Forever Barbie (38 page)

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Authors: M. G. Lord

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289 "Billy Boy had a fight with the paparazzi . . .": Hackett, op. cit., p. 741.

289 "They meant everything to me": Offield quoted by Carol Masciola in "Goodby, Dollies as Collector's Treasure Is Lost,"
Los Angeles Times,
October 14, 1992.

290 Details on Bruce Scott Sloggett: Associated Press wire story, October 25, 1992.

290 "It's literally . . .": Interview with Gene Foote, New York City, November 19, 1992.

292 "I don't have the dolls . . .": Telephone interview with Dot Paolo, April 6, 1994.


294 "Even a generous mother . . .": Beauvoir, op. cit., p. 281.

296 He is "an organized and controlled individual . . .": Brenda Herrmann, "Tempo Update,"
May 12, 1993.

297 Details of John Esposito's abduction of Katie Beers: Michael Salcedo and Gary Witherspoon, "Girl Missing,"
December 30, 1992.

297 "Slap Elvis on anything . . .": Greil Marcus, "The Elvis Strategy,"
The New York Times,
October 27, 1992.

297 For details of the "Math class is tough" flap, see Kevin Sullivan, "Foot-in-Mouth Barbie: Talking Doll's Patter Irks Math
The Washington
September 29, 1992. For details of the AAUW's report, "How Schools Shortchange Girls," which found that after sixth grade,
boys tend to do better in math and take higher-level courses, see Laurie M. Gross, "Educators Give Barbie a Good Dressing-Down,"
The Wall Street
September 25, 1992.

299 "We tried to argue with them . ..": Interview with Maki Papavasliou, El Segundo, California, October 29, 1992.

300 "I always hated you . . .": Susan Cheever, "In a Broken Land,"
May 17, 1993, p. 40.

300 "For a week the American Girl . . .": 'The Plaything of the Century,"
No. 26, June 1993.

301 Rand's work: See Polly Shulman, "Guises and Dolls,"
Lingua Franca,
January/February 1994, p. 16.

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