fortuneswheel (47 page)

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Authors: Lisanne Norman

BOOK: fortuneswheel
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"Well, first of all we're studying Keissian humans, not Earth Terrans," she said with a sideways grin at Carrie. "He wants a comparative study of their social customs. He wants to see how far from the Terran norm the colony on Keiss has moved, and whether the changes are due to the lack of influence from the home world or to the domination of the culture by the Valtegans."
"Will you be helping us?" Changu asked Carrie.
"I don't know that I can be much help. I'll certainly do what I can. Kusac says he's working on a similar topic. He'd be glad to make some of his files available to you for crossreference."
"I thought we'd be looking at the telepaths in Keissian culture," said Taiba.
"There's only one of me," said Carrie, glancing up as the waiter approached with their jug of water.
"That comes next term," said Taizia, nodding her thanks to him and pouring herself a drink. "We've got eight weeks for this study before more Terrans arrive on Shola, then we're evaluating their ability to fit into our culture."
"More Terrans?" said Taiba, her interest caught. "Will they be males or females?"
"Both, I expect," said Carrie. "Our males don't suffer from the same antisocial behavior that I'm told yours do."
"What are your males like?" asked Vekki curiously.
Carrie looked across at Kaid. "Taller, more heavily built than me and their voices are deeper than human females. Some of them choose to grow hair on parts of their faces."
"Are there pictures of them in the encyclopedia?"
"Yes," confirmed Taizia. "If you come back to our room, I can show you."
"We're all finished here, aren't we?" Laesu asked, looking round the group for the chorus of affirmatives.
"Then let's pay the waiter and go," she said.
They each put in an equal amount, Taizia helping Carrie with the value of the different coins.
"Don't worry, I'll remember them now," she said, putting the rest back in the pouch on her belt. "Everything has a familiar look and feel to it, as if I've temporarily forgotten the name. Once I'm told, I don't forget."
As they walked back through the town to the guild, Carrie could feel Taizia's growing desire to ask her something she considered important. When the Sholan female touched her hand and sent her a request to slow down, she knew the question was imminent.
"Carrie, what did you collect from the store?"
Carrie gave her an amused look.
I'll trade you,
she sent.
You tell me why you asked me to cover up my torc, and I'll
tell you what I bought. Deal?
A startled look crossed Taizia's face.
I didn't realize you
could send that well to any telepath.
Don't underestimate her, Taizia. For all her Terran appearance and lack of experience, she's one of us. Be careful
what you say,
Kusac warned her on the private level they'd used as cubs.
Kusac wants to tell our father about you himself. If you're
seen wearing his torc, people will talk and Father will find
out before Kusac has spoken to him.
Carrie digested this for a moment.
You're not Sholan, Carrie,
sent Taizia.
It's a big step for
Kusac to take. Father is bound to be concerned about it.
Fair enough. When Kusac and I were in Valsgarth before,
we arranged for me to buy him a torc. This is the first
chance I've had to collect it.
Taizia gave Carrie a curious look, then grinning, linked her arm in the Terran's.
Gods, you've both got it bad,
haven't you? I'm glad of that because you'll always have
each other.
"Come on," said Taiba, stopping to wait for them.
"You'll have to wait another eight weeks to see our men," laughed Carrie as they caught up.
Why don't you go with them and show them the encyclopedia,
sent Kusac.
I'm busy working with Tutor Sorli to draft
out a new course to be presented at the staff meeting tomorrow. I'll be finished by third meal.


* * *


Carrie timed her arrival back at their apartment to coincide with Kusac finishing his work. Sorli was leaving as they arrived. Seeing all was well, Kaid excused himself and left her there.
"We've just written a course for developing three new mental skills," said Kusac as the door slid quietly shut behind them. He draped his arm across her shoulders as they walked over to the settee.
"You enjoyed yourself, I know. Did you like Taizia's friends?"
"Yes, I did. I particularly like Vekki and Laesu. I'm going to help them with their work for the next two terms," she said, sitting down beside him.
"That's good. It'll get you out and about. You need to find a niche for yourself," he said, reaching up to knead one of his shoulders.
"Let me do that," she said. "Turn around."
He did as she asked, drawing his legs up in front of himself.
Slipping her hands inside the back of his shirt, she pushed through his fur and began to work the muscles at the sides of his neck.
"They're absolutely solid," she said. "I bet you didn't take any breaks, did you?"
"No," he admitted, squirming under her hands. "We wanted to get it finished, so Sorli could go over it before tomorrow. Ouch! That hurts, Carrie."
"Sorry, but it isn't easy for me when your shirt's in the way." She leaned forward to undo the first couple of buttons, then returned to kneading his shoulders, gradually working her way across the top then down onto his back just below his neck.
As well as she knew his body by now, the subtle differences never failed to fascinate her. The heavy muscles around his highly mobile joints were designed to allow him to change to four-legged locomotion at a moment's notice.
"What you need is a good soak in a hot bath," she said, aware of his tiredness as she tried to soften the muscles underlying his shoulder blades.
"Later." His hand reached up for one of hers, tugging gently on it. "Come round this side," he said, his voice a lazy purr now that she had relieved the worst of the tension and strain.
She got up and moved in front of him, leaning against the arm of the settee. "I got something for you today," she said, trying to stop him from picking up her thoughts.
He cocked his head to one side, a look of curiosity on his face. "You did?" His ears swiveled round to face her.
She nodded, reaching into her pouch to take out a padded package. Nervously she began to open it, suddenly afraid that despite what he'd said at the time, he wouldn't accept the gift from her.
"If it's for me, shouldn't I be doing that?" he asked.
"No, not with this," she said, trying to control the slight shaking in her hands as she unwrapped the final layer. Keeping it on its bed of soft paper, she held it out to him. "It's your torc, Kusac."
The moment hung there between them, each of them aware of the importance of this promise, both aware of what they were giving up for the other.
Kusac breathed in sharply, looking up at her. He didn't need to see her face to know what she felt for him, he could sense it clearly through their Link. He reached out to take the torc then hesitated, hand poised above it.
"You realize what this signifies?" he said. "The bonding ceremony is only the final seal to our promises. If I take your torc, there's no going back." His eyes searched her face even as his mind searched hers, looking for any trace of doubt. There was none.
His hand touched her face, cupping her cheek. "I'm from the Clan Leader's family, Carrie, and you're my Leska. It means no children for either of us," he said softly. "Neither Terran, nor Sholan. Can you live with that?"
"I know," she said, resting her hands and her gift on her knees. "We'll have each other, that's enough."
Picking up the torc, he spread the terminals and placed it round his neck, the bronze gleaming against his dark fur. "It's warm," he said, surprised.
Carrie grinned. "It would be. I've been carrying it around next to me all day. When you gave me yours, it was warm, too."
He moved his legs, reaching out to pull her closer so he could untie the lightweight scarf she'd worn over her tore. "You don't need to wear this now. I'll speak to Father tomorrow."
As she leaned forward to undo the remaining buttons on his shirt, she felt him running his hand down her side till he reached her bare leg.
"I see you didn't bother with your trousers after all," he said, burying his face against her hair and neck, breathing in her scent. His hand caressed her thigh gently, claw tips tracing intricate patterns.
She'd reached his belt and by the time it fell loose to the settee, his other hand had found the front seal of her tabard and released it.
He tumbled backward, arms grasping her and taking her with him.
"It was too hot today," she murmured, her mouth searching for his.
No more talk,
he sent between the small bites and kisses.
Let's seal our betrothal.


* * *


Kaid threaded his way through the packed inn till he reached the table at the back where Rulla sat waiting for him.
"What the hell are you doing requesting leave at the Tempie in Valsgarth?" he demanded, his voice low and angry as he sat down opposite him.
"Gently, Kaid," he said, pushing a spirit glass over to him. "Have this and calm down. I didn't ask for Valsgarth, Lijou posted me here. I expect he hopes to make use of me at some point."
Kaid gave a low growl of annoyance.
"Have your drink," said Rulla, edging it closer to him. "I know you're off duty or you wouldn't be here. It's Chemerian M'ikkoe. You still like it, don't you?"
Kaid glowered at him and picked the drink up. "You still haven't told me why you're here."
"I figured that Ghezu will only tell you what he wants you to know considering you're working free-lance. With me here, too, he reckons it gives him the edge over you, so I'm more likely to find out what he's up to." He lifted his glass and took a drink.
"I'm also in the Temple," he continued, putting the glass down again. "We know Lijou plays both ends against the middle and if he's after information on what Ghezu's up to, he'll ask me since I'm now officially attached to him as a lay Brother."
Kaid grunted, allowing his brow to relax and took a mouthful of the drink. "It'll do as a cover," he said. "Now tell me what you're really doing here."
Rulla sat forward, leaning low across the table. "I told you on the
Kaid," he said, his voice almost a whisper. "Some of us hear the God calling. If you're going to keep them safe, out of the hands of both Esken and the Brotherhood, then you can't do it alone. It's too much for one person."
"Who says that's what I'm doing?"
"Stop messing around, Kaid! You wouldn't do Ghezu's dirty work for him ever again, nor would you let the likes of Lijou or Esken call your tune. So what's left? All I need to know is where we're going."
"I don't know what you're talking about," said Kaid, taking another mouthful of his drink. "We're not going anywhere."
"What are your plans, Kaid, because whatever they are, I'm going to be part of them. There were a lot of us who disagreed with Ghezu's actions back..."
Kaid slammed the glass on the table, sending the contents slopping over the side. "Forget that day!" he said angrily. "It's gone, over and done with." More quietly, "I have, Rulla. I've no desire or need to pull Ghezu down. Leave the Brotherhood out of this. I'm no longer an active part of it."
"So you've got no plans yet?" Rulla nodded slowly. "Then you'd better get some together, Kaid, because you've already got a following."
Kaid looked up sharply at him, eyes narrowing, ears swiveling forward so he missed nothing. "What d'you mean?" he demanded.
"Exactly what I said. If you haven't realized it by now, then you're slipping, my friend. There's Garras for a start. Then what about those two lads from the
that you brought with you? Meral and Sevrin? Saw them today. Can't you see it's the old days starting all over again?"
"Don't be ridiculous!" he snapped.
"Am I? Like I said, Kaid, you better start finalizing your plans." He drank the last of his ale and stood up to leave. "Remember, you've got me inside the Brotherhood and the Temple now. You've got a following, whether or not you want us, we're there."
He reached out for Rulla, pulling him back down. "Sit down, for the God's sake! You can't help me, you're still in the Brotherhood, still subject to your oath to Ghezu! You know what the penalty is if you break it. Don't be a fool, Rulla!"
Rulla let himself be pulled down again. "Do you remember our oath?" he asked.
"Of course I remember it," growled Kaid. "I still try to live by it."
"How can you do that, when you're no longer one of the Brotherhood?"
"I keep my oath to the God."
"Exactly. The basis of our oath is to Vartra, not Ghezu. How does it go? 'I swear that for the rest of my life I will follow the God's calling, and abide by the rules of the Brotherhood. To this end I renounce all Clan ties. From now till I die, my family is of the Brotherhood at Dzahai Stronghold.' "
"What's your point, Rulla?"
"Merely that I can follow my oath from outside the Brotherhood, too, if our move is made public enough. Now I really do have to go, Kaid. Ghyan is expecting me back. I did tell you that I've asked to study comparative religions, didn't I? Particularly the Keissian one. I'll be getting in touch with your Liegen in a day or two."
Kaid sat on for a while after Rulla had left. He had a lot of thinking to do. An old mirror had been held up in front of him again and he wasn't sure he liked the image in it.

Chapter 14



True to his word, Kusac rose early the next morning and, leaving Carrie still asleep, went through to the lounge to contact his father. He had no real idea of what he was going to say beyond the fact that he had no intention of marrying Rala. What he did next depended on his father's reaction.
Approaching the desk, he saw the message light was blinking urgently. With a sense of resignation, he sat down and keyed in the replay. It told him that because of problems in the peace talks with Earth, his father's presence on the
was essential. His mother was due home that day, but until then he, Kusac, was in charge of the Clan and all messages would be relayed to his comm. Groaning, he checked the time. Kaid would definitely be awake. Contacting him, he asked him to deal with any incoming calls for the time being.
Switching off the comm, he rubbed his hands across his ears, frustrated at the delay. Having nerved himself up to talk to his father, it was annoying to find that he was gone for several weeks. He padded back to the bedroom, slipping quietly into the warmth of their bed. As he lay down beside her, from the depths of sleep Carrie sensed his return and moved closer to him, matching her body to his. Her hand reached back seeking his, bringing it forward to wrap around herself.
He slid his tail across her legs, feeling the slight movement from her that told him she'd relaxed again. Since the night of their dream, she'd waken suddenly with a start, needing to see and touch him immediately to reassure herself he was still there. Beside him the light glowed faintly for her as it did every night. For himself, every morning that he woke and found her there was a wonder he was afraid wouldn't last.
His eyes began to close as he relaxed into the familiar touch and smell of her body against his.

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