Forever's Promises (Forever In Luck Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Forever's Promises (Forever In Luck Series Book 1)
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I am.”

you’re not.”


it!” He jumped up from his chair, and started stomping from one end of the
cabin to the other. “We’re going to talk, and you’re not leaving till we do.”

have an idea,” she said calmly, then took a sip of her wine. “I go on my date, then
when it’s over, the two of us can sit down and share the details of our escapades
with each other. Heck, it’ll be like a girls and guys gossip session, where we
brag about our exploits with the opposite sex. Gosh, that sounds like fun,
don’t you think?”

face turned red. “I don’t want to hear one damn thing about you with another!”

yet, you seem to think I do?” she answered, as a matter of fact. Then she
finished sarcastically with, “Come on, Nate, it would be so much fun.” Sipping
more of her wine, she got up and walked by the door. He was there in a flash,
holding it shut. She kept going, looking out the window as she went by, noting
that it was nearly dark outside. Stepping into the kitchenette, she ate some
cheese, had a couple crackers, then grabbed a spoon and a container of ice
cream. All the while, he was watching her like a hawk.

in her chair, she opened the small carton and dug in. Putting a spoonful in her
mouth, she moaned. Talking to the ice cream, she said “Ohhh Ben, you’re so
dreamy. Opps, I mean creamy, and Jerry, your monkey is just soooo hunky, your
banana so sweet.” Taking another bite, she continued the charade, “Ben sweetheart,
you have the biggest, firmest nuts. I just love to nibble on them! Mmmmm.”

himself off the door, he grabbed the container from Linnie’s hands. Turning it,
he saw it was Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream. She’d played him. There
were no other men, it was a figment of his imagination. He’d cut her off this
morning, just flipped his lid, and so she’d played him. What was it about her
that had him acting like a caveman all the time? Looking at her, he saw she was
making a point of licking the spoon, trying not to laugh. She was enjoying
watching him act like a buffoon. Taking a deep cleansing breath, he blew off
some of the stress. “You make me so damn crazy, you know that?”

then I’m doing my job,” she answered smugly. “Now I’d like to finish my date,
if you don’t mind.”

I mind. Big time. How you figure it’s your job to drive me crazy? I’m ready to
take you over my knee and spank your ass for torturing me.”

up, she went to the table, grabbed a chair, and dragged it towards him. Now
what the hell was she doing? Climbing up on the chair, she stood looking down
at him with those little marshmallows, she called fists, resting on her hips.
He nearly laughed aloud at her attempt to be taller than him. She was so cute
trying to be tough.

get some things straight, Nate Sanders.”

this should be educational, he thought with a smile. She was too frickin cute.

off, you got what you deserved. You haven’t changed a bit. Your bossy the cow
routine is what split us up in the first place, and got you in the mess you’re
in right now. Two, I didn’t do anything wrong. So, there’ll be no spanking
going on, unless you’re going to beat your own ass. And three, on day six of
creation, God saw that man was content, and decided man shouldn’t be alone. So,
he made woman to be a helper and companion to man. Hence, my job to keep you
from getting too content, and thus, making you crazy in the process. Life on
earth has never been the same since, women rule. Now give me back my ice cream,
I want to finish my date.”

burst out laughing. She was too much. This is what he loved about her. She
always met him head on, and she was so much fun to be with, because she always
came up with bullshit like this. Well, he could play this game too. “So, you’re
into scripture now, are you?” he asked, with a twinkle in his eye.

maybe not,” she answered, reaching for the ice cream.

it out of her reach, he said, “Well, on the off chance you are, I best do the
same.” Setting the ice cream down on the coffee table, he wrapped his arms
around her legs, Then looking up to her, he said, “Since you seem to be
familiar with scripture, you surely must know that God commanded man to be
fruitful and multiply. I plan to do just that. You’re mine, now and forever.” Picking
her up, he threw her over his shoulder and headed for the bedroom. Crossing the
threshold, he knew he’d take great pleasure in slamming this door shut.




had her down on the bed, and was over her in a flash. He was ever so gentle,
but still, her senses were overwhelmed by his size and strength. Placing teeny
kisses on her face and neck, he slowly made his way to her ear, creating a stir
of anticipation in her that made her quiver. Tightening like a bow, her tension
caught and started to climb. Wanting more and moving further, the sweater
impeded his way.

it off,” he demanded, as he sat up unbuttoning his shirt.

her arms and grabbing the hem, she worked at bringing it up. He was on her
before she could finish. Arms and wrists twisted and bound, she worked to give
him free reign, and struggled. The sweater stretched, but wouldn’t give.



He was kissing her neck and shoulder, moving down. God, did that feel good.


and pulling at the sweater, it stretched, the weave tightening at the wrists as
it did. Dang it! He moved down further. Oh, Lord…that’s…that’s nice. Her body
liked that. She liked that. Tension rising, she skipped the wrists and yanked
on the sweater, trying to pull it up all the way. Stuck, damn it. He was so
heavy. Arching her back, she tried pulling up the part of the sweater she was
laying on. Oh boy, he took it as an invitation by pushing her bra up and out of
the way. She moaned, when his lips touched her.

she said in a breathy rush.


swallowed with a gulp—stuck.” She moaned again.

He stopped momentarily, blew a hot breath over her wet skin, then went back to
what he’d been doing.

she said in a panic, as she yanked and pulled.

Undeterred he was relentless.

Moaning, she couldn’t finish.

he did. “I what? Want more? You like this?” he asked, as he licked, then sucked.
“Or this?” he moved to the other side and nibbled, then flicked.

let out a little stifled scream, then arched her back more, trying harder to
pull that damn sweater out from under her.

like it all, is that what you’re saying? Okay, if you say so.” he said with a
smile in his voice as she continued to struggle.

moaned and writhed as he went about his business. “Nate,” she said in a frantic
fevered pitch, “I’m, I’m stuck!”

he mumbled, as he kissed his way up to her ear, then he whispered, “I know and
I like it.” With that, he pulled her knees up and out, then settled between

gasped, trying the wrists one more time. “Nate,” she whimpered, turning her
face to him. Answering the call, he took her through the longest, most
breathtaking kiss imaginable. Starved of oxygen, and filled with passion, she
was overcome and completely taken by him.

for ways to cope, to surrender, to be loved by him and only him, she said
between panting breaths, “Nate, I’m sorry, I… can’t talk. I can’t…” choking up,
her voice caught and she continued, “bear the thought of you with another.” A
small tear slid down her cheek with the admission. Catching it, he kissed the
trail it had followed. Turning her face to him, her lips to his ear, she
finished, “I love you, I always have. I never stopped loving you.” Finally,
freeing herself, she took him in her arms and gave herself to him.

just told him everything he needed to hear. She was his, all his, and he loved
her as he never had before. She wanted his shirt off. So, he worked the cuffs, as
she finished unbuttoning the front.

she said, kicking her feet trying to remove them.

yanked them off and tossed them to the floor. Placing an arm under her, he
lifted, turning them both over. Sitting with her astride his hips, he began
kissing her with fervor. Reaching back, she unfastened her bra. Unencumbered,
he nuzzled her, using his lips and tongue in the foray. She moaned, and he
loved it. Undoing her skirt, he helped balance her as she removed it.

his exploits, she demanded more. Increasing the pressure, he nibbled and pulled
harder. Fingers in his hair, she held fast, erotic utterings escaping as her
head fell back. Holding her to him, he slid a hand along her slender leg. She
had on thigh high stockings, and he thought he was going to lose it then and
there. Continuing upward, he found a scrap of lace, and couldn’t help but feel she
was overdressed. Using his forefinger, he snagged the offending object,
snapping its dainty threads, then tossed it aside.

to him, he found she was ready, really ready. Taking hold of her, he moved her onto
her back and began kissing her on his final ascent, taking time to attend to
her most sensitive places. She was breathing hard, moaning and gasping with his
ministrations, and yet it was he who didn’t know how much more he could take. She
reached to unbutton his pants, frustrated to find a belt.

ever wear this again or I’ll use it on you,” she threatened in a whisper.

chuckled, thrilled with her enthusiasm. Sitting up, he quickly removed his
pants as she reached for him, running and swirling her fingers over and around
his hips, teasing and taunting with a firm hand. Now he was the one gasping and
moaning. Moving towards her, he kissed her hard as her hands and knees enticed
him. With a lift and a shift, she held him, all of him, snug and tight.

long and low, the heated sensation overwhelmed him. She was on fire, and he
felt the flames. Sparks of light flashed behind his closed eyes as she moved
under him. Kissing his neck and chest, her hands moved along his spine,
encouraging him. Breathing hard, he held still, struggling to maintain his

she cried, her hands trying to move him, “I need more.”

body shook, he didn’t want to hurt her.

more,” she demanded, as she tried moving under him, scoring his back with her

started slow. She wanted none of that.

herself to his ear, she growled, “Nate, I want more, now!” Then she smacked him
on the ass.

ma’am! Pulled from his reverie, he got in the game. Resting on one forearm, he
took hold of her bent knee, and moved it so his efforts were unencumbered. Free
to come and go, he went to work. Hot and slippery soft, he wanted more, way
more, so he doubled his efforts and then some.

she shouted in triumph, her moans getting louder and higher. “Nate...don’t…stop!”

didn’t plan on it, he was right there with her, his blood pressure soaring, his
breathing a fevered pitch, just a couple more… They both came in a heart pounding,
breath screaming rush, which took her further and farther. She actually purred
as she stroked him, staking her claim and forever making him hers. It was
perfect, it was beautiful, and for him, it was the most sublime.



his neck and face, she held onto him when he tried to move off her. “Where do you
think you’re going?” she whispered in his ear.

don’t want to hurt you, love,” he said, giving her a tender kiss on the cheek.

I acting like a woman in pain? Get back here,” she demanded, as she wrapped her
legs around him, securing him to her.

smiled. She was a bossy one, and he was into being bossed by her. Leaning back
a little, he rested on his forearms and kissed her reverently.

purred. “Let’s do that again.”

laugh. He was on board with that plan. “You liked that, did you?”

but I think your technique was off a little,” she teased. “You’re going to need
lots of practice. Don’t worry though, I’ll help.”

he burst out laughing. “Taking one for the team are you?” God he loved her.

am,” she said, with an innocent nod of the head. “It’s okay though, I’m a team

widely, loving their easy banter, he said, “You’re naughty, you know that.”

know,” she answered seductively, while nuzzling his ear, her hot breath sending
an erotic wave across his body making his hair standing on end. “What are you going
to do about it, hmmm?”

hell, that got him going. Swallowing with a gulp, his breathing sped up.
Answering her, he said, “Spankings, Linnie, spankings.”

promises,” she purred, as her arms went around his neck. Kissing him full on,
she demanded his attention.

an arm around her, he reversed their positions. He wanted full access. After
all, how else was he going to make good on that promise.




her up, he carried her into the shower. The water was hot and felt wonderful.
There was a chill in the cabin, and he’d had to relight the fire. After washing
her thoroughly, he worked on himself. She helped, distressed at what she’d
found. Grabbing a towel, he dried her off, and then did himself.

on,” he said. “I have an overwhelming need to feed you.”

go, I’ll be there in a minute,” she answered, needing a little time.

kissed her. “You okay? I didn’t hurt you did I? I don’t want it to hurt.”

her arms around his neck, she looked up at him after placing a kiss over his
heart. “You didn’t hurt me, honest. I just want to brush my teeth and put on
some pajamas. Don’t worry, okay?”

his arms around her, he dropped his forehead to hers. “You’ll tell me though,
right? If I’m…”

a finger to his lips, she silenced him. “After the way we’ve spent the last
several hours, is there really any doubt in your mind I won’t make my needs

eyes took on a gleam, and his lips turned in a sexy grin as he remembered. “I
love that, you know. I love that you talk to me when we’re together, telling me
what you want, what you need. It’s a huge turn on.” Then he started laughing.

that,” she said, smacking him lightly on the chest, feeling embarrassed.
“That’s not funny.” She tried pulling away.

held her. “Come on, come here. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at me. I’ve
wanted you to talk to me for days, and you wouldn’t, and now I just figured out
how to get you to talk. You know what? I’m going to
having conversations with you, sweetheart.” Kissing her neck before
letting her go, he gave her a playful swat on the rear. “I’ll go start dinner.”

she brushed her teeth, she trembled. After dinner, she would insist on doing a
full inspection. Head to toe. With the lights on. She needed to see everything.
Putting on a nightgown, she turned and headed for the kitchen.

not eating much, doesn’t it taste good?” he asked.

pushed some of her food around. “It’s good.”

something wrong then? If I remember correctly, you like what I’ve made.”

she looked at him. “Where’d you go when you left and…why not tell anyone?” Feeling
the hurt in her stare, she looked back to her plate.

his silverware down, he answered her, “I left here and went straight to a
recruiter office in Minneapolis.”

she watched as he took her hand in his.

was flexible, and went with whatever specialty would get me on the road and
into basic the fastest. Within days, I was on my way to Fort Benning in Georgia,
and things just went from there. I crisscrossed the United States going to
various training schools and programs. My recruiter was smart. He saw my size
and potential, and encouraged me into an option forty contract, which gave me a
crack at being a Ranger. It was long, and it was tough, but I did it. I didn’t
tell anyone because, well, in the beginning I was ashamed. I felt like I’d let
so many people down, and then after, when I saw some time in Afghanistan, I didn’t
make contact because I didn’t know if I’d live, and didn’t want to worry anyone
more than they already were.”

over, he lifted her chin so they were looking at each other. “I mean this when
I say this. I never stopped loving you either, and the worst part of all my
experiences, was leaving you. I thought of you all the time, and you were the
only reason I made it through. How about you? What’ve you done in the time
we’ve been apart?”

down, she took a bite of food to buy herself some time. Shrugging, she
answered, “Not much. I moved to Chicago, got a job, and worked on my nursing
degree. I met my very best friend in the whole world, Jules, and I’m trying to
get her to come here. I hope to play matchmaker, and get her together with one
of my brothers so we can be sisters. I’m sure Jake’s told you the rest.”

laughed. “Do your brothers know what you have in mind?”

smiled and shook her head. “No, and don’t you tell them. Any one of them would
be lucky to have her.” Leaning over, she took the bite of food he held out to

to feed her, he said, “You’re right, Jake told me what happened. I know I
should say I’m sorry, but I can’t say that I am, because I hope to benefit from
Purdy’s mistake. Are you doing okay?”

away, she answered. “Yes and no. I thought you were dead. I worried about you
for years, and I gave you up for dead because I couldn’t imagine any other way
we’d ever be separated. When I saw you the other day, it was with the
realization that you’d truly left me. So, no, after everything, I’m not okay,
but I’m better, and I’m thankful you made it home.”

her onto his lap, he wrapped his strong arms around her. “Thank you for telling
me how you’re feeling. I’ll try my hardest to somehow make it up to you.”

dinner over and the dishes done, Linnie took Nate’s hand and lead him into the
bedroom, flipping on the light as they went. Jumping up on the bed, she stood.
“Clothes off,” she demanded.

he wiggled his eyebrows. “You want the light on? I’m into that.” He started
undressing. “You too. You’re looking overdressed.”

enough. Now, chop, chop, get those clothes off.”

laughed, and gave her a kiss.

done, she looked him over from head to toe with a critical eye, returning to
those areas that held her concern. Running her fingers over the puckered areas,
feeling the gnarled, toughened skin, she studied him. Sizing up the scars, she
used her knowledge to figure out the breadth and depth of the story. He’d taken
a direct hit, one that should’ve been mortal, and that he stood there, right
now, was an absolute miracle.

torn and self-conscious of his appearance, he’d tried covering his scars,
masking them, disguising them with an extremely large tattoo that was nothing
short of sensational. Comprised of heavy black bands of random patterns and
lines, it curved and flowed along to create an abstract piece of art, and the
arm closest to the injury had a full tattooed sleeve on it covering its smaller
scars. She was awed by the strength and power of its mystique.

about done?” he asked soberly. “It’s just a tattoo.”

you think I’m stupid? Don’t lie to me. You insult us both when you do.”

a deep breath, he did just that. “A bunch of us went out, I got drunk and ended
up with a tattoo. So what, no big deal,” he bluffed, putting on his boxer briefs
as he looked at her.

know,” she said, knowing better, “that story would fly if you had a heart tattooed
on your arm that said, ‘I Love Mom.’ You want to try that again.”

and clearly not wanting to talk about it, he stood there not saying anything.

she said, kneeling on the bed, staring up at him. “I’ll get the ball rolling
then. That’s a tribal tattoo. I’ve seen many while treating patients in the ER.
They’re symbolic, and generally indicate a rite of passage, or something significant.
It covers half your torso, front and back. It took hours, Nate, hours. You
don’t come home with one of those after a one night bender. Am I on the right
track? Maybe, you want to give me the rest of the story, hmmm?”

stood there looking at her with a poker face.

Alright, I’ll continue. It’s been strategically placed to cover scars. Several wounds,
that by the grace of God, missed your heart. There’s a thoracotomy scar under
your arm, as well as two from where the chest tubes were. You have smaller ones
on your front, mid-clavicular, between the second and third intercostal space, where
large bore needles were placed in attempt to relieve the pressure in your
pleural cavity, because your lung had collapsed and they were trying to get it
to expand.

most likely developed a tension pneumothorax, and as it affected the right side
of your body, three of the five lung lobes were compromised. You became extremely
short of breath, coughing, spitting, and wheezing blood. Drowning, in your own
blood. Given the critical nature of your injuries and lack of oxygen, you lost
consciousness pretty fast waiting for help to arrive, and as you were under
attack, it took them time to get to you, and you nearly died. How’d I do?”

next to her on the bed, he stood staring down at her for the longest time,
saying nothing. Lifting a hand to her face, he caressed it with his fingers.
Taking his hand in hers, she brought his palm to her lips and kissed it as she
looked up at him, then placed it over his heart. Standing on the bed, she took
him in her arms and held him tight, as she cradled his head to her chest and
kissed the top.

thought it was the end,” he whispered, while placing his hands on her hips and
looking up at her with sorrow in his eyes. “I thought my time had come. I never
expected to open my eyes again. I prayed. I prayed and asked God, no—he shook
his head briskly—I begged him to please let me see you one more time. I willed
myself to live for you. I just couldn’t leave this earth without seeing you one
more time. This tattoo, it’s a reminder of what I almost lost that day, and
subsequently, what I’ve been given.”

his face in her hands, she kissed him in earnest. She loved this man, more than
life itself. Looking at him, she said, “Well, I think there’s only one thing to
do.” Tipping her face to the heavens above, she said, “Thank you, God, for your
many blessings.”

he added, then continued, “Does it bother you to see it? Should I cover up?”

gave him a
don’t start that shit with me
and he laughed a little.

don’t want to upset you, that’s all,” he explained.

she said, exasperated with his silliness. “Yes, it bothers me, but not for the
reasons you think. I love the tattoo. It’s beautiful really, and I find it
quite appealing on you. But you were hurt and almost died, that’s what bothers
me. As for the pain, the suffering, and the memories of that day, I would take
them from you if I could. These,” she said, touching his scars, “don’t diminish
you in my eyes. They only make you more of the man you are. There’s no hiding
from me, ever.”

and shaking his head, he looked away. She always made him feel big and strong.
Whether it be when she was driving him crazy, or at the tenderest of moments,
she always kept his manhood intact. It was why he was so protective of her, he
knew that now. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at her and said, “Thank you.”

a finger to his lips, she quieted him. “Shh, hold me. Please. I…It’s just…” she
couldn’t finish.

here,” he said, pulling her down onto the bed. Going over to the wall, he shut
off the light, then came back and took her in his arms. “It’s okay, I’m okay.”

lay there in silence for some time, just holding each other, reassuring each
other with kisses and caresses as the desire arose. Turning on her side, Linnie
pulled him with her. Lying there in the dark, spooning with him, she took a
deep breath and said, “I think I’m ready. You can tell me what happened.”

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