Four Doors Down

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Authors: Emma Doherty

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Four Doors Down
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Four Doors Down

Copyright © 2016 by Emma Doherty


All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


Cover by Murphy Rae at

Editing by Megan at

Proofread by Laura at 
Editing for You

Formatted by Stacey at

Table of Contents

Title Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32




About the Author

ecca will know the answer.”

 I look up from my notebook to see Mr. Henderson looking pointedly at me. I swivel in my chair to see Ryan Jackson, AKA the bane of my life, smirking and looking incredibly pleased with himself. 
Absolute Ass!

Mr. Henderson sighs. “Well, Becca?”

I literally have no idea what he’s talking about. I’ve spent the last ten minutes thinking about what my mom will make for dinner, and I’d bet money Ryan knew that too.

“Um, I’m not entirely sure, sir.”

“Not entirely sure about what, Becca?”

“About what the correct answer is?”

“What was the question?”

I stare at him blankly. Oh, come on, he knows I’m not listening. It’s second to last period; I’m ready to go home. Does he actually think anyone is listening to him?

He sighs and makes his way over to my desk. Too late do I remember that I’ve spent the last hour drawing an elaborate sketch of the classroom in front of me rather than taking notes on his class. He takes one look at it and sighs again. “Impressive, Miss McKenzie. However, this will not help you pass English. You’ll come back after school and we’ll go through it again.”

I slump in my chair.
Great. Fan-freaking-tastic!

The bell rings and my friend Sam looks over at me, smiling in sympathy. I gather my things and head toward the door catching up with her. Ryan comes up behind me and I glare at him as he passes, which only adds to his smirk.

“Ignore him. He’s just trying to wind you up,” Sam tells me and I nod. No point in wasting words on him. We start working our way down the hallway of MacAllister High as it begins to fill up.

Sam glances sideways at me. “Still on for tomorrow night?” I grin and nod. She doesn’t even have to ask. There’s no way I’d miss tomorrow tonight. Charlie will be there, and even the thought of him makes my heart beat slightly faster.

Charlie is the guy I’ve been seeing for the last couple of months, and he is the sexiest, sweetest, most talented guy I’ve ever met. Just thinking about him makes me smile. Forget detention. I’m seeing Charlie tomorrow.

I’m walking to my locker after the final bell has rung, but not to grab my things to go home. No. I have to collect my things and then head to detention. Lucky me. As I get closer, I see the familiar crowd gathered, and there he is, right in the middle, holding court—Ryan Jackson.

Ryan Jackson might be the bane of my existence, but apparently not everyone feels that way. Yes, he might be over six foot tall with shiny dark hair, bright blue eyes and with the broad build that’s made him the star of the school’s football team and formerly it’s basketball team. But trust me, looks don’t count for everything and the guy’s arrogance knows no bounds. Seriously, Ryan Jackson is the ultimate jock, ultimate big man on campus, ultimate player and the ultimate pain in my ass. And I can say that as someone who’s known him for years, like literally, since we were babies. Our moms are best friends and we live four doors down from each other. We were actually best friends up until middle school when he suddenly started acting like I didn’t exist. We’ve barely spoken since. Well, apart from when he’s bored and feels like annoying the hell out of me. And now, here when I have like two minutes to grab my things before making it back to Henderson’s class, his fan club of skanks and tagalongs are spread out around his locker, and therefore blocking mine which is just a few further down.

“Excuse me,” I say to Bianca Gallagher, who doesn’t even acknowledge that I’ve spoken. “Excuse me.” Again, nothing. No one even looks at me. “God, would you move!” I snap, and everyone turns silent and looks over.

Bianca turns her nose up at me. “Rude much,” she says with disdain but does step aside.

I roll my eyes and open my locker.

“Ignore her, B. She’s just pissed ‘cause she has to go back to Henderson’s room now,” Ryan explains. I shoot him a dirty look. He just grins back at me. He opens his mouth to say something else but is interrupted when Jake runs into him from behind. Ryan turns to greet him, and they bump fists, or whatever it is guys do now. I roll my eyes and turn back to my locker.

The chatter continues around me like I’m invisible, and once again I’m reminded of how over high school I am. Especially this particular high school in Maxwell, Southern California. I don’t know who it was that said senior year is the best time of your life, but I’m already counting down to graduation and when I don’t have to deal with these people anymore. Seriously, you’d think in this day and age the divide between the popular kids and the rest of the school would cease to exist and be of no importance whatsoever. But nope. Not here at McAllister High. I swear it’s like something out of a cheesy teen film, and I, for one, cannot wait to get out.

Jake appears next to me. “Hey, Becca.”

I look over at him and can’t stop a smile from etching onto my face. Jake might be Ryan’s best friend but I’ve known him forever too, and although Ryan and I barely speak anymore, Jake’s always been the same with me. We might run in completely different circles these days, but we’re still good friends and he always makes sure to say hi when he sees me.


“So I just came from art class with Miss Smith, and she showed me the piece you’ve been working on for your final project.”

“She’s showing people that?”

“Just me, and only ‘cause I asked. She knows we’re friends. Pretty amazing, Becca. Like seriously.”

I allow a small smile to slip free. Jake doesn’t bullshit and it was nice of him to ask to see it. “Thanks.”

“Jake, come on!” Bianca’s irritated voice calls from the group behind. He turns to look at her. “We’re going back to my house to chill by the pool.”

I look up and must admit I get a small, satisfied feeling watching her. She’s clearly annoyed that Jake is talking to me and not her. Ryan’s watching us too, probably incredibly confused as to why Jake would waste his time on me.

Jake turns to me. “Wanna come too, Becca?” I nearly laugh out loud at the look of horror on Bianca’s face. I’m clearly not on the guest list.

“Nah. Thanks to your buddy Ryan over there, I’ve got detention with Henderson,” I tell him. Jake looks at Ryan and then back at me while shaking his head with an amused smile on his face. “Although, otherwise, obviously I’d be there.” I finish grabbing my things and closing my locker. “Don’t let yourself be dumbed down too much by the masses,” I say, and Jake laughs as I walk away.

I try not to think about the fact that school’s over and I’ve got at least another hour here.

I arrive home from school and I’m annoyed. Henderson couldn’t give me a full hour’s detention, so he decided to give me a morning detention instead. I have to get there at the crack of dawn tomorrow and in his words, “show a drastic improvement in my attitude,” as I am currently “wasting all my potential.” God, he’s annoying. All I did was not know the answer to his stupid question. This is all Ryan’s fault.

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