Fortune's Flames (25 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Fortune's Flames
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“That’s what you believe, isn’t it?”

“Don’t you, Maren? Deep inside, don’t you?” he asked softly.

“Yes,” she admitted through trembling lips. “But your missing money is there, so why did you threaten me with the necessity to repay it?”

“I needed to be able to make you turn to me. I was going to show you everything this week and explain my secrecy. I just wanted time to get closer to you before I sprang this on you. I wanted you to trust me enough to let me comfort you and help you.”

“You don’t have to marry me to lend me support. I’m not a little girl, Jared.”

“I admit I dropped that letter so you would find it while I was gone. I was hoping it would make you doubt Eric. I was trying to move slowly and carefully on this, Maren. I knew how much it would hurt you. I read what your father said about me, and I hoped it would entice you to trust me. You were closer to your father, so I thought you might obey his last wishes. I’m marrying you because I love you, Maren, because I need you. I was hoping you would learn to feel the same way about me.”

The admission was all she needed. “How could I learn to feel something I already felt?” she responded. “Haven’t you guessed the truth by now, Jared? I
yielded to you because I love you. I’ve loved you since I was fifteen. You read father’s letter so you know my foolish reasons for agreeing to wed Daniel. Even if he hadn’t been killed, I wouldn’t have gone through with it. Don’t you see, Jared, you’re my destiny? I’ve been waiting years for you to come after me.”

Jared lifted her in his arms and spun her around, laughing joyfully. “Say it again, Maren, so I’ll know I heard you right.”

“I love you, Jared Morgan,” she declared as he set her down. Their eyes met and she repeated, “I love you.”

“Maren, Maren, my dream come true. I love you, woman.”

They kissed and hugged and laughed.

“Does this mean you’ll marry me today?”

“Yes, but we need to talk over breakfast.”

Hurriedly, they prepared
meal and then sat down to eat. As they breakfasted, Maren told Jared everything Eric had told her during the voyage from England and after her arrival in New Orleans. She also told him of the letters she’d found in her father’s office safe, and she related the facts she had gathered from Marc. Finally, she explained how she had found the compartment.

“You and your father are clever; I didn’t realize those were clues which would help you find that hidden cabinet. I merely thought he was rambling because of his emotional state.”

“The truth is still hard to accept, Jared. Eric’s always been difficult, but that he would do such
evil things…”

He captured her hand and squeezed it. “I know, love. The only thing worse than death is to be deceived by someone in your own family.”

Maren perceived the anguish in his voice and she knew that statement also referred to his own experiences. Soon, she decided, he would explain them.

“You can bet that gold Eric transported isn’t to be used to aid America. It’s my bet he left it at his plantation in Jamaica.” Jared then revealed what he had learned on the island.

“That’s where my money went!” Maren declared angrily. “To buy that plantation. We have to get everything back, Jared. Help me.”

“I will, love. He won’t get away with such crimes. You found the deeds, so you know those sales were illegal. It’s my guess deeds were forged, with that lawyer’s help. Now you understand why I was baiting him, don’t you? To catch a greedy shark. Before our meeting with Lewis, I didn’t tell you what I’d planned to say because I wanted you to appear genuinely surprised and annoyed.”

Maren complimented him. “Your clever strategy worked.”

“Good, because I don’t want them to be suspicious of you. Eric could be in Jamaica right now, collecting that gold.”

“Jared, what if there never was any gold aboard that ship? What if Eric just told me that story to win my trust?”

“When I leave here, I’m sailing to Jamaica to see for myself. Our country can use that gold for its defense. And wouldn’t it be amusing to have the British supply the gold that helps to defeat them.”

They laughed as they cleared the table and went upstairs to get ready for their wedding. Jared changed quickly and went to hire a carriage for “a Sunday ride in the country.”

Maren wished she could wear her mother’s wedding dress, but that was impossible. Though white was becoming the accepted color for a wedding gown, and her Spanish mother had worn a beautiful gown of cloudlike lace years ago, its style was outdated. She donned a gown with a snugly fitted waist and a gathered bodice. The sleeves were short, and had lace flounces, and the hem was decorated with lace. This fine muslin was soft blue with a darker blue sprigging splashed over it, and Maren’s slippers were also dark blue, as was
trim on her light blue hat.

Because of the July heat and humidity, she pulled her hair up and arranged it atop her head. The only piece of jewelry she wore was the locket Jared had given her. She lifted her lacy parasol and joined Jared at the back door. “Ready,” she said.

His eyes roamed over her and he smiled. “You look ravishing.”

Maren eyed his buff-colored breeches, matching waistcoat, and white shirt. “So do you, my love.”

“Let’s go before I whisk you upstairs and forget our plans.”

“I wouldn’t protest,” she teased.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. “Soon, you’ll be mine forever, Maren. My luck has never been better.”

“Nor mine,” she replied, caressing his handsome face.

Halfway to the preacher’s home, Jared halted and turned to her. “Do you know how to handle a carriage?”

“Only since I was eight,” she told him with a grin. “I can probably beat you at riding anything. Papa taught me well.” Sadness suddenly came to her eyes. “I wish my parents could be here today.”

“So do I, love. They were special people.”

Jared climbed down after telling her to drive a ways up the road while he checked to make certain that no one was following them. She did as he asked, and was relieved when he joined her, dusting himself off with his hands.

He met her gaze and grinned. “I don’t like shadows,” he teased.

“Did you take good care of him?” she asked.

“Let’s say he’s tied up for a while.”

“Did you recognize him?”

“Just a common wharf rat. He claimed he wasn’t following us and refused to tell me anything. If I wasn’t in such a big hurry to have you all to myself, I would have convinced him to confess.”

“He’ll probably give up his job when he gets loose.”

“If he gets loose. I tie a wicked knot, woman.”

“Should we untie him on our return trip—hand him over to the law?”

“No. We can’t prove anything. The longer he stays bound, the more time he has to think over the hazards of his job.”

When they arrived at the preacher’s house, Jared said, “I know you would prefer a priest, Maren, but I don’t know any around here.”

“A religious man is all we need, Jared,” Maren declared, and before she could say anything else, Kerry Osgood rode up and joined them. He was grinning.

“I see you caught him,” Jared’s dark-haired friend remarked. “I didn’t notice anyone else sailing in your wake,” he added.

“You are a most cautious man, Jared Morgan.” Maren turned to Osgood. “Good morning, Kip.”

“Good morning, Maren. I’m seeing this, but I don’t believe it. You must be some woman to capture the likes of Captain Hawk.”

“It’s the reverse, Kip; he’s some man to entrap me. But I’m in shock; that’s why I couldn’t refuse him.”

“All right, you two, stop taunting me about my weakness. It’s all your fault, Kip. You were the one who sighted that ship and advised me to attack. And as you can see, I kept the best treasure for myself.” Jared embraced Maren, proudly and possessively.

Then they went inside, and found the preacher and his wife awaiting them. From the greetings exchanged, Maren knew the couple was well acquainted with Jared. The preacher then said he hated
to rush them, but that he had visitors on Sunday afternoons. Showing them where to stand, he opened the Bible. He accomplished the marriage ceremony as quickly and reverently as possible, and after the marriage certificate was signed, witnessed, and bound with a ribbon, the newlyweds and Kip left.

When they were outside, Kip congratulated them. Then he mounted his horse and said, “I’ll meet you Wednesday at the dock.”

On the way back to Lady Luck, Maren sat on her side of the carriage, in case they encountered anyone on the road. She wanted to be in her new husband’s arms, and she kept envisioning the night before them. Their “shadow” was still tightly bound to a tree when they trotted past him. The man struggled against his bonds and gag, but Jared ignored him.

As they walked into the kitchen of Lady Luck, Mary was just leaving a note for them. The housekeeper smiled and blushed as she said, “Your food is in the oven. I’m having dinner with Dan at the hotel. Do you mind?”

“Of course not, Mary. Sunday is your day off. Have fun.”

The housekeeper left when Dan arrived in a carriage, and Maren recalled that the manager was three years younger than Mary. But she decided that didn’t matter. After she and Jared watched the pair drive off, he locked the door.

“It seems we’re not the only ones around here who have a claim on romance,” he said.

“I should hope not, Jared,” Maren replied.

“Are you hungry?” he asked, his ravenous eyes feasting on her.

“Only for you,” she murmured as she went into his embrace and drew his mouth down to hers.

Evelyn Sims snuggled into Howard Heath’s arms and begged him to stop scolding her. “I thought it was Jared Morgan coming downstairs,” she lied, not wanting Howard to get his hands on Maren James because she feared the beauty’s effect on him. “Don’t worry, Howard, she doesn’t suspect a thing. She told me so herself.”

But Howard persisted. “I need Morgan out of our way, Ev. How else can we get to that bitch? I don’t care about the money anymore; I just want them punished for humiliating me.”

“Has Mr. Lewis said anything about her fall? Does he suspect us?”

“He’s upriver for a week or so. This is the perfect time to get rid of them. What can he do after they’re dead? Nothing!”

“But we agreed to work for him, so that means we’re actually working for Eric James. I’m scared, Howard. What if they turn against us or Morgan learns about us?”

“He won’t, if you keep your head. As for Samuel Lewis and Eric James, I ain’t afraid of either of them.”

“When can we get married? Your wife’s been gone nearly a year.”

“Good riddance tool” he declared coldly, but Evelyn missed this clue. “We’ll get married when those two are dead.”

“But how? When? They’re wary now.”

“You said they didn’t suspect anything, but no matter. I have a few ideas,” he murmured satanically.

Chapter Twelve

Maren and Jared gazed into each other’s eyes as they undressed. They had put away the food so Mary wouldn’t realize they hadn’t eaten, and they both hoped she would stay out late with Dan Myers. They could wait no longer to have each other.

Their intertwined garments lying across a chair, they embraced, pressing their unclad bodies together. Sighing in unison, they clasped each other. The contact of their flesh enflaming their passions, their fingertips trailed over naked skin, noting contrasts and textures. He nibbled at her neck and shoulder while she brushed her lips over his chest. They were eager to unite their bodies and to share their desires, but they proceeded to make love leisurely.

Maren caressed his chest with her cheek, delighting in the feel of its ticklish hair, and Jared’s hands wandered down her back, stroking her spine and caressing each inch they encountered. Then her
hands roved up his back and savored the feel of his powerful muscles, while his fingers drifted to her arms and teased up and down them as if he wanted to touch every part of her. As her lips and tongue played in the hollows near his throat and danced over his collarbone, Jared felt her breasts, hot and firm with desire, against his chest. He had to touch them, to taste them, to arouse them even more.

He broke their contact to bend forward, to run his arms around her knees and waist, and lift her. He was strong and she was light, so the feat was easy for him. He carried her to the bed and placed her upon it, then lay on his side beside her as he did not want to obstruct his view of her. His fingertips trailed over her chin, through the valley between her breasts, over her stomach, across the furry mound of her womanhood, and down her legs for as far as he could reach. This beautiful territory was all his to explore, to cultivate, to enjoy. Pride and love surged through him.

His hand slowly, provocatively, made the return journey to her face and moved lightly, caressingly, over each feature. She was exquisite, and she was his. When his hand halted at her lips, she kissed each fingertip, and he looked into her eyes, content to lose himself there for a time. He saw no apprehension or doubt in those golden brown depths. Like a mythical siren, she had lured him at their first meeting. Now, entranced by her, he did not want to seek freedom, did not want to resist her magical song. He welcomed this bewitchment and willingly entered her world.
His head came down to kiss her, and his hand began its heady exploration.

Maren gazed at the crocheted canopy positioned above them like a lacy sky, then she closed her eyes because she wanted to block out any distractions so she might fully enjoy each sensation he aroused. Her senses heightened by the self-imposed darkness, she inhaled deeply to let his manly smell tease her nostrils. He was wearing a cologne which she did not recognize, and its masculine scent suited him perfectly. His lips tasted of the Irish whiskey he had drunk while they cleared the kitchen, perhaps to calm his tension, and his hands were bold, but gentle and skilled. As his tongue played with the taut buds on her breasts, pleasure seemed to begin in her belly and then flash through her body like lightning before a violent storm. His left leg had slipped over hers and now rested between her thighs, and his manly shaft was hot and stiff against her hip, its intimate contact arousing her. She felt tense, yet totally relaxed.

Jared’s tongue circled her breasts and assailed their peaks over and over. His lips then explored her sensitive neck and chest as he stroked her from her firm mounds to the downy triangle between her legs. Finally he buried his fingers there, enticed by the warmth and softness of her. He gently nudged her thighs apart and thrust one finger into her welcoming crevice to roam its silky valley and taut peak. Lightly teething her nipples, he continued his expedition into her moist cave.

Maren moaned softly as she surrendered to his demands. She didn’t even realize her hands were playing in his hair and caressing his neck and shoulders. Every inch of her seemed responsive to his touch, alive and craving him. Although she received enormous pleasure and satisfaction from his skillful caresses, they created a fierce hunger in her.

Jared was thrilled by his wife’s responses. She writhed and moaned as her hunger for him increased. He enjoyed giving her pleasure, but he was also savoring his conquest of her. How smart he had been to lay claim to this virginal land. Its peaks, valleys, plains, and caves cried out for his possession— demanded it. Her passion was like a crop he would harvest. He had planted it, had helped it grow, and its fruition delighted him. Tonight and always he would sensuously till her flesh, tend it carefully, cherish it and nourish it, and watch his cultivation bring forth a harvest of love.

Maren’s need for him became so great that she pulled him atop her and insisted he enter her. “Take me now or I shall perish from need,” she murmured against his lips.

Jared urged his probing manhood into her dark recess to examine that inviting chasm and then rapidly enter and reenter it. Abundant moisture allowed him to penetrate her easily and rapturously. Jared was burning with such intense desire that he wondered if he could hold out much longer before his fiery torch exploded like one of the volcanoes he had seen during his travels.

Maren arched to meet his every thrust, and provoked him to a swifter pace with her words and movements. He hoped he was reading her signals correctly or she would be left behind when he seized his victory, for there could be no retreat now. Maren almost cried aloud when her rapture was achieved, but he sealed her lips with his.

Despite the perspiration which glistened on their faces and trickled from their bodies, they clung tightly to each other, and quivering fingers trailed over damp flesh, fondling, caressing, adoring.

She didn’t mind the salty taste of him as she spread kisses over his face, neck, and chest. She didn’t mind the enormous heat they had created and endured while making passionate love, nor did she mind the musky scent of lovemaking which filled her room. She giggled as sweat dripped from his body onto hers and rolled down her sides.

Jared lifted his head and asked, “What’s funny, my sated siren?”

As she flattened her hands against his ribs and stroked upward to his shoulders, she teased, “We sort of heated things up a bit, my love.”

Jared laughed. “You’ve only yourself to blame, my fiery fortune. You set me ablaze every time you touch me, Mrs. Morgan.”

Maren cupped his handsome face between her hands and smiled into his tender gaze. As she scanned his face, her heart pounded ecstatically. “That name sounds wonderful, Mr. Morgan, like a dream. Please tell me I’ll never awaken.”

He propped his folded arms on either side of her head, and loosening the damp curls stuck to her serene face, he pushed them back into place. After brushing his lips over her moist brow, Jared murmured, “It isn’t a dream, Maren. This is real; I’m real. You’re mine now, my greedy wench, and I’ll never let anyone or anything take you from me. I’ve waited for this moment since I attacked your ship— and practically attacked you on its deck,” he added, chuckling.

Maren fluttered her lashes playfully. “I was terribly wanton that day, wasn’t I? But I couldn’t help myself. The moment you walked through that cabin door, my wits and poise deserted me. I’m afraid I couldn’t restrain myself or remember I was supposed to be a lady. All I could think about was how I had wanted you for years, and suddenly you were there within my reach. I was utterly enchanted, a captive of your many charms, my rakish pirate.”

“You will be pleased to learn I didn’t think of you as wanton or forward. I only saw a woman who found me as irresistible as I found her. Frankly I thought you were damned brave and honest to show your feelings. But I must confess I wanted to strangle you when Peter Thomas told me in Washington that you were Mrs. James Slade. When I came here, I was ready to punish you for enticing me into wanting someone out of reach, someone I wanted desperately. Do you realize how happy I was to learn you were not married?”

When Maren grinned and hugged him, Jared
nibbled at her lips as he murmured, “If you had been Maren Slade, I think I would have taken my first slave away with me. I would have kept you imprisoned in my cabin, in my bed, and in my arms. You see, Mrs. Morgan, I can be a determined man when I want something, and a dangerous one to cross.”

“Dangerous only to your enemies, my love, never to me.” A tranquil glow entered her eyes as she said, “I can’t believe this, married to the man who stole my heart at fifteen, and less than two months after he took notice of me. I was right to throw myself into your arms.”

“I’m neither blind nor a fool, Maren Morgan. I recognize a rare treasure when I see one and I wasn’t about to risk losing it even when dangers abounded. I guess it’s my pirate blood.”

They made love again before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

They were awakened by persistent pounding on Maren’s door. A whale-oil lamp was burning low near the bed as Maren and Jared quickly sat up and glanced at each other.

“What are we going to do?” Maren asked in a whisper.

“See who it is,” he replied softly, getting out of bed.

Maren went to the door. “Who is it?” she asked.

Mary responded in a nervous tone. “Me, Miss
Maren. Mister Jared isn’t here and I think someone is trying to break in downstairs. I keep hearing strange noises.”

Maren looked to Jared for help in handling this unexpected situation, and he whispered in her ear. “The windows are nailed at the bottom and the doors are locked. It’s probably nothing. Slowly make your way downstairs with Mary while I get dressed. To be safe, don’t carry a light, then you two can’t be seen.”

“Let me grab a robe, Mary, and I’ll join you,” Maren called out. She then rushed into her bedroom, and covering her nakedness, she left as Jared was pulling on his trousers.

The two women sneaked down the steps, careful to make certain none were loose. On the first floor, they halted and listened.

Maren detected noises in two directions, but she didn’t think these sounds indicated intruders. Still, she moved quietly toward the room to the left and paused near its large archway. Mary came up beside her, cautioning her to be careful. Everything was silent there now, but sounds in the other room caught her attention. She slipped across the entry hall, halted in the other archway, and tried to pierce the darkness. The muffled noise was coming from behind the musician’s platform. She heard glass break in the other room and knew the sound came from the bar. Two odd disturbances. She froze. Then Jared was with them.

He drew the two women to him and whispered, “Wait on the landing. I’ve checked upstairs and it’s
safe. Don’t come down until I call you.”

The women obeyed as quietly as shaky legs and creaky steps would allow, but Maren’s heart pounded in fear for Jared. She clutched Mary’s hand tightly for comfort as she waited tensely, straining for any sound.

Noises she did not recognize came to her ears, and she heard Jared scurrying about in the shadows and bumping into things. When a chair fell over, she suppressed a scream of panic. Then candlelight brightened the room he was in, and masculine laughter reached her ears. Quizzically, she glanced at Mary.

“Come on down, ladies. It’s safe,” he called out to them as he traversed the hall and illuminated the other room.

Maren ran down the steps and hurried to his side. She stared at the terrified creature hunkered down on the roulette table and seeking a way to escape. It suddenly bolted off and raced around the room in confusion and fear. “A squirrel got inside?”

“Two of them, one’s in the other room. They must have sneaked in over the top sashes. I’ll have to figure out how to entice them outside.”

Mary, who had joined them, sighed with relief. “That’s never happened before. They nearly scared me to death, sneaky little varmints.”

“Why don’t we open the front doors and urge them out?” Maren suggested. “If we work together to guide them in that direction, they’ll smell the fresh air and go to it. That’s what we used to do at the plantation
when they got loose inside.”

“Clever idea, Mrs… Maren.” In his eagerness to praise her, Jared had made a slip. “Let’s work on this frightened fellow first,” he added quickly, nodding toward the squirrel eying them anxiously.

After Mary opened the door, they chased the furry creatures around the two rooms. At one point, the larger rodent took refuge atop the drapes and refused to be coaxed or intimidated from his lofty perch. Shaking his tail and chattering loudly, he warned them to keep their distance from his sharp teeth, but Mary’s skill with a broom finally encouraged him to flee into the entry hall where he found the exit. Then they went to work on the second gray invader, which darted under, around, and atop nearly every item in both rooms. Twice the squirrel knocked over vases and broke them, and once he toppled a burning candle which Maren quickly extinguished. Jared tried to entrap the creature in a tablecloth, but the fuzzy little beast evaded him and raced here and there, seeking a place to hide. Evidently this squirrel was smart because no one could sneak up on it while the others held its attention. It required an hour of trying and lots of energy to flush this second intruder back into the open.

As they leaned against the double doors laughing, Maren suddenly straightened and asked, “How did they get inside? There are muslin screens over the windows to keep out insects.”

Jared wished she wasn’t so clever because he had already thought of that, but he replied casually,
“One of the screens must be torn, or the squirrels might have pulled it loose to get inside and search for food. I’ll tell Dan to get it repaired tomorrow.”

“I’m sure he checked the screens when he sealed the lower sashes. It sounds odd to me.” Maren noted his expression and frowned. “It does to you too, Jared Morgan. This was done on purpose, to scare us.”

“I think you’re right, Maren. I’ll look around,” he told her.

Mary and Maren exchanged glances as Jared went from window to window. After a moment, he called them over to one near the front porch and pointed to where the loosely woven screening had been ripped from its frame.

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