from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (44 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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“It has everything to do with the case,” Carly said as she looked at the judge.

The judge cocked an eyebrow. “You have a bit of leeway, but make a connection quickly.”

“Thank you.” Carly stood in front of Danielle and repeated the question.

Danielle cradled her womb. “Yes. My cervix started to open, so they had to put in something to close it. I almost lost the baby.”

“Did your doctor tell you why that happened?” Carly hoped the jury listened closely.

After a few tears had fallen, Danielle replied, “Yes. They said it was because years of abuse had weakened my cervix. We were lucky we got to the hospital in time.”

“Brian caused irreversible damage to your body when he raped you over and over again. I’m glad you didn’t lose your baby. Then there would have been a murder charge, as well.”


Carly smirked. “Withdrawn.”

The judge cleared his throat. “OK. That’s it for today. We’ll reconvene at 9 a.m. tomorrow.”

Alex hurried to help Danielle from her chair as she trembled. She clung to his shirt as he led her down a few stairs. He wanted to say the right thing to soothe her, but he knew better. When she was that emotional, nothing worked. Slowly, they moved to the prosecution table. He urged her to sit while he gathered her things.

The emotional toll had devastated her. Danielle couldn't even speak to Alex. She had never wanted him to know the details of her awful life. He treated her like a china doll again. It was a good thing, because she was about to fall apart. Her testimony had confused her and set her back somewhat. She was no longer sure what the right thing was.

Their wedding was in two months, but she couldn’t imagine that Alex wanted to go through with it. He had to see her differently at that point.
I’m damaged beyond repair. Brian’s right. I’m worthless
. By the time they left, she couldn’t even look at Alex.

* * *

All the way back to the hotel, Alex gripped Danielle’s hand tightly. He knew she blamed herself for the entire ordeal. Her sad eyes ripped a hole in his heart.
Maybe I should have insisted they offer him a deal. She can’t take much more of this
. At a red light, he turned her way.

“We don’t have to be there every day.” Alex squeezed her hand. “I can tell Carly you don’t feel well. They’ll go on without you.”

She shook her head.
I can’t let Brian win
. She fought the depression that loomed over her. “I need to go.”

“OK.” He kept his tone calm, although inside he raged like an inferno that tried to escape. If they had not been in court, he would have killed Brian that day. “Tomorrow, Sara’s coming up. Marie and Logan, too.”

When they entered their hotel room, Danielle closed herself in the bathroom. She wanted to forget that day ever happened. Within minutes, she undressed and stepped into the shower. The hot water ran down her back as she closed her eyes.
How long will this drag out?
She didn’t want to see Brian every day for months.

Alex didn’t like the way Danielle acted. Her slow movements and silence worried him. He undressed since he intended to join her. Strangely, the bathroom door was locked.

“Hey. Open up.” He knocked.

Eyes opened wide, Danielle covered her body with her hands. “Don’t come in.”

“Why not?” He sighed. “Let me in.”

“No. Please.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. “Brian, don’t.”

Panic washed over Alex. “He’s not here, babe. Please open the door.”

He was sure she was engrossed in flashbacks. When she didn’t respond, he picked the simple lock. He found her on the floor of the tub, in tears. Water ran over her head.

“Hey. It’s OK.” He got down and took her into his arms.

She fought him at first. Her mind assumed he was Brian. Then his soothing voice broke through. “How can you love me? I’m damaged goods.” Brian had told her that so often she believed it at times.

“You’re not.” He kissed her hair and tugged her onto his lap. “I love you so much.” He didn’t hold back his emotions that time. “It—It…” He sniffled, and then let the tears flow. “It kills me to see you like this. You’re not damaged. You’re beautiful and amazing.” He hugged her head to his chest. “So amazing.”

Chapter 40

The next day of the trial was less stressful. Nathan, Marie and Logan testified, but Danielle didn’t pay attention. She learned to tune it out for her own sanity. Brian was completely restrained, which made her feel a bit safer. Alex had stayed close, to keep her spirits up. She started to gain some confidence. The sadness of the day before was left behind.

“How about Italian?” Mary asked as the group walked down the courthouse steps.

Alex pulled Danielle closer. “Sounds good.” He leaned down. “You hungry?”

“Kinda.” She hadn’t been able to eat lunch. Marie and Logan walked next to each other but didn’t hold hands. She didn’t want to ask. “You guys coming, too?”

Marie nodded. “I’m famished. Italian sounds perfect.”

“You good, bro?” Nathan put a hand on Alex’s shoulder. “We could take a walk after dinner.”

Alex turned to him. “I think I’m OK.”

Dinner was quiet but good. Danielle and Alex ordered different dishes and shared. He made almost a game out of it. That brought out a smile or two. They all let the day go and enjoyed each other’s company.

“You can stay in our room,” Alex offered Logan when they entered the hotel.

Logan tilted his head toward Marie. “I got us a room.” He was shocked when Marie agreed, but he had offered her as much oral as she could stand. That most likely swayed her.

“Oh.” Alex winked. He watched the couple walk off.

It was quite late since court ran until seven. The judge pushed to make their days longer, so the trial would be shorter. Alex was grateful and angry at the same time. The long days were not good for Danielle.

“Ready for bed?” Alex asked quietly.

Danielle looked over at him. “Yeah. But maybe a movie first?”

“You guys want to watch a movie or something?” Alex asked his mother and brother.

Danielle had hoped for alone time, but she could still be in his arms.

“Yeah.” Nathan hit the elevator button. “My mind’s still reeling a bit. On California time, you know.”

Alex laughed. “Forgot about that.” He stepped into the elevator and tugged Danielle in behind him. “We can play cards after. I think I brought a deck.” When they walked into the large suite, Alex led Danielle to the bedroom. “You need a bath.”

“But I thought I couldn’t.” Danielle watched him check the garden tub, and then turn on the taps.

With a smile, Alex turned just his head. “Dr. Greene said just water and only if the tub is freshly scrubbed. I called the concierge, too.” He winked. “I know you need a break.”

She sighed. “Thanks.”

He went back to the bath. They had brought lavender scented shampoo, conditioner and body wash as he asked. “Get undressed.”

Unsure how she got so lucky, Danielle took her clothes off and piled them on the vanity. She then moved to the bathtub and waited. He turned and held her growing belly. Then he leaned down and kissed the skin that covered his child.

“I love you, little one.” He looked up and kissed her lips. “I love you, too.”

When Danielle was safely in the bath, Alex left the room. The door left open a crack just in case. He followed voices to the living area. His mother and brother sat on the plush couch in front of the flat screen bolted to the wall. He sat down with them and exhaled loudly.

“How’s she doing?” Nathan slapped his brother’s leg.

Alex shrugged. “She puts up a good front, but this is eating her up inside. If he gets off, I don’t think she can handle it.”

“You’ll help her through it.” Nathan bumped his shoulder. “I know you can do it.”

Quietly, Alex replied, “But can you keep me from ripping his heart out?”

“I’ll help you do it.” Nathan was serious. “If he gets off, they’ll never find him.”

Alex grinned at him. They always had each other’s backs. “Thanks.”

In the master bathroom, Danielle sighed. The water felt amazing. A candle burned on the edge of the tub area. It created weird shadows on the wall, but she wasn’t afraid. Alex took good care of her. She knew she couldn’t have gotten through the last few months without him. Her eyes closed as her body relaxed.

* * *

“You awake?” Alex was barefoot. He approached the tub and grinned. “You look so adorable.” He knelt at the edge and ran his fingertips over her belly. “You’ve been in here awhile now.”

Slowly, Danielle came around. “Huh?”

“Time to get out.” He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. “You’re starting to look like a prune.” He licked her wrinkled digits. “We’re gonna play poker. Unless you’re still up for a movie.”

She nodded. “I should go to bed.”

“OK.” He waited until her eyes were open, and then helped her out. “Careful.” When he had her dried off and in bed, he headed back to his family. “She’s in bed. It’s just us.”

They had played several rounds of Texas Hold ’Em before their mother left to go to bed. Nathan and Alex continued, both wide awake. Nathan was up 40 dollars by then. Alex was distracted, so was not on the ball.

“You doing OK?” Nathan watched his brother hesitate.

Alex shrugged. Something he had often done. “Things’re just tense. She’s… Well, she’s been kinda… We haven’t had… sex in a while.”

“That’s allowed?” Nathan expected it was off-limits.

“Yeah. We just gotta use condoms.” Alex’s mind drifted to his naked girlfriend only feet away. “It’s different, but that’s life.”

Nathan smiled. “The horndog I know.” He chuckled. “Maybe you guys could work something out. Like that Marie chick that’s always around. She’s dying to hop on your dick.”

“Not happening.” Alex glared at him. “Danielle would be devastated if I asked to fuck someone else. She’s used to a scumbag like Brian. I ain’t stooping that low. I gotta deal with it.” A soft moan made his dick stir. “She’s gonna make me insane.” He shifted his hips as his cock grew. “I’m gonna check on her.”

He crossed the room and entered the bedroom. Danielle was on her side, faced away from him. Her sweet, generous ass called to him. He wanted to lick her until she begged him to enter her.

“She all right?” Nathan had taken a trip to the hall bathroom. He stopped a few feet from the bedroom door. “Do you wanna call it a night?”

Alex shook his head to rid himself of the fantasies. Then he hurried to the door, so his brother didn’t catch an eyeful. “Good idea.” He smiled at Nathan and patted him on the back. “Me and my hand appreciate the alone time.”

Nathan winked. “Don’t you guys have too much fun.”

Minutes later, Alex was in the shower. He closed his eyes and stroked his erection a few times. Then he let go. He ignored the ache, washed and stepped out of the stall. The ring of his phone prompted him to rush back into the bedroom.

“Hello,” he answered softly.

Logan grinned. “Did I interrupt?”

Alex closed himself in the bathroom. “Nah. I was in the shower. What’s up?”

“Just checking in.” Logan sat on his bed. Marie had not come back from her walk, so he had gone out looking, worried. He didn’t find her, but he got a text that she would be back soon. “How’s Danielle doing?”

“Better.” Alex leaned on the vanity. “She’s in bed.”

Logan sighed, “Ah. I’ll leave you to it. Don’t exhaust her.”

“I wish.” Alex rolled his eyes. “Talk to you tomorrow.”

* * *

Not far away, Marie still walked. She sent Logan a text after she spotted him outside the hotel asking people if they had seen her. That meant he was worried. She had not meant to be gone so long, but she needed to think. Things had gotten too complicated. She had to decide what to do.

They were supposed to just be friends with benefits. When it changed, at first she didn't realize where it was going. From what Logan had said in their room that night, she knew it had gone too far. She couldn't get that close to anyone again. He wanted them to date exclusively. That was not on her agenda. She couldn’t commit again.

She had been fine with Logan as her only lover until the day at the bridal store. Talk of being partnered with Logan the day of the wedding brought back memories. She squashed them the same way as always; with a new man. Afterward, she felt horribly guilty, but she didn't say anything to him. He didn't mention it either.

Finally back at the hotel, she slowly went up to their room and opened the door. Logan had his phone in his hand. “Something wrong?”

“Huh?” Logan's head snapped up. He didn't hear her come in. “Uh, nah. Just Alex. Everything's fine.”

She sighed. “I'm sorry.” Instead of an explanation, she moved toward him. Distraction was better than the truth. “I just needed some air.”
He wouldn't understand anyway. What's the point of telling him what I've been through?
“Let me make it up to you.” She reached for his belt buckle.

Logan stared at her fingers as they opened his pants. “Wait. What happened?” He didn't push her away, though. “Just tell me—” His voice trailed off when she took him into her mouth. “Later,” he whispered.

Chapter 41

The trial had gone on for almost a week. Thursday, the defense started to call witnesses. Jeff, Sebastian and Diego testified. Danielle cried when they accused her of cheating and lying. They all claimed she willingly had sex with them and liked it rough. Each of them backed up Brian's story. It seemed to have become Brian's word against Danielle’s.

It was Friday, and she was prepared for more of the same. Alex was behind her as usual. She could feel his presence, which assured her. The end of the trial was in sight, finally. The judge had kept to his word and prolonged each day until Danielle needed to rest.

Across the aisle, Brian worried the jury was still not on his side. “Put me on the stand.”

“No. You’ll blow it.” His lawyer rolled his eyes. Every conversation that week had shown him just how crazy Brian was.

“I won’t,” Brian growled softly. “Ask me about the day she met him. He was putting the moves on her from the first second. I can handle it.”

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