Fortune's Flames (22 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Fortune's Flames
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She loved everything he did to her, each caress, each kiss, each unspoken promise of what was to come. Her hands roved his body, and she nibbled on his shoulders and neck. Then, waxing between tension and relaxation, she responded wildly as his fingers and lips brought delightful sensations to her nipples. The bud of her womanhood tingled and pulsed with pleasure, and she encouraged him to continue. Blood raced madly throughout her head and body, heating her to a feverish level and burning away all inhibition. Every inch he touched was sensitive, responsive, alive. She thought if he didn’t move on to the next stage of this drama she would burst into flame and be totally consumed. When Jared’s finger eased within her, her feminine recess eagerly accepted it and reacted to its wondrous
movements, becoming more moist and beginning to ache with need of him.

Jared had tantalized her and had restrained himself for as long as he could endure the blissful torment surging through him. As gently as possible he entered her to avoid prolonging her discomfort with clumsy probings and pokings.

Maren tensed, inhaled, and involuntarily arched upward as if seeking his protection and comfort. Her urge to withdraw and protest vanished like quicksilver, along with the sharp and brief pain. But, an odd feeling lingered within her. She was on alert, her senses temporarily cleared. She felt him tremble and heard him breathe erratically. He was rigid, as if fearing to move. Then, his lips claimed hers and stole her wits once more. He withdrew and entered her several times, very slowly and gingerly, then halted again. His chest hair teased against her breasts, stimulating them. His gentle hands sensuously fondled her flesh and made her aware of every part of her body. Then he began to move rhythmically, his movements giving her great pleasure, but arousing an intense hunger.

A strange tension kept building in her until she wanted to claw at him and demand that he do something to end the ache deep within her core. She began to lift her buttocks toward his probing flesh each time he retreated. Mutely she pleaded that he satisfy the urgent hunger gnawing at her. She clung to him and kissed him feverishly.

“Jared, Jared, you’re driving me mad,” she murmured. “What must I do?”

“Ride the waves with me, my sweet siren. Wrap your legs around me, and hold me tightly. Come to me, Maren, come to me,” he coaxed huskily. “Be mine tonight and forever.”

Her arms and legs encircled him, and soon the core of her womanhood began to spasm wildly. “Oh, oh,” she moaned into his mouth, surprised and stirred by the sensations assailing her. Clinging to him, she matched his pace as rapture’s waves crashed over them and around them. She had expected their lovemaking to be wonderful, but not this blissful and staggering.

Jared knew she had obtained her release, and he was glad because his was spilling forth rapidly, joyously, uncontrollably. Within moments they lay limp in each other’s embrace. He held her snugly and possessively as they nestled together, sharing tender kisses, their bodies content.

Despite the war between America and Britain, which could tear them apart at any time, they were at peace for the moment. All was quiet below them and through the windows came fresh air. Occasionally an animal broke the serene silence, and the scents of flowers and of lovemaking wafted on the gentle breeze which cooled their flesh. The bedside candle was guttering, but the moon was almost full.

The last full moon had occurred when she’d come home, and Maren was amazed by how much had changed for her since then. She thought of her parents making love in this bed where she had found pleasure with Jared.
she mused. Yes, she trusted the man she loved, the man in her arms and
bed. She closed her eyes and went to sleep, knowing Jared was safe and he was hers at last.

Jared lifted his head and glanced over at Maren. She was breathing evenly, so he knew she was asleep. He longed for this war to end so he could remain at her side, and he dreaded the day when he would be compelled to leave her and go to sea. Yet, he must. The Royal Navy was powerful and his country needed his aid, despite the risk to his ship and his life. If only they weren’t so pitifully outnumbered and outgunned… Every day at sea could be his last, and life was suddenly too precious to lose. But no matter what he and Maren wanted and needed, he could remain with her only as long as his missions justified his presence. Anger and panic raced through him. Before he left her alone, he decided, he had to deal with Eric James.

Thoughts of separation from his love tormented him. He had to be assured that she was safe before he departed. He imagined her alarm at the news that he must leave. She would probably fear losing him as she had lost Daniel Redford. No, he silently argued, it was different with him. By her own admission she had not loved Daniel…but she had notdeclared her love for him. He gazed at her until he was consumed by a need to claim her once more, to fuse their bodies and hopefully to fuse their hearts. Perhaps it was selfish to awaken her, but he could not banish such feelings…

* * *

Maren stretched and yawned lazily as she awakened. Smiling at the first images which came to mind on this new and glorious day, she rolled onto her side and her smile faded. Jared was not lying beside her. She flung the covers aside and looked for him; he was gone. Disappointment nibbled at her until she realized he must have sneaked out of her suite before dawn to avoid gossip and to allow her additional sleep. Once they were married… That thought brought a broader and happier smile to her face. He had made love to her twice last night, the second time with an urgency which had astonished and baffled her. Yet, he had been extremely gentle and passionate both times, and she warmed as she recalled those stirring unions. Eager to see him, she bathed and dressed quickly, then rushed downstairs.

Mary was busy with her chores when the blissfully happy Maren reached the kitchen. “Where’s Jared?” she inquired, trying to sound casual.

Mary glanced at her and replied, “He left early this morning.”

“Where did he go? What time did he say he’d return?”

“He didn’t tell me, Miss Maren, but I did notice a cloth bag in his hand, the kind sailors pack their clothes in.”

She shrieked, “You mean he’s
Without telling me?”

Barely suppressing a merry chuckle, Jared answered from the doorway, “Certainly not. Next time I have business to handle, I’ll leave you a note so you
won’t worry about me.”

As their eyes met, the housekeeper’s presence was briefly forgotten. They lovingly scrutinized each other, as if looking for changes since their last meeting, which Mary did not know had occurred last night. But the older woman did sense the tender aura surrounding them, and she smiled secretly.

“I’m starving,” Jared announced huskily, never taking his twinkling eyes from Maren’s. “It seems like ages since I’ve tasted anything delicious. How about you?” A half-grin teased at his lips, which she wanted to kiss.

“Ravenous, Mr. Morgan,” she replied. “Shall I prepare us a tempting meal?”

“Lunch is ready, unless you prefer breakfast,” Mary told them.

Their double entendres lost to Mary, Maren and Jared laughed as they sat down and continued to have eyes only for each other. When the housekeeper began to place food on the table, Maren jumped up and said, “You’re busy, Mary; I’ll get this.”

“It’s no trouble, Miss Maren. I enjoy doing things for you two. Just sit and talk while I fetch things.”

Complying, Maren said to Jared, “Tell me about your family and your home.”

A curious expression crossed Jared’s face before he smiled and said, “Later, partner, we have a busy day ahead.”

“What have you planned?” she asked excitedly.

“We have an appointment with our lawyer about some papers, remember? Unless you’ve changed your
mind about signing them.”

“Never,” she murmured.

“Good. Now eat and get ready to leave or we’ll be late.”

The lawyer was very formal as he explained the contents of the papers to be signed. He then promised to look into the other matters they had mentioned on their last visit, after Eric James returned, and he advised them to keep the papers in a safe place, as they were also wills. As quickly as possible, he completed the business and dismissed them.

After Maren and Jared had strolled a short way, he asked, “Did you notice how eager he was to be rid of us? No doubt he’s in a panic, wanting your cousin to return so he can report our doings to him. What will Eric have to say?”

“I imagine he won’t like any of it.”

“You’re still going to press the matter, aren’t you?”

“I suppose,” she answered absently, wanting to avoid the subject.

“You suppose?” Jared probed, stopping to look at her.

Maren halted too, but hesitated before turning to meet his gaze. “Let’s handle it after he’s back,” she coaxed. “We can’t solve anything until I speak with him, so why keep going over and over it?”

“You can’t back away from this problem, Maren. It’s important to both of us.”

“Both of us?” she echoed in bewilderment.

“We are partners now, in every way possible. I want you to get back what is rightfully and legally yours. It angers me to think he duped you and your father. I want it settled before I leave.”

“Leave? When?” she asked.

“When my business here is finished, I have to return to sea. My ship and I are needed.”

“How soon?” she probed sadly.

“A few weeks, more or less. Don’t worry, I’ll be back as soon as possible. I have some important investments here.”

“I hate to think of you being in danger.”

“I’ll be careful, especially now. But if anything does hap—”

She clamped a hand over his mouth. “Don’t say it.”

He gently grasped her hand and moved it so he could speak. “I have to say it, Maren. If anything should happen to me, you’re taken care of.”

“I don’t care about the money. I care about you, Jared.”

“Then trust me to stay alive and return.”

“I trust you; I just don’t trust the Royal Navy. You said they would do anything to defeat us. What trophies would the British want more than Captain Hawk and the
Sea Mist?”

“You flatter me, woman,” he jested to calm her.

“Flattery, ha! You know it’s true.”

“Don’t ask me not to go, Maren. Please.”

“I want to, but I can’t. I know you have to defend
our country, but swear you won’t take any unnecessary risks.”

“Everything in war is a risk, love, but I won’t take any foolish ones.”

His words of endearment warmed her. She wanted to fling herself into his arms, but they were on the street. She hoped he would ask her to marry him before he sailed. She would say yes. She decided to let him know that she was willing to wed him at any time.

“Where did you go this morning? I missed you when I awoke.”

“I had to see a man who is to do a job for me. The less you know about my work at this point, the better. As soon as this is done, I’ll explain everything.”

“You’re afraid I’ll drop hints in the wrong ears?”

“It happens sometimes by accident, Maren. People drink too much, they get ill and delirious, or they don’t notice an eavesdropping spy like Peter Thomas,” he explained. “I have to be extra careful now that people associate me with you. If the wrong person got wind of my assignments, you could be captured and tortured for information.”

“You’re right; I can’t let drop what I don’t know.”

“You’re serious? Just like that, you accept my terms?”

“Just like that,” she replied, smiling at his astonishment.

“I don’t believe my luck. I’ve found the perfect woman.”

“Didn’t you know, Jared? I am Lady Luck.”

Jared was so relaxed that he almost reminded her that her father had called her that in his letter. Soon he would show her the hidden cabinet behind the fireplace; he would reveal all he knew to her. Right now he wanted to get closer to her.

Maren noticed Jared’s curious reaction. Though she felt he had been about to say something, she let it pass.

They stopped at the bank and placed their papers in the box they kept there. Jared told Maren to hold on to the key in case she had need of his will or of the deed to Lady Luck.

“When this war’s over, Lady Luck will be very prosperous. We could become rich, Maren. And if we can take back James Shipping, we can have the best of two lives: one on land and one at sea.”

“It sounds wonderful. I would have Jared Morgan at home and Captain Hawk at sea—two adventurous men to sate my every desire.”

“If you take a nap this afternoon, I’ll begin my task late tonight and I’ll work at it for hours.”

“Agreed, Mr. Morgan.”

“That sounds as if I had better take my nap with you.”

“That would be wise, partner. I have lots of learning to do.”

Maren put on the green silk gown with the squared neck and raised waistline. It had short sleeves and a
slightly flared skirt. She then eased her feet into matching slippers, and fastened the locket Jared had given her about her neck. She drew her hair up on the sides and secured it with decorative combs, allowing it to cascade down her back. She was eager to see Jared, to be with him again tonight. She couldn’t seem to have enough of him, and she hoped it would always be like this.

She waited until seven-thirty before heading downstairs. Praying that her expression would not give away their intimacy when she looked at Jared, she halted at
landing and inhaled deeply to slow her racing heart. She was as nervous as a kitten beneath a hawk’s shadow. You’re being silly, Maren James, she chided herself. He belongs to you now.

As she made her final descent, her left foot was caught by something, and she tumbled down the stairs. When she grabbed at the railing to check her downward plunge, her body twisted and her head slammed into the bottom post. She heard herself scream before blackness claimed her.

When she roused, Jared and Mary were leaning over her and she was in her bed. “Are you all right?” they asked in unison.

“What…happened?” she asked confusedly as she tried to sit up.

Even if she hadn’t swayed, Jared would have pressed her back onto the bed. “Lie still. The doctor is on his way. You took a bad fall, woman. One of the steps became loose and threw you off balance.”

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