attacked. That is not something I can be mistaken about.”

Marduk chuckled. “Of course not. What I meant to say was that you were mistaken about
attacked you.”

Aryan shook his head. “No.”

“A giwulf, maybe?”

“They were ice wraiths. Their screams paralyzed our men. We were lucky to get away with our lives, although Vidar was lost to us.”

Marduk frowned. “Vidar? He’s one of Kemp’s Hand? Gunhild reported a full crew left on the discovery ship.”

“He’s lying.”

Marduk cocked his head. “Now, why would he do that?”

Aryan knew this was the moment he could hold his peace to prevent bitter blood but he couldn’t lie. “I don’t know, but he wasn’t himself. He allowed his men to violate the cargo. I was powerless to stop them. My Hand was outnumbered.”

Marduk sighed. “Please sit, Aryan.”

Aryan took the offered seat, folding his large body into it uncomfortably.

“You are a pious man, a devout man, and I admire your tenacity, your faith. But you must understand that out there, across the sea, our faith is tested, our morality is stripped away layer by layer until there is little left but the primitive beast beneath. The men who take on this terrible task do their utmost to remain true to The Divine, but it is not always possible. I assure you, however, that The Divine is aware of this horrific price and will be channelling more of his divine light into those who sail. He will help cast away the shadows and keep them strong. Gunhild, Harlow, and their Hands have been thoroughly cleansed, and the females will be tended to and cleansed shortly.” He threw up his hands. “No harm done.”

“No harm done? These females were degraded, violated. You didn’t see their fear, their desperation! No one should have to experience that. There’s no excuse, and if the warriors knew that they would become monsters, I’m sure they would not wish to take the risk.” He tried to contain the heat in his words but failed.

Marduk slowly got to his feet, leaning over the desk, his face a mask of barely restrained fury. “And where would that leave our race? Dead, that is what. Without fertile wombs, our populations will dwindle and we will die. This is the price we pay for our continued survival. I think when faced with the choice any dedicated warrior would take the risk!”

What could he say to that? It all made perfect sense, except Marduk had still not addressed the issue of the ice wraiths.

“What about the ice wraiths? Surely we should make the Hands aware of the threat, increase patrol numbers.”

Marduk exhaled, brushing tendrils of golden hair back from his face. He lowered himself back into his seat. “If, and I stress,
such a threat has arisen, then it would serve no purpose to promote panic among the citizens. People are superstitious and may dredge up all kinds of monstrous tales that could threaten the harmony of The City. I assure you I will speak to the individuals most at risk and monitor the situation personally.” He flashed him a tight smile. “Now, if there is nothing else . . .”

“No. Thank you, Enforcer.” Aryan stood and inclined his head. “May we meet again.”

He moved to the door.

“And Aryan?”

Aryan paused.

“Don’t ever question my capabilities again.”

Aryan lowered his head and quickly strode from the room before his tongue got the better of him.

He was halfway home before a thought struck him. They could warn the warriors, but what of the initiates out in the Forging? Who would warn them? He closed his eyes, offering a prayer to The Divine for the protection of his son and the other sons out in the wilderness.


“Chief.” Bojan greeted him as Aryan slipped into the hot water of the baths.


“Ivor returns on the morrow?”

“Indeed.” He sank back into the water, resting his head on the raised stone platform behind him and closing his eyes.

“Mia must be excited.”

Aryan’s lips lifted in a fond smile. Mia was beside herself with anticipation. The house was so clean that he could eat his meals off the floor should he wish. Their personal stores were filled with tins of biscuit and rock cake, both Ivor’s favorite treats. The woman was possessed with the divine energy. For the first time since he’d come back from the discovery escort over three weeks ago, he felt his loins stir with desire for her.

The first night back, he’d fucked her hard, taking her in ways that he would never have dreamed, all the while Tiger Eye’s face had glowed in his mind, inflaming him further. Afterward, as they had lain stunned in each other’s arms, he’d felt the cold kiss of guilt on his brow. He had not touched his life-mate since. Mia deserved better than to be an object used in the completion of his fantasies. Two Assemblies had curbed his irrational infatuation, and serenity cocooned his heart once more.

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