
Read Frisk Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Romance, Science Fiction

BOOK: Frisk
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Table of Contents

Title Page

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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Author’s Note

About the Author

An Enforcer turned Peacekeeper, Lera has to deal with the shift to Guardian Liaison and lover.

Lera has been through a few jobs since she left Terra. First, she was in training, then an Enforcer on alien worlds and now she is part of the Peacekeeper-Enforcer exchange program, dealing with the daily drudgery of being a beat cop in her small sector of a strange city.

When she comes to the attention of a Guardian, she knows that he is the one she has been waiting for. The quandary comes when she has to decide exactly how much of his destiny she is willing to reveal.

Lance uses his skill to create weapons from metal and disable his enemies. The small Terran captures his senses, but what can he do to get her within his grasp and keep her there?

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2013 Viola Grace

ISBN: 978-1-77111-593-3

Cover art by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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A Terran Times Tale


Viola Grace

Chapter One

Lera Douglas shifted in her riot armour. The Nyal Imperium had their Peacekeepers in heavy plates when they wandered into a fight, and as a member of the Nyal-Alliance Peacekeeper-Enforcer exchange program, she had to abide by the rules of her new unit.

“Private Lera, what are we looking at?” Captain Drular asked her quietly. Their unit was facing the prisoners who had crashed their shuttle perilously close to the city of Feural.

“Nine handheld blasters, twelve knives tucked into boots, a Delclaron with venom coming out of his claws.” She looked across the approaching field of escapees. “That is all I can see unless I can get closer.”

A new voice came through her com. “Thanks for that, Peacekeeper. We can take it from here.”

A skimmer roared overhead, and the Guardians of Jennila dropped into fight formation in front of the ten Peacekeepers. With a rush, Lance, Coma and Shatter wrapped up the incoming wave of violent prisoners.

Lera flexed her hands and grimaced. On Jennila, it seemed that Peacekeepers were only allowed to handle the bar fights and parade routes. Everything else was left to the Guardians.

Once the prisoners were wrapped up, the Guardians beckoned the Peacekeepers forward. “A little help with the restraints, please.”

“Well, Peacekeepers, at least we have something to do.” Captain Drular beckoned them forward, and they stomped out with the cuffs and bindings that would be needed to prepare the escapees for transport back to the prison world they had just left.

Lera set out with the rest of her unit, and they flipped the unconscious bodies over and cuffed their hands behind their backs. Lera went the extra mile and used her talent to frisk each and every prisoner before they woke. She pulled out wires, knives, a packet of acid and bone spikes in the first three prisoners she examined.

Looking down at them, she saw their weapons glowing hot. It was something she had always been able to do, and it was the skill that had propelled her into the Volunteers. Now, the psychic frisking was giving her a new set of aliens to search, and she had to admit that her strange talent was enabling her to meet new kinds of people and travel much more than she ever imagined.

The Guardian, Lance, came up to her. “What are you doing?”

“I am removing all hidden weaponry so that they can’t pick the locks or stab their pilot on the way home.”


“I am looking for it.” She paused and looked up at him through the faceplate of her uniform. He appeared to be made of ivory and the palest gold.

She continued her work, ignoring the shiver that ran through her body at his lithe and athletic appearance. Half of her attraction was pheromones, the other half was the breadth of his shoulders. He was exceedingly handsome, but then, his people usually were.

He followed her, watching closely as she extracted a vast variety of weapons.

He cleared his throat. “We are having a recruitment drive in Feural tomorrow. You should come and try out.”

She snorted. “I am sorry. Tomorrow is my day off. I am not allowed to try out for anything strenuous.”

She finished and chucked the last weapon into a pouch that she handed to her captain. “They are as clean as I can make them, Captain.”

Lance was persistent. “Captain, I think your private here has what it takes to become a Guardian. You should insist that she attend the recruitment.”

“Her private time is not mine to control, Guardian. We were lucky enough to get her here.” Captain Drular was calm. He was always calm, it was his species’ characteristic.

“Where is she from?”

Lera blinked. They were talking about her as if she wasn’t even there. Shrugging, she helped arrange the prisoners for pickup.

Once the situation was under control, she was assigned to stand watch while the pursuit ship made its way to their location.

She ignored the Guardians and their curious looks as she watched the prisoners for any sign of a weapon she had missed.

The Guardians and half the Peacekeepers left, and it was four hours before the pickup ship arrived.

The pilot of the ship was cybernetically enhanced but obviously a Terran. Lera gripped her hand. “Hello, cousin.”

The woman winked. “Hello, cousin. Peacekeeper?”

Lera laughed. “Exchange program with the Enforcers. You?”

“Surgery to repair some genetic damage. The Alliance wouldn’t do it, but the Nyal Imperium would, so they made the arrangements, and here I am. Tobitha Morris.”

“Lera Douglas. Pleased to meet you.”

They weren’t able to continue chatting. The prisoners were loaded on board, and Tobitha waved farewell. “Sorry, duty calls. This is my sector, so if you want to go for caf next time I am in the area, I could call you.”

Lera grinned. “I would like that. Peacekeeper Outpost Feural. Ask for Frisk.”

They hugged quickly. “See you then, Frisk. Call me Gadget.”

“Bye, Gadget.”

The last of the groggy prisoners was locked in the transport, and Gadget was on her way.

Lera marched away with the rest of her unit and watched as the ship flew off. It was a high-tech restraint transport. Gadget’s implants let her control every motor and mechanism on the ship. The prisoners were locked in place by their own susceptibility to magnetic fields. Lera had seen the setup before, but in that case, the transporter was a Nyal male, not a Terran woman.

Private Toimar walked with her on the long trek back to the city, his long legs creating a challenge for her to keep up. “So, are you going to go to the recruitment tomorrow?”

Lera grinned under her helmet. “I might, but as an observer, not as a participant. It might be fun to watch.”

Lieutenant Hormik chuckled. “Would you care to meet for dinner, Private? You can regale me with tales of your home.”

Lera grinned at the gender-neutral lieutenant. “That sounds nice. I am going to hit the groomers in the morning, so I should be presentable by the evening.”

Hormik shook its head. “I look forward to seeing it, and I hope your groomer is up for the challenge.”

Lera wanted to smack her current commanding officer, but instead, she sighed. “I hope you are right.”

She chuckled to herself as they made their way back to the barracks. “Enjoy your paperwork, Lieutenant Hormik. Ping me and tell me where you want to meet.”

“Will do.”

Private Toimar elbowed her. “May I come too? I am interested in seeing your magnificence.”

Lieutenant Hormik shook its head. “No, she does not need to be written up for fraternization. She has seniority on you and having her returned to the Alliance is not in the cards for me, so I will meet her alone.”

Lera laughed. Hormik loved to act as chaperone. It had no urge to see her returned to the Alliance, and they had a strange sort of relationship. One day, Hormik would have to choose a gender, and it was gathering all the information it could from Lera on what it meant to be a woman in the Peacekeepers.

Back in the barracks, Lera stood in front of her wide locker and stripped off her armour, one piece at a time. Her helmet went back on its stand, her body armour hung on a rack and her weapon was deactivated and locked in the case at the base.

With only her city suit on, she grabbed her baton and headed back to her beat. It was time to check in with the citizens of Feural and make sure that all was well in her section of the city. Being law enforcement had never been on her list of things she wanted to be when she grew up, but now, she couldn’t think about doing anything else.

* * * *

Lance looked around casually, and he nodded toward the Peacekeeper who was talking softly with the proprietor of a fruit stand. “I can’t believe that they have female Peacekeepers in this city.”

Coma snorted. “It took a while to get them to authorize it, but the population is warming to it rapidly.”

Lance watched the gentle sway of the woman’s hips, highlighted by her weapon belt. “It is certainly warming.”

They were seated at an outdoor café and enjoying a quiet moment after the activities of the morning. Lance couldn’t get the scent of the Peacekeeper out of his head. It was sending signals through his body to either fight or fuck, and since he couldn’t do either at the moment, he was stuck.

“You look like you need a workout, Lance.” Coma was noting his tense hand on his cup.

“I do, but not the kind you are thinking about. Something about that Peacekeeper.” He shuddered as he tried to get control of the lust running through him.

“Your kind is rather fixated on reproduction, aren’t they?” Shatter sneered. He considered himself to be above hormonal effects, though his species was so close to Lance’s, it was ridiculous. He was dark where Lance was light, and it was enough of a difference that few, if any, folks noticed the similarity.

“We aren’t fixated on it, Shatter. We just enjoy it. Finding someone compatible is a worthy pursuit. Proving that compatibility is simply mind-blowing fun.”

Shatter rolled his eyes, Coma snorted and Lance looked for the Peacekeeper, but she was beyond his field of view, leaving only the faintest of scents on the wind.

Coma shook her head. “I pity the recruits coming tomorrow. You are going to kill them.”

He smiled. “Then, they aren’t worthy of being Guardians.”

Chapter Two

Five hours after she had entered the groomer’s spa, they ejected her with her hair, nails, makeup done and a new outfit gracing her form.

The dress was slit up both legs to mid-thigh, allowing her to walk with ease and sit without flashing her bits. Hormik was meeting her at the recruitment drive. The afternoon had been reserved for physical talents, and both Lance and Shatter would have their talents on display.

The costume she was wearing was a lot more revealing than her uniform, but she enjoyed feeling like a girl once every eight weeks. It made her feel pretty.

Hormik waved her over, it’s long body covered in a neutral tunic and trousers. “You look lovely, Lera.”

“Thanks. It took three groomers and several prayers to get this result.” Lera grinned.

“Come on, Lance is just warming up.”

Hormik took her hand and hauled her to the front of the crowd on the upper level of the arena. They could see everything going on down below, and it was quite the show.

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