Foundation Game Design with ActionScript 3.0, Second Edition (80 page)

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Programming the game character

In the previous chapter you saw how each object in the game was its own separate class. Those game object class were very simple. All they did was load and display the PNG file. In Monster Mayhem, the game object classes are more complex. Not only do they display the object's image, but they also perform these two additional functions.

  • They store data about the objects in variables, known as
  • They let the objects perform actions using methods. These actions change the way the object appears.

Let's find out a little more about class properties and methods, and then see how they're used in the game

Understanding properties and methods

A class is essentially a description of an object. A class describes an object in these two ways:

  • Properties
    : The things that it is.
  • Methods
    : The things that it does.

To get an idea of what properties and methods are, let's take a look at an imaginary class called Giraffe:

  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Giraffe extends Sprite
    private var _isHungry:Boolean;
    private var _favoriteActivity:String;
    public function Giraffe()
      _isHungry = true;
      _favoriteActivity =  "eating";
    private function eatLeaves():void
      //...  directives
    private function wanderAimlessly():void
      //...  directives

I'm sure you can get a pretty good idea of what the life of the poor giraffe is like by looking at the preceding class!

is just another name for
such as these:


Yes, they're just plain old variables—as simple as that! Variables that describe features of an object, like they do in this giraffe, are called properties. That's just a bit of terminology you'll have to learn. Properties also refer to all the built-in Sprite properties (such as x, y, rotation, and visible) that you've been using all along.

Methods? Of course you know what methods are by now! Here are the giraffe's methods:


By using properties and methods together, you can create a
of an object. All game object classes in your game are really just models that are described by their properties and methods.

class is one of the simplest in the game. It doesn't have any methods, just properties. Here's the entire class:

  import flash.display.DisplayObject;
  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Character extends Sprite
    //Embed the image
    private var CharacterImage:Class;
    //Private properties
    private var _character:DisplayObject = new CharacterImage();
    //Public properties
    public var vx:int = 0;
    public var vy:int = 0;
    public var timesHit:int = 0;
    public function Character()
      //Display the image in this class

class has three public properties.

  • vx: The character's horizontal velocity.
  • vy: The character's vertical velocity.
  • timesHit: The number of times the character has been hit by the monsters.

These are all the important bits of information the game needs about the character.
Figure 8-6
illustrates this.

Figure 8-6.
The Character class's public properties

Notice that all these properties are declared as public. That's because other classes must be able to access them. You'll see how next. The other private variable,
, is also a property, but it's just used internally by the class itself to display the PNG image.

Moving the character

In previous examples, the application class contained vx and vy variables that you used to move the character around the stage. In this game those variables are actually part of the character class itself. You can access them inside the
object from the
class using dot notation, like this:


Because those properties have been declared as public, the application class can easily access and change them. When the player presses arrow keys on the keyboard, the code in the
directly changes the vx and vy properties inside the
object. (The bold code below highlights this):

if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
  _character.vx = -5;
else if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
  _character.vx = 5;
else if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)
  _character.vy = -5;
else if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
  _character.vy = 5;

Figure 8-7 illustrates that this code is directly changing the vx and vy properties inside the

Figure 8-7.
The LevelOne class can directly change an object's public properties

The code in the
can then use the character's changed vx and vy properties to move it on the stage, like this:

_character.x += _character.vx;
_character.y += _character.vy;
Checking for stage boundaries

After the character is moved, the
method prevents it from moving outside the area of the stage.


Here's the method's function definition that does all the hard work:

private function checkStageBoundaries(gameObject:Sprite):void
  if (gameObject.x < 50)
    gameObject.x = 50;
  if (gameObject.y < 50)
    gameObject.y = 50;
  if (gameObject.x + gameObject.width >_stage.stageWidth- 50)
    gameObject.x = _stage. stageWidth- gameObject.width - 50;
  if (gameObject.y + gameObject.height >_stage.stageHeight - 50)
    gameObject.y = _stage.stageHeight - gameObject.height - 50;

This method is also used to check the stage boundaries of the
objects. Notice that it uses the
class's private
variable to find the height and width of the stage.

Checking for collisions between the character and the monster

uses the
method to check for collisions between the character and monsters. There are two monster collisions to check for, so the method is called twice'once for each monster.

characterVsMonsterCollision(_character, _monster1);
characterVsMonsterCollision(_character, _monster2);

Here's the method's function definition:

private function characterVsMonsterCollision
  (character:Character, monster:Monster):void
  && character.hitTestObject(monster))

Notice that the method only checks for a collision if the monster is visible.


This is because when the star hits any of the monsters, their visible property is set to false. The code only needs to check for collisions between the character and monsters if the monster in question is actually visible and thus still in the game.

If there is a collision, the character's timesHit property is increased by one, and the
method is called.


The character's timesHit property is initialized to 0 in the
class. It becomes 1 after the first collision. Unfortunately for the player, the character only needs to be hit once to lose the game. I'll explain how this happens in the
method in the pages ahead.

The order of the code in the enterFrameHandler

Take a look at the entire
in the complete
code listing once again. Notice that the
method is the very last bit of code it runs. That's because the game should only check for collisions
the game objects have been moved. The reason for this is to make sure that you're checking collisions and boundaries based on the objects' current new positions'and not the positions they had in the previous frame.

Here's the order in which you should run the code in the

  1. First, move the game objects.
  2. After they've been moved, check stage boundaries and collisions with other objects.
  3. Make sure that you check for collisions between pairs of game objects after you've moved both of them. For example, first move the character, then move the monsters, and only after that check for collisions between them.

If you check for collisions and boundaries before you move the objects, the collisions won't be based on their current positions. They'll be based on the positions the objects had
in the previous frame
. All of your collisions will look slightly off.

You can test this yourself by running the character's
method before changing its position on the stage, like this:

_character.x += _character.vx;
_character.y += _character.vy;

Recompile the code, and move the character to one of the stage boundaries. You'll see that the character will overlap with the boundaries by 5 pixels, as you can see in
Figure 8-8
. That's because the character hasn't yet been updated to its new, current position.

Figure 8-8.
If you don't move game objects before you check for collisions or boundaries, the collisions will be off by one frame.

This is a very common problem in game design but, as you can see, it's easy to fix. Remember this if you ever notice that collisions in your own games are slightly imprecise.

Programming the monsters

creates the monster objects using the same
class, like this:

_monster1 = new
_monster2 = new

Both monsters behave in exactly the same way so they can both use exactly the same class. Two for the price of one! This is one great thing about using classes: you only need to write a class once. As long as it's general enough, you can reuse it over and over again for as many objects of the same type as you need.

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