Foursomes and More…

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Authors: Adriana Kraft

Tags: #Multiple partners, #ménage, #Erotica, #Interracial

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Friends with Benefits—what if some of those friends seek exclusivity?



Brett and Jen say
to another much younger bi-racial couple seeking a mature lifestyle couple as guide and mentor—but Donna and Ryan choose this moment to raise the ante and push for an exclusive relationship. It doesn’t take long for the circle to include Carl and Alice—what will happen when yet another couple shows up to the party?


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Foursomes and More…

Copyright © 2014 Adriana Kraft

ISBN: 978-1-77111-812-5

Cover art by Carmen Waters


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Published by eXtasy Books

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Foursomes and More…

Swinging Games: Book Twelve






Adriana Kraft




Foursome and More...



Brett checked his watch for the third time and frowned at his wife, who was finishing a second glass of wine. He glanced toward the entryway to the hotel bar, then back at Jen. “They’re late. Do you suppose someone got cold feet?”

Jen winced. “Hope not, but Jason did seem very quiet and nervous during our last four-way phone conversation.”

“Yeah. Crystal sounded much more eager than her husband.”

“Even though they haven’t swung before, it sounds like Crystal was more sexually active than Jason before they married.”

“You may have to boost his ego to make this work.”

“If we have the chance.” Jen looked toward the entryway. “I’d say we have about a fifty percent chance of a no show.”

“At least that doesn’t happen often, but once is too many.” Brett tilted his head and gave his wife a sly smile. “Guess you might be stuck with me for the night.”

She shrugged. “Could do a lot worse. A two-room suite might be a bit much, though.”

“We’ll have to try out both beds in order to get our money’s worth. By the way, I love your new haircut. Short and sassy.”

“Do you like the new darker tints? Sort of blends in with my naturally red hair.”

“Sexy. Dark and red. Bold. No wonder I’ll never tire of you. You keep changing before my eyes.”

“You’d better not tire of me. Maybe you married more than one woman.” Jen slid a hand along his thigh. “You think you can keep me going half the night hopping from bed to bed if our new playmates don’t show?”

“I know I can. I know

Smiling broadly, Jen waved toward the couple entering the bar. “Looks like we may have to share those beds after all.”

Brett peered at the tall black woman waving and smiling demurely as she picked her way through the crowded bar. Her equally tall blond husband looked like he might prefer watching the football game on the bar’s wide screen TV. “Maybe. We don’t have their clothes off yet. “

“Shh,” Jen scolded. “They’re here. That’s over half the battle.”


* * * *


Thirty minutes later, after introductions and a drink order, Jen wasn’t so sure that half the battle had been won yet. Crystal, although engaging, hadn’t been all that forthcoming about who they were and why they were interested in swinging. For his part, Jason hadn’t added much information other than that he’d been a swimmer in high school and college and still swam laps daily, which at least explained why an IT geek appeared so fit and trim.

Jen frowned at her husband, who also seemed somewhat stymied over the evening’s slow progression. Were Crystal and Jason really interested in playing, or was this some sort of dare between them to go out and meet some swingers? Or were they nervous because of the semi-public setting of the bar? Jen remembered when she and Brett first got involved in swinging and thought everyone around them must be listening in on their conversations. Jason repeatedly glanced around as if he might be recognized.

Jen tried not to smile. She and Brett used to joke about wondering if others could fathom they were swingers—as if they wore the letter S on their foreheads. They’d long since discovered the real problem was the exact opposite. It was nearly impossible to pick out couples interested in swinging in a crowd. They’d often wished potential playmates
wear a badge, a ring, a bracelet or something that would tell those in the know that they swung, and whether they were bi or not.

“So what do you think?” Jen said, taking the risk. Somebody had to do something to move this evening one way or another. “Would you like to go to the cafe for a bite to eat? Or we could take our drinks to the suite, where we can talk more privately.”

Jason’s eyebrows shot up. Crystal frowned.

“We want to assure both of you,” Jen added quickly, “nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen. We’re happy to try and answer your questions about this adventure. And if any play happens this evening, it will only happen because we all agree and everyone is included.”

Jason let out a breath he’d apparently been holding for some time.

“Or if you want to go back home now, that’s okay, too. We understand how stressful a first meet can be.”

Crystal looked sharply at her husband, who shook his head ever so slightly.

“We don’t want to go home yet. You’re right, we may be more comfortable taking our drinks to the suite.” Crystal clasped her drink. “It does feel a little awkward talking about things here.”

“We do appreciate,” Jason interjected, “you taking time with us.”

“Good—let’s move this conversation to the suite.” Jen glanced at Brett. He nodded his approval. “We’ll take care of the drinks, this time. And we always have snack food in the suite when we embark on one of these adventures. Just cheeses, sausage, fruit, dips and chips and such.”

“Sounds like a meal in itself,” Crystal chirped. “Except maybe dessert.” The ebony skinned woman slipped the point of her pink tongue between her lips.

Jen flashed an eyebrow in surprise at the girl’s spontaneous flirtation. “I do like the way your mind works, girl. Let’s go where we can be more direct, if not more playful.”


“This is so much better,” Crystal said, munching on a cracker. “No ears or prying eyes. I felt so exposed in the bar. Even though we probably don’t know a soul within sixty miles of here.”

Crystal patted her husband’s thigh as he sat next to her on the couch. “How are you doing? I thought you were going to burst downstairs.”

Jason shrugged and gave her a weak smile. “This is much better.” He sliced another piece of cheese. He looked at Jen and grimaced. “I realize I haven’t answered your earlier question, whether this is primarily Crystal’s idea. This idea of swinging.”

Jen gave the young man what she hoped was an encouraging smile. “And? Many of us come to swinging from different places with different expectations. While we don’t want to talk the thing to death, it is helpful to understand what everyone’s looking for, hoping for. And most of us were pretty uptight about how to begin.”

“Hell,” Brett said, “even experienced swingers who haven’t met before often find it awkward getting things started. Playing only happens when everyone’s on board. We’ve had more than one night when we’ve met a couple and there was simply no spark. So we went our separate ways.” He grinned at Crystal’s questioning look. “I’m not saying I don’t feel a spark tonight. There’s a spark, alright. We may need to blow on it gently to induce a flame, but there definitely is a spark.”

“Good,” Crystal responded softly.

“What about you, Jason?” Jen asked teasingly. “Does this old lady generate a spark in you, or am I too old for you?”

“Not at all.” Jason scowled. “I mean yes, you are a sexy lady. And no, you are not too old. We wanted to begin with a mature couple. We thought that would be safer.”

“Why’s that?” She expected she knew the answer, and she very definitely detected a spark in Jason as his arousal began to stretch the front of his trousers.

Jason looked to Crystal for help.

She shook her head at him. “Finding an attractive mature couple like Jen and Brett was your idea. You explain it.”

“Okay,” Jason sighed. “Let me back up. We decided jointly to try swinging initially because Crystal likes to be with a woman now and then.”

Jen grinned at Crystal. “Really?”

“My parents always had me enrolled in private girls’ schools,” Crystal began. “They never trusted me with boys. What they didn’t know was my sex life became quite robust—only it was girls, not boys. I never dated a boy until my junior year of college, and that was more of a sorority-fraternity thing. I learned to enjoy fucking guys, but there were still girls. I lost my virginity to a roommate with a strap-on. She was great, but once we all graduated, my friends went their separate ways.” She tilted her head toward Jason. “And then I met this guy swimming in the pool of the apartment complex in which we both lived.”

She grinned broadly. “Now this is harder to explain, but I flipped head over heels in love with this geek in an athlete’s body.”

“And me with you,” Jason gruffly pointed out. “Her folks freaked, but Crystal stood by us.”

“They didn’t like the obvious fact that he’s white, but they were really impressed with his job, his money and future financial prospects, and the fact he treated me like a real lady. So in time, class outweighed race. Isn’t that a hoot?”

“That’s cool. But why swinging?” Brett asked.

“Ah, yes,” Crystal replied. “We’d been married three years before I shared my sexual attraction to girls with Jason. I’d always been afraid he’d think less of me.”

“No way,” Jason interjected.

“Of course I know that now. So he didn’t want me to go the rest of my life without having opportunities for being with women, but I didn’t want to go behind his back or even out on a girl’s night out. Whatever I do sexually, I want Jason to be part of. At least watching, but hopefully participating. Why should I get all the bonus fun? So we talked about it and began to explore the possibilities for swinging.”

“That makes sense,” Jen said. “We’ve heard variations of that story before. Actually, we got involved initially because I wanted to explore my bi side. Not that I’ve heard any complaints from Brett.”

“And you won’t,” Brett said. “So why us, other than that we are too old to prompt much jealousy?”

Blushing, Jason replied quickly. “I didn’t mean to imply you were too old. We tried going to a club that Crystal found on line. That was a disaster.”

“We didn’t know anyone,” Crystal pointed out. “We both like to dance. Well, okay, me more than Jason, but he does quite fine. Anyway, guys were pawing all over me. Everyone seemed to want to talk to me, but showed little interest in including my husband. I got so furious. I slapped one guy. Security told him to cool his jets or leave. We left instead. And we didn’t want to go through that again.”

“I’m sorry your first club experience turned out so negative,” Jen said. “Clubs vary a lot. We’ve had some fun times at clubs, but we typically go with people we’ve already played with. Takes a lot pressure off.”

“So we both got involved,” Jason continued, seeming more relaxed, “in exploring online swinger sites. I can’t tell you how many profiles we’ve sifted through. To be honest, we also initiated contact with five other couples. Two never responded. One came back with how he wanted to fuck my wife until she fainted. Another tried to impress her with the size of his cock. And the fifth,” Jason inhaled, “said they didn’t play with black bitches and thought I was violating the laws of God by living with her.”

“Damn,” Brett said, his fingers curling into fists. “Some assholes shouldn’t be allowed on these sites.”

Crystal shrugged. “I’ve heard worse. You can’t get completely away from prejudice. It’s always there, often just under the surface.” She grinned. “You guys are open and accepting and not pushy. That came through in your profile and in our email exchanges and over the phone. It came through downstairs in the bar, even though we were rather uptight.”

“If it hadn’t, we wouldn’t be sitting talking with you now,” Jason pointed out. His mouth turned up into a grin. “We—well, I—may be a little on the shy side, but that doesn’t mean we don’t see what’s happening.”

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