from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (40 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Alex was glad for the support. He was terrified Danielle would go into labor any moment. With any sound of possible pain, he checked on her. She glared at him when he asked if she was OK for the tenth time that hour. He couldn’t help himself.

“I’m fine.” Danielle gritted her teeth. “Stop.” She closed her eyes and rubbed her sore thighs. It was the one thing that made no sense. The pressure had lessened, so her legs should feel better, but they didn’t.

Logan had recorded a movie he thought everyone would enjoy. When they all had settled down, each couple cuddled together on a bed, he hit Play and wrapped his arms around Marie. She still acted as if their relationship was casual. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take that.

“Do you want some water?” Alex whispered just as the opening credits ended.

She nodded. She knew she had to increase her fluid intake. After a few sips from the bottle, she set it next to her, on the bed. Just as she lay back on Alex, he laid his hands over her belly. He had been quite overprotective the last few days. It was understandable. At that moment, she was glad he kept her in bed. If she had gone to class any sooner, she might have had a setback.

“What’s wrong?” Alex felt her tense.

Danielle looked up. “My legs.”

“Again?” He sat up straighter, carefully. “Should we go to the hospital?”

She shook her head. “No. Just sore. Relax.” She didn’t want to worry him for nothing. “I’m sorry.” She felt bad. “I’m trying not to complain. My body just seems to hurt all over. But my thighs feel like I was walking for miles today.”

He moved his hand over their baby. “Complain all you want. I could never deal with my body going haywire like yours is.” He patted her thigh gently. “Scoot forward. I’ll massage you.”

“You guys OK?” Marie asked when she heard the other bed move.

Alex turned to her. “Yeah. Just some pain.” He helped Danielle sit up, partly propped up against the headboard, with pillows. “That good?”

“Uh.” She winced, and then slid her hips to the right. “Better.”

Nervously, Alex knelt between her legs and gripped her thighs. He worked the muscles slowly. They were as tense as could be. No matter what he did, they didn’t loosen. He lay down next to her and continued to rub. He hoped he helped some.

When the movie ended, Logan and Marie got to their feet. Logan nodded at Alex. “We’ll be back in a few.”

Alex didn’t question them. He laid his head on his girlfriend’s belly and sighed. “I know I been kinda overbearing.” He stared at her legs. “I’m scared. I was trying to hide it, but that’s not fair to you. I just have no control over what’s happening to you and our baby. I want to do something to make it better, but there’s nothing I can do.”

A hand on his shoulder, Danielle smiled. “You do more for me than I ever thought you could. This pregnancy would be so much harder, if it wasn’t for you. I love you, and I know you’re scared. I feel it in my heart. I’m scared, too.”

He looked up at her and threw his arms around her. “I love you more than anything. It’ll be OK. It has to be.”

After a short while, he pulled away and kissed her lips. Then he helped her lay on her left side. He pressed his body against hers tightly from behind, so he could almost hold their baby in his hands. Within minutes, his son kicked, and he smiled. It was the best feeling.

“ ’Night,” she whispered, exhausted.

As Alex drifted off, Logan came back in the room. “She OK?” he asked quietly.

“I don’t know, man,” Alex softly replied. “Weird things keep happening.”

* * *

Blinding pain woke Danielle from a sound sleep. “Alex, get up.” The pain had worsened. Frightened, she screamed, “Alex, wake up!”

He opened his eyes. “Relax, Danielle. It’s just a dream.”

“No, it’s not! It hurts!” she cried out to him.

He jumped out of bed. “What hurts?” He looked around frantically.

“My side and my legs.”

“Maybe you have to pee?” He was still disoriented. “I’ll go with you.” He took her hand and tugged her to stand.

Danielle grabbed the side of the bed. “Oh God!” The pressure in her pelvis was bad. Then she knew there was a problem. “Alex. Oh, God. Please, no.” Her hand flew to her belly. She bent over a bit from the weird feeling inside.

“What’s wrong?” Logan opened his eyes.

Alex was already in panic mode. He lifted Danielle and placed her on the bed. “Shit! Shit! We gotta go.” He grabbed his phone and dialed the number Dr. Greene gave him for emergencies.

Marie knew right away. “Get dressed,” she told Logan. Then she rushed to dress herself. “Danielle, it’s gonna be OK. Just relax.”

Terrified, Danielle was glad when Marie sat next to her and held her hand. “I’m so scared.”

“I know.” Marie watched Alex pace. “Just breathe and think happy thoughts.

Alex still had the phone to his ear. “They’re waking her up. I’m on hold.” He glanced up.
Please don’t take him from us
. He moved to the side of the bed. Tears fell down his face as he lifted Danielle’s chin and kissed her lips. “It’s OK. We’re gonna get help in time. Danielle, can you calm down a little for me?” Then he put his hand under her shirt and caressed her belly.

“Let’s just go to the hospital,” Logan suggested, unsure what else he could do to help.

“I’m here,” Alex said into the phone, and then he walked toward the door. Seconds later he said, “We have to get to the hospital.”

Danielle closed her eyes as she was lifted again.

Alex wasted no time. He got her right to his car still in her pajamas. He didn’t even have a shirt on, but he could not care less. With a look up at Logan, he handed over the keys over. “Don’t think I can drive.”

When Logan got into the driver’s seat, Danielle was a bit confused, but pain shifted her attention. She hoped labor hadn’t started. The pain was weird, though. Mostly in her pelvic area. Again, she was rushed to labor and delivery.

Dr. Greene was in the room already. “Let’s have a look.” She didn’t wait for a gown to be put on. “Get her undressed quickly.” She was sure time was of the essence.

Alex stood at Danielle’s side as she was examined. He watched the doctor’s expression. A feeling of dread came over him.
Something’s wrong

“Her cervix opened further. We need to get her to an OR, now.” She rushed from the room.

Danielle grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled him down. “We’re gonna lose the baby?”

“No, beautiful,” he assured her. “They’re going to save him.” He wished he believed that. Inside, he was as terrified at she was. Minutes later, they headed to an operating room. “What’re you gonna do?”

Dr. Greene was still with them. “I’m going to perform an emergency cerclage.”

“A what?”

She put a hand on his arm. “Close her cervix. So she doesn’t lose the baby.”

“OK. Whatever we gotta do.”

Logan caught up to Alex just as Danielle disappeared. “What’s going on?”

“They’re gonna do something to save the baby.” Alex took deep breaths to fight his emotions. “I should call my family.”

With a shake his head, Logan replied, “No. I’ll do it. You need to sit and try to relax.”

“Relax? I can’t relax.” Alex let Logan pull him to a waiting room. “Everything’s a mess. Between this and the trial… Damien said Brian’s got a whole team of lawyers that come see him a lot.”

Logan put a hand on his shoulder. “He won’t get away with it.”

“No. He won’t.”

* * *

Several hours later, Danielle’s eyes opened to Alex next to her. He cried on her shoulder and seemed to be fully dressed. Hours must have passed. There was a lot of noise in the room. She moved her head and tried to sit up.

“No. Don’t move,” Alex scolded. “They said you can’t get up until tomorrow.”

Still disoriented, she asked, “Is the baby OK?”

“Yes, for now.” He caressed her cheek and kissed her lips. “We have to wait and see.”

Wires and monitors seemed to be all over. There was something on her face as well. She reached up and found it was oxygen. Then she felt the tears. “Why’re you crying?”

“If we waited, we would’ve lost him.” He sniffled. “Thank you for waking me.” Then he hugged her, and his tears came faster. His sobs continued as he carefully touched her belly. He was afraid anything he did could hurt her.

Something tugged at her belly. Then she felt the monitor. A heartbeat came from a speaker nearby. After a look around, she noticed they were in a large room with other beds. Voices and bright lights surrounded them. It took a while, but she realized it was a recovery room. The surgery must be over.

“How’s my favorite patient?” Dr. Greene smiled.

Danielle shrugged slightly. “Not sure. I don’t feel much.”

“Good.” Dr. Greene checked the screens around them. “I think it went well. We’ll see in a few days if it will hold.”

Alex looked up. “Do they have a room for her yet? My parents are coming up to see her.”

“Why?” Danielle felt that was too long of a trip.

After a deep cleansing breath, Alex replied, “They want to. My mom’s worried about both of us.”

Dr. Greene nodded. “It’s almost ready. I’d say a few more minutes.”

When the time came, Danielle was unhooked from all the monitors and such, and then put into a room on the same floor as labor and delivery. They were told that was because the surgery could cause preterm labor, although the chances were low. Once she was in a room, they put monitors on her for contractions, as well as her and the baby’s hearts. Then the oxygen tubes were in place again, along with an IV drip for fluids and antibiotics. Next, a nurse put something on her lower legs to prevent blood clots. It was a big production.

Before the nurse left the room, she took down the sheet and lifted Danielle’s gown. Carefully, she changed the pad between her legs.

“Why am I bleeding? That’s not a good thing.” Danielle was fearful again.

Alex squeezed her hands. “It’s from the surgery. Dr. Greene said it’ll stop. Kinda scared me, too.”

That meant the danger was not over yet. Danielle felt strange. Maybe it was from the anesthesia. All the monitors made so much noise. It was a bit nerve-racking. However, it was nice to constantly hear the baby’s heartbeat.

As soon as they were alone, Alex got on the bed and held her close. He pulled the blanket over them both. He was exhausted but afraid to sleep. “I’m sorry this is so scary. It’ll be OK. You have to stay here at least until tomorrow.” He tried not to squeeze her too tightly. However, he was still in shock and terrified he would lose them.

Within a few minutes, Alex’s parents came in the room. His mom touched Danielle’s cheek. “You’ll both be OK. We’re only allowed to stay for a short while, but I needed to see how you were.”

Danielle looked up at them puzzled. “How did you get here so fast?”

“Corporate jet,” Corey explained. “It pays to be at the top, sometimes.” He smiled, but his expression was laced with worry. “Can we do anything?”

Alex lifted his head from the pillow slightly. “Nah. They said we need to wait and see.” He closed his eyes and buried his face in Danielle’s hair. He didn’t want to show his emotions.

“I’m sure it’ll work.” Mary stroked her son’s tearstained cheek. “We’re here for both of you.”

Corey put a hand on her shoulder. “We should let them sleep.” He tussled Alex’s hair. “We’ll be back in the morning. There’s a hotel less than a mile from here. You guys just rest and call if you need us.”

Chapter 36

Alex woke up to a hand on his face. He opened his eyes to see his sister, Sara. It took him almost a minute to realize where they were. Danielle was still in his arms, asleep.

Sara whispered, “Did it go OK? The surgery, I mean.” Danielle still looked to be pregnant. That was a relief.

Quietly, Alex replied, “So far. Sorry I didn’t call you. It was kinda crazy.”

“Relax.” She gave him her best smile. “Mom called all of us from the plane. Nathan wanted to jump on a plane, too. I told him to talk to you first.” She brushed his hair back. “You OK?”

He closed his eyes. “No. I’m scared.” He cautiously ran a hand over his child. “What if we lose him?” He smiled when the baby kicked. “I love him so much. What if I never get to hold him?”

“Aw, honey.” Sara hurried around the bed and hugged him, careful not to disturb Danielle. “Try not to think like that. It’ll be OK.” She had rarely seen him cry. He shuddered, and she knew he hurt more than he said.

Minutes later, Danielle awoke to hushed voices. Then the pain hit her. Alex held one of her hands. She grasped it tightly and whimpered.

“Babe, are you hurting?” he whispered in her ear.

Tears had started to fall by then. “Yes.”

“I’ll get a nurse.” He carefully let her go and reached for the call button. Sara handed it to him. “Thanks.”

Danielle glanced over. “Hi, Sara.” She grimaced; the pain was excruciating. A kiss on her cheek soothed it a bit, but it felt like someone had dug inside her and left a gaping hole. “Ow.” She grasped Alex’s hand so tight she was sure it had to hurt.

Soon a nurse entered the room with a syringe. “I meant to give you this before you woke up.” She injected the pain medicine into the IV. “We had several births this morning already. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Danielle lied. Then she sighed as numbness spread over her body.

Before she left, the nurse looked at the monitors and the devices on Danielle’s legs. She checked her bleeding. It tapered off some already. “Looking good, dear. Maybe they’ll let you go home tomorrow.” She smiled. “How about some breakfast? I can call downstairs and have them bring you something.”

Danielle shrugged, unsure if she was hungry. “I guess.”

“Please.” Alex looked up. “I’ll help her eat.” He took the menu he was handed and checked it out.

Sara sat in a chair close to Danielle when Alex headed to the bathroom. “Anything I can do?” She rubbed the back of Danielle’s hand. “Water?”

Her throat dry, Danielle nodded. “Please.” The pain eased, but she still felt weird. When she tried to take the cup, her limbs were heavy. “I—I can’t.” She sniffled, scared there was something else wrong.

“Shh. It’s OK.” Sara held a straw to Danielle’s mouth. “The meds are probably strong.” She brushed the hair away from her face and tears from her cheeks. It broke her heart. “Everything’s gonna be fine.”

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