Foursomes and More… (6 page)

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Authors: Adriana Kraft

Tags: #Multiple partners, #ménage, #Erotica, #Interracial

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“But we also want to say a few things to you,” Carson said. “We didn’t know all of you would be here when we called. Initially we were just going to have this conversation with Jen and Brett and then see where we’d go from there, but once Jen said you all were here we talked it over in the car and decided we’d just lay out our situation with all of you.”

Vanessa took Carson’s hand in hers as his words became rather strangled. “We trust you guys…all of you, or we wouldn’t be here…that’s number one. Number two, we really enjoy playing with you. With all of you. Number three, we don’t want to give up swinging, but it’s imperative that we play in a safe environment.”

“That,” Ryan interjected, “ought to be a given.”

“Well, it’s not,” Carson said, sharply. “Anyway, it’s hard to explain. We haven’t known you guys a real long time—Jen and Brett the longest. But…”

“But we feel like we’ve known you all our lives.” Vanessa glanced at the floor, seeming lost for any more words.

Brett glanced at Jen, who simply gave him a slight shrug.

“What we’re trying to say,” Vanessa continued, “is that we feel very close to you and would like to pick up where we were before. But we have no interest at this time in playing with other people unless they are part of a party that one of you is hosting. Does that make sense? Is that okay?”

“Of course it’s okay,” Jen said.

Brett watched his wife go over and hug Vanessa tightly. He guessed everyone in the room wanted to do that at that moment.

“You have to do what feels right for you, girl,” Jen said. “You and Carson are always welcome here. You should know that.”

“I know, but…it just seems strange. I know Carl thinks he’s too old for us. But he’s not. And I can’t explain quite how or why we feel so close to you all.”

“Part of it,” Carson said, “is we can’t be completely who we are at work, or at church, or even in our families. With you, we can talk about most anything. You laugh at our jokes. And there’s no place else where we can share our bisexuality.”

Alice cleared her throat. “You’re saying much of what Carl and I have experienced over the years with swinging. It seems odd at first that we should feel so close to some of our playmates. Oh, some are simply fuck buddies, and that’s the way it is. No one expects or wants more than some good sex. Others, though maybe not as many, click in ways that really surprise me. It’s a level of intimacy that’s almost scary. I expect that’s close to what you and Carson are experiencing. With us, you can be who you are.”

“And,” Ryan offered, “you know how important it was to us when I had my heart attack to lean on these friends for support. Sure, we’ve known Jen and Brett most of our lives. But we haven’t known Carl and Alice for all that long.”

“Even though,” Alice said, “it feels like we’ve known each other for ever.”

“So,” Brett interjected, “if you’re saying you enjoy being part of this little collection of playmates, then we’re saying we very much enjoy you being with us. Perhaps before we all start blubbering we ought to move from talk to action. If you’re ready, that is.”

Vanessa flashed him a smile. She pulled her bikini top down and left it down this time. She cupped a breast in each hand. Her nipples jutted forth, engorged and aroused. She glanced up at Jen standing beside her. “Do these girls look ready for play?”

Jen didn’t ignore the invitation. She bent over and kissed one nipple and then the other. Vanessa sighed and wrapped an arm around Jen’s butt. Jen looked up at the group. “She’s ready. I suggest we head to the playroom. This lady makes way too much noise to play out here. The neighbors might call 911.”

Laughing, Vanessa stood and walked over to Carl. “Come on, old man. I want you to be the first to help me with this fire that’s consuming me down here.” She brushed a hand across her bikini bottom to emphasize her point.

Carl didn’t hesitate as Vanessa pulled him up off the couch. He smirked at the others. “Guess some benefits do come with age. Lead the way, young lady. You have my complete attention.”


Jen’s pussy clenched as she watched Carl eat out his much younger companion. Carl had Vanessa in a pretzel, with her knees by her ears as his tongue lapped at her widening labia. Both Carl and Vanessa were obviously aware of putting on a show for their audience.

Vanessa rolled her eyes at the six who were standing around them. “He’s even better than I remembered. I am soaking wet. Give me that bald head, Carl. I want to ride your head.”

Carl ran his nose back and forth across Vanessa’s engorged clit before lifting his head to wink at the assembled crowd. “I always aim to please. My head is for your taking, my lady.”

Chuckling softly, Jen watched Carl rise to his knees and duck down until his bald head nestled against Vanessa’s widening pussy. He eased her legs down, giving her control.

“Go ahead,” he said, “ride my head.”

“I am,” Vanessa called out, rocking her hips back and forth and dragging her pussy across Carl’s bald pate.

“She washing your head, honey,” Alice chirped. “She is so damn wet. I envy you.”

“I envy Vanessa,” Donna said. “I can never get enough of Carl’s bald head. Let me make sure he’s staying hard.” Donna reached under Carl. “Oh yeah. He’s hard enough. He’s as turned on as she is.”

“No doubt,” came Carl’s muffled response from between Vanessa’s thighs. “But you can play with him anyway.”

“I’m coming,” Vanessa squealed. Her hips bucked rapidly.

Carl clearly had to work at keeping his head steady.

“Yes, right there. My clit. Oh my God.”

“There she comes,” Carson said with obvious pride as Vanessa’s juices became visible flowing over Carl’s head. “Better get a towel. Carl’s going to need one.”

“Planned ahead,” Brett said, grabbing a towel off the pool table. “When he comes up for air.”

“Jesus,” Vanessa yelped, pulling away to curl into a ball. Her breathing slowly steadied.

Carl rested back on his haunches and with a huge smile accepted the towel Brett offered. He made a show of wiping Vanessa’s juices from his head and ears.

“Mama mia, that was huge,” Vanessa sighed, still holding her knees to her chest. “Put on a condom and come in from behind. I’m going to squeeze you so tight, old man, you’ll think you’re in a vice. Damn, that was fantastic!

“Let me help you.” Donna popped a condom in her mouth and easily slipped it on Carl’s cock. She squeezed his balls gently. “These boys are ready. Give her what she wants, big guy.”

“I will, or die trying,” Carl grunted. With less finesse than usual, he grabbed Vanessa’s hips and pulled her closer. Seeming to know exactly where to go, his cock found Vanessa’s opening and slid easily in. Carl stilled, as if waiting for a signal.

“Hurry, damn it,” Vanessa yelped, “I’m right on the edge. Make me come.” Vanessa laughed. “If you can.”

Jen thought Carl’s head would explode from the sudden rush of blood. He slammed into his young dark-skinned playmate, pulled out, and slammed into her again.

“Give it to me!” Vanessa’s squeals filled the room. She pulled on her nipples. “Holy shit.” Her body shook in Carl’s arms as he continued pummeling her.

“She gushing,” Carson pointed out, as if nobody else was aware. “Somebody better take care of those juices or she’s going to make a real mess.”

“Not a problem,” Alice said.

Jen chuckled at the speed with which Alice moved to the floor to quickly lie alongside Vanessa, sliding her mouth along Vanessa’s clit and Carl’s cock.

“Don’t stop, either one of you,” Vanessa screamed. “Ever! I’m so coming.” Vanessa flung an arm over Alice’s hip and dragged her closer. “Give me.”

Alice eyelids lowered and raised as Vanessa’s tongue lapped at her pussy.

Carson shook his head at his wife. “Damn, I’ve seen this movie before. Carl can last all night, and Vanessa isn’t going to cry uncle.” He looked around at the others and grabbed his stiff cock. “So are we just going to stand around and watch, or are we going to play, too?”


* * * *


“You serve a fantastic brunch, Jen,” Carl said, the following morning. “And you, Brett make a great Bloody Mary.” He lifted his glass in salute.

“Glad you like it,” Brett said, watching the older man settle back onto the patio lounge chair. “After last night, we figured we all could use some extra nourishment.”

“You mean,” Alice yawned, “last night and this morning. I wasn’t sure Carson and Vanessa were ever going to wind down. They must’ve had a long dry spell from swinging. I think they got around to each of us at least once. I’m still a bit sore. That Carson doesn’t realize this woman’s got a few more miles on her than his wife.”

“He does get rather exuberant,” Jen agreed. “They both do, but they are such fun to have around.”

“I’m not complaining, mind you.”

“Didn’t think you were. You were encouraging Carson to give it to you as hard as he could.”

“Guess I did get caught up in the moment. I’m so glad they were able to join in. And I don’t just mean the sex,” Alice added. “They have so many common interests, and they don’t take themselves too seriously. Very mature, for being so young. I don’t know if I was that mature at that age.”

“Hell, Alice,” Carl said, chuckling, “you were born mature. So I suppose once this drink wears off, we ought to think about making the trek back home. Don’t want to wear out our welcome.”

Jen shook her head and grinned broadly. “I don’t think you could do that. Just think, if you lived nearby, you wouldn’t have so far to drive.”

Carl groaned. “Not that again. Between you and Donna, I don’t know who twists arms hardest.”

“We always have been competitive with each other.”

“I’ve noticed.” Carl smirked. “And I’ve been the direct benefactor of some of that competition. You both give amazing blowjobs. Seriously,” he glanced at Alice, “we’ve thought about it. We’ve talked about it some. No doubt you girls have been working on her, too.”

He crossed his arms and stared out at the pool, then looked back at Jen. “We’ve talked about downsizing. I don’t like the idea.” He grimaced. “But since this damn knee problem, there are lots of things I can’t do to keep the property up. And I don’t want Alice to have to try doing everything. And, it’s not exactly like we have lots of friends where we live.”

“Most of our friends,” Alice pointed out, “are swingers. And they’re scattered about. Seems like we’ve never quite fit in where we live. We’ve never felt comfortable telling our vanilla friends about our lifestyle choices. We don’t want them to think we’re coming on to them, and we expect we’d be shunned by some. Particularly at church.”

“And I know,” Carl said emphatically, “that there are guys who attend that church regularly who are ripping off their employees and their customers as well as the government to get an extra dollar, yet they’d be appalled that we are out having fun with other couples having consensual sex. No harm, no foul.”

“Or, if it does turn sour,” Alice said, “you can just walk away from it. And in lots of cases—like with you guys—it’s much more than fun sex. It’s genuine friendship.”

Brett winked at Jen. “You know, Jen and I were talking about the same thing when we were getting ready for bed. Yes, the sex with you guys—with everyone last night—was fantastic, but there’s more to it than that. Of course, we’ve known Donna and Ryan forever. But we can share who we are with you guys, and it looks like Carson and Vanessa are comfortable with that, too.”

“And,” Jen piped, clearly holding back tears, “I’d like to be able share even more with you two. If you lived closer we could shop together, go to local events, and just hang out.” Jen gave Carl a piercing look. “And if Alice were to need anything, we’d be here to pitch in.”

Carl grimaced but held his tongue.

Alice nodded at her husband. “Or if
needed anything. You know I’m not getting any younger, either.”

Carl flushed and shrugged. “Guess we have more sorting to do.” He nodded at Brett. “You’re right, there can be much more to this swinging adventure. Like Alice was saying last night, some couples are simply fuck buddies. And that can work great if everyone’s on the same page. But then there’s the kind of depth we share with you guys, and certainly also with Donna and Ryan. I don’t know about Vanessa and Carson. They’re young enough to be our grandchildren. But I’m certainly not complaining about the sex with them. And they are a breath of fresh air. So Alice and I will continue to talk and see where things go. In any case, you know we appreciate your concern and your support.” He winked at Jen. “The fantastic sex and the great friendship.”

Jen nodded in mock salute. “Here’s to fantastic sex, a great friendship, and more adventures to share.”




About the Author



Adriana Kraft is the pen name for a husband/wife team writing
Erotic Romance for Two, Three or More.
The award-winning pair has published over thirty erotic romance novels and novellas to outstanding reviews.
Long and Short Reviews
“scorching hot…refreshing...something to read when you want straight up hotness.”
Romance Junkies
“filled with warmth, blazing hot sex, well-developed characters…not for the faint of heart.”
Romantic pairings include straight m/f, lesbian, bisexual, ménage and polyamory, in both contemporary and paranormal settings.






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