from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Alex opened his eyes when he felt the bed shake. Danielle ran from the room. He exhaled loudly and got to his feet. Her morning sickness was quite extreme. Several days she had gotten so dehydrated, she passed out. He wished there was something more he could do. Helpless was the worst feeling he could have. As soon as he could see straight, he hurried after her.

“It’s gonna be OK,” he assured her as she leaned over the sink and cleaned her mouth out. “They said it’d be over in a few weeks.” He ignored the hard-on in his pants that ached for her. Morning sex was banned for at least a few more weeks.

She turned and hugged him, the emotional rollercoaster too much to bear. “I wish it would hurry up.”

He caressed her flat belly. “It’ll be worth it in a few months.” Someone came out of a stall, and he quickly moved his hand. Only Logan and Marie knew about the pregnancy. “Come on.”

He lifted her up and carried her back to his room. He did that daily. She was usually too weak to walk for a few minutes. He felt guilty that only she went through the torture. The hallway was practically empty. He was glad most of the students had left for the holiday the day before. They couldn’t, because Danielle had her first prenatal appointment that morning.

Danielle groaned. Her stomach cramped, but there was nothing left to come out. Alex knew what to do. He always had crackers and a drink for her next to the bed. She was appreciative of his efforts. If not for him, she doubted she could get through it.

Alex sat her down and urged her to eat and drink. Then he sat and watched over her when she lay down. It had become a routine by then. He exhaled loudly when her eyes closed. It had been a challenging month so far. Between Brian’s increasingly bizarre conversations and the effort to hide the pregnancy, the stress was high.

At least they didn’t have anyone else to worry about. He had disabled Brian’s entire network of assistants, which was why Brian was batshit crazy. Alex had taken Jeff out a few days earlier when he caught him swatting Danielle’s bare ass. A bruise on Alex’s chin was his only injury. Jeff was in the hospital with broken ribs and a concussion. Danielle still had not told Alex what Jeff had done to her before he arrived.

Danielle felt somewhat better by the time they had to leave. Then in the car, it came back full force. Alex pulled over several times during the trip. When they walked into the doctor’s office, she had to lean on him for support. She didn’t understand how she could be so weak. Then she realized what her body was going through.
Good thing Brian can’t see me now

“She’s been sick as a dog every morning,” Alex told the female doctor who entered the room.

Dr. Greene smiled. “I’ll give her a prescription. Don’t worry.” She moved around the room. “Anything else I should know?”

“She doesn’t like needles,” Alex replied for Danielle, who was flat on an exam table in a gown already. She almost passed out when they pricked her finger. “Are crackers and sports drinks OK to help the nausea?”

The doctor looked at Danielle’s pale face. “Yes, and they work well. Can you hold down any food?”

Danielle nodded. “Most days.”

“Good.” Dr. Greene adjusted the bed beneath Danielle. “The exam is going to be quite invasive. I’ve been told you have a history of… sexual abuse. Is there anything I can do to make it easier?” The questionnaire Alex filled out only listed severe nausea and the abuse.

Alex clutched Danielle’s offered hand in his. “I’m right here.” He kissed her forehead. “I won’t let go, beautiful.” When it came time to find their baby’s heartbeat, the doctor listened for a long time. Alex started to get nervous when the doctor switched out the listening devices. “Is something wrong?”

“No. It’s just early.” Dr. Greene was not alarmed yet. “How about we just do an ultrasound?” Most of the exam rooms had one, just in case. Soon they saw Danielle’s uterus on a screen. “There he is.” She smiled at the strong heartbeat. “He looks good.”

Alex grinned. “It’s a boy?”

“There’s no way to tell yet,” she explained. “I just didn’t want to say
.” She looked around Danielle’s womb. “You’re about 10 weeks along.” She pulled a due date calculator out of her pocket and set it to Danielle’s last period date. “The baby should come around June 26
. Get dressed and meet me in my office. I’ll give you the prescription.”

* * *

After they stopped at the pharmacy, they were on the road to Alex’s childhood home. Minutes into the trip, he looked over at Danielle. She was sound asleep. The doctor had said a motion sickness patch may help, and it did.

Her peaceful face started movement in his pants. It had been more than a day since they had sex. He ached for relief, although he wouldn’t complain to her. If she fell asleep before him again that night, he would have to take care of himself yet again. He couldn’t wait for her morning sickness to end.

Danielle felt the car stop and opened her eyes. Hours had passed. They were at a red light, and Alex had a hand on her leg. “Where are we?”

Alex turned, startled by the sudden sound. He was glad her face had more color. “Almost at the store. My mom asked us to pick up extra soda and potatoes. How d’ you feel?”

“Better, thanks.”

They picked up what his mom needed, as well as ginger ale, sports drinks, crackers and the flavored water Danielle liked. In the checkout line, Alex held her in his arms. She took deep breaths and tried to quell a new wave of nausea.

He slid his hand down to her belly and rubbed it. “It’ll be over soon.”

“I know.” She rested her head on him. “We’ll get through it.”

Soon after, Alex turned down his block. He was nervous. Danielle didn’t know his family was well to do. He didn’t like anyone to think he was different. He felt like any other student.

“Um, Alex, where are we going?” All she could see were gigantic houses with a lot of property. “This place is from that old show
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

He sighed. “I live on this block.”


He took a deep breath. “My dad’s the CEO of a huge company in New York City, and my mom’s a partner in a law firm in West Palm Beach. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want you to hate me because I had money.”

“I’m not that shallow. Did you keep anything else from me?” She was a little hurt that he didn’t trust her with the information.

Alex realized he should have known she wouldn’t care. “Nothing important. I should’ve told you weeks ago.”

Danielle closed her eyes and groaned. “Forget it.” She knew he hid something else. Maybe he didn’t see it as important, but she wanted to know everything.

When the car stopped, she looked up. His house was the largest of them all. She suddenly felt like she wasn’t good enough for him.
I’m not even in the ballpark. His parents are gonna hate me.

Alex smiled at the familiar site. “My mom’s gonna love you.” He leaned over and kissed Danielle’s cheek. “You can take the patch off now, if you want.”

They soon walked hand in hand to the front door. It opened, and a tall blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman appeared. “Alex!” she cried out.

Alex smiled and hugged his mother. “I missed you too, Mom.” Then he stepped back.

She touched his bruised face. “You’ve been fighting again?” She frowned. “I thought you stopped.”

“I did.” He groaned, annoyed his mom brought up something else he had not told Danielle. He looked at her. “I used to be on the MMA team. I didn’t think you would care.”

Danielle shrugged. “It’s OK.”

“Good.” He turned back to his mother. “Mom, this is Danielle.”

Alex’s mom looked toward her. “You’re even more beautiful than your pictures.” She was taken aback at the girl in front of her. Her son normally chose trashy women. Danielle was what she had always wanted for him. “I’m glad to finally meet you. I’m Mary.” She hugged a startled Danielle. “Alex told me a lot about you.”

“Mom!” Alex protested. “I told you not to say anything.”

Mary smiled. “He’s liked you since he met you. I’m sure you know that.” She looked at her son. They were close enough that they spoke about his “love life” at times. She didn’t realize some of it was made up. “What’s the difference? You’re dating now.” Then she turned to shout inside. “Corey, turn that off, and come meet Alex’s girlfriend.” She pulled them both inside and toward the family room.

Alex’s dad turned off the television reluctantly and walked to his wife. Then he embraced Alex warmly. “We miss you around here.” Then he turned to Danielle. “It’s nice to meet you.” He took her into his arms, also, and then looked at her pale complexion. “You look tired. Are you OK?”

“That’s… uh, kinda something we need to talk about,” Alex said, a bit brokenly. He was nervous about their reaction to the baby.

Corey smiled “Don’t be so dramatic, Alex.” He led the way back to the family room. “You worry too much; like your mother.” He laughed and took a seat at the end of the couch.

Alex held Danielle’s hand as he helped her sit on the loveseat. “I’m not really sure how to tell you guys this.” He squeezed Danielle’s hand.

Mary sat next to her husband. “Are you getting married or something?” It was a joke. She knew he was somewhat of a playboy. She had actually been shocked he stayed with the same girl for so long.

“We’re having a baby in June.” Alex blurted it out so he couldn’t take it back.

His mom was puzzled. “Wait a minute. You told me a few weeks ago that you just started dating. How is she more than two months pregnant and it’s yours? Danielle, you’re not scamming him for money, are you?”

“Mom, come on!” Alex cried out. “She had no idea until today about that. It’s hard to explain.”

His dad stood up. “Alex, I taught you better than this. I taught you to protect yourself.”

“I know, Dad,” Alex replied. His disappointment in himself showed through. He put an arm around Danielle’s shoulders. “I’m sorry, but I love her, and I love this baby.” He caressed her belly. “I didn’t mean to let you down.”

“Alex, we love you, and we want what’s best for you.” His mom wrung her hands as she tried to understand. “You really just surprised us. I’m sorry if I was callous.” She couldn’t help but think she was wrong about Danielle. “So, you guys started dating after you got her pregnant?”

“Mom, don’t.” Alex didn’t want them to think Danielle was a slut. “It wasn’t planned, but does that really matter?”

Corey couldn’t process his son’s change in attitude about women. Unlike his wife, he knew his son used them and moved on the next day. He hadn’t heard about Danielle until Mary told him they were a couple. The fact that he impregnated her was beyond his comprehension at that point. He felt there had to be a catch, a reason his son was crazy about her.

“So, Danielle what do you think? You haven’t said a word.” Corey stood over her. “Do you love my son or are you just making him pay for his mistake?” He raised his hand up to wave goodbye to Gretchen, the housekeeper, who was in the kitchen.

Danielle put her arms up over her face and screamed, “No! Please! I do love him.”

“Babe, it’s OK.” Alex pulled her to him. “He wasn’t going to hit you. Dad, don’t do that.”

Shocked by Danielle’s reaction, Corey knelt down in front of her. “I’m so sorry.” He watched his son know exactly how to soothe her. He waited until she stopped shaking. “I won’t hurt you. I could never do that to my family.” It was obvious to him she had been abused.

Alex had not planned to tell his parents about her abuse or Brian at all. He wanted to pretend they had no other obstacles. “She didn’t have a life like I did,” he quietly muttered.

Mary could see Alex used the skills he learned at the shelter. She never expected him to need them. She just tried to steer him away from the path she watched him go down with women. She moved to stand near her husband.

Danielle started to feel guilty she had overreacted. She pulled away from Alex and looked up at his parents. “I’m sorry. I was afraid.” She grabbed Alex’s hand. “I love your son very much. Please don’t be mad at him about the baby. Someone put something in our drinks. He’s normally careful.” It was mostly true.

Mary put a hand on Corey’s shoulder. “What did your parents say about this?”

“We’re not telling them,” Alex angrily replied. “Sorry. We don’t want them near our child.” Then Danielle’s phone rang. Alex had it in his pocket. He pulled it out and scowled. It was Brian. He glanced at her. “Just don’t answer.”

Suddenly, fear consumed Danielle. She whispered, “He’ll be so angry.” The memory of Diego on top of her, after she missed a call, made her shiver. “I can’t.” She got up and quickly went to the kitchen before she answered.

“What the hell took you so long to answer the phone?”

Danielle jumped at the tone of voice. “I’m so sorry.”

Brian was completely unhinged at that point. He knew he lost his hold on her. None of his crew answered his texts or calls, and he rarely saw Danielle online. “Where the fuck are you?”

Alex almost ran to her. Brian’s voice was loud enough to hear from the couch. He held her against him, to try to lessen the fear.

“I’m—I’m in my… room.” Danielle looked up at Alex, scared Brian would figure out where she was.

Alex’s eyes opened wide. He knew Brian tracked her phone. It wasn’t hard to do for a computer geek like him. He wasn’t sure how to tell her, though. That meant an even angrier call was on its way.

“Alone?” Brian shouted.

He doubted her story. He looked around him. No one in his office paid him any mind. His job was already in jeopardy because of his recent behavior. Outbursts and violence had marked his days in the last week.
Don’t know how much more I can take of her lies
. He always thought she lied, even when he proved her right.

Danielle gripped Alex’s shirt as he stroked her hair. “Yes. Marie went back to Atlanta.” That was the truth.

“Fucking liar,” Brian muttered as he pinpointed her phone. “I’m gonna show her…”

She heard his mumbles but couldn’t make out the words. “Brian, you OK?” He acted weirder than ever. “I’m still—”

He cut her off with a shout, “After fucking Christmas, you’re coming back here with me! You’re not getting out of my sight again!”

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