Fortune's Flames (18 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Fortune's Flames
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Slowly, appreciatively, uncontrollably, his hands wandered up and down her back, stroking her tenderly while his body experienced enticing sensations. He smiled and relaxed as he heard her sigh peacefully, dreamily. It felt so good to simply hold her in his arms. He rested his chin against her dark hair and inhaled its floral scent. She fit perfectly in his embrace, and he wanted her to remain there. But first, he had some business to handle, dangerous business. After Thursday, he could concentrate on winning and possessing Maren, but not tonight. Once he took her to his bed or hers, it would be to stay, so he would not do it without explaining his impending absence, which he could not do.

He lifted her chin and sealed their lips, but the kiss was brief. It had to be. He dared not lose mastery over his wits and body, or he would whisk her upstairs and make her his. He looked deeply, longingly, into her golden brown eyes, and promised huskily, “Soon, Maren, this powerful bond between us will be shared. It must be shared.”

Maren’s right hand rose to caress his strong jawline. Her voice was husky with emotion as she replied, “I think I sensed that the first time I met you, when I was only fifteen. But I was certain of it on the ship and the beach. No matter what happens between us later or what you think about me for being so wanton, I will surrender to your irresistible siege when you finally decide to make your attack.”

Maren pulled his head downward as she eased onto tiptoe and their lips met in a breathtaking and
intoxicating kiss. Moments later, she gazed into his tawny eyes and smiled. “Good night, Jared Morgan.”

He inhaled deeply and erratically to slow his racing heart, but flames of desire leapt from his brownish gold eyes as he declared, “Thursday night, Miss Maren James; be ready to yield or be gone from here, for I shall not take no that night.”

“Nor will I, my skittish rogue.” She climbed the stairs gracefully, as Jared observed her swaying hips and mopped perspiration from his brow.

With her stableman’s unknowing assistance the next morning, Maren returned her parents’ letters to Eric’s safe. At her request, Marc left the office to help load two of the trunks containing her belongings onto a supply wagon, and while he was away, Maren quickly unlocked the safe and replaced the letters, unaware that Eric had had them in a certain order. When the men returned, she was sitting calmly in a chair and fanning herself. She rose, leisurely bid her cousin goodbye, and left.

At the lawyer’s office, Jared came forward and helped her down from the wagon. She waved to the stableman as she watched him depart.

“What’s wrong, Maren?” Jared asked, glancing from the man’s retreating back to Maren’s pensive expression.

“He was just helping me get some of my trunks from Eric’s warehouse to Lady Luck,” she replied, feeling deceitful. “Well, partner, let’s get this matter settled.”

“Was there trouble at the warehouse?”

“Of course not. Why should there be?”

“You’re in a strange mood this morning.”

“Oh?” she responded noncommittally. “Ready for business?”

When Jared eyed her intently, she turned away. “Ready,” he answered when he realized she was not going to reveal anything to him.

The meeting began with Jared presenting his deed for Samuel Lewis to study. When the lawyer passed it to Maren, he asked, “Is that your father’s signature?”

Maren eyed it closely and nodded. After reading over a second paper, the wiry man passed it to his alert client. “Are those Cameron James’s notes and promises?”

Maren read this paper twice. It stated that her father would hold Jared’s money in a “special fund” until the war ended or until it was safe for Jared to claim it. It also gave Jared the right to go over the books at any time he wished, and the authority to decide how Lady Luck should and would be run, a stipulation which troubled Maren. When she glanced over at
handsome man beside her, he knew which section she was concerned about and he smiled encouragingly.

Maren returned to the page, certain it contained
“clues” her father had planted to let her know this paper and partner were valid: the date she had broken her left wrist in a fall, the date he had given her an exquisite doll and vase from China, the Wedgwood pieces in his private collection, and the book which was their favorite reading. Revelations only her father would know.

“Did my father leave this special fund with you?” she inquired, and the man shook his head. “Did he tell you where it would be kept?” Again, he shook his head. “What happens if I can’t locate it and turn it over to Mr. Morgan?”

The man could not lie with Jared Morgan sitting before him. “The contract and deed are binding, Miss James. As your father’s heir, you’re responsible for resolving the matter.”

“But if I don’t have the records and money, how can I?”

“Then Mr. Morgan can do one of two things. He can legally take over Lady Luck to cover his losses, or he can allow you to repay him.” Samuel Lewis hoped Jared would choose to do the latter. Finally the secret partner’s identity was known, but it could become a big problem. Eric would be infuriated by this turn of events, and Jared Morgan’s fame and wealth would make him a formidable foe.

Maren broke her pensive silence by inquiring, “How do I know he hasn’t already claimed this special fund?”

“His word on the matter. He is well-known and respected.”

“Is his word more binding than mine?”

“That wasn’t my meaning, Miss James.”

“What if I swear he’s collected the money?” Maren asked, not once looking toward the silent Jared.

The lawyer had to reply, “How can you, Miss James? You’ve been gone for the past two years. Did you receive any messages from your father during this time?”

“No,” she replied honestly.

“Do you have any reason to doubt Mr. Morgan’s word?”

“No,” she replied again. “But I do have most of his earnings from the last year; they’re in the bank. I’m handing them over this morning.”

“Mr. Morgan, is it your intention to allow Miss James to repay you, or do you want to press for total ownership?”

The lawyer was shocked when Jared stated, “I’m giving her until the first of the year to repay me. If she can’t, then she’s to sign over her share to me or marry me. I want this deal put into writing today.”

Samuel looked from one impenetrable face to the other. Eric James would definitely be enraged upon hearing this news! Eric had wanted to discover the identity of her partner and then get rid of him so he could take over Lady Luck. But he had not anticipated an obstacle like Captain Hawk. “I… I’m not sure that would be legal, sir. It reeks of blackmail.”

Jared responded confidently, “Since Miss James is agreeable to those terms, I see no problem, and I do
not want them to be revealed to anyone else. We also want it recorded that in case either partner dies, the other inherits all. That would include my ship and my personal possessions, as well as hers.”

Lewis was surprised. “It’s most unusual to make a stranger your heir. Miss James, do you go along with such terms?”

“Yes sir, I do. This is the only way I can keep from losing all I own.”

Jared wished she had not added the last line. “I assure you, sir, Miss James will be taken care of before and after this matter is settled. Cameron was a friend of mine, and I would never harm his daughter.”

Samuel Lewis decided this cloud had a silver lining: when Jared Morgan died, all he possessed would go to Maren, Eric’s cousin. “If you two are sure of this arrangement, I’ll write up the contract for you.”

“There’s another matter I want you to handle, sir,” Jared put in. “I want you to check out the legality of her cousin’s takeover of James Shipping and his selling of her property without her knowledge or approval. At the least, Eric James owes Maren James monetary compensation and half-ownership of James Shipping.”

The lawyer appeared to become nervous at this point. “I handled those transactions myself, Mr. Morgan. Rest assured, they were legal. Eric—Mr. James—had a letter of authority from Cameron which gave him the power to take whatever measures
he deemed necessary.”

Jared had evidence to prove those sales were illegal, but he dared not reveal it at this time. “How do we know that power was not revoked?” he asked casually as he witnessed the lawyer’s alarm increase.

“I would know, Mr. Morgan; it was in my possession. Cameron never canceled it. After his death, Eric James settled Cameron’s debts by selling off the property. No one expected Miss James to return and contest his decisions.”

“I haven’t contested them, sir,” Maren injected. Staring oddly at Jared, she told her love, “This is not your affair, Mr. Morgan. It’s family business, personal business which I’ll settle with my cousin.”

“You’re wrong, Maren. If I’m going to back up my deal with all I own, then you need something of value to back up yours. Even if most of your inheritance was sold off, surely your cousin owes you for your losses and his gains. I would imagine that you still have a claim to all or part of James Shipping, since it was your father’s money which saved it, in fact yours which saved it. What can be done about it, sir?”

Lewis squirmed in his seat and tried to think rapidly. Jared Morgan was asking him to recover property he had helped Eric James steal from this woman. He became frightened. He could not allow Morgan to press this matter before Eric returned. “I…I’m not sure anything can be done. I would have to study the matter closely. I would need to go over the firm’s books. I can’t do that with Mr. James out of town. It wouldn’t be ethical. Besides, Miss
James would need strong legal grounds on which to challenge her cousin. Do you suspect him of cheating you, Miss James?”

“Certainly not,” she replied too hastily. “But I suppose it would be best if you went over the books and records just to appease Mr. Morgan. It was a lot of money to lose, and I can’t see why Eric would mind. Would you handle it for me when he returns?”

The lawyer was relieved. At least Eric’s lovely cousin was resisting Morgan on this. “I see no reason why not. You and Mr. James can meet with me after his return and we can settle this matter quickly and quietly. You don’t want it to appear that you’re accusing him of a crime. I’m sure you realize a public scandal such as that could ruin the firm.”

“Our discussions will not go farther than this office, sir.”

“Do you want me to approach him on the matter, or will you?”

“I think I should,” Maren responded. “I’ll contact you when Eric and I are ready to meet with you.”

“After you speak with him, you might not need my services. I’ve always found Mr. James to be open and honest in his dealings, both business and personal.”

“What about her father’s townhouse? We would like to repurchase it so Maren won’t have to live at the gambling house. It was her home and it’s close to her business. Is that a problem?”

“No problem with the owner, but it could be with the tenant. Mr. James has lived there since moving to New Orleans. He loves it, and I doubt he would want
to move. If he will relocate, I’ll gladly sell it to Miss James for a fair price.”

“You own it?” Maren asked, intrigued.

“Yes, I bought it as an investment when Mr. Eric James was selling off your father’s holdings. He rents it from me.”

“But you’re willing to sell it back to me if Eric is agreeable?”

“For what I paid for it, plus its increase in value since then.”

“You’re very kind, sir. I would love to have it back and it would be nicer to live there. Some people think it’s improper for me to live at Lady Luck, so it would halt a lot of nasty gossip.”

“I’ll draw up the papers for your arrangement with Mr. Morgan, and you can sign them on Friday morning. When Mr. James returns, we’ll handle the other two matters. Is that all for today?”

“One last question,” Jared said. “If anything happened to Eric James, who would inherit all of his holdings?”

“Why do you ask that, Mr. Morgan?”

“Running the blockade is dangerous, and can be lethal. If Maren’s cousin met with…an early demise, would she recover any of her losses from Eric’s estate? After all, her inheritance built it.”

“Mr. James doesn’t have a will that I know of, and I’m not sure what the legal ruling would be. I take it you’re aware he has two brothers who would precede a cousin as higher heirs. I can check on both matters when he returns. Is that all?” he asked once more,
his eagerness to have them gone apparent to both Maren and Jared. But Lewis was glad they had come to him, not gone to another lawyer!

On the way to the bank, Maren was silent and thoughtful. Once they’d arrived, she turned the key over to Jared and they checked the money and records. Maren had not corrected or replaced the falsified pages, and now she watched Jared look them over, then glance at her.

“This isn’t your handwriting, or Dan’s. Eric’s?” Jared said sharply.

“I told you he was running the business until I returned. He put the money and records here.”

“Yes, I can see Eric’s greedy little hand at work.”

“What do you mean?” Maren asked anxiously.

Jared’s gaze fused with hers and he said, “You know what I mean. I’m certain Dan told you that he and I have already discussed this irritating matter. You forget about it; I’ll handle it because I don’t want you to annoy me with your continual defense of Eric.” He promptly dropped the matter. “Keep the key in case you need money while I’m gone. We do have expensive wine to pay for. Perhaps the next time I raid a ship it will be loaded with it.”

Maren didn’t follow his lead. “You didn’t believe half of what that lawyer told us, did you?”

Jared eyed her squarely and asserted, “You didn’t either. I think your family’s townhouse was his payoff for helping Eric fleece you. When Eric returns, that nervous snake of a lawyer will tell him every detail of our meeting. Eric will know I’m
suspicious, and such a man is dangerous when he is nervous. I would advise you to claim you had nothing to do with my performance in there this morning. I was trying to ask questions that would open your eyes about Eric James, but obviously you prefer to keep them closed. I don’t know about you, woman, but I despise letting him or anyone get away with deceiving and betraying your father—and you.”

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