French Twist (12 page)

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Authors: Glynis Astie

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: French Twist
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I must have appeared
annoyed because he finally stopped laughing.  “
Mon coeur
, I KNOW you.  You have to stop getting hung up on this sense of time; that it takes a certain amount of time to understand someone, to create a bond with this person.  I have known some people for years and I have never felt close to them.  But you!  I fell in love with you the first night I met you.”

I momentarily forgot how to breathe.  He loves me?

“Sydney!  Breathe!”  He examined me carefully.

“I...I’m at a loss for words.”  I stared weakly back at him.

“I will do the talking then.  If you are not ready to move in with me now, then it is fine.  I do not want to rush you.  I was so caught up in how I feel about you, I wanted to move our relationship forward.  The last thing I wanted to do was scare you.”  He took my hand and stroked it tenderly.

I gazed into those beautiful blue eyes I had come to know so well.  “I’m in love with you too.”  What?!?  Where the hell did
come from???  Though even as I had this minor freak-out, I knew these words were true.

Louis leaned over and kissed me softly on the lips.  “This is certainly something to celebrate.”  He called our waiter over to the table and ordered a bottle of champagne.

I stared at him in disbelief.  “I thought you didn’t like champagne...well, anything which comes from a vineyard.”

He smiled mischievously at me.  “You have to have celebration toasts with champagne.”  He paused and frowned at the menu.  “Even if it is technically sparkling wine from California.”

Now it was my turn to throw my head back and laugh.  I mean, really LAUGH.  I was in full on embarrassing cackle mode in public and I didn’t care one bit.  I had started out the evening completely freaked out about the status of my relationship with Louis and was finishing it completely sure of the fact that I was in love with him.  He had gotten to know me better in five weeks than other men had in years.  He accepted me for who I was and helped me to appreciate my best qualities.  Sure, neither one of us were perfect, but we were more than good enough for each other.  The thought finally occurred to me:  I didn’t give a crap what was wrong with either one of us.  We were in this together and we were going to make it work.









Chapter Sixteen



The next week was a whirlwind of activities with Louis.  He was able to move into his new apartment three days after he agreed to take it, but had very little to put in it.  So we spent the week shopping for everything he would need to have a comfortable, yet functional, apartment.  I was there to make sure it also looked nice.  At least to me. Louis had his own sense of aesthetics and it was very...spartan. I planned to spend a lot of my time there and I didn’t want to feel like I was in an institution.

My packed schedule annoyed Kate to no end.  She called me at work on Thursday to give me a hard time about being so busy.

“Sydney Bennett, how may I help you?”

“You may tell me when I’m going to see my sister again.”

“Kate!  I’ve missed you.”  I really did.  We usually saw each other every couple of days.  It was a foreign feeling to have four Kate free days.

“Well, whose fault is that?” 

“I know, I’m sorry. It’s been a weird few days.”  I yawned.

She laughed.  “Not getting much sleep?”

“Not really.  We’ve been spending our evenings in furniture, housewares and electronic stores. Louis is rather particular about his choice of television.”

“Boys and their toys.  They think we spend too much time shopping for clothes, so it all evens out.”  She cleared her throat.  “Mom and Dad have been asking about you.  When’s the last time you called them?”

I put my hand to my forehead and closed my eyes.  “I actually can’t remember.  I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.”

“I bet you are.  Being in love and all...” She giggled.  Of course I had found time to call her on Sunday night to tell her the big news.  Kate and I had been waiting for a man as wonderful as Louis to come into my life for a very, very long time.  She had to know we were in love as soon as I could possibly tell her.

I smiled.  “I’m so
happy.  It doesn’t feel real. I feel like at any moment it’ll all be taken away.”

“You’ll get used to it; just give yourself some time.  And please,
do me a favor and call Mom and Dad.  Otherwise they’ll keep calling me and asking if you’re alright.”

“I’m sorry!  I’ll call Mom today.”

“You’d better,
mon coeur
!”  She laughed.

“Ha, ha!  I have to run, crazy girl. Give Nick a hug for me.  I promise we’ll get together soon.”

“We hope so. Say hello to Louis for us.”

After lunch, I decided I had better call my mom before she drove Kate insane.

She picked up on the second ring.

“Sydney Bennett, where have you been?”

I chuckled.  “I see you finally got caller ID.”

“That’s right.  Your brother is helping us keep up with technology.”  She laughed.  “Your father needs all the help he can get.”

I giggled.  “You’d better not let him hear you say that.”

“No kidding!  Enough about your dad.  How are you, Syd?  How is the wonderful Louis?”

“Ah!  I see you’ve spoken with Kate.”

“You bet.  Kate and Nick gave us a nice rundown.”

“You act like you haven’t heard anything about him before!  Don’t you trust my account of him?”

“We all tend to wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to the people we’re involved with.  Your father and I only wanted to hear the opinion of someone who wasn’t, um, intimately involved with Louis.”

“Nice, Mom.”  I shuddered.  “Do you feel better now?”

“Somewhat.  I’ll feel a lot better when I’ve had the chance to meet him myself.”

Panic settled firmly in my heart.  “I’m afraid you’ll have to be patient.  Unless you have a spontaneous trip to the west coast planned.”  Crap!  I shouldn’t have said that.

She sighed.  “I’d love to come visit, but the store is simply too busy right now.  Are you still coming home for Thanksgiving?”

“I was thinking about it.”  I hadn’t spoken with Louis about his plans yet, but I didn’t want to leave him alone for a few days after he picked up his entire life and moved here for me.

“Well, I was thinking...”  I didn’t like where this was going.  “Maybe you could bring Louis with you.”  Aaaah!

I paused to think about how to phrase my answer.

“Syd?”  My mom sounded worried.

“Sorry, mom.  I was just thinking.  I...don’t know if I’m ready for you to meet him yet.  Louis is wonderful, but things have been moving so fast and meeting my parents is a
big deal.”

“He met your sister, didn’t he?”  It was obvious she felt insulted.

“That is nowhere near as big a deal as FLYING TO NEW YORK AND MEETING MY PARENTS.”  I exhaled.  “Plus, Dad’s a total loose cannon!  He could easily cause trouble. Or at least embarrass me to death.”

“Come on, Syd.  Don’t you think you’re being a
overly dramatic?”  Takes one to know one, Mom.

“I’m sorry.” I cleared my throat.  “I’ve been, um, stressed lately.  Louis...well, he asked me to move in with him.”

My mom gasped.  “Already?  Aren’t things moving a little quickly?”

“Hence my stress.  I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I don’t want to blow it.”

I could tell my mom was choosing her words carefully.  “What do you plan to do?”

“I already told him I’m not ready and he’s fine with it, but it’s left me a little shaky.” I sighed.  “He seems so sure of everything.”

“And you’re not?”

“Yes and no.  I’m in love with him.  I’m sure of that.  I’m just still having trouble trusting…well, believing it’s all real.”

“Has anything happened to worry you?”

“Of course not.  It has nothing to do with Louis.”  I exhaled slowly.  “It’s all me and my buttload of crazy.”

“Stop saying such things!  You’re not crazy; you’ve just had a few bad experiences.  Give yourself some time to get used to this.”

“I’m trying, Mom.  So, I think we can agree that meeting my parents right now is too much.”

“Fine.  I understand your concerns.  I won’t pressure you.”  Her disappointment was clear.

I felt relieved.  “Thanks, Mom.  I greatly appreciate your understanding. I’m sorry to say I must get back to work.  I love you.”

“You’re not off the hook yet, Syd.  Your father wants to speak with you too.”

Uh oh.  This sounded ominous...

“Duck!  Why has it been so hard to find you lately?”

“Hey, Dad.  I’ve been helping Louis get his apartment set up.”

“How is Linus?”  I knew he was using the wrong name on purpose.  He loved nothing more than pushing my buttons.

is fine, Dad.  He’s adjusting to life in California.”

“And how are
adjusting to life with Linus?”

I laughed.  “Enough, old man.  I’m quite happy, Dad.  Didn’t you get enough info from Kate?”

“Your sister was helpful, but the only one who can properly evaluate this guy is me.  So when are you bringing him home?”  He waited expectantly.

“As I just told Mom, I’m
ready yet.  Maybe we can come in the spring?”

“Not soon enough, Duck.  I’m afraid I’ll have to put your mother on a plane and come out there to meet this Frenchie.”

Was he kidding?  “Dad!  Please tell me you’re kidding.”

“Not kidding.  You’ve never behaved like this with any of your other boyfriends.  I need to go over a few things with him.”

I put my head in my hands.  “Dad,
don’t mess with me right now.  I’m ridiculously tired and may actually lose my mind.”

He laughed.  “Chin up, Duck.  I’ll give you another month to plan a visit. Then we’ll discuss this further...”

I realized it would never matter how old I was, my dad would
try to keep me from getting hurt.  He was only worried about his little girl.  “OK, I’ll think about it.  I love you, Dad.  I have to go back to work.”

“I love you too, Duck.  Make sure you call more often.”

“I will.  I promise.  Bye, Dad!



Before I knew it, it was Friday.  I was very thankful for this because I craved sleep in a big way.  Between shopping, unpacking, setting up furniture and spending, um, quality time with Louis, I hadn’t slept much.  I had to say his apartment was
– thanks in no small part to me. I was rather pleased Louis had finally compromised and allowed me to contribute a bit of my taste to his apartment. Otherwise it would have been completely...albino.

All the furniture was light wood and the couches were cream colored as were all the linens.  (I did mention his penchant for the monochromatic, right?)  After a little prodding, I was allowed to hang a few photos and paintings and to add a few splashes of color - a vase here, a throw pillow there.  The apartment was a perfect blending of our styles and had been a good test of our ability to work together.

After we put the last piece of furniture together, we ordered pizza and gleefully ate it at Louis’ new dining room table.  After my third piece, I thought I was going to keel over.

Louis grinned.  “You were hungry,
mon coeur
.  I have never seen you eat like that!” 

I stood up and patted my stomach.  “It’s one of the many things I’ve been hiding from you.”  I giggled.  “Are you scared?”

He pulled me into his lap and laughed.  “Completely terrified.”

I reached up and kissed him. “I’ll try to tone it down.”

He started to run his hands down my back.  “I think you might feel a little better if you took your pants off.”

I kissed him again.  “You think so?”  I whispered in his ear, “How would this help me?”

His hands wandered further down and ran over my behind.  “You will feel much less restricted.”

I bit my lip. “Maybe you can help me with this...restriction.”

He stood up quickly and carried me into the bedroom.  As he laid me down on the bed, my heart began to race.  He slowly removed my pants, kissed his way down my legs and drove me wild with desire.

“I don’t think you will be needing your shirt either.”  He held me in his smoldering gaze as he unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it off.

“Really?” I rasped.  “And why do you need your clothes?”

“I would feel much better without them, but you have very rudely not offered to remove them for me.”

I knelt on the bed.  “Let me remedy that for you.”  I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, kissing my way from his neck to his navel.

“Sydney, the things you do to me.”  He pulled me down on top of him and kissed me until I felt it in my toes.  It was so easy to get lost in him and I enjoyed every moment of the voyage.

Much later that evening, we were lying in bed talking.  I was blissfully wrapped around Louis, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

“What do you feel like doing this weekend?”  Louis asked me as he twirled a few strands of my hair around his finger.

I yawned.  “I don’t know.  Something relaxing.  This week was rough.”

“I saw a great sale online for tickets to Vegas.”

I propped myself up on my elbow so I could look at him. “Vegas?  I didn’t know you were into gambling.”

He shook his head.  “I am not.  It seems like it would be fun.”

“Don’t even try to tell me you want to go see the shows.”  He grimaced and stuck out his tongue at me, making me laugh heartily.  “So, I guess you want to lounge by the pool and be pampered after such a hard week?”

He studied me.  “The pool sounds nice, but I was thinking we could get married.”

I rolled my eyes.  “You have a very interesting sense of humor.”

He narrowed his eyes.  “I am not joking.”

My heart stopped.  After the week we had,
is what happens next?

“ are serious?”


My mind was reeling.  What happened to not rushing me?  What happened to waiting for me to be comfortable?  It had only been six weeks since I had met him.  What???  Then a thought occurred to me.

“Are you going to ask me a question?”

He stared into my eyes.  “I am not sure I want to ask you because you will probably say no.”

I literally had no idea what to say.

Louis pulled me to his chest.  “Relax,
mon coeur
.  Forget I said anything.  I got caught up in the moment.  Again.  You are exhausted.  Let us go to sleep.”  He kissed me lightly on the lips and closed his eyes.

Like I was going to sleep after the most insane discussion
!  My mind wouldn’t stop spinning.  Was he kidding?  Did he think this was a good joke?  Was he just messing with me?  Was he really an asshole?  Had I been completely taken in?  What the hell was going on?

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