Frantic (8 page)

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Authors: Jerry B. Jenkins

Tags: #ebook

BOOK: Frantic
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“You have a gift,” Pete said. “The way you explained the Bible to Carl was incredible. You could do that for others.”

Mark and Conrad ran into the room. “We just hooked up with Tsion Ben-Judah,” Conrad said. “As soon as we get our Web site up, he'll link his site with ours.”

“Fantastic,” Darrion said.

Vicki pulled Mark aside. “Why were you two arguing?”

“We had a little disagreement about what to call it and what the icon should look like,” Mark said. “We'll work it out.”

Pete explained his idea to Mark and Conrad. “If Vicki and one or two others come along, you could really encourage some believers.”

“What if they're underground?” Mark said.

“That's where Carl comes in,” Pete said. “We let the GC ferret out the believers and before they can arrest them, we tip the believers off and give some teaching.”

“Won't the GC figure out there's somebody working on the inside?” Conrad said.

“Maybe,” Pete said. “Carl will have to be careful.”

Vicki chewed on the idea. “How would we buy food or supplies while we're on the road?” Vicki said.

Pete handed her a heavy envelope. “Almost forgot. Z told me to give you this.”

Vicki opened it and stared at a stack of bills. She didn't have to count it to know there was enough to last several trips.

“Z said it came from the sale of those coins,” Pete said. “He was real happy to pass this on to you. The money from the treasure you guys discovered will probably help believers for years.”

Pete paused. “So what do you say, Vicki? Will you go?”

Judd figured the best route to the hospital for the following day. Lionel and Sam researched locust stings. Using household items they came up with a mixture to put on that looked just like a real sting.

Jamal asked Judd about the plan. Judd explained Sam's concern for his father but didn't mention Deputy Commander Woodruff.

“I'm behind you,” Jamal said. “If you need a vehicle, you can use mine.”

Nada stayed to herself. Judd had seen her at meals, but they hadn't talked. Judd knew they needed to talk, but now wasn't the time.

Early in the morning, before they left, Judd found an e-mail from Vicki. She brought him up to date on all the changes at the schoolhouse. She asked about Mr. Stein. Then Vicki asked Judd about Pete's proposed trip. Judd's first reaction was to tell Vicki to play it safe. She was finally in a place where the GC couldn't find her.

Instead, Judd put himself in Vicki's shoes. What would he do in the same situation? Judd selected Vicki's last sentence and hit the reply button.

I really value your opinion about this

Love, Vicki


I only have one thing to say about the trip. Go for it! I wish I were there to go with you. Sounds like God has prepared you to help the people you'll meet

Lionel and I will try to get back soon. Whenever that is, know that we're praying for you and wish you the very best. Be as careful as you can about the GC and as bold as you can about the gospel



By the time Vicki received Judd's e-mail, she was completing her teaching with Carl. He had soaked up the basics of the faith and prophecy the first two days. During the third segment, Vicki brought in several others and had them tell their stories. Shelly, Mark, Conrad, and Lenore told of their experiences. Each story showed a different aspect of sharing your faith.

When Darrion stood, a hush fell over the room. “My story's a lot like yours,” she said to Carl. “I had someone who was willing to put his life on the line for me.

“Ryan Daley was in the wrong place and got caught by some guys who wanted to hurt my dad. But Ryan told me the truth. I didn't want to hear it. I even told him to shut up a couple of times. But he showed what it means to be a true believer. He risked me being mad at him and those other guys trying to kill him just to give me the message.”

Vicki looked through tears around the room. All the kids who knew Ryan were crying. The others were silent.

“How did he finally get through to you?” Carl said.

“I thought God was a force in the universe,” Darrion said. “I'd meditate and try to work myself into a spiritual state. That was empty. Ryan said God was a person, and when he prayed, he prayed to somebody who cares. That's part of what turned me around and got me thinking that Ryan was right.”

“Where's Ryan now?” Carl asked.

Vicki cleared her throat. “The earthquake. He was caught inside a house. He died at a hospital, and we buried him near the church where we first heard the truth.”

“Sounds like a brave guy,” Carl said. “Was he older than you?”

Vicki bit her lip. “He was the youngest of us. But in some ways, he was a lot older.”

Phoenix came to Vicki and nuzzled her hand, almost as if he understood they were talking about his friend.

Judd drove Lionel and Sam to the GC hospital where Mr. Goldberg was being treated. Lionel spoke quietly to Judd. “What about Woodruff? Have you thought more about taking revenge?”

Judd nodded. “I've thought it over. I was wrong to think about taking the guy out. I won't try anything up there.”

“Good,” Lionel said. He turned to Sam. “How are we going to get clearance to go into your father's room?”

“I have a card that says I'm a family member of a GC employee,” Sam said. “If that doesn't work, we'll sneak up.”

Judd parked in front of the hospital, and the kids put on their act. They moaned and writhed in pain like others who had been stung. GC guards in protective masks and bulky gear guarded the entrance.

“One of us should wait with the car in case we need to make a getaway,” Judd said.

“We'll draw straws,” Lionel said, tearing two strips of paper. “Shortest goes inside.”

Judd drew the shortest. Lionel grabbed him and whispered, “Any trouble and you're out of there.”

Judd and Sam limped toward the entrance. The Global Community had wired an electric shield that zapped any locusts that tried to enter. When Sam spoke with the first guard, Judd couldn't hear the man's muffled response.

“Say again?” Sam said, moaning a little.

“Visitors go to the side entrance,” the guard yelled.

The side entrance was a series of doors the GC had rigged to keep the locusts out. Sam and Judd slipped through easily and approached the front desk. A man lifted his visor to look at Sam's ID. He waved Sam through and Judd followed.

“Just a minute,” the guard said to Judd. “Who are you?”

“He's my brother,” Sam said. “Doesn't have an ID card with him.”

The guard waved them on, and Sam pressed the elevator button for the third floor.

“Pretty smooth,” Judd said.

“I didn't lie,” Sam said. “You're my brother in Christ, and you don't have a GC ID card with you.”

The elevator dinged on the third floor.

“Follow me,” Sam said, “and act like you know where you're going.”

Judd put his head down and walked briskly behind Sam. He glanced at the nurses' station, but they all seemed busy with charts or monitors.

“Three more rooms and we're there,” Sam whispered.

“Stop!” someone shouted behind them.

Judd froze. Sam turned and meekly said, “I'm here to see—”

“This is a restricted area,” the nurse said. She walked quickly toward them.

Judd stared straight ahead. Sam handed his ID to the woman and said, “It's my father. He's in that room down there. Please let me see him.”

“If you two were stung, how are you walking?” the nurse said.

Judd let out a moan and grabbed his neck.

“They were light stings, ma'am,” Sam said. “Tiny locusts.”

The nurse lowered her voice. “You don't fool me. I know who you are. I see the mark on your forehead.”

Judd turned as the nurse pushed up her hat and revealed the mark of the true believer. He sighed.

“I don't know what you're doing here,” she said, “but I'd suggest you turn around and get out as quickly as you can. Who are you here to see?”

Sam told her. The nurse shook her head. “This floor is filled with top brass from the GC. Do what you have to and leave. If you get in trouble, I won't be much help.”

Sam nodded and limped down the hallway. Judd followed him into his father's room. The shades were drawn. A curtain surrounded the first bed. Inside, someone moaned in pain.

Judd walked to the head of Mr. Goldberg's bed and stayed in the shadows as Sam approached. Sam took a cool cloth and placed it on the man's forehead. Mr. Goldberg opened his mouth and groaned in agony.

“I bring you greetings from someone who loves you,” Sam whispered.

Mr. Goldberg panted. He opened bloodshot eyes and struggled to see. “Who . . . are you?”

Sam knelt by the bed, clearly in anguish. “I'm so sorry this happened, Father.”

“Samuel,” Mr. Goldberg gasped. He sat up a little and took Sam's face in his hands.

“How do you feel?” Sam said.

He laid his head on the pillow. “They've given me so much morphine I can hardly believe I'm awake. But it doesn't do a thing for the pain.” Mr. Goldberg looked at Sam's neck. “They got you?”

Sam hesitated. “No. I put this on to make people think I had been stung. Father, God has spared those who believe in him from this plague.”

“You're lying,” Mr. Goldberg moaned.

Sam peeled the fake sting from his neck and rubbed away the red coloring. “See? I'm not hurt. I'm telling the truth.”

“You chose to leave,” Mr. Goldberg said. “Let me die.”

“You won't die. This pain will continue for five months, and you'll want to die, but you won't be able to.”

“And that is evidence of the love of God?”

Sam drew closer. “Why can't you see I'm telling the truth? Ask God to forgive you.”

“I'm already in such pain,” Mr. Goldberg choked. “Why must you make it worse?”

“The Bible says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

“And doing that will take the pain away?”

“No, but it will bring you into God's family and bring us back together.”

Mr. Goldberg grabbed Sam's shirt and pulled him close. There was foam at the corners of his mouth and he spit as he talked. “You are one of
now. The next time I see you, I will have you arrested.”

Sam's lip quivered. “I pray for you every day, Father.”

“Get out!” Mr. Goldberg yelled.

Someone grabbed the curtain around the other bed and flung it open. Deputy Commander Woodruff glared at Sam, then glanced at Judd. “You!” he muttered.

Judd kept his back to the wall and slid toward the door. Woodruff reached for something and knocked a metal tray to the floor. He hit a red button, and Judd heard an alarm at the nurses' station.

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