Found by Love (55 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

BOOK: Found by Love
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"I'm just so happy for you both. Neither of you have no idea how MUCH I'm happy. Oh boy. I feel like I've won the lottery I'm THAT happy!" Oh boy. He's lost his mind. It's official.

"Brother, would you please just spit it out because I know you're leading up to something and Claudia needs to get some sleep pretty soon? I'm sure Olivia does as well." He got up and found a cup to get a drink of water in and sat back down next to his wife.

"I'll remember this day for the rest of my life because one, my daughter was born but also because my niece and nephew were born but mainly the biggest reason is-" I knew exactly where he was going with this and why he thought it was funny.

"That damn bet! I see dollar signs in your eyes right now!" I let out a big sigh and extended my hand out to him. "Okay Cash. How about a clean slate? Will that work?" He grinned and nodded his head at me and I exhaled the breath that I was holding while trying to add up the cost of diapers for not only two but three babies for a year.

"I'll give you a clean slate Claud." He grinned and shrugged his shoulders but started laughing again. "On the kids’ first birthday, that's when you'll get your clean slate!" He stood up and winked at me while my bottom jaw rested against my chest. He truly hates me that much! "Love ya sis. A bets a bet remember? At least that's what you've always told me after I lost them all." He knew he had me by the jugular with his words and I rolled my eyes at him and leaned back further onto my pillow.

"Love you too Cash and way to throw my words back at me." He leaned down and gave me a hug and I knew I couldn't stay mad at him for very long because I was already thinking of ways to torment him until the year was up.


About an hour later everyone had finally left and it was just Caleb and I with the twins on each side of my bed working our way to falling asleep for a nap before they were hungry again.

"Cru... I'm so happy I can't even go to sleep. Is there anything that could have made this day any better because I can't think of anything?" I cuddled up closer to him and thought about his question and I couldn't help but answer him.

"Aside from one thing this was one of the best days of my life." I felt him staring at me wondering what I was disappointed in so I went ahead and answered him before I fell asleep. "From now on Nerd Boy, come talk to me before you make a bet with your brother. You do realize how much money diapers for three babies are going to be don't you?" His laughter vibrated the bed and I couldn't help but rise up and look at him.

"Oh my God, life is sure going to be so much fun with you, especially when you're mad at my brother." He pulled my chin up so that he could kiss me and boy did he kiss me. I felt all of the love that he had for me in that one kiss. He then leaned around and kissed my tattoo that was across my shoulders that sent shivers down my spine. "I love you Cruella. My life would be nothing without you in it." I moved my hand over his naked chest and kissed the heart on his chest that had my name on it.

"I love you, too and I promise you that you'll never not have me in your life. You're every beat of my heart, the air that I breathe and my soul that I cling to. I could never live without you. You're my Nerd Boy and always will be." In each other's arms is how we fell asleep and always would forever and always.








The End









































This past year has been such an incredible journey for me and I want to give a few shout outs to some amazing people that have helped keep me sane and would not let me give up when self-doubt would creep in occasionally. It is with God’s grace and his awesome son that I have been given the ability to create worlds where I can disappear and take long excursions with my mind and share my work with all of you.


I want to thank my amazing husband and four kids for having the patience to put up with me every time I ran to my cave to write. If it weren’t for the five of you, I doubt that I would have eaten or had enough caffeine to sustain me when I would get so engrossed in my writing. I love you all more than you’ll ever know and THANK YOU for being my biggest support system and for always being the first ones to tell me to not give up in my moments of weakness. “You’ve got this Mom” has become my daily mantra and always puts the biggest smile on my face. Thank you for always being my biggest cheerleaders.


To the person that introduced me to my obsession of reading so many years ago when we became inseparable decades ago. Rainy, you have been my rock throughout this journey with the many hours of conversation over plot twists, naming my many characters, getting teased by me when I wouldn’t tell you where I was going with the story and especially for being my best friend for life. Our friendship through the years has been what has sustained me and I love you so much for that and THANK YOU. You are my real life Olivia to my Claud or maybe it’s the other way around, haha. Thank you for being YOU! Thank you as well for your smart and wonderful husband Aaron that helps me anytime I have a problem with my computer. He is truly a lifesaver!


I want to thank the PTCLS ladies for welcoming me into their group. If it weren’t for you all welcoming me with open arms and truly believing in me and having my back more often than I can count I don’t know where I would be today. You are all truly amazing women, inside and out, and it has been an honor getting to know each and every one of you. I can’t wait until the day we all meet face to face to give each other real hugs instead of virtual ones and to be able to sit back and just listen to each and every one of you share stories. I love you all!! PTTP!


Last but not least goes to my wonderful parents, friends and family for believing in me and encouraging me to do what I love. I am so lucky to have each and every one of you in my life and to give me that extra needed push when I need it and especially the words of encouragement from every one of you. There are too many of you to name but you all know in my heart who I’m speaking to and I love you all so much!










Lost and Found

Book One in The Porter Kingston Series

Can be purchased now on Amazon, B&N, iTunes and Smashwords


Found At Last

Book Three in The Porter Kingston Series

Will be released 2015


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