From Fed Up to Fabulous: Real stories to inspire and unite women worldwide (8 page)

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Authors: Mickey Roothman,Aen Turner,Kristine Overby,Regan Hillyer,Ruth Coetzee,Shuntella Richardson,Veronica Sosa

BOOK: From Fed Up to Fabulous: Real stories to inspire and unite women worldwide
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For 40+ years of your life,

To retire and suddenly realize that the ladder you have been climbing wasn’t even real and in fact, you have been building someone else’s dream.


You will become a product of the rules of self doubt:

Questioning yourself constantly.

Allowing yourself to believe you’re not good enough,

Constantly doubting your ability,

Only to realize that you’re headed towards the grave having never truly stepped into your power and your potential.


I could go on and on with examples.


It really boils down to this;
Change your internal reality, take aligned action externally and you WILL create the life that you desire.

Break the rules that only you have chosen to impose on yourself,

and TRUST  ME, it WILL be worth it, when you have it ALL!


My NUMBER 1 piece of advice that I have for entrepreneurs is:

Well, firstly, refer to the section above on: Break The Rules.


Are you ready?

Here is the ONE biggest piece of advice I have for you, fellow entrepreneurs:




That’s it.


Be you.

Be your brand 

Step into being 100% you.

You have a strong and powerful message to shake the world with.

I know you’re doubting yourself right now but borrow a bit of belief from me if you need to.


You ARE powerful.

You DO have a strong message.

You ARE here to impact the world!


What if I told you that you can be paid (a multiple 6 or multiple 7 figure or BEYOND income) just for being you, for branding yourself as (shock horror) YOU, and sharing your thoughts, feelings, passions and beliefs with the world each day?


Don’t believe me?

Don’t think it’s possible?

Head to my Facebook page if you need living proof that you CAN truly just show up as YOU and make a massive impact in the process.


I see so many incredible, talented entrepreneurs hiding behind brands, behind companies, following the rules and trying to do it all the “right way” when really, everything they need for EXTENSIVE success BEYOND what they could even be imaging right now is literally locked up inside them.


What if you committed today to BEING your brand?

What if you decided to show up fully in the space of just BEING you?

What if you gave yourself permission right now to unlock your true message?

What if you decided to focus on what excites you daily?

What if you made a decision to ONLY do what you love?

What if you made the choice to grow a tribe, a community of people who you love and adore (because they love and adore your message)?

What if you decided to show up daily and share what you KNOW is going to make a huge impact?

What if you truly developed your personal brand to create an online empire that you can build from anywhere in the world?

What if you launched your brand with ease so that you were in profit before you even got started?

What if you then accelerated your results and scaled them so that you could get your message out there GLOBALLY in a manner where YOU CHOOSE how big you want to play?


What if…?

And again, it all starts with a choice.

A choice to step into being YOU.


Unapologetically you.

ALL of you.


I’m not talking about the glorified version of you, the perfect you, the you that doesn’t stuff up and have self doubt or mess things up…


I’m talking about showing up COMPLETELY as you.

Ditching the filters,

Ditching the rules.

Ditching the expectations.

And truly focusing on what matters most.

Truly focusing on what creates the biggest impact.

Truly focusing on what excites you the most.


I promise you,

When you TRULY step 100% into the space of JUST BEING YOU as an entrepreneur,


It feels





You wake up every day inspired,




with one single mission:


To shake the world and make a massive impact simply by sharing your true message.


How do you KNOW if you’re sharing your true message?

Alignment baby.

Alignment is EVERYTHING.

And, long story short, if you are not living in alignment, you will either:

ultimately fail to succeed

succeed, but you will be miserable and die unhappy


Sorry to be blunt, but hey, I’d prefer you heard the truth here.


If you are not sharing a message in total alignment with the core of who you are and what you believe, watch out, because you’re heading into a danger zone.

And before you know it, you’ve build a full business around a message that you’re not 100% aligned with.

Sadly I have seen so many people do this.
I was on the path to doing this!

That’s why in my story I said that I created myself a “job” because although I was creating an incredible amount of money through my business, I was so freaking out of alignment with my core message it was ridiculous!

And it bothered me.

It didn’t feel right.

And then it felt uncomfortable.

And then it felt painful.

So painful that the money wasn’t even worth it.


Thankfully, because you’re reading this, you have the opportunity to learn from me and avoid heading down the same path!

That is why it is CRUCIAL to get into alignment DAILY so that you are showing up through your personal brand and through your business, in total alignment.


And when you are living in true alignment, you’ll notice that everything flows.

Success comes with ease.

Clients come with ease.

Money is created with ease.

Growth happens with ease.

Happiness with ease is a given.


And I’m not saying that you don't’ have to put in the WORK - you ABSOLUTELY need to take action and do the work.

But if you’re going to do the work, you may as well make sure that it’s aligned work that is going to move you closer to your core vision and mission.

So, break the rules, step into truly being you, live in alignment and know that ultimately you CAN have it all!

I want you to know that I believe in you.

I believe you have a message.

A powerful message.

I believe you’re here to make an impact in the world.

A BIG impact at that.

I believe that you have the ability to disrupt your version of normal.

I believe that you can get paid for doing what you love.

I believe that you really can show up just as YOU every day,

I believe that you were put here to not only make millions, but to impact millions.

I believe that when you get into alignment you can create ANYTHING that you desire.

I also believe that you’re reading these words for a reason.

And I KNOW that you can build a global empire from anywhere in the world simply by being you.

I know that you can have it all, the only question is, are you ready to do the inner and outer work required to create it all?

We’re waiting for you baby,

Step up,

There’s PLENTY of room at the top for you!

About Regan Hillyer

Regan is the founder of Regan Hillyer International, a company dedicated to providing personal development and business training to men and women who have a big message they want to share with the world.


Regan specializes in helping experts uncover their true message and launch powerful personal brands, helping them make a big impact and build a legacy.
Regan has trained thousands of people, helping them build multiple six and seven figure businesses location free, using powerful mindset changing tools and cutting edge business development strategies.


For more information about Regan Hillyer visit


Chapter 5. Do I or Don’t I? - It’s all about choice - Ruth Coetzee

is a Serial Entrepreneur, International Award Winner, Digital Publisher, Small Business Expert and Content Strategist & Creator.

Where to start is the question? Many of us have had fundamental life-changing moments in life, but it’s actually only when you sit down to think about which were the defining ones ,that everything actually falls into place. Sometimes we believe these moments were common-place and only when looking at them much later, do you realize that this was one of those moments that actually impacted your life in a monumental way.

Being the youngest child of 3 and the only girl born into a typical Baby Boomer family, set the tone for my frame of reference. We were brought up with the thinking that our parents and elders always knew what was best for us and we were expected to accept that as the norm. Go to school, get a good education, get a good job, get married, have children and live that life till you go on pension. Sound familiar? Many of you reading this book may not have had it exactly prescribed in such detail, but something of this I am sure you can Identify with.

As I was the only girl in the family and my father came from a family of six - five boys and one girl, my father and I were inseparable from very early on in my life. When I was a little girl I remember going to bed and then not sleeping until my father arrived back from work as he worked shifts at that stage. Whatever he was busy with I would always lend a helping hand. As you can well imagine that set the tone and frame of reference for what was to follow.

I could never have imagined ever going against the wishes of my father although I can remember many instances especially in my teens where I did not like his responses, but accepted them as gospel. Nothing was left in my hands to choose what I wanted to do, it was always handled by my parents or my brothers, when they were home.

Many years later in my life I found out  that somebody that may have turned out to be my soul-mate was stopped from seeing me, because he was considered too many years older than what my father and brothers’ thought was acceptable, even though he was one of the friends in my older brother’s inner circle.

Make no mistake, I was not an easy child to live with but my father ruled with an iron will and quiet determination. He never raised his voice, but you were made to understand very nicely exactly what he meant. Even when the time came for me to make a career decision, my choice was not accepted as they thought I would be too far away, beyond their control, thus that decision was also taken out of my hands.

In retrospect, one of the better things that came out of this period in my life was an absolute passion and love for reading. As I was alone and my brothers many years older than me and always off to boarding school (7 and 9 years respectively), I escaped into the world of books. I read voraciously, anything I could lay my hands on that would take me out of my reality. The key characters in all the books I read in most cases had one thing I did not – freedom of choice and this fascinated me. I read romance, philosophy, fantasy, science fiction as well as many autobiographies - actually anything I could lay my hands on. I will never forget the day when I got to school aged 9 with a copy of the
Gulag Archipelago of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ( Story of the Russian Labour camps)
in my schoolbag and read it whenever I got a chance during class – of course I was caught and the teacher’s surprise at what I was reading was plain astonishment – she couldn’t believe it!!

Another blessing from reading so much, besides the lure of the freedom of choice of the main characters, was the knowledge and learning I picked up about life, foreign countries, different cultures etc. It was like having a second education running whilst learning in a normal environment. For that I am endlessly grateful today, but at the time it made me a loner and outsider, as many of my peers did not know how to handle me and I wasn’t interested in what they were up to most times.

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