Forgotten Love (Derrien Island Trilogy) (30 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Love (Derrien Island Trilogy)
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Marcus hands slipped down and around her hips and he pulled her in toward him and ground against her as what sounded like a low growl rumbled in his chest.  She was his and that would never change again. Not as long as he drew breath in his body!

“If we don’t get out of these clothes I’m going to go crazy, whispered Nat
asha trying to catch her breath while pushing the straps of her bathing suit of her shoulders exposing the round fullness of her breasts to his hungry gaze.

This wasn’t the time to take things slow, Marcus agreed. That could come much later. The consuming desire to be one with his wife again coloured everything around them in a cloudy haze.

Marcus trailed his lips and tongue along her neck and shoulders tasting the residual saltiness of the sea against the smoothness of her skin. He wanted to remember every single millimetre of her body in this way as he made his way to the already hardened dusky peaks that called to him. Lifting her against the wall he braced her body with his arm around her waist and his thigh before clamping his mouth over her causing her to push against his straining arousal intimately as the sensations he was evoking swept through her body like a flood.

Oh she missed Marcus’ touch so much. She wanted no one else and nothing else in this moment than to be with him again. She was being devoured
so thoroughly and so completely as Marcus teased and nipped at her swollen buds. He released her allowing her body to slide along his as he reclaimed her lips, tasting the recesses of her mouth as she matched his desire equally.

hey quickly removed each other’s clothes stumbling over to the bed and toppling over onto each other, laughing at their clumsiness.

“We seem to be out of practice with this,” whispered Natasha
against the planes of his shoulders as he propped himself on his elbows above her.

“Not for long,” Marcus replied pulling himself into a kneeling position and pulling
her up into a sitting position beneath him. She ran her hands lovingly over his chest and shoulders before running them up and along his neck and the back of his head and pulled him toward her, kissing his lower lip and sucking on it deeply until he groaned with need.

“Tell me this is what you really want Nat, to be here with me, to have me inside you again!” asked Marcus as he cupped and massaged her breasts in his hands and ran his thumbs over their tips making her cry out in ecstasy.

“Marcus yes, I want you so much! There is nothing else I want more right now!” she cried unable to stop the uncontrollable trembling of her body. “No more waiting Marcus!” she demanded breathlessly.

Moving his leg from where it imprisoned her, he held her waist and flipped her over onto her stomach and trailed his tongue along her spine all the way to her neck and earlobes.

“Maybe I should make you wait just a little for how you made me wait for you!” he growled in a low voice and his warm breath tickled her cheeks. The sensation of his hot, hair roughened maleness was intimately pressed against her lower cheeks and she could feel that every delicious inch of him was already hard with readiness to possess her. Natasha felt herself moisten again in anticipation for him.

“Marcus don’t make me wait this time,
I promise that all the other times you can make me beg, plead, if you want to but not now. I’ve been dreaming of this for months,” she admitted.

Marcus could scarcely contain the joy that was now rising through every cell of his body hearing her admit that she was just as miserable without him these past months. He could no longer fight the urge to be inside her any longer and he pulled her up against him and entered her from behind.

Feeling him fill her and stretch her, Natasha gasped at the hot invasion of her body and she pressed back against her husband to feel more of him and to take him deeper inside.

Marcus thrust against her wildly
and their united cries of pleasure filled the room. She was so hot and ready for him and with every thrust she squeezed him inside. He was going to lose his mind for sure today. Pulling out of her suddenly he flipped her on to her back and resheathed himself within her with one slow deep thrust until he filled her to the hilt. As she wrapped her legs around his waist he leaned down and kissed her, their tongues twirling, twisting and thrusting matching the frenzied undulations of their bodies together.

“Come with me, Nat,” groaned Marcus sensing that her release was close as she began to tremble and cry out beneath him.

She ground her pelvis against him and dug her fingertips into the muscles of his back as the first waves of orgasmic tremors shook her body triggering his own release as he filled her core with his warmth.


“I’m really going to miss it here when I leave this evening!” said Natasha. The team at Pacific Sun are going crazy with the concert preparations happening in two days and my not being there. I think my manager must have left thirty irate messages on my phone by now,” remarked Natasha while standing on her balcony and admiring the scenery below. “I wish I could take a piece of this island back to the US with me.”

She and Marcus had just
spent the two most exhilarating days of her life reconnecting with each other. When they weren’t making love or trekking around the island, he took her to visit her father who was now recuperating steadily. In fact the doctors were stunned at how rapidly he was progressing. During one of their talks her father said he suspected that the change in his condition had a lot to do with just coming to a place of forgiveness and acceptance in his life of many things he had spent years resisting. He just needed to stop fighting against the things he could not change. Both Natasha and Marcus had to agree because now that they too had both let go and forgiven each other for the past, the bond that existed between them had grown stronger than it had ever been before.

She felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and her hair drawn aside before a warm kiss was imprinted on the back of her neck, followed by a mischievous nip.

“I know what you mean and you can,” replied Marcus enjoying her heady fragrance. He and Natasha had just spent two insatiable days getting reacquainted and he still could not get enough of her. It was as though they were both trying to make up for all of the time they had lost while they were still apart.

“Aren’t you tired yet Mr. Nicholls?” asked Natasha turning around to face him so that their mouths were mere centimetres away from each other.

“No, I could never get tired of you, love!” he replied following his words by tasting his wife’s lips slowly, and deliberately. “You are much too delicious for that to ever happen!”

making love the first afternoon at the hotel Marcus had asked Natasha to come back with him to their home at Azure Lodge where they could really have the privacy they needed. He wasn’t sure if she would agree at first but she readily said yes and he helped her to check out that same afternoon.

“Marcus I lied when I told you that I did not love this house. I think it
’s spectacular. I really can’t blame you for wanting to stay here before. You worked hard and you deserved this. I was wrong to make you feel otherwise.”

Nat, right now none of those misunderstandings are important. There is nothing I want more in my life than to be with you. We can have a dozen more Azure Lodges, if it means that I could spend my life where you are. Don’t you see that I would sell this place tomorrow if it meant I could prove that to you?”

“No Marcus, I don’t want you to sell it, this is your parent’s legacy!”

“Yes, but I mean to create my own legacy with you. Look, you aren’t making me do anything that I have not thought through deeply already,” Marcus replied. “As a writer my work is very flexible! I just need a quiet space for creativity to flow and I am fine. I can work anywhere on this planet. All I want is to be with you and for you to be happy being with me.”

Marcus had told her last night for parts of the year he intended to live with her wherever she wanted to in the world and wherever her career took her. He would keep his restaurants and also Natasha’s Place and Art Gallery. He’d proposed the idea to her again of having her art displayed at the restaurant and she finally agreed. They had dinner there last night and Lucinda was so happy to see them together again. He would spend a few months here making sure that it was set up well with the right staff and management. Both were thinking that Ashley would be perfect to take up managing it as she was someone they both knew and trusted and she also had a background in management.

When they left the restaurant t
hey spent the night drinking wine and eating cheesecake while they burnt the divorce papers outside by the mahogany tree, allowing the ashes to float across the countryside.

That first night back at their home, Marcus
made a call to his friend Trenton Parks at Emperor Music, a competitor of Pacific Sun and asked him to express an interest in Natasha’s contract and to say that she was not happy at Pacific Sun and was considering relaunching her career at Emperor Music. Trenton was glad to help because he was not only a huge fan of Marcus’ books but he himself had been married to the same woman for thirty three years and he believed that the love between a man and his wife should be protected.  He was also willing to sign Natasha to Emperor Music if Pacific Sun did not agree to her terms of staying married and renegotiating how they would market her music.

As far as Marcus was concerned her video to “
Fire Heart
” would be the first and last time she would have to parade herself like that or else he could see himself getting into a lot of fights with her producers, directors and the leering male models she would have to work with.

Mr. Calderon himself called and he was infuriated with Natasha at first for trying to pull
what he called a reckless stunt and threatened her with losing all her money from the projects she’d worked on. Natasha did not even budge and told him that he could keep it and she would try her luck at Emperor Music if that was what he wanted. She told him boldly that she was sure to make ten times more than what she was set to earn on ‘
’ and her two singles combined on the albums that she would make throughout her career. That got his attention as he considered the long-term losses versus the short-term gains.  He agreed to meet with her and her legal representatives when she returned to renegotiate the details. It was a moment of happiness for both of them to know that she could still pursue her dream and complete her current album.

“Do you want a cup of coffee Natasha?”

“No, I was naughty yesterday when I drank that mocha
already. I should be drinking teas to preserve my vocals. I don’t want to sound as though I am croaking at the upcoming concert,” she laughed. “Do you think you can slip away just for one day to be there? It’s my first concert opening!”

“Hmm, I don’t know, is that something you really want?” he hedged mysteriously.

“How could you ask me that? If you knew how much I wanted you to be there when I was on Ellen you would not ask me that. I want
ed to be able to look out at the audience knowing that you were there. It felt like something was missing. I finally had my big moment but it still felt empty, you know.”

“So Sheldon was right!”

“Sheldon? What does he have to do with any of this?”

“He called me when he saw you on TV that day. He was convinced after watching the interview that our marriage still had a
real chance of working.”

“Why am I not surprised, he always tends to notice too much and then some. I guess that is why he is paid the big bucks to be head of security?” she said smiling.
What did you think, could you tell I wanted you still?”

“I wasn’
t sure until I saw you do two things. But I am not sure I want to tell you my secrets. I will tell you this though, one was surprising to me and the other is my personal secret weapon of observation about you,” he replied with a wink.

“I bet I know how to make you talk. I seem to have discovered a secret spot or two of my own yesterday alone. Don’t you remember?” asked
Natasha with a wink of her own advancing toward him slowly.

“You drive a hard bargain lady, but you are assuming that I would somehow refuse to allow you to use your new found secret weapons
. Bring it on!” he challenged.

Arrrgh! I should have known better. You really are insatiable!”

“When it comes to you, I have no apologies about that fact.”

“Okay back to my question, can I count on you being there in a few days. I know you still have business to wrap up and you have to meet with your publishers as well but I really need you to come.”

“Natasha, I would not miss it for anything.”


The audience packing out the Madison Square Garden for the concert was massive. The tickets had been sold out days ago.
Two well-known artists from the Pacific Sun label were a part of the first half of the program and that made this concert one fans did not want to miss.

, with a bouquet of red roses in hand, stood backstage watching Natasha totally own the stage, dressed in stilettos and a white jumpsuit covered in sparkling jewels. Whenever the lights captured her she shone just like the star she had truly become. Her meteoric rise to popularity was testament not just to her exquisite beauty and her obvious talent but that she chose to believe she could do it, at all costs. They had finally put the past behind them and he could not be more proud of her. She had just sung her first songs “
Fire Heart
” and “
” and now she was speaking to the audience.

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