from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (42 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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“Ah.” Gary nodded. “Sex is off the table. That sucks. Sorry, man.”

Unable to explain, Alex nodded as well. “Anything for my son.”

“When you guys moving?” Gary hung his pads up.

Alex thought for a few seconds. Dave had offered them two rooms in his house. Since he was to enter the NFL draft the next month, Dave didn’t expect to be home often. “Two weeks after the wedding sounds good. End of May.”

“You didn’t plan that yet, did you?” Gary understood things were crazy. “If that doesn’t work, we can always do it after that.”

“Yeah.” Alex backed away from his locker. “I just wanna do some bench presses or something.”

Gary followed him to the weight room. “You just let me know when you’ve had enough.”

Chapter 38

Alex and Gary walked down the hall toward their rooms. The weights had helped some. However, the further they walked, the more his mind turned to his fiancé naked. He growled quietly.
Stop thinking of that!

Gary laughed. “Dude, you’re gonna explode. Just ask for a blowjob.”

“That’s not fair.” Alex sighed.

“Wait? No oral either?” Gary was confused. “What kinda surgery did she have?”

Alex exhaled loudly. “Never mind. I’ll figure something out.” He pursed his lips and wished his dick would behave. “Thanks for spotting me.”

“Anytime.” Gary stopped at his room. “Call me if she lets you go with us tonight.”

With a shake of his head, Alex replied, “I’m not going to a strip club with you guys.”

“You will for your bachelor party—if I have something to do with it.” Gary slapped Alex’s back. “Go take care of your woman, so she can take care of you.”

Alex shrugged. “Sure.” He continued down the hallway to Danielle’s room. After he knocked, he walked in and smiled when he saw the girls. “Did you find a dress?”

Danielle grinned. “Yep. I think you’re gonna love it.”

He tried to keep his mind off the dress, though. Every time he thought of her in a dress, he imagined the thigh-high stockings, also. Then his dick hardened like it was at that moment. He glanced down at his jeans. It wasn’t too obvious yet.

“I need to get home.” Sara patted Alex’s cheek. “I have some sewing to do.”

Alex looked at her, confused. “Sewing?”

“Yep.” Sara kissed his other cheek. “I have a long drive.”

He pulled his sister in for a hug. “Thanks for everything and drive careful.” He pecked her cheek, and then walked her to the door. “No one talked about the trial. Right?”

“No.” She knew that subject was off-limits until the next Monday.

Alex sighed. He worried she would fret about it. Marie and Logan had helped distract her from anything that could remind her of it. There was enough stress as it was. He intercepted all calls from the DA’s office that week.

Danielle was glad they left the dress in Sara’s car. She watched Alex walk a bit awkwardly toward the door with Sara. Then she stared at his crotch as he came back. He treated her like a china doll, and it obviously affected him. She wasn’t sure if sex would be the same since the surgery. However, she wanted to try.

“You OK?” Alex was instantly concerned when he saw her expression.

She looked up at him. “Fine.” She was more worried about him. “Marie, you guys, taking this room tonight?”

“Don’t care.” Marie texted with several guys on campus. She wouldn’t tell Logan, but she was bored. A night with someone else was just what she needed. “If you want the room, that’s cool. I think Logan’s next door.” She put her phone in her pocket and collected what she needed for the night.

Once they were alone, Alex was shockingly nervous. He watched Danielle move around the room, as she got things together for a shower. “Going to bed early?” He knew it was past 8:00, but that was early even for her.

“No. Just going to take a shower.” Danielle winked at him. “Wanna join me?”

Alex froze.
Why’d she offer that?
“Uh… Don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“I need your help.” She bit the corner of her lip. “My back is bothering me.”

He groaned silently and nodded. “No problem. I’ll be back in a few.” He left to get a change of clothes and his toiletries.

Danielle stashed two of the condoms she had Marie buy in her bag of shower needs. She was nervous.
What if I feel different? What if he can’t orgasm because of that? What if I can’t?
Questions ran through her mind until Alex walked back in. Her breath caught. He was still the most handsome man she had ever set eyes on.


She bit her lip again, her body filled with need for him. Before she answered, she looked him over. “Yeah.” She couldn’t wait to get him naked. Rarely had she seen his body since the surgery. He wore pajamas to bed and took showers alone. “Are you?”

“Always.” He winked, and then he sighed. “Sorry. Force of habit.” He put out a hand and grasped hers. “Just a shower.” He closed his eyes for a few seconds and hoped his dick behaved.

Alex’s entire body shivered as Danielle undressed in the changing area of the shower stall. He couldn’t avert his gaze. She looked so beautiful. As each piece of clothing hit the table beside her, his cock grew. When she was naked and under the water, he couldn’t move. He stared. His mouth watered, and his body ached.

Danielle set her bag on a shelf and glanced at Alex. “Are you staying dressed?” She let the water run over her head. “You OK?” She hid a smirk.

“Uh, um, well, I guess.” He continued to watch her hands run all over her body.
After what she went through, I wanna just fuck her? I’m going to hell
. “Be right there.” He quickly undressed and moved behind her. His erection grazed her back. “Sorry.”

She stepped back. “Why?” She pressed her body to his. “Never be sorry you want me.”

He groaned. “Please. Don’t.” He retrained himself, but it wasn’t easy. “Babe, we can’t.”

“We can.” She looked up at him. “Dr. Greene gave the OK. Remember?”

He grabbed her arms and spun her. “You want this?” His body shook as he met her lustful eyes. “God, I love you.” He bent and kissed her lips. Then he lifted her and placed her back against the wall. “You sure about this?” He gritted his teeth, dying to sink into her. Her nod made him groan. Their lips met in a searing kiss that drew a moan from them both. Suddenly, he pulled back. “Wait. The doctor said we have to use a condom. I didn’t bring one.”

She grinned slyly. “I did. In the bag.”

Alex kissed her neck as he reached into the bag and snagged one. “You’re the best.” He hurriedly donned it. “You comfortable like this?”

“Can you get in at this angle?”

He smirked. “You’ll see. Hold my arms.” She gripped them tightly. Then he took a step back and held her body at an angle. He lined his cock up and pushed in until the head was engulfed. “Fuck.”

Danielle’s eyes opened wide. Anxiety gripped her. “Wait.”

“I’ll go slow. If it hurts, just tell me to stop.” He looked into her eyes. “Do you want it?” He waited, but she didn’t say anything. “Please. If you’re that afraid, tell me now. I won’t go any further. I promise.”

“I really want to,” she replied. “I’m just nervous because it’s been so long.”

“Ah.” He wished he could kiss her, but the baby made things complicated. “Slow. OK?” Her nod was all he needed. He thrust in a bit then slowly withdrew. “You good?”

She smiled. “Yeah.” Her eyes closed as he gave her several more languid, shallow strokes. Then he drove in deeper, and she cringed. Something was not right.

He stopped immediately. “Hurts?” He thought she felt tighter, but then again he was so horny, he couldn’t be sure.

“No, but give me a minute. Please.” She wasn’t sure if he touched the stitches or what. It felt strange. After maybe 30 seconds, the feeling was gone. “It’s better, Alex. Keep going.”

Alex sighed and started to thrust again. Each time, he gained ground. Then his eyes opened wide. “I can feel it.” The stitches weren’t cotton thread. “This is the one time I wish I was smaller.” He pulled back somewhat, unsure how to avoid her cervix. There wasn’t as much room anymore.

“You OK?” Danielle felt his hands tremble. “We can stop if it’s not good for you.”

He gave her a crooked smile. “It’s not that. Close your eyes, and I’ll figure something out.”

She did as told and sighed. His rhythm was slow but perfect. Her fingers dug into him as pleasure washed over her. “I missed this.”

“Me too.” He squeezed her thighs and buried himself in her. “Ow! Fuck!” he cried, and then pulled out. “Damn. That hurt. This position won’t work. I’m sorry, babe.” Carefully, he set her on her feet.

Immediately, Danielle tugged the condom off and checked his penis for injury. There was none. “What hurt you?”

“The stitches are nylon or something. They stick out.”

She hugged him as close as possible. “I’m sorry. How about I…” She held his hips and started to slide down to the floor.

“No.” He pulled her back up. “In bed, we’ll try again.” He turned her and whispered, “I’ll wash you.” He smiled as he did just that.

* * *

Minutes later, they walked back into the dorm room in towels. Alex set his things on the computer desk. He hoped she was still into sex. The painful hard-on under his towel counted on it, too.

Danielle snuck a peek at Alex. He was still ready and quite nervous. She didn’t want that. After she had dropped her towel, she got into bed and stared at him. “Aren’t you coming?” She gave him a sexy look, her eyelids hooded, and licked her lips.

“Damn.” Alex shed his towel and knelt on the bed. The limited number of positions they could accomplish with her pregnancy flashed before him. “Let’s try this.” He lifted her legs onto his chest and placed a pillow under her hips.

She had a hard time breathing. “Wait.” Then she moved the other pillows around until her head and shoulders were elevated as well. “OK.”

“You sure?”


He rolled his eyes. “I gotta get another condom. Wish we didn’t have to—never mind.” He looked around and found a box on the night stand. “Did you put those there?”

“Yeah.” She winked. “We’re gonna need more.”

Excitedly, he grabbed one and rolled it over his erection. “Relax, babe.” He directed it to her entrance and gently pushed in. “Definitely tighter.” He took his time, unsure how deep he could go. Then he grabbed her hips and thrust in deeper. “Ah. OK. There it is.” His eyes drifted down. He still had a few inches to go. “Um… let’s try something else.” He pulled out. “Lay on your side, and I’ll come at you from behind.”

She felt a bit guilty, although it was out of her control. “Should I do anything?”

He slid a hand over her hip to her belly. “No. Just let me experiment until something works. Please.” He settled down behind her and again entered her slowly. Her hips shifted. “No. Don’t move.”

“Sorry.” She closed her eyes. “Hold my hands, please.”

Carefully, he reached for her hands and linked their fingers together. “Keep as still as you can. I love when you fuck me, but—”

“I understand.” She didn’t want him in pain while they made love.

He leaned his cheek on hers and pumped slowly. He shivered from the pleasure already. “Amazing.” He moved faster but stayed as shallow as he could.

Danielle’s head went back, to his lower shoulder. Alex’s lips brushed her ear, and she shuddered. His breath made her skin tingle. She had the urge to arch her back but resisted. His cock delved deeper and finally caught her sweet spot.

He felt her orgasm build finally. To encourage her, he moved his mouth to her neck and sucked hard. She gasped, and he let go. He moved a bit lower, to her shoulder. Then he moaned as she squeezed him within.

“Cum for me, babe.” He groaned and picked up his pace, carefully. “Fucking cum!”

She exploded with a scream, “Alex!”

It pushed him over the edge. “Ahh!” He clung to her as he filled the condom. “Told you I’d make it work.”

Chapter 39

The trip back to Tallahassee was bittersweet for Danielle. She was terrified to face Brian. She clung to Alex's arm when they walked into the courtroom. Soft voices met them. For a few seconds, she froze and searched the room. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She could almost feel Brian’s fury.

“Hey. It’s OK.” Alex stood in front of her and lifted her chin. “I’ll be here the whole time.”

It killed him that he couldn’t soothe her. The last few days, she cried at random times. She wouldn’t let him comfort her. All their work to protect her from the trial backfired when there was an article in the newspaper about it Friday morning. The date had slipped her mind.

“He can’t get to you.”

She shivered, and then looked up. “You sure?”

“Look around.” He stepped back and waved a hand. “He’d be insane to try and touch you here.”

She took in her surroundings. There were multiple deputies and cameras in all corners. That only slightly alleviated her anxiety. Brian
insane. She was sure of that. When Alex took her in his arms, she gripped his dress shirt tightly. He was the first witness, so that he could stay in the courtroom for the entirety of the trial. A shudder moved through her as she imagined Brian’s glare when she relayed what he had done to her.

“I’m here, beautiful. I’m here.” Alex wasn’t sure what else to say. She shook like a leaf. “Let’s go sit.” He led her to the first bench and sat with her. An arm around her shoulders, he clutched one of her hands to his chest. “It’s over after this. We just need to get through it.”

Danielle laid a hand on her swollen belly. It felt like their son was doing somersaults. “He’s moving.”

“Really?” Alex placed a hand on her abdomen. He felt the jostling inside her and smiled. “So amazing.” He rarely felt his child’s kicks. It made him jealous she was able to feel it all the time.

A shadow passed over them. “Are you ready for the circus?” Carly Steadman, the female assistant District Attorney, stood before them. “I have a footstool for you, Danielle.”

With a sigh, Alex looked up. “Thanks. She’s scared.”

“They’ll be more officers here when Brian arrives,” she assured them.

Danielle’s bottom lip trembled. She barely lifted her head. “He’s crazy.”

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