Found by Love (53 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

BOOK: Found by Love
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"Geez you two… Lighten up a little bit." I clenched my fists when a contraction finally hit and leaned over on top of Caleb's knees for support. He started massaging my back and whispered.

"Breathe baby. I was wondering when your contractions were going to start because you seem way too calm for someone that's in labor." I pray I'm not in labor as long as I was with Grayson but this was the first big contraction I've had since my water broke. It took me a minute to catch my breath before I could respond.

"Oh I would say I'm in full blown labor now, that one was a doozie. Help me time them okay?" I stayed leaned over in his lap and counted the minutes between each contraction on the ride to the hospital. I relished in the fact that I was finally with a man who loved me unconditionally and supported me in every aspect of our relationship. It was a plus that he was just as excited as I was about our new baby.

I couldn't help but think about how Grayson's father had tossed me out like I was the trash but ended up saving our son so many years later. This pregnancy has been joyous and exciting compared to my last pregnancy. Grayson was super excited about having a little sister and hoped I didn't go into labor while he was gone. I'll have to have Caleb make sure that he and Gideon sent home I guess.

Caleb and I got married before I was showing too much and Grayson stood in for him as his best man and Olivia of course was my matron of honor. Amelia and Elizabeth planned the whole thing and of course Henry walked me down the aisle which made it even more special. We got married on the beach at sunset by a friend of the family who happened was a judge and after the wedding was over, we went into the beach house that Cash still owns to have all of the paper work for custody signed over to me and adoption papers signed to make Caleb and I his official parents. Grayson now goes by the last names of Brown-Kingston the way he wanted it to be. We moved Jane and Thomas' caskets to the cemetery where Derek and the kids were buried and we visit all of them every Sunday like we did when we stayed in California.

Grayson loves going to school with Gideon and Eden and made the baseball team after basketball season was over. He and Gideon were able to be on the same team and every game was a full family event with all of the grandparents and cousins and occasionally Mattie when he was in town. Mattie bought my house from me and finally lives here and his Godson couldn’t be happier. He is now Cash's right hand man in the legal department and he seems to be very happy with his new job and he and Cash always have funny stories to tell about work.

"Cru, did you fall asleep baby?" I shook my head.

"No. I'm just trying to breathe through the pain and I was thinking about how much our lives have changed and for the better I might add." I remembered Grayson being at summer camp and how I hadn't reminded Caleb to get him yet. "Hey, can you call Mattie and see if he can go pick up Grayson so that he can take him to the hospital to meet his sister?"

"I've already texted him and he should be on his way back from picking both he and Gideon up. Don't worry sweetheart. I'm not as frantic as my brother usually is under tense situations." Cash looked up but waved Caleb away with his comment and continued to whisper into Olivia's ear.

I smiled at them as I slowly rose up and turned around. I stretched out on the seat to lay back down on Caleb's lap so that I could see his beautiful face. He smiled back at me and tenderly rubbed my enormous pregnant belly and leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

"I can't wait to meet our little Leah Marie. I know she's going to be just as beautiful as her mother is." Of course I let him have his say in naming our daughter. His dream was to have twins of course like Cash and Olivia did and hopefully a boy and a girl so that he could name them Luke and Leah so when we found out that we were having a girl I told him I'd pick out her middle name. My mother's name was Mary but to me it didn't fit so Marie it will be. Maybe a few years down the road I can give him a boy so that he can finally have his Luke.

"According to my brother since we are having a girl she's going to look just like you. It's a good thing you're so good looking. It's going to be weird to have a blonde headed blue eyed baby girl. That is if Derek wasn't messing with you." I am curious to see what little Leah Marie looks like but every ultrasound I've had she's been healthy so that's really all that matters. Another hard contraction hit me and I grabbed ahold of Caleb's back and dug in with my nails to keep from screaming.

"Ah... oh boy... That's it baby. Breathe through it. I may need medical attention on my back later but that's okay." I felt bad but I couldn't help it at all. My contractions seem to be getting closer together and are five minutes apart now. Maybe this isn't going to be that long of a labor after all as hard as they're becoming.

"I'm so sorry. I should have stayed laying the other way but I wanted to be able to look at you while you kept me distracted." He brushed my bangs back that were drenched in sweat out of my eyes and then started rubbing my stomach again.

"It's alright baby. You're the one that has to go through the most pain to bring our little girl into the world. A little scratch is nothing." That's why I love this man so much because he's always thinking positive to where I've been negative my entire life, that it until I finally let down my walls and allowed him into my heart.

"Oh you two are about to make me throw up with all of your goo goo mushy shit! Hey Lucas? Are we about there yet?" Oh WE make him sick? I slowly rolled over to look at Cash to remind him how bad he and Olivia were but the look on her face made me change my mind.

"O? Are you in labor?" She nodded through gritted teeth and the look of panic on Cash's face made me giggle.

"LUCAS? What's that ETA? They're both in labor now and you know Olivia won't last very long. Oh my God! Liv, are you okay Sweetheart? What do I need to do?" I wanted to laugh so bad but another contraction hit me so hard I about blacked out from the pain. I heard Lucas through the back window say something about five minutes and I finally felt a little relief in knowing that we were close.

"Cash, you'd think this was the first time you've ever had a baby. Try to calm down brother. Everything will be alright like the last time okay." I realized that Cash had to be thinking about how Vanessa died which had to be why he seemed so nervous all of a sudden.

"Caleb, I think he's probably more upset that they don't get to have sex one last time before their daughter is born." I looked over at Cash who had turned white and was shaking his head at me.

"That's the last thing on my mind right now. I doubt that I would have gone through with it in the first place." He started rubbing his arm up and down Olivia's and pulled her even closer to him and she pushed him away because she looked to be in the middle of a contraction. "Liv, are you going to be able to make it until we get to the hospital? We should be there any minute." I rose up and scooted off of Caleb when I realized how much further she was in her labor by the look in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter how close we are because this baby is coming out now." She leaned back in her seat and spread her legs and pulled her dress up to her waist and I could see the baby crowning. Thank God the limo stopped which let me know that we finally reached the hospital. I got down on my knees in front of her realizing that I was probably going to end up delivering my niece.

"Oh shit! Cash! Hold on to her so that she can brace herself against you.  LUCAS! Go get a doctor because Olivia is having this baby right now." I looked around for something to put the baby in. "Caleb, go grab a few blankets out of one of our bags so that I can wrap the baby in it."

He immediately jumped out of the limo and did what I asked and was back in seconds. Cash was still white as a ghost but had managed to somehow put Olivia in front of him so that she could use him for support. I grabbed the blanket from Caleb and waited for her to push.

"I think she's ready... Oh my Goddddd why can't I have babies like normal people?!" She screamed and in one push out came the most beautiful black haired baby that I've ever seen in my life. Olivia leaned back against Cash while trying to catch her breath. I looked into my niece’s eyes, while she screamed like a banshee letting us all know that she wasn't too happy to be brought into the world, and grinned. She looked like a miniature girly version of Cash and I couldn't see Olivia at all in her face.

"Shhh baby girl. I guess you helped your daddy win that bet of his and I'll be buying your diapers until your first birthday." She quieted down and looked me in the eyes and I felt an immediate connection to her. "Ah well, and if you aren't the most beautiful baby that I've ever seen, even if you're the spitting image of your father. He doesn't really hate me as much as he pretends to. I'm your Aunt Claudia baby girl." I looked at Olivia and Cash and they looked like they were ready to steal their baby from me so I giggled and handed her to her parents. "What are you going to name her? Did you two ever decide?" Caleb and I had Leah's name picked out from the beginning but they couldn't ever agree on anything. I guess the more kids you have the harder it gets. Cash let out a big sigh as he continued to look at his daughter.

"Well, we were believe it or not thinking about Mercedes but I find it ironic that she was born in a Lincoln Town Car. What do you think Liv?" I started having another contraction and Caleb got in so that I could hold on to him until it went away and I heard Olivia as a doctor finally arrived with a couple of wheelchairs.

"Mercy, Mercy Lincoln Kingston. What do you all think?" I nodded my head because I wasn't able to utter a word yet.

"I like it. I love it actually Baby. I love you Liv. Thank you for making my life so wonderful and complete." Cash kissed her on the forehead and I finally managed to sit up so that Caleb could help me out of the limo and into the wheelchair.

"Okay you two. Congratulations but it's time for me to have my baby now. A doctor got into the limo to check out Olivia and the other doctor rolled me into the hospital so that I could deliver my baby that seems to finally be ready to be born.





































Fourteen hours later around midnight I'm staring at the ceiling not believing what just happened. Caleb leaned down and whispered to me.

"Cru? Honey? Are you alright? I know you're in quite a little bit of shock right now but... I think its wonderful Sweetheart." I shook my head not understanding what just happened. This is 2014 isn't it? How can today's technology be so wrong? How many ultrasounds did I have? Plenty! How many times did the Doctor say girl? Every time! "Are you ready to meet your son?"

Oh it's not his fault and he is my baby after all so I mustered up a smile and nodded my head. The grin that he gave me made me realize that I was definitely overreacting so I might as well just deal with it. He walked away to get our son that was crying and he quit as soon as he was picked up and Caleb started cooing to him. Oh he's going to be such a wonderful father to his baby boy and I can tell how ecstatic he is in this moment.

"Your brother was definitely right about our son looking like you. He's so beautiful Cru and I see both you and Grayson in him. Speaking of Grayson we need to let him come in for a visit. He's going to be as excited and just as surprised." I rolled my eyes at him and put my arms out for my baby who I am going to name Mystery if I have my way about it. I can't seem to figure out if Luke should be his first name or his middle name. Caleb put him in my arms and I gasped at how much he looked like Grayson when he was born. He's so beautiful and he's all mine and the only place that he's going is HOME with Caleb and I.

"Oh he's so beautiful and he looks just like Grayson did when he was born. I think.... I think I'm going to cry. I'm so sick of crying but I can't believe that he's mine all mine and I get to keep him." I had so many different emotions that I didn't realize I had suppressed during the delivery that reminded me of when Grayson was born. I was so afraid that someone would take him after he came out even though I was surprised. A good surprise but still surprised.

"Honey, don't cry. We have so much to be thankful for and don't worry. He's going home with us and he'll never leave our side until he falls in love with a girl when he's about 40 and we'll just let them both live with us." I giggled, making the baby jump and I nestled him in closer to me. "Are you ready to hold your daughter so that I can take a picture of the three of you?" I moved my little mystery over so that his sister, who looked exactly like her daddy, could join us. As soon as they both were on my chest I smiled up at Caleb not believing any of what just happened in this room.

"Honey, you do realize that I'm never letting you near me again right? How about you see if you can get an appointment set for the same day that Cash is getting his vasectomy? You could both hold each other's hands." He involuntarily grabbed his crotch and looked like he was about to throw up at the mention of the procedure that I wanted him to have done.

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