Frisk (3 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Romance, Science Fiction

BOOK: Frisk
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“Of course. Several times. It is part of the Peacekeeper job description. Our bodies for theirs.” She shrugged and sipped again as their waiter came up to them and respectfully offered the daily specials.

Their gathering was getting plenty of attention, and Coma and Hormik were oblivious.

Lance pressed his thigh to yours. “That drink is having an effect on your senses, isn’t it?”

She smirked and sipped again. “Not only is it deadening my susceptibility to pheromones, but it is relaxing me on several levels.”

Shatter let out a bark of a laugh. “So, you knew he would be here?”

She smiled at him. “No, but I know that watching his warm up and processing of the recruits started my body warming up. Cooling down with a little beverage was always on the agenda.”

Lance was grinning. “You enjoyed watching me?”

“I am a living, breathing woman, and you have a way of moving that catches my attention and holds it. Is there something wrong with that?” She blinked innocently.

Lera felt a foot hit her leg under the table, and she jumped. “Ow. What?”

Hormik scowled, “I am fairly sure that you would not want to say that if you were not drinking.”

She shrugged. “Probably not, but I am here and he is here, and the only way I cannot crawl into his lap is by continuing my beverage consumption.”

It was the most logical thing she could think of at the moment. She was staring into Lance’s eyes, and he had a pleased amusement in his expression.

“You are defending yourself against your response to me?” He reached out and took her hand.

Heat shot up her arm, across her breasts and pooled between her thighs. She blinked and leaned away from him, into Shatter. “Um, yes.”

Hormik covered her face with her hand.

Lance lifted her hand to his lips and smiled after he placed a soft kiss against her skin. “That is the most charming thing I have heard all day.”

Lera sighed and pried her hand out of Lance’s grip.

“You were flirting all day with anything you had a chance with, Lance. Leave Lera alone.”

Lera blinked and sat back. The cold sensation of hearing that Lance had been after other women rapidly sobered her. When the waiter returned, she placed her order and remained silent for the rest of the meal, no matter who tried to engage her.

It was one thing for him to try with other women when she wasn’t around, but she had been right there in the same arena with him. She ate her meal in silence and even Shatter was trying to draw her into conversation by the end of the third course.

Lera eventually started answering in monosyllables.

Hormik propped her chin on her fist and watched.

Coma asked, “So, Lera, what do you miss most about your home?”

Lera answered as many of her kind did. “Coffee. It is similar to caf, but it provides a much harder kick to start your brain in the morning. Several countries on my world prefer tea, but I grew up in a coffee area.”

She prodded at her dessert with her eating prong and put another tiny bite between her lips.

Lance frowned. “Why do you not find a substitute?”

“Caf is the substitute, but it is not the same. You and Shatter are similar, but you are not the same. Close only gets you so far.”

She ate another nibble of her dessert as music started up on the dance floor. She watched couples take to the floor, and she smiled at the grace and style with which they moved.

Shatter smiled at her. “Would you care to dance?”

She blinked in surprise. “Um, sure. I am not very good though.”

“That will be up to me. Come, you can work off some of your intoxicants.” He grinned.

Lera slid across the seat and put her hand in Shatter’s. Lance made a noise, but she didn’t look back.

Shatter was wearing a pale grey tunic with a scarlet sash that matched the ends of his hair. He held her against him politely and started to move around the dance floor with her.

“So, Shatter, why are you dancing with me?”

“Because Lance was an idiot, and he needs to admit it. He means well, but he is so outgoing and used to women fawning all over him that I am afraid he might not know when it is time to change his ways for the woman he wants more than anything.”

That brought her head up with a jerk. “What?”

Shatter sighed. “I may not be of his exact kind, but I know the signs of when one of our kind finds their mate. You feel it too, I can see it as well as sense it in the air.”

She blushed. “I don’t care whether I feel it or not. It is outside of the parameters of my exchange program. I am here to be a Peacekeeper, not a Guardian’s girlfriend.”

He turned her in a slow loop. “Why can’t you be both?”

“I only get one day off every eight weeks. The timing would be unlikely.”

Shatter grinned. “He doesn’t have much patience so that would be an issue. He would probably find a loophole in your program.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Like what?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps something like creating a Peacekeeper-Guardian liaison position. Something like that.” Shatter chuckled, and he dipped her before bringing her back up to upright.

She blinked. “That position doesn’t exist.”

“Didn’t exist. The paperwork should be through by the end of the week.” He chuckled. “It was Coma’s idea technically, and it was also the reason that she wanted you to demonstrate your skills in front of the Feural arena.”

“Oh geez.” She was about to add to her statement when hands spun her around and she thudded up against Lance’s body. The music was moving at a faster beat, and he stepped and twisted with her in a rapid set of moves that left her dizzy and clinging to him.

“I thought you were supposed to ask me if I wanted to dance.”

Lance grinned. “I didn’t want to take the chance. I wanted to explain.”

He twirled her, forcing her to cling to him from shoulders to ankles.

She gasped and held onto him with desperation. His black tunic fit him well, and she felt hard muscle under her fingers as she struggled to find a grip.

The chalky colour of his skin and the pale gold of his hair stood out in sharp relief against the high-collared black tunic with the brilliant blue sash.

“Explain what?”

There were image captures going on around the room as Lance slowly twirled her around.

“Explain why I was flirting with the other females. Frankly, I didn’t know you were there.”

“So, if you had known…”

“My attention would have been on you. It certainly was after I saw you. Once you entered the arena, I could not think of any other woman.” His words were whispered against her ear.

“So, I need only be out of your field of vision and you will forget me? Good to know.”

His breath whistled past her ear as he exhaled sharply. “That is not possible. Now that I have been in contact with you, you are definitely impressing yourself on my senses.”

She wanted to say that the feeling wasn’t mutual, but her body was humming happily where she was in contact with him. Fortunately, it was the entire front of her body, so she was getting quite the buzz.

“I see, well tomorrow, you head off to wherever you guys go between assignments, so this is a one-time thing.” She licked her lips and whispered into his ear. “I don’t do one-time things.”

His hands clenched on her waist as the music slowed, and their dance took on more of a sway. “This is not a one-time thing, Lera. This is simply a beginning.”

She slid her hands under his arms and around his back. “Fine, it can be a beginning, but I still don’t screw around on day one. Are we clear?”

He sighed. “It would be easier if we could.”

“No. It would not be easier. It would be harder for me to face work tomorrow. At this point, I am already going to be dealing with any number of morons who are going to take this dance as proof we are intimate. Tomorrow is going to be awkward once this hits the news vids.”

“You could just come with us tomorrow. I am sure that Coma could manage whatever paperwork was necessary to keep you with us.”

“I will not blow my contract with the Nyal Imperium. I am a Peacekeeper. The next day off that I have is eight weeks away. If you choose to return, that could be our second date.”

His hands squeezed her again, and she was reminded of how large he was next to her. “I am going to try and shift that timeline.”

“That is up to you. I have my own duties to attend to.” She pulled back as far as she could, but he slammed her back against him.

“Fine, but tonight is not over. I reserve the right to dance with you again.” Lance leaned forward, and his kiss drifted over her left cheekbone.

“It is getting late.”

“It is barely sunset.” He swayed with her and kissed her other cheek.

“I have to be on duty at dawn. Tomorrow is market day.” Her words came out as a breathy whisper.

“You have time for another dance.” His tone took on a low rumble, and she could feel his erection nudging at her belly as they moved slowly to the music.

“Just one more, I guess.”

His lips were an inch from hers, and they were about to make contact when a peculiar sound made her back away. “What is that?”

He cursed, and Shatter came to his side. “We are needed.”

Lance grabbed her quickly and gave her a kiss that melted her bones and sped up her heart. She staggered back as he released her, and a moment later, the three Guardians were gone with only a regretful look from Lance to prove that they had not been planning it.

Hormik scooted her back to the table and paid the cheque. “I think you have had enough relaxation for tonight. A walk perhaps?”

Lera nodded and left with her friend, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

Chapter Four

Putting on her uniform, Lera heaved a sigh. She had gotten less than two hours of sleep, and what she had gotten was full of the sensation of Lance pressed against her body. It was something that had kept her awake with blood pulsing through her groin and breasts, as her arousal seemed destined not to fade.

She got to her desk and checked the roster of the previous night’s events. A call was waiting for her, and she flicked open the com, reading while she waited.

Several petty thefts and one stabbing had marked the evening shift, but nothing was in her segment of the city.

“Morning, Peacekeeper.” The chirpy voice came from the com unit.

“Hiya, Rhoda. What is up?” Lera pivoted and smiled at the other Terran.

“Oh, I just got a call to do a destiny portrait with you as the subject. Care to guess who it was?”

“I am guessing one of the Guardians. Lance perhaps?”

“Close. Coma. She sent me your specs. Now, how long do you want me to wait before I show them the portrait?” Rhoda fiddled with her white locks.

“A day? Maybe two? However long you can keep Charm from investigating. We don’t want to tip our hand.”

“I don’t know why you are fighting this, Lera.”

“Because I want him to be sure that he is making a choice. Life with a Terran is trying and life as a Guardian is dangerous. Meshing the two is not something that most Guardians are prepared for.”

Rhoda snorted. “Tell me about it. I try to adapt to Genaran traditions, but there are some that I just can’t get behind.”

Lera nodded. “I know. It is like going to a foreign country every time you open your door.”

A chime rang in the headquarters, and Lera smiled. “That is shift change. I will talk to you later, Rhoda. Be well.”

“You too. I will keep it under wraps for a day or two. If Charm catches on, I will have to come clean though. Are you ready for that?”

“Of course. Have a good day, Rhoda.”

Lera disconnected the call and got to her feet. She headed for her locker and put the stunner, the baton and her light armour in place. Lera left the headquarters and walked toward her beat.

It was going to be a warm day, so she was just as happy to be out of the riot gear of her previous shift. With a wave to her regulars, she walked the market area of Feural and went about her job.

Her wristbands and collar had recorders in them, and she was thankful as she cuffed her third pickpocket of the day one hour into her shift.

“This is Private Douglas requesting prisoner transport and two more sets of restraints.” She spoke quietly while she kept her prisoner in place with her foot on his groin.

“What are you doing down there, Lera?”

“It’s a bondage party, Hekolo. You weren’t invited.” She chuckled as the pickup skimmer appeared at the edge of the market.

With a blast of air, the skimmer lowered itself to the pavement. Lieutenant Hekolo Molu shook his head as she handed over the pickpocket. “I have the vid feed in the system. He can be booked right away.”

Lieutenant Molu handed her two sets of restraints. “Here you go. Stop having fun without me.”

“Aw, Lieutenant, since I have never had fun with you, that wouldn’t leave me any fun at all. Oh, and I restrained this one with a foot to the groin. He kept trying to squirm away when I pinned him with any other technique.”

“Noted. Is it on the record as well?”

“It is.”

“Then, I will drop him off and continue my rounds. Oh, by the way, you clean up really nice.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I know. You should try it sometime, but I don’t think that purple is your colour.”

He chuckled and lifted off.

The teasing she was getting wasn’t nearly as bad as she had anticipated. The members of the public who spoke to her about it wanted to know if Lance was as nice in person as he seemed to be in the news vids. She simply smiled and said that she didn’t know, but he was a good dancer.

With her new restraints clipped to her belt, she continued her rounds. It was time to pass the fruit stalls. It was a day like any other, and when she stopped for her lunch, she watched the news vids of the Guardians helping to evacuate a town facing a volcanic eruption.

Lance was wearing a black bodysuit with blue highlights as he helped families board an evacuation craft. Coma was soothing those who were hysterical, and Shatter was working on making diversions for the incoming rock. It might help to get the lava around the town, it might not, but at least they were trying.

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