Read Foxe Hunt Online

Authors: Haley Walsh

Tags: #Suspense

Foxe Hunt (14 page)

BOOK: Foxe Hunt
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This was ridiculous. He was not going to be afraid to go to his own apartment. He revved up the car, pulled in behind the monster truck, and got out.

Keith was sitting on the bottom step of the stairwell and when Skyler approached he rose.

“Hey, Skyler.”


They stood awkwardly for a moment before Keith punched his hands into his jacket pockets. “Look, that was rude of me leaving like that.”

“And entirely unfair,” added Skyler. He clutched the handle of his satchel.

“I know. I keep getting off on the wrong foot with you. You really drive me crazy.”


“I never met anyone like you, Skyler. You’re so carefree. I’m just not used to it.”

Foxe hunt

“So you just give up at the first shot across the bow?”

“It keeps throwing me, that’s all. But I’ve been driving around, thinking.”

“Just driving around?” Skyler watched his face, searching for any kind of deception. Keith showed none. That was a little disturbing.

“Yeah, just driving around and thinking about you. And you’re right. Your past is your past. It’s not fair judging you by that.”

. I’d appreciate a little give and take here. You’re doing that jealous thing again and it’s not endearing.”

“I know. I’m sorry. But like I said. You drive me crazy.”

Skyler pushed back his long bangs. “That’s not
problem, it’s yours.”

“No. I mean…” Keith moved closer, almost toe to toe. A cloud of the man’s cologne as well as his own underlying musky scent enveloped him. Keith was breathing hard. Skyler’s eyes were level with that wide chest falling and rising. “I mean, you drive me crazy. In a good way.”

“Oh.” His skin tingled when Keith gently raised a hand and stroked his cheek with the tips of his fingers.

“I find it hard to stay away,” he whispered.

I’m just finding it hard
, Skyler thought to himself, jeans tightening uncomfortably.

“Skyler.” Keith’s warm body was suddenly pressed against him. His breath puffed at his ear. “Can I come up?”

Skyler pictured Keith in Mr. Sherman’s office. He wanted to ask but also didn’t want to know. Instead, he looked up into soft blue eyes, dark lashes, heavy black brows. It was a good face, a handsome face, wholly without guile. At least it seemed so.

He stepped away from him and headed toward the stairs. When Keith made no move, he said over his shoulder, “Come on.”

The heavy steps behind him turned him on like nothing else.

He couldn’t say why. Maybe it was because Skyler seemed to have
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some sway over this big man. Maybe it was because he’d never been so attracted to someone.

He conveniently stored away his misgivings and opened his door, and when it closed and he locked it again, arms encircled him and he dropped his satchel where he stood.

They kissed, and while their mouths slid together, Skyler eased his hands underneath Keith’s shirt. The man gave a moan when fingers drew over his taut nipples. Skyler pushed back the jacket and lifted the shirt off, replacing his fingers with his lips.

He dragged his nose across Keith’s torso, inhaling the man’s scent. Cologne, sunshine, grass, and maleness. It was irresistible.

He licked his skin, hands going for Keith’s jeans. His nimble fingers undid the belt buckle, sliding the leather through the metal and letting it hang there. Then he flipped open the button and pulled down the zipper. He used both hands to open and peel it away, letting it slide down those muscular thighs. They fell with a clank to his feet.

Skyler’s fingers dipped into the waistband of his briefs and pulled, looking down in time to watch that erection spring upward. Keith’s cut cock was an awesome example of male flesh.

Upright, the tip wet, with dark pubic hair framing it on either side, it was breathtaking. That plump sac below, rosy and round, begged to be touched.

Keith reached for him and nearly tore Skyler’s shirt away, yanking down his trousers and briefs once the shirt fluttered to the floor. Skyler gasped when Keith grabbed his stiff cock. Only the reddened crown peeked out from those clutching fingers and a bead of precum glistened there. “Skyler,” he breathed, his hand slowly stroking up and down the stiff shaft, “you have an amazing body.”

Skyler groaned. “So do you. I want to suck you.” Keith released him and he dropped to his knees. He nuzzled the dark pubic hair, inhaling the muskiness, and pressed the flat of his tongue at the root of the shaft in front of his face, drawing his tongue upward in a languorous sweep. Keith moaned and ran his fingers through Skyler’s hair.

Foxe hunt

Skyler moaned at the taste of him, tongue licking its way up his straining cock. His lips nibbled gently at the ridge of the reddened head before he took the whole thing in his mouth and sucked it hard while one hand squeezed the shaft. Keith gasped above him, muttering “Fuck, fuck,” all the while Skyler sucked and lashed that cock with his tongue, moving his head up and down. He drew back and sucked at the tip, lapping the dripping moisture bubbling up and moaning at the taste. He grasped his own dick with his other hand and slid his fingers up and down his hard flesh.

Suddenly, Keith grasped his face and pulled him off. “No. I don’t want to come this way. I want to fuck you. Come inside you.” He was still holding Skyler’s face, looking for confirmation.

Skyler panted, nodding.

He got to his feet and pulled Keith to the bedroom. He let go of his hand and clambered up the bed to lie on his back, propped against his pillows. Opening his legs he ran his hands over his nipples enticingly. “Want this, Keith?” He opened his legs wider and bent his knees upward, exposing himself.

Keith grabbed a condom from the basket, tore the packet open with trembling fingers, and quickly sheathed his dick. He got on the bed on his knees, holding his cock in his fist. He was breathing through his mouth and staring at Skyler’s hole. “Yes,”

he rasped. He grabbed Skyler’s legs and shoved his knees up to his ears. A pump of lube from the container by the bed and the gooey stuff was swathed over his entrance. Keith kissed him once before he guided his cock to Skyler’s rim, running the tip in circles over the puckered skin, and suddenly shoved it in.

No foreplay for Mr. Fletcher!
And then he forgot to think.

Because Keith’s thick cock was gliding inward with a hot burn, filling every inch of him. He breathed, easing the path. It felt incredibly full and unspeakably sensual. Keith twisted his hips while he literally screwed forward, touching all the nooks inside Skyler, including the one that mattered the most. And then he was thrusting in and out, and Skyler, his limbs pinned helplessly up by his head, was unable to wrap them around him. He rocked
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his hips, stabbing them forward to take in as much of Keith as he could.

“You’re so goddammed tight,” Keith grunted above him. His face was screwed up as he rammed into him with all his might.

“God!” He repositioned and shoved upward, catching Skyler’s prostate with each hard thrust. And just as he did so, he grabbed Skyler’s rock hard dick and pumped it.

Skyler wasn’t going to last. He was going to unload all over Keith and he so wanted to. He felt the pressure building in his balls, felt that anguished, weightless moment and then Keith pounded into him and jerked him and Skyler had time for one gasp before the world went white and he shot long ropes of cum over Keith’s chest and thighs.

Keith stiffened and grunted out his orgasm, and then the two of them were rocking with hips thrusting in the last throes.

Skyler slowly floated back down. Keith relaxed enough for Skyler to wrap his legs around the man’s waist at last. He pulled him forward and Keith braced himself just above him, rubbing Skyler’s cum onto their chests with his body. They embraced and kissed languidly. The air was filled with the acrid smell of spunk and Skyler inhaled, loving it.
God, I am such a man-whore

He raised his chin as fingers gently caressed his face. He reached up and ran his hands over Keith’s stubbled cheeks and jaw. He kissed and gnawed on that chin until Keith sighed, his hands stroking down Skyler’s flanks.

There was no time to remember secret trips to Mr. Sherman’s office, no room for thoughts on strange goings on. There was only a hard, warm body pressed to his, sweat cooling on his skin, and moist lips mouthing his ear. He fell asleep that way, without wondering about tomorrow.

§ § §

But tomorrow intruded with the discordant buzzing of his alarm clock and an unusual weight of a masculine presence draped over him.

Foxe hunt

Last night—all of last night—came into sharp focus and Skyler shot up in bed, knocking Keith off of him.

“And good morning to you,” grumbled Keith. He lifted a pillow-dented face and squinted at Skyler. Bright morning light streamed in from the window. Skyler hadn’t had time last night to shut the blinds.

“Uh…good morning. We’d better get going if we aren’t going to be late.”

“Mind if I shower first? I have to swing by my place and pick up my gym bag.”

“Okay, go ahead. I’ll make coffee. Black, two sugars, right?”

Keith grinned and grabbed Skyler before he could get away.

He planted his mouth on Skyler’s, making a smacking sound when he released him. “You’re sweet. I wish we had time this morning.” He waggled his brows and squeezed Skyler’s bare butt before moving off toward the shower, stumbling once over Skyler’s jeans.

Slipping into his sweats, Skyler stood in the kitchen and watched his coffee maker brewing. Now was the time to bring up the fact that he saw Keith in the principal’s office last night. As soon as he came out of the shower.

He kept glancing toward his bedroom door, expecting Keith to pop out of there at any moment. When he finally did, Skyler was still startled even though he expected it.

“Shower’s free,” Keith said merrily. He took the cup Skyler offered and inhaled. “You make the best coffee. I’ll have to stop by your friend Phil’s place and pick some up.”

“If you want to stay friends with him you will never
call him Phil.”

“Oh? Then Philip it is.” He drank a moment, eyeing Skyler over his mug. He leaned against the kitchen counter and looked up sheepishly. “Thanks for giving me another chance. I want this to go somewhere, you know? I know it’s different for you, this one man kind of thing. But I promise to make it worth your
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Skyler stared into his own coffee mug, inhaling the dark aromas and watching the kitchen lights’ reflections dance on the murky surface. “That does sound promising.”

Keith didn’t say anything more and when Skyler looked up, the man wore an amused grin. “I like your just-rolled-out-of-bed look. You’re pretty scrumptious. Especially the hair.”

Skyler’s hand flew to his hair to smooth it down.

“Skyler, shouldn’t you be hopping into the shower? You’ll be late.”

Ask him, ask him. “O-okay.”

“I gotta go. Thanks for the coffee. I’ll see you at school.”

“Keith, I have to ask…mpf.” Scooped up again and smacked with a coffee and toothpaste-flavored kiss. Keith sucked on Skyler’s lips and Skyler opened his mouth and gnawed back, tongues teasing each other. Keith released him and, dazed, Skyler fell back, holding on to the counter.

“Mmm mmm, Mr. Foxe.” He winked and turned toward the door.

Ask him, ask him, ask him…too late.


chAPteR ten

Skyler pulled into the parking lot and only then remembered that he hadn’t graded his first period tests. Boy, Keith was distracting! He slammed the car door and glanced across the parking lot, looking for Keith’s truck, and spotted a van parked across the street. It was a white van with a logo of a large flower and the words “Redlands Orchid Farm” scrawled across the side.

Why did that name sound familiar?

He shook it off and headed in, hurrying up the stairs. He’d have to skip the teacher’s lounge so he could at least get started on grading those tests.

He’d gotten a third of them done when the bell rang for class and students started trickling in.

The first part of the day went as expected. There was another email from Mr. Sherman about the Sophomore Winter Formal, reminding Skyler that he was to be a chaperone.

When the lunch bell rang Skyler headed for the cafeteria. The air was cooler today and though the outside tables beckoned it was too windy to eat and read. So he entered the cafeteria and the cacophony of disparate voices overwhelmed him for a moment as it always did, and then the aromas of chili, salty soups, and floor cleaner blended to an unappetizing bombardment. He looked over the special and opted for a tuna sandwich. He added an orange and a milk to his tray, paid, and then headed to the teacher’s lunch room.

When he walked in, he immediately spotted Keith. He was sitting with Ed Fallows, Mac Simpson, and one of the other coaches Skyler didn’t know, devouring a sloppy joe. His tray was piled with carbs and Skyler could only blink at the sheer volume of it. Keith’s eyes flicked up and caught Skyler’s gaze. He made no acknowledgement except for a chin raise. Skyler returned it with an awkward smile.

When was he going to ask Keith about the computer thing?

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Not now, apparently
, he told himself. When he looked up he was hailed over to a table by Kate Traeger, the girls’ volleyball coach.

Threading his way over he set down his tray. “Good afternoon, ladies.” Besides Kate, Pauline Hingle, one of the office assistants, looked up, and beside her was the calculus substitute, Tricia Hornbeck. She had come in on temporary assignment, replacing the hospital-bound Julia Meyers.

Tall and red-haired, Tricia seemed a little shy to Skyler. She wore reading glasses that she tended to hide behind. They were currently hanging from a colorful beaded chain around her neck.

BOOK: Foxe Hunt
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