Forged of Shadows: A Novel of the Marked Souls (41 page)

Read Forged of Shadows: A Novel of the Marked Souls Online

Authors: Jessa Slade

Tags: #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Romantic suspense fiction, #Supernatural, #Historical, #Demonology, #Good and evil

BOOK: Forged of Shadows: A Novel of the Marked Souls
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She took a breath to clear her annoyance. It was messing with the reception of everything going on around her. She had to get out of her own head.
Maybe that’s what Liam’s hand on her skin was supposed to help her do.
Well, she didn’t have that at the moment. And damn it, she didn’t want it.
Didn’t want it just for this.
Gritting her teeth, she tried to rip through the fuzz of her own distraction. No pain, but it was much harder than tearing through the salambe’s enveloping ether. The tenebrae had just been trying to eat its way into her. This soul-clouding haze of doubt and despair was something she’d imposed on herself.
“I thought I felt something, like when I was in the sewer tunnel with Liam.” Had her conversation with Sera just got her thinking back to a moment when she and Liam had been oh-so briefly in accord? “Maybe it was nothing.”
“Right.” Archer’s curt tone let her know he didn’t believe her for a second. His restless gaze scanned the street. “So, back to my point, where’s Liam? Why isn’t he with you?”
“He was up at the front,” Sera said.
“Jilly’s more important.” Archer’s voice was matter-of-fact. He snagged a passing talya. “Lex, find Liam and send him back to me.”
The talya’s gaze flicked among them, and his eyes flickered violet as if he was keyed to their roused demons. He nodded once, then slipped away.
Sera prodded Jilly, “What did you find in the tunnel that you’re picking up on now?”
“Birnenston,” Archer said. “Rat shit.”
“Solvo. That’s what it was.” Jilly wheeled back the way they’d come. She ranged back along the sidewalk, casting for the rain-sweet scent. Archer and Sera followed as she cut through an alley and popped out on the next street over.
She kicked herself for not catching the association right away. This was what they were out here for, not for angsting. Liam was right about that.
At the mouth of a blind alley, she paused. She peered into the darkness, so deep she needed the teshuva’s help to see the end.
“This is where I met Liam,” she said. “This is where Iz and Dee brought me when we were looking for Andre.”
Sera paused beside her. “You said Andre was dealing solvo. This is the right kind of neighborhood. Or wrong kind, I suppose.”
“Corvus isn’t stupid enough—or anyway his djinni isn’t—to keep a solvo-manufacturing operation open here after a talya almost stumbled over it.” Archer hummed thoughtfully. “I wonder if that near miss started him closing up shop all over town, the tunnel under the slaughter yards included.”
Jilly took a step forward. “Let’s go see what he left behind this time.”
“Hold up, talya,” Archer said. “Wait for your mate.”
She glanced back at him, wishing she could summon enough violet glare to wither him on the spot. “He is not my mate. He is not even a partner.”
“I’m still your boss.”
The three of them stiffened when Liam appeared so silently he’d triggered none of their alarms.
“Don’t get so focused on what’s in front of you that you forget to look behind,” he admonished. “I could have been some big baddie.”
Jilly bit her lip on the curt response that jumped to her tongue. Something obvious, along the lines of he
a big baddie.
Archer looked almost as annoyed as she felt, although he snapped, “Luckily it was just you.”
Liam gave him a deceptively mild look. “Luckily.” His gaze arrowed down the alley, then back to Jilly. “A stroll down memory lane?”
Thank God they weren’t a couple or they’d have to retell at all their eternal anniversary parties the story of how they met in a stinking alley over a feralis head. “Shall we?”
He held out his hand. Not a courtly gentleman’s gesture. An invitation to linked-demon mayhem.
Well, she just happened to be in the mood.
When she threaded her fingers through his, she knew she’d been lying to Sera and herself when she’d played dumb about the power of touching him. Her senses came alive, leaving the demon’s amplified sensitivity behind in the dust. Her every nerve sang, outward and in, so that the alley around her shimmered with secrets revealed. And her heart seemed equally exposed.
Just hers, of course, not his. But when she tried to squelch the link, to keep it all business, Liam squeezed her hand warningly. “Hunt.”
She didn’t like the feeling he was hunting her heart, but she steeled herself against the fear. They had bigger game than their petty feelings. He’d made that clear.
“Focus,” he murmured.
She took a breath and settled into the bond as gingerly as curling up on a bed of nails.
“You were wandering off without me again,” he murmured as they walked down the alley.
Was he trying to make the bed of nails as uncomfortable as possible? “I had Archer with me.”
Liam’s fingers closed tightly on hers. “Not the right answer.”
“And I’m not into possessive men, remember?”
The shrug of his shoulder lifted their joined hands. “I’m possessed.”
“That’s no excuse. Sera says we’re still ourselves.” She lifted her chin but didn’t look at him. “We still deserve some basic human consideration. That’s why you bury the talya dead, even though a few minutes’ procrastination would turn them into dust and you could just sweep them under the rug.”
They stopped at the end of the alley, where Iz and Dee had climbed the fire escape to the roof.
“As traps go, this is a simple one,” Liam said. “One way in. No way out.”
“Iz and Dee got out,” she reminded him.
“You didn’t.”
No. She’d escaped the ferales with his help, but the demon already had her. Sera might say no one escaped fate, but of course a thanatologist would think that.
Jilly glanced around the alley. “I don’t see anything. And I still don’t smell that solvo rain.” She felt her cheeks heat. Had she been attracted here only by her memory of meeting him?
Liam released her hand, and she wondered if he’d read her thoughts somehow. He wouldn’t appreciate being misled from his task. “We’ve gone up before. And we’ve gone down. This time, let’s go through.”
The hammer was in his hands in a heartbeat, and then he was swinging. Splinters of brick flew, and she skipped back to escape the spray.
Sera and Archer had completed a slower sweep and caught up with them. “Oh, the subtle method,” Sera said, observing Liam.
“Nice technique,” Archer commented.
Jilly paced just out of reach of the shrapnel. “I don’t even know what he’s—Oh.”
Liam broke through the wall.
It felt so good to be attacking something solid, something that would fly apart beneath him. And he didn’t have to feel guilty about it. Just smash.
The wall came down too quickly for his satisfaction.
The bricks crumbled before him, and then he was through. The sudden glare of white light cast halos in his sensitized vision, and he brandished the hammer against the surge of tenebrae he half expected. After all, he’d said the alley made a good trap.
But the attack didn’t come. He squinted until the teshuva backed down a notch.
Inside, the walls glowed pearlescent and the wash of sweet rain made all of them inhale.
“Now we know why Corvus switched to sewers for production,” Archer said. “Much easier to erase the evidence.”
Liam took a step into the room. Though the place was absolutely empty, the walls were glazed with solvo dust, like the inside of the vial Dory had broken. No sign of birnenston or recent demonic activity of any kind remained. “Did the solvo destroy everything demonic?”
“It shreds souls, not demons,” Sera said.
“We saw what it did to the salambes.” Liam glanced around. “For God’s sake, don’t touch anything and lick your fingers. Our souls are precariously balanced enough.”
Sera crowded behind him. “If we can scrape these walls, we’ve got enough for a hell of an explosion.”
He snorted. “Have you been talking to Jilly?”
“Yes.” Sera glanced up at him with a guilty expression and sidled away. “Not about you or anything. Much.”
There was a mystery he didn’t want to unravel. “Jilly,” he called. When she approached, he reached out for her. “I’m not picking up anything demonic at all. You?”
She hesitated, her gaze fixed on his hand. The small rejection speared him with unnecessary force. He did not betray his reaction; the muscles in his face were too stiff for any expression. But she shifted beside him, facing the room. The back of her hand bumped his; then her fingers slipped into his grasp.
“Sensing anything? Besides us?” Her breath hummed out in a faint sigh. After a moment, she shook her head. “At least we know what happened to Andre.”
He didn’t disagree. There was no way a human had been in such close proximity to solvo for any length of time without succumbing to its whispered promise of peace. Even with his demon riding high, he felt the distant urge to just sink to his knees, to let the effort flow out of him.
Along with his soul, of course. And the teshuva wouldn’t allow that. He could imagine the giant red “fail” on a fallen angel’s scorecard to lose its human mount to the dark side.
Right next to the big black check mark of doom for ravaging the Veil and crossing into the demon realm, of course.
Gently, he disengaged his hand. “I’m sorry we couldn’t help him.” He gave her shoulder a light squeeze, one talya to another. But her warmth lingered in his flesh. Unfair, that hellfire promised such pleasure.
He prowled the abandoned room. “All right. We’ll leave a few talyan here to harvest.” He shot a glance at Jilly. “But we won’t be blowing anything up tonight.”
The four of them backed out of the subtly glowing space. After the soft fragrance of the solvo, the alley seemed even more ugly and pungent. He paused to give directions to Ecco to pass along to the others, sending half the crew onward to recon the halfway house, then joined his wayward trio on the street.
“We’re not getting anywhere.” Archer’s frustration bounced off the brick wall. “Corvus has gone to ground. Either his head wasn’t as bashed in as we thought, or his djinni isn’t interested in risking his immortality again.”
“Yet another question,” Sera murmured. “Why should the djinni care what body it inhabits? Without the anchor of the soul, it can jump anywhere.”
“Maybe it’s not as much fun and games as you think.” Jilly stared past them, focused on nothing. “Being alone.”
Sera leaned sideways a few inches so her shoulder pressed against Archer’s. Liam wondered if that touch relieved the kind of tightness that seized his chest at Jilly’s words. Finally, he nodded. “Corvus and his djinni have been together a very long time.”
“Yeah, true love,” Archer growled. He winced when Sera elbowed him. “Meanwhile, where are we going to find him?”
Jilly straightened, and Liam glanced at her. “What is it?”
“True love,” she repeated. “Dory wanted Corvus that much. So where would a drug-addicted prostitute and her evil lover go?”
Archer shook his head. “We already checked her old apartment.”
Jilly hung her head. “Not where she lived. Where she turned tricks. Where I got stabbed.”
Liam ached to reach out to her. But he couldn’t take away her pain with a touch. He’d only made it worse. But as far as walks down memory lane went, this one was a real bitch.
Anyone who hunted evil for a living ended up in bad neighborhoods. Not that evil was limited to bad neighborhoods, of course, but bashing the shit out of evil tended to be less frowned upon in places where people were scared to look out their windows.
And somehow, it had always seemed more righteous to Liam that the league be most heavily dispatched among the places where people cared the least.
So police tape, cars on blocks, security grilles, and the smell of old blood were nothing new to him. And yet the street Jilly led them to offered horrors deeper yet.
Malice sign was everywhere, etheric hieroglyphics etched into the brick and cement. Faint smears of ichor glowed under his teshuva’s vision, marking where ferales had drooled over their prey. Maybe the bestial demons had snagged just cockroaches and pigeons, but Liam feared the worst.
Or maybe around here, a quick, violent death was less unspeakable horror and more business as usual.
Jilly stopped on a corner beneath a busted lamp and stared down the street. “That’s it, down there. This is as far as I got after Rico stabbed me.”
His teshuva shifted, tasting the passage of innumerable malice that had followed the riot of negative emotions that swirled on the street. However much of her blood had been spilled here, though, it had been trodden away by many careless boots.
“You made it a good long way.” Liam wondered whom he was trying to soothe, her with her pained memory or himself with his present fury. As if breaking into the Cook County prison to remove her attacker’s lung was justice. Still, his fist clenched at the thought.

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