Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2)
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              The figure bobbed its head. “The time is right.”

              “I was just questioning who was responsible for the early explosion.”

              “And now you have your answer.”

              Ceolus growled. “Why? I told you that the she-wolf is not to be harmed, unless I deem otherwise. How dare you!?”

              “You are in no position to command me. Remember who sought you out so you could exact your revenge. I may follow you, or I may not. I am not under your control.”

              Ceolus growled but nodded his head, knowing his plans would not even be possible without the hooded one’s magic. “At least enlighten me. Why did you harm the female?”

              The figure turned its back and pet a nearby tree. “Sera Kalihan is a fighter. She will set aside her own differences to protect those she loves, much to my dismay and chagrin,” the figure said, raking its nails down the tree, causing black poison to spread and kill it. “The little bitch is strong. We must break her, slowly, painfully, and piece by piece, until she hasn’t a shred of that stubborn will left.” 

              “Can we not simply force her to comply? She is only one, and we are many.”

              The figure laughed. “Not to wound your pride, but that female is more dominant than you. Now that she has the Stephano alpha as her mate, you wouldn’t stand a chance.”

              Ceolus bared his teeth but stayed silent.

              The figure hissed suddenly, causing him to jump. “Damn it!” the hooded one cried.

              “What is it?” Ceolus demanded.

              “They have blood bonded.”


              “Do you not have ears? I said they’ve blood bonded. This makes things very difficult. Come. We must prepare.” The figure grabbed his arm.

Before Ceolus could blink, they were back in his villa in Italy. He swayed as dizziness clouded his mind. “Wh-where are my wolves?” he stuttered, a bit stunned.

              “They are safe in their beds. Now focus. I’m going to give you some of my power,” the figure said, shoving him down into a chair.

              “Really?” Ceolus asked. “You would make yourself so vulnerable to me?”

              “Do not flatter yourself, wolf. I have full control over the power I lend. I will place my magic inside you. With training, you will be able to use it as your own, under my supervision, of course. This will help you obtain the female you seek.”

              “Do it.”

              The being clicked its tongue at him. “There are precautions. If you chose to bind by blood, a mental bond will be made between us. This is the most painful of the two choices. If you choose to bind via physical means, we will join as one, and the magic will be inserted into you during the peak of our pleasure. You will still feel pain, but it won’t be as hard to bear as the blood bond.”

              “How am I to decide, especially when I have no clue who or what you are.”

              The figure laughed. “Fair enough.” It then pulled down its hood.

              Ceolus raised his eyebrows. “This should be fun.”














We are poking at a caged lion, starving and angry, testing all that is sane. We are daring to bring unmated females—mere humans, no less—into a pack of countless unmated werewolves. It is the equivalent of suicide. If a wolf even looks at those humans the wrong way, Sera will not hesitate to shed blood. All Mother, help us all if our males cannot control themselves.
~ Jackson Jacobs


era sighed as they pulled in front of the pack house. Everyone was there, smiling and waving in anticipation of their arrival.

“Your father has warned the wolves, right?”
Sera asked into her mate’s mind for the billionth time.


              “And they know the punishment for revealing what we are or harming them in any way?”

Koda chuckled, pulling her closer to press a kiss to her temple.
“Si, mio amore. They understand. They will not reveal anything unless we tell them otherwise. It will be all right.”

She leaned into him, allowing his warmth to soothe her. She climbed out of the Jeep and was immediately swept up in hugs and welcomes from her pack. She gave them smiles and gentle embraces, allowing their wolves the comfort of their alpha’s touch.

              “Everyone,” Sera said, walking back over to her friends, who stood awkwardly by the Jeeps with their bags clutched close, “these are my best friends from California. This is Richard Sharp and his twin sister, Faith. Also, there is Ally Baker, Cameron Hogan, and Damion Hernandez.”

              The pack quickly took to the humans, and Sera smiled to herself as she watched them.

Koda’s strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind, and he kissed her ear. “As I told you, there is nothing to worry about.”

              “I know,” she said, turning in his arms. “Thank you for this. They are an important part of my life, and I really needed them to know I am safe and happy here.”

              Koda leaned down and pressed a butterfly kiss to her succulent lips. “Just say the words, my love, and you shall have all your heart desires.”


              He nodded and smiled. 

              “Okay. Then tell me what you’re hiding from me, this so-called surprise.”

              His smile dropped a fraction, but he quickly recovered. “It’s for our bonding ceremony.”

              She narrowed her eyes but turned away, not finding the energy to argue.

              “Jackson!” Koda called, noticing the setting sun. “Please show our friends to the guest cabin next to the main house. Caressa will stay with you and tend to anything you may need. It’s been a long day for us all. There are not many rules here, but there is one that cannot be broken. You must stay indoors at night and never wander into the woods alone. We live in a very dangerous, dense forest, and if you go in alone and get hurt or lost, we may not be able to help you. Other than that, goodnight, everyone.”

              Sera waved her goodbyes, then followed Koda up to their room. She threw herself onto the bed and buried her face in the pillows.

Koda sat next to her, rubbing small circles on her back. “What are you doing?” he asked, laughing at her antics. 

              Sera mumbled into the pillows.


“I’m inhaling your scent.”

              He chuckled. “Why sniff the pillow when you have the actual thing right next to you?”

“I’m too lazy.”

              He gave her an impatient growl, pulled her onto his broad chest, and buried his face in her long white hair.

She giggled and rested her cheek on his shoulder.

              “Are you okay?” he asked.

              She nodded.

              “It’s just… You have been very quiet, and you haven’t even mentioned what happened in California.”

              She sat up, and he scooted back so he was leaning up against the headboard. She straddled his hips and leaned back against his thighs.

Normally, his wolf would have been thrashing to mate with her, but even he could sense something was wrong with their mate. He gently brushed his fingertips over her stomach, skin exposed from her pushed-up shirt. 

              “It’s hard to explain how I feel,” she answered honestly. “Part of me is devastated. The home I grew up in is gone now, nothing but a pile of ash and debris. All my memories, good and bad, literally went up in smoke. I feel like part of me was burned in that fire. The other part of me is happy though. I feel almost…liberated, like I have closure, this freedom from my past. The slate is finally wiped clean so I can move on with my life. Now, there is nothing to draw me back there. I’m just confused, and I don’t know how to feel.”              

              Koda looked into her eyes and cupped her cheeks with his strong hands. “You are entitled to feel both ways, my love. No one expects you to choose one or the other. It is not a crime to have mixed feelings.” 

              “I know, but it would be a crime if I am so emotionally overwhelmed that I cannot take care of our pack and—”

              “Hush,” Koda scorned gently, silencing her with a kiss. “We all find ourselves at a crossroads at some point in our lives. When I arrived at your home and heard your scream, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Then I saw Richard straddling you, and I saw red. Part of me wanted to rip him apart for even being near you. The other part knew he wasn’t claiming you, because you are already mine. I merged my feelings together and decided it was best to just throw him away from you. I got physical, but  I was able to control my rage with rational thinking.” 

              “How did you find your medium ground?”

              Koda shrugged. “I guess I just knew that if I hurt him, I would, in turn, hurt you. I would rather die than ever do that.”

              She smiled at him and leaned forward to give him a peck on the lips, but he had other plans. Koda grabbed the back of her neck to keep her face right where he wanted it. She smiled against his lips, running her fingers through his hair. He rewarded her with a growl, and she nipped at his lips. He lifted the hem of her shirt, running his hands along her ribcage. She moaned into his mouth, pressing her body closer to his. He gripped her hair and pulled, then ripped away from her lips.

              She hissed at him but gasped when he latched his lips onto her neck, sucking and biting hard. On human skin, his constant attention and aggressive movements would have pierced the surface, causing blood to seep through, but she was a werewolf, so it only brought about a deep, insatiable desire to claim and mate.

              Sera gripped his shoulders, growling as the desire to retaliate against him grew. Normally, she would have, but she could sense his need to saturate her in his scent.

              A knock on the door caused them both to snarl.

              “What!?” Koda barked.

              “Sera?” Caressa said cautiously. “Richard wants to talk to you. He refuses to go into the cabin till he sees you.”

              Sera sighed and climbed down from her mate’s hips, then straightened her clothes before she walked to the door. 


Sera paused at the door and looked back over her shoulder at Koda. With a sultry smile on her lips, she met his glowing emerald gaze.
“Yes, Alpha?”

              “Hurry back to me. I have…plans.”

Sera’s eyes began to glow, and she gave him a toothy grin.
“You find me, Alpha mine.”

She then shut the door behind her, smiling at Caressa, who only rolled her eyes.


She giggled as they began to walk.

Caressa grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. “I heard about the house. I’m sorry.”              

              “Who told you?”


              “Well, thanks. I’m sad about it, but I’m trying not to let it get the best of me.”

              Caressa laughed and gave her a half-hug. “There you go again, being a strong, emotionless alpha.”

              Sera wrapped her cousin in a hug and kissed her forehead lovingly. “Not emotionless. Just…guarded. Relax, cuz. I’ll be fine.”

              When they walked up to the guest cabin, they found Richard eagerly waiting for them.

“I love you, Sera,” Caressa said as she entered the house.

              “I love you too,” Sera said with a smile. She then looked at Richard, who was looking up at the stars. “They look so different in Hawaii, don’t they? It’s like somebody peeled the old sky away  and replaced with a fresh new sticker,” she said.

              He nodded, then looked over at her. “Sera, I need to apologize to you.”

              Her brow furrowed. “For…?”

              “For being such a jerk about your engagement. Now that I’ve seen this place, I understand. This gorgeous place, this paradise, is your home now, and I have to accept the fact that I won’t see you anymore, or at least not a lot. Not that it matters, and not that you need it, but I want to give you my blessing and support.” 

              Sera smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thank you! You have no idea how much that means to me.”

              He kissed the top of her head before pulling away. “Well, thanks for coming to talk to me. After all the excitement today, I’m beat. I just needed to get that off my chest. ‘Night, Sera.”              

              “’Night, Rich.”

              When he walked into the house, she walked around the back, then slinked off into the woods. She followed the scent that had been driving her senses crazy. She smiled at Koda, who was leaning up against a tree with his arms crossed. “Eavesdropping?” she asked coyly.

              “Perhaps,” he said, pushing off the tree to wrap his arms around her, “or perhaps I just enjoy staring at my mate’s glorious backside.”

              Sera rolled her eyes at him. “If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times. You’re just…insatiable.”

              He gave her a deep, throaty growl before crushing her lips with his. She giggled against his passionate kiss but refused to open her mouth.

              “Mate…” He growled, nipping at her lips.

              “Hmm?” she hummed.

              “Kiss me back.”

              She playfully shook her head, knowing how much it bothered him. He began his assault on her lips again. This time, he gripped her backside tightly, causing her to gasp. He took his chance, invading her mouth with his tongue. She sighed and relaxed her body.

              Once again, Koda was shocked at how right it all felt. Her soft, curvy body fit perfectly against his large, hard one; they went together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

              She raked her sharp nails down his chest, ripping the thin fabric of his shirt. He threw the ruined garment away from his body, and she tended to the marks she’d left on his skin, kissing trails of soothing desire to stop the sting.

Koda stopped her when she reached just above the waistband of his shorts, gripping the tops of her arms. “Sera,” he said, his breath ragged, “we have to stop.”

              “Why?” She frowned, tracing the hard planes of his chest and stomach with her nail.

He shivered at the tingling sensation her fingers left. He picked her up and moved her away from him, like sitting a china doll on a shelf to admire it. “Sera, you test my resolve. If we continue, I won’t be able to stop, and you must remain pure from me for the binding ceremony.”

              Sera huffed and crossed her arms. “It’s just not fair,” she said, jutting her lip out and stomping her foot like a spoiled toddler. “Jackson and Trisha got to get it on.”              

              Koda laughed and rubbed his face. “Well, they aren’t alphas. As leaders, we must show that our lust for each other will not govern our decisions. We’ll be joined soon, before our goddess and our pack. Then we will finally be able to enjoy each other.”

              Sera smiled and nodded. She looked up at the full moon, and a devilish smile drew her lips up. “Go on a run with me, mate,” she whispered, allowing her wolf control.

              Koda’s own wolf stepped forward as he sensed the presence of his mate. Slowly, she undressed in front of him, her wolfish gaze never leaving his. She smiled at him before phasing into her wolf.

Koda smiled at the large white and red wolf. He inclined his head to look into her eyes when she stepped closer to him. He stroked the red strip on her fur, loving the feel of it. “I have done some research on your unique fur. There are hundreds of legends regarding red markings. Some say it is the mark of evil, that it identifies a wolf as a demon sent to destroy us.”

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