Fosters: Blackhawk

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Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #contains graphic language and sex, #romance bikers motorcycle club alpha males love

BOOK: Fosters: Blackhawk
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Fosters: Blackhawk

Blackhawk Club Kids

Copyright 2015 L.Ann Marie

Published by L.Ann Marie at Smashwords

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For my beta readers, thank you for keeping me

The information on Indigo and Crystal
children came from conversations with a friend. She told me about
them when we noticed Down syndrome and autistic kids seeming to
know about things that hadn’t happened yet. A reader gave me more
information about her experiences. I added and stretched what I
could and made up the rest.

The Mohegan language you find is actual
quotes and phrases, I thought was interesting. I found a document
when I was looking up some genealogy; I saved the Word Document
created in 2006. I have no other information on the document or who
created it, there is no certificate attached to it. It is a bit of
that useless information I find interesting. It could all be
jibberish created by a second grader for all I know.

Any people or names that appear come from my
imagination. I make them up as I go along.

Enjoy the book!

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven




Cloud was burned by a woman he was ready to
marry. Since then he’s concentrated on his obligations to work, the
MC and his people on the reservation. He has been spending more
time with the MC so he can get closer to his cousin the VP, Steve
Knight and his family. He found him a couple of years ago and was
shocked that he had family he had never met. Being raised by his
grandparents on the reservation wasn’t even close to being bad but
he has always longed for more family.

He hopes to get Steve and his family to embrace
their Native culture and heritage. He would be proud to introduce
them to his tribe. Steve spends time with Cloud but not enough to
learn of his people, the Mohegan tribe of Connecticut. Cloud isn’t
giving up though.

Getting over Mia he decides it’s time to start
looking for a woman that would accept him, his heritage, his job
and his MC. Once he finds her he needs to convince her to have kids
to fill the house he built for his future family. His buddies on
the reservation think he’s nuts and warn him of bringing a woman to
the seven bedroom house he built. Maybe finding that woman won’t be
easy but he’s got the time.

CJ lived in care. She hated almost all the homes
she was in except the last. She spent three years learning what it
means to have a family. Her foster parents were in a car accident
just after she aged out and the kids moved to the west coast with
relatives. She misses them and could use their help and advice from
time to time. She met an elderly aunt through friends and finally
had family that was her own. When her aunt died she left her house
to CJ and she was able to open a second group home and take more
kids that needed to learn what a family is. She loves her job and
her life as a foster parent. Her lying cheating husband does not.
Once he took everything he wanted from her he ran off with the
kids’ caseworker telling her how inept she was and she’s no good at
anything but being a stay at home mom. She gave up on men convinced
no one else would want to deal with her life and job. She wasn’t
leaving the kids or her job for a man so she’s resigned to live
single. She hoped for at least a date here and there but it just
not in the cards for her.

This is the story of Cloud and CJ.

Chapter One


"Oh fuck!"  What the hell is going
on?  The kids are running wild, a helicopter is circling, my
clean friggin clothes are flying around the yard and Joey is tipped
over with a towel on her face.  I run to Joey lifting her
wheelchair from her back.  It sounds like she's crying,
shit.  I lift her into her chair and pull the towel. 
She's friggin laughing.  The helicopter is hovering on the
side of the house.  Motorcycles are pulling into the
yard.  This has got to be a candid camera episode.  I
look around for the rest of the kids.  A big guy has
Christian, "Stay here Joey."  I run to the biker dude. 
"Take your hands off him!"  The guy is giant, he looks at me
then back at Christian.  I pull Christian away from him and
kick him in the balls. Maybe english is his second language but it
isn’t mine. "Keep your hands off my kid."  I tell Christian to
get to Joey.  More friggin giants come closer.  I yell at
them to stay back and stay away from my kids.  There's a huge
crash in the house.  Fuck! 

I turn and run toward the house, a giant catches
me around my waist. "Whoa little ninja.  There's a fugitive in
there.  The guys will get him out then you can go in." 
He lifts me off the ground and holds me against him.  Who the
hell are these guys?  I bend at the waist and swing up with my
elbow twisting around I kick him as hard as I can.  He doubles
over and I run for the door.  Jacob and Jeremy are in the

"Jacob, Jeremy!  Come to me boys.  I'm
coming in the front, come to me boys!"  I make the door and
get lifted again.  "What is with you friggin giant
people?  I need to get my kids out of here.  They're
going to be scared to death!  Get your fuckin hands off me!"
 He puts his hand over my mouth.  I bite the
bastard.  The giant takes a step in and slides, in slow motion
he falls flat on his back with me on top of him.  I push off
and stand up turning; I take a step and slide.  I land a few
feet away on my back.  Fuck!  I hear the boys yell then a
crash has the whole friggin house shaking.  "Shit!"  I
try to move, men are running through the house, the boys are
screaming.  At least the damn helicopter is gone. 
Someone lifts me up, I turn and see a huge Indian in cargo pants
and black polo.  This is the friggin weirdest thing that has
ever happened to anyone on the damn planet and I still don't know
what the hell is going on.

"Two boys are in a room upstairs screaming, they
won't let anyone near them."  He throws me over his shoulder
and carries me upstairs.  I'm too friggin stunned to do
anything but wait for him to put me down.  He walks to the old
rooms and stops in front of the door the boys are screaming
behind.  He sets me down gently and turns me around. 
Holy friggin shit he's scary.  The boys scream for help
reminding me they need me.

"Jacob, Jeremy!  It's CJ I'm opening the
door."  I turn the nob and open the door slow.  "I'm
right here guys."  When the door is halfway open I see them in
the corner between the dresser and the wall.  They're
crying.  "I'm right here guys.  Nothing bad is going to
happen, I'm here."  I walk closer slowly.  I don't stop
talking, when I make it to the dresser I sit on the floor. 
"Jacob can you reach my hand?"  I put it out for him.  He
doesn't move.  "Baby, I'm right here, if you put your hand out
you can reach me.  You can do it Jacob."  He moves his
hand from Jeremy and reaches for me.  "Good boy, hold Jeremy
for me Jacob."  They calm down enough to listen.  We hear
a crash and they start crying again.  "I know baby, it's scary
but I'm right here.  We can do this together right?" 
Jacob nods.  I pull his arm toward me, he holds onto Jeremy
and they both slide closer to me.  Another crash and they're
on my lap.  I'm talking trying to keep them calm, still
wondering what the hell is going on.

The Indian giant moves into the room, "pretty
brave boys coming out with all this craziness going on."  He
says gently, his voice is soothing.  I look up at him. 
He looks tense.  "Do you think we can go see the other kids,
there's a little girl in a wheelchair looking for her boys?" 
Jacob looks at him and holds onto me tighter.

"Sounds like Joey is looking for you
Jacob.  We should check on her, her chair tipped over when the
helicopter came close."

He sucks in a breath.  "She ok?"

I could tell him the truth but I want to get
downstairs with Joey and Christian.  "We should go and
check."  I tell him.  He nods.

"Can I carry you down?  Someone put marbles
all over the place and everyone keeps falling on them.  I'll
carry you down with your mom ok?"  We just look at him. 
He's a giant but he has a soft voice.  Jacob nods. 
Jeremy squeezes me.  The giant sees and nods at me.  He
lifts me up with the boys on me.  Holy mother of God, he's
strong.  He carries us to the door, another giant is in the
hallway, he nods to our giant and we move through the hall and down
the stairs.  There are so many frigging guys moving through
the house.  I hear 'clear' more than once.  What the hell
are they doing?  A huge man is sweeping marbles.  This is
too friggin bizarre to be real.
We go right out the front door and Joey yells.  "Jacob! 
Jeremy!  I'm so glad you're ok!"  She's smiling but has
tears on her face.  Our giant lowers us to the ground, Jacob
runs to Joey climbing onto her lap.  Christian touches his
head.  Jeremy doesn't let me go.  The giant steadies me
and walks with us over to Joey.

We hear another crash and see two men fly
through the second floor window.  Our giant stands in front of
us and pulls a gun.  The guys land and roll around. 
Christian thinks this is 'sick'.  I'm thinking its fuckin nuts
but I can't say that to him.  Brantley and Taylor come running
to us.  Damn.

"CJ!  We saw the helicopter.  Tony's
mom said we can come home to see what's happening."  They're
so excited.  Friggin woman, she wasn't supposed to let them
walk home alone.  They won't be going over there again.

They look at our giant with a gun pointed at the
two men on the ground.  The guy in cargos is sitting on the
other guy.  He's cuffing his hands behind his back.  When
the guy underneath lifts his head I wish he'd put it back
down.  He's got a swastika tattooed on his cheek.  Who
does that?  He's a seriously scary looking guy then he winks
at me causing me to suck in a breath and the hair at my nape to
stand up.  The giants don't look so bad anymore.  The
kids are all quiet.  Jeremy slides down me and holds my
hand.  I look around, motorcycles litter my yard, the
helicopter is sitting across the field, black pickup trucks and two
suv's are on my front lawn and my laundry is everywhere including
hanging from trees.  Great, it's not bad enough the dryer
broke now I have to climb trees to get our clothes.  I was
pissed that I had to hang them out in the first place.  Damn

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