Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2)
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              Ally wiped her eyes as Sera finished her story. “So your uncle killed John?”

              “Not directly, but it happened under his orders, right in front of me,” Sera said flatly.

killed him?”

              Sera gave a jerky nod.

              “Aw, sweetie,” Ally said. “That musta been so hard on you.”

              Sera snickered. “Not really. It was the easiest decision of my life. That man wasn’t even my blood. My mother’s family took him in as pup. He killed my parents, my friend Dixie, and my brother. He turned me into a killer by force. Trust me when I say it was easy to kill him.”

              “How’d you do it?” 

              “I broke his neck, then disemboweled him.”

              Ally gagged. “Ew.”

Sera shrugged. “You asked.”

              “What will happen to your pack, Sera?” Richard asked.

              “I am the rightful heir to the Moon Shine Pack. When Koda and I bond, our packs will merge, and we will become the Moon Stone Pack.”

              “Does your pack have a say in the merge?”

              “Of course. The pack always has a say in pack matters. If a member doesn’t approve, they can leave or challenge the alpha for the title. If the pack is run by an alpha female the female finds her mate serving as alpha of another pack, it’s pretty natural for the packs to merge. thief a lower-rank female finds her mate in another pack, she’ll usually just leave her old pack to be with her mate.”

              “How can anyone just pack up their life and start a new one?” Ally asked, bewildered.

              “You underestimate the pull of the mate bond,” Koda said, looking lovingly at his mate in his lap. “All I can see is my mate, and nothing else matters. Her scent, her voice, and all she is has become the most important thing in the world, and everything else takes second place. To disregard one’s mate would be like trying to live without air. It would be impossible to live.”

              “If I am correct, oh Alpha, you first denied Sera and the mate bond,” Trisha said, arching an eyebrow. 

              Koda frowned. “We all make mistakes.”

              That caused the group to laugh.              

              “Thanks for sharing all this, Sera,” Faith said. “I know it must be hard to talk about it.”

              Sera smiled at her. “I trust you all, but I am serious about keeping quiet. If you value your lives, you must keep all of this under lock and key.”

              “I promise I won’t say anything, but just so we know, what would you do if someone spilled the beans?”                “I would hope your friendship with Sera means more to you all than bragging about a deep secret, but it is not what we would do. You should be far more concerned about what the Council will do,” Koda said.

              “The Council?”

              He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. “The Council is our governing body. A high member of each race sits on it, and they make laws and lead us, though they do keep us on a very loose leash.”

              “How many are on the Council?” Ally asked.

              “Too many to count,” Nodin answered.

              “How would you know?” Faith asked before she could stop herself.

              Nodin smirked but kept his eyes on the grass he was plucking. “I am over 200 years old. Wolves do not age as fast as you feeble humans. I was not always as tame as I am now. I will not disclose my past, for it is not relevant and none of your concern, but let’s just say I have met with the Council many times. Five members, the High Five, are treated like royalty. They are the most powerful of all the members and have earned the right to hold those esteemed positions. Many claim they are blessed with the ability to bestow immortality, that those who touch them will be blessed with a forever life.”

              “What are they?” Ally interrupted, her eyes wide with awe. “I mean, are they wolves or what?”

              Nodin raised his head and smiled coldly at her. “Patience is a virtue.”

              Ally squirmed and brought her knees to her chest.

              Smart girl,
Nodin thought to himself.

              “Careful, Nodin,” Sera warned lowly.

              He bared his throat slightly before continuing. “Master Thaddeus is the representative of the werewolves. He is relatively new, as the last master was killed before he could complete his term. Master Dario is a vampire, so of course he’s immortal. Mistress Shego, the representative of the witches, is one of the very few women on the Council. She keeps Thaddeus and Dario from murdering one another. Master Elessar, represents the elves. He’s a selfish and prideful man who shamelessly enjoys the company of far too many beautiful women. Finally, Mistress Kioshi represents the demons.” 

              “Wait. Demons?” Richard asked, horrified. 

              “Again, how can you accept that all these other things exist, yet not believe in demons?” Jackson said.

              “All right. To save time, let’s just say everything you think is fantasy is real,” Nodin said, annoyed. “Mistress Kioshi is a frightening creature, but she doesn’t let her monster control her like most demons do. In her human form, she is the most stunning creature I’ve ever laid eyes on. You would likely feel the same.”

              “Maybe, if she didn’t have me spinning my head around and spitting up pea soup,” Richard muttered under his breath.

              “Oh hush, Richie,” Faith said. “You watch too many movies.” As brave as she tried to sound, though, she felt her heart constrict as she listened to Nodin speak so  highly of the mistress. Even though she had no right to feel envious, for some reason, she suddenly wanted to exorcise the demon.
Bloodthirsty much?
she scolded herself.

              “Every couple centuries, the souls of the Council leave their bodily hosts and shift into a new body. This way, new blood, representing all races, has a chance to govern, and no one being can possess that much power for long periods of time. When the souls leave the bodies, they go wherever they feel a deep connection. Sometimes the being is good, but that is not always the case. In choosing a host, the soul searches for a powerful body, one that can handle the intensity. The Council acts as if they care about all of us, but they are all power-hungry, obsessed with it. They have no compassion and will not hesitate to kill you the second you open your mouths, and it won’t be a quick death either. They enjoy torturing others. So, in conclusion, it would be best to heed my alpha’s warning and keep your flapping human lips shut on all these matters. It is best if you silly humans continue thinking you invented all of these creatures in your stupid little bedtime stories,” Nodin snarkily finished. 

              “Wow. That’s not in the slightest bit terrifying.”

              Sera laughed and stood to stretch her limbs. “You’ll be fine. I trust each and every one of you with everything in me. I know you will all keep our secret. There are some others I would like you to meet though.” 

              Then, with a smile, Sera, Trisha, Koda, and Jackson all howled. When their howls died down, the air was filled the numerous others, and the entire area was engulfed with the sound of feet rushing toward the clearing. Slowly, wolves of all sizes and colors filed in behind Sera.

Faith smile in awe, looking at them as they all tucked one leg under their bodies, bowing in respect.

              “Guys, welcome the Moon Stone and Moon Shine Packs, my family.”





She is beautiful. Her white hair mesmerizes me, her sweet voice entrances me, and her body makes me salivate. I want her, and I want her now. Normally, mating takes years to reach its full potential, but if she is the prize, I will gladly move mountains to make her mine. I imagine her body writhing under mine as I make love to her, and I dream of her belly being swollen with my child. This isn’t about revenge anymore. I simply want…her. 
~ Ceolus Acconci


ater that day, Faith sat at a large, rectangular table with all her friends, old and new. Her plate was clean in front of her, and she smiled at the full feeling in her stomach.

Lowell sat next to her, smiling and making friendly conversation.

              “Why haven’t I seen you and your brother around school?” she asked, sipping her apple juice.

              “Faolan and I had special classes in the mornings. School wasn’t really my thing anyway.”

              “What is your thing then?”

              “Short, with dazzling hazel eyes and gorgeous raven hair.”

              She knew he was talking about her, and she blushed.

              “That’s a beautiful shade of red,” he said, touching her cheek.

              Her cheeks burned, even though his touch was as cold as ice. When she shivered lightly, he touched her again and smiled. 

              “Would you like more meat?” he asked, nodding to the half-devoured boar in the center of the table.

              She shook her head and patted her bloated tummy. “No thank you! I’m stuffed to the brim.”

              “Good. I feared there wouldn’t be enough for you.”

              “Well, you wolves sure do eat a lot.”

              “You have to remember that we’re eating for two.” 

              Faith laughed, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. “That’s true…and now it makes sense.”

              “We’re all going to the beach later, but would you like to go on a walk with me?”

              “Sure.” She smiled. “But we’d better check with Sera first.” 

              He nodded and walked with her over to the table where the alphas were seated. 

              “Hey, Sera,” Faith said.

              Sera turned to face her, greeting her with a cheerful smile. “Hey! Did you get enough food?”

              Faith nodded eagerly. “Plenty. Is it okay if Lowell and I go on a walk?”

              Sera laughed at the nervousness in her voice. “You’re not a prisoner, Faith. You can do whatever you want.”              

              “I know. I just don’t want to get anyone in trouble.”

              “The wolves will only get in trouble if he or she hurts you or knowingly puts you in danger.” She then turned to Lowell. “Have fun…but keep her safe,” she said.

              “As you say, Alpha. It shall be done.”

              He offered Faith his arm, and she took it and walked away with him.

              Sera smiled as she watched the pair walk off. She then turned back to her plate and took a bite of beef.

              “Are you sure that’s a good idea, mate?” Koda asked, noticing the look on his third’s face.

              Sera shrugged. “Lowell’s harmless, one of the most laidback people I know. He doesn’t mean her any harm. I don’t have anything to fear, and besides…” She then finished through their bond,
“Nodin needs to learn that Faith is not his.”

* * *

              “So, uh… How do you like Hawaii so far?” she asked as they were swallowed by forest.

              “It’s okay. I’m only here till Sera’s bonding ceremony, then I’m outta here.”

              “You can do that? Just go? Aren’t you supposed to stay with your alpha?”

              Lowell shook his head. “No. The wolves who live on this island are only a small fraction of the pack. The Moon Shine Pack has about 120 members, and Koda’s has about 170. Our alphas are always with us through a bond we all share. No matter where we go, they’re never far away.”              

              “I see. Then why wait? If you wanna leave so bad, why not just go?” Faith asked, hoping she was part of the reason.

              “Sera’s like a sister to me. I wouldn’t miss her bonding ceremony for the world.”

              “Oh. Of course. I sometimes forget how close you all are.”

              “Anyway, enough about us wolves. I want to know about you, Faith.”

              “There isn’t much to tell.”

              “Aw, come on!”

              “Really,” she said with a shrug. “Compared to you guys, I’m boring and ordinary.”

              “Well, Miss Boring and Ordinary, tell me about your family then.”

              “Well, Richard older than me by five minutes, my mom, and I have six siblings who were adopted.”


              Faith laughed. “That’s how everyone reacts. My mom is a foster parent, and she fell in love with the kids she housed. All of us did. Thus, I have five little brothers and one little sister. There’s Lucas, who’s seventeen, Tyler is sixteen, Isaac just turned twelve, Ralph is nine, and little Blake is three. We live in a small, two-story house just outside of town. Mom works two jobs and gets some money from the State as a foster parent. Richie and I help out when we can, because she’s got a lot of mouths to feed. I work at a restaurant as a waitress, and Richie works in a car garage.”

              “What about your dad?”

              “He died before Richard and I were born.”

              “Oh. I’m sorry, Faith,” Lowell said, enveloping her in a large hug.

              She patted his back and stepped away. “Thanks, but it doesn’t really bother me. I mean, sure, it would be nice to have a father, but I grew up just fine without him. Besides, I can’t exactly mourn someone I never met.”

              Lowell smiled at her. “You’re strong.”

              “Are you kidding me? I’m five-two, 113 pounds soaking wet, and I’ve got 0 percent muscle mass.”

              “Strength isn’t always determined by physical size. You have emotional strength. I can see it.”

              “Well, thanks…I guess.”

              “Take it as a compliment, Faith. I really like you,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulder.

              “I like you, too, Lowell,” she echoed, blushing a bit.

              He turned her to face him. “I really like your eyes,” he said, stepping closer.

She took a step back.

“And your nose.”

She took another step.

“Your hair.”

Again, she backed away.

He continued naming all the things he liked about her, until she was pressed up against a tree, his large arms trapping her in. “And your lips,” he finally said, looking hungrily at her mouth.

              “Lowell, don’t!”

              “Shut up,” he said, growling. 

              “Stop!” she shrieked, pushing on his chest and closing her eyes.

              Suddenly, his weight was suddenly wrenched away from her, and she looked up at Nodin, her eyes wide in fear. His body was shaking violently, and his nails morphed into razor-sharp claws.

Lowell picked himself up off the ground, snarling at Nodin. “What’s your problem?”

              “Stay away from her!” 

              “You’re not the boss of me!” Lowell screamed, then lunged.

              Faith whimpered, covering her head.

              Nodin caught Lowell by the throat and roughly pushed him back. “She is not yours,” Nodin snarled.

              “Nor yours!”

              “As your third-in-command—”

              “You are
my third!”

              “Enough!” Sera said with a snarl, coming from out of nowhere. Her power seeped into the air, and both Nodin and Lowell fell to the ground.

Even Faith felt the need to lower her head as Sera walked between the two, growling. When Sera spoke, Faith barely even recognized her voice; it was so deep and authoritative. 

              “He may not be your third yet, but I am your alpha. Faith is mine! You dare touch what is mine!?”

              “Sera—” Faith began, but she was stopped by a firm hand on her shoulder. She looked up at Koda, who shook his head. She pressed her lips together tightly, returning her gaze to the snarling alpha.

              “I want her,” Lowell said, gazing at her intently. 

              Not sure what else to do, Faith stepped back. Koda and Trisha stepped forward to shield her from Lowell’s view, causing him to growl.

              “Is that a challenge?” Sera asked, snarling.

              Lowell met her eyes and lifted his lip in a silent snarl of his own.

              Sera stood up straight. “So be it. Nodin, you may go.”

              Nodin stood and walked obediently into the trees, then ran out of sight. 

              “Stand,” Sera commanded. 

              Lowell rose to his feet, trembling with the need to phase.

              “Sera! Sera, please don’t do this!” Faolan yelled, running in front of his brother.

              “He wants a challenge, and now he has one. Move.”

              “But Sera—”

              “I won’t kill him. Now move.”



              Not wanting to incur her wrath, Faolan jumped back at her vicious snarl and walked toward the edge of the crowd, his eyes filled with worry.

              “I am a tolerant wolf,” Sera said, addressing the pack, “but I will not allow you to hurt what is mine. Lowell, you have challenged me, and I accept your challenge. The fight will end when one submits.”

              “Shut up and fight me,” Lowell said, growling. 

              Sera took a fighting stance as he lunged at her. She jumped up when he phased, using his shoulders to propel herself upward. She spun in the air and phased, then landed on all four paws. Like the wolf she was, she licked her jowls and whipped her tail back and forth. She paced the ground, awaiting his next move. When he grew impatient and made a sloppy advance, Sera maneuvered around him and managed to remove a chunk of fur from his pelt. 

              Faith covered her mouth with her hands as she watched the fight.

Sera continued taking mouthfuls of fur from Lowell’s body, leaving ugly bald patches of skin. No matter what he did, he couldn’t get the upper hand. When she got him over on his back, she bit into his neck.

              “Koda, stop her! She’ll kill him!” Faith begged.

              “She won’t. She is a wolf of her word, an honorable alpha. Just watch.”              

              When Faith took a closer look, she saw that Sera wasn’t really biting into his neck at all. Rather, she was just snarling above him, and her teeth are barely scraping his skin. Eventually, Lowell whimpered and bared his neck in submission. Sera stepped away from him, howling.

Within seconds, every wolf in the pack was joining her in a howling chorus of victory, lauding their powerful alpha. 

              “Faolan, tend to your injured brother. Everyone else, please return to the party. Faith, I would like to see you for a moment,” Sera said. 

              Faith watched as Sera helped Faolan get Lowell to his feet. Lowell leaned on his brother, whimpering as he looked at Sera. She gave a huff and licked a wound on his forehead. Sera walked over to them and looked down at her. Her white fur was coated with dirt and blood, though the crimson stains weren’t her own.

Trisha ran back over to them and handed Sera bikini and shorts. Both she and Koda then turned, allowing Sera some privacy for changing.

              “Faith, are you okay?” Sera asked, back in her human form.

              Faith turned around and saw the small gash on the side of Sera’s face. “Am I okay? What about you? You just fought Lowell, and you don’t even look winded.”

              “It wasn’t really a fight. Something was wrong with him, and I had to put him in check. I’m fine. I’ll heal up in a few minutes.”

              “How’d you know to come out here?” Faith asked, giving her friend a quick hug.

              Sera looked at Koda, as if debating what to say.

              “What? You were
us?” Faith asked, sounding a bit peeved.

              “No. Like I told you, you’re free to do as you please. I meant that.”

              “Then how did you know to come for me when you did?”

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