from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (47 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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“Hovering is not going to make her better,” Sara warned her baby brother. “If she gets worse, you need to call her doctor.”

“She doesn’t want me to.” Alex stirred the mixture in the pan. “But if I think it’s more than what she claims, I’ll call.”

Sara toyed with her bottom lip, unsure how to word her question. “Uh… You think we should postpone the wedding? She may not feel up to it tomorrow.”

“In her best ‘mommy voice,’ I was told that was not happening.” Alex laughed. “Last night, it seemed like she would be fine with putting it off. But this morning she told me we were getting married even if we have to bring the wedding to her.” Minutes later, he filled two bowls with the chicken dish and walked across the house. “Hey, babe.”

Danielle marked her page and laid the book on the nightstand when Alex entered the room. “Hey. Whatcha got there?” Her stomach rumbled, but she knew to be cautious. “Smells good.”

“Orange chicken.” He sat next to her on the bed and handed her one of the bowls. “Hope you like it.”

She smiled and scooped some up. “Mmm, it’s good.” After a few bites, she yawned. Then she forced some more down before she set the bowl down.

Alex watched her move carefully. “Your back?” That happened from being in bed. “Lay down. I’ll massage you again.”

* * *

A knock on the door woke Alex up with a start. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep. After he had squeezed Danielle tight, he got up to open the door. “ ’Sup?”

Nathan winked. “Dinner’s ready. You slept through the first hour, you know. Dad’s waiting for you guys.”

Danielle heard them and sat up. “Alex, help me fix my hair.”

“I’ll get Sara,” Nathan whispered and tried not to laugh. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

Alex moved toward her. “Sara can help you. I told you, you gotta stay off your feet. That pressure you’re feeling could get worse.”

She sighed. “OK, but I gotta pee again.”

By the time Sara was at the door, Danielle was back on the bed. Her hair was soon up in a cute bun. Then Alex lifted her up and followed Sara through the house. Danielle’s eyes closed, and she tried to will away the persistent back pain.

As soon as Alex went down the step to the family room, screams of, “Surprise!” startled them both, although Alex should have expected it. He grinned widely as Danielle gaped at the crowd. She had no clue he helped plan it. All their friends were there. Most had made the trip from Gainesville. His parents paid for rooms at a nearby hotel for the weekend so that they could all stay for the wedding.

She was beyond surprised. The party was not for Alex’s dad. It was a bridal/baby shower. When the shock wore off, she smiled. “Thank you.” Mary was next to them. “This was really nice of you.”

She smiled and touched her future daughter-in-law’s cheek. “Marie helped, too. And, everyone is going to help bring your gifts back home for you.”

“One more surprise.” Alex lay Danielle down on a free recliner. He waved a hand.

Danielle gasped when her grandmother came into view. “Oh, my God!”

“Sara picked her up,” Alex explained.

Overwhelmed, tears fell down Danielle’s cheeks. “Grammie, I missed you.”

Her grandma leaned over and held her close. “I’m so glad you got away from that boy.” She closed her eyes, sad that she had allowed the abuse for so many years. However, she always felt that there was nothing she could do. “Alex is wonderful.”

Soon all the guests greeted Danielle and Alex, in turn. Danielle couldn’t believe how many people were there. After she had said hello, most of the guys got a plate of food and went outside. Nathan eventually dragged Alex outside also.

The rest of the group played baby games and ate. It was more fun than expected. Sara and Marie kept an eye on Danielle. In addition, occasionally, Alex came in and checked on her as well. Liz made sure she drank enough. The constant mothering was slightly annoying, but she knew it was for her own good.

When the cake had been given out, Alex and Danielle opened gifts. They received some really nice things. There was a set of engraved wine glasses with an expensive bottle of Chardonnay for their first anniversary. A relaxation kit for them both. Sara made beautiful wedding albums for them to fill with pictures. The matching pillows were sweet. His and hers red silk robes drew the most reaction from those gathered to watch.

There was a lot of blue amongst the baby gifts, of course. Nathan bought Corey a jersey with Alex’s name and number on it. Others also gave them clothes with the team’s name on it. Mark bought a manly baby bag, so Alex would carry it, too. That was a cool idea.

After presents, there was another game to play. Alex went outside with his brothers and friends again. Gary, Dave, Charlie and a few other players stood with Logan and Nathan. After he had taken a peek inside at Danielle through the window, Alex turned to Logan.

“I’m not sure I should go tonight.” Alex worried she needed him.

Gary shook his head. “You can’t miss your own bachelor party.” He slapped Alex’s back. “Me and Logan got some craziness set up for you.”

“Wait.” Alex’s eyes widened. “She said OK to strippers, but I’m not hooking up with anybody.”

Nathan laughed. “Promise. No one’s gonna hop on your dick.” He lowered his voice. “Although if you don’t start using it, you’re gonna forget how.”

“Fuck you.” Alex chuckled, though. “I’ll live.”

Logan wore a wicked grin. “We picked the perfect club for tonight. You’re gonna have more tits in your face than you can imagine.”

Alex smiled, but then he glanced inside again. He had a sinking feeling. The last time that happened, Brian broke into their hotel room. “Lemme go check on her.”

“Stop.” Nathan grabbed his arm. “You’re turning into Mom. She’s not alone.”

* * *

The shower game was a scavenger hunt. Danielle couldn’t play. Everyone was occupied, and she needed to use the bathroom. Carefully, she got to her feet and slowly walked through the kitchen. A massive amount of pressure made her stop and grab the island’s counter.

No one was nearby. The pressure got a bit better. Then all of a sudden, her pants were soaked. When she looked down, she realized her water had broken.
Oh my God!

“Alex!” she screamed, in tears. “Alex, hurry!” She was frightened. It was too early.

He ran into the house. “Why’re you up?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it happen.” She blamed herself because she didn’t ask for help. “I just had to pee.”

He was completely confused. “Then why’re you screaming?”

“Oh, my God!” his mom cried out. “Alex, her water broke.”

Alex quickly panicked. “What do I do? Mom, it’s too early.”

Danielle started to cry loudly. “What about the wedding?”

“Fuck the wedding!” Alex searched the room, completely disoriented. “What do I do?”

Liz came to the kitchen. “What’s going on?” Then she stepped in the puddle that had spread out. “Oh, no.” She turned around. “Sara, get a bunch of towels. Danielle’s water broke.” She poked Alex in the chest. “Hospital. Now.” Her brother just nodded.

“I’m so sorry.” Danielle couldn’t stop the tears.

“It’s OK. This is not your fault,” Alex assured Danielle as he swept her off her feet.

Nathan rushed inside. He heard the commotion. “What happened?” He had realized before anyone answered. “I’ll drive.” He found Alex’s keys and hurried to get his car.

* * *

Once in a labor room, Alex rambled to the attending obstetrician, “She was walking, and her water broke. Dr. Greene said we had weeks left. She has a clert—uh, certa—wait. They sewed her cervix shut or something.”

“OK.” The doctor put a hand up. “It’ll be all right. Let me check her.” He frowned after the exam. “I need to take this out, so she doesn’t tear.”

Alex held her hand tightly as the stitches were taken out. It obviously hurt. “I’m right here.” Alex hugged her when it was done. “I’m so sorry.” He wasn’t sure why he said it. His heart pounded in his ears. He could barely think. “It’ll be OK. Promise.”

When he pulled back, Danielle gripped his hand. “OK.”

Because she was not in labor, they had to wait and see. Monitors surrounded her again, and an IV was put in. They pushed medicine for Corey’s lungs to develop quicker in case she went into labor. They were told whether she did or not, she would have to stay in the hospital. All the amniotic fluid was lost. In case labor started, she was also not allowed to eat or drink.

Within 30 minutes, a sonogram was done to check Corey’s position and weight. As Dr. Greene had told them, they estimated he was about four pounds. He was also still head down, which meant she could deliver him normally. The staff did everything they could to ease the couple’s nerves.

Once the staff left, Alex calmed down. Family was finally allowed to visit. Nathan and Mary walked in first. Only two visitors could be in the room at a time. Everyone quietly supported each other. They listened to the baby’s heartbeat and held hands. Danielle was glad to have them there. The situation had terrified her.

After a few hours, Danielle’s cervix started to dilate slowly. It wasn’t unexpected. The doctors were not sure how long it would take for labor to start. When nothing happened within an hour, Alex helped her lay on her side and spooned her. Then he held her close.

“What if he can’t breathe?” She gripped his hands in fear.

He buried his fear and whispered, “Don’t think like that. Everything’ll be alright.”

Chapter 44

In the middle of the night, Danielle awoke to the start of labor. The pains were strong, but not close together. She let Alex sleep and just breathed through them. When a doctor came to check on her, she smiled.

“Looks like the contractions are 15 minutes apart,” he said as he checked the monitors. “Can you wake Alex, so I can check you?”

Danielle shook her head. “He needs to sleep.” It was complicated, but she moved enough that he could check her cervix.

“Things may move faster now.” He pulled off his gloves. “You’re dilating quicker. We’ll check on you again in about a half an hour.”

Exhausted, she slept on and off between contractions. She tried not to move, so that Alex could sleep. When the pain started to get worse, she clutched his hands tighter. Soon after the contractions were about ten minutes apart, she was put on oxygen. Corey’s heartbeat declined during contractions. She was told not to worry since that happened quite often.

* * *

By the time daylight filtered in the window, Nathan and Sara walked into the room. Sarah could tell Danielle was in serious pain. Her grimace and white knuckles gave it away.

“You have to wake him, Danielle,” Sara told her. “You look like you need him.”

The contractions had gotten even closer together by then, and they were really painful. Danielle looked up at Sara. “He needs to sleep. I’m OK.” Then a stronger one hit, and she cried out in pain.

Alex almost jumped out of his skin. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s been in labor for hours,” Nathan explained. “The nurse said it started during the night.”

Alex held Danielle tight. “I’m sorry. Why didn’t you get me up? I love you, beautiful. I’m right here.”

Tears fell down her cheeks. “I don’t know if I can take this.”

Before anyone said anything, a doctor walked in. “I need to do an exam. Dad, can you please get down?” Alex and the doctor carefully put her on her back. Nathan turned away as the doctor checked her. “Five centimeters. Not sure why it slowed down.”

The next contraction came just after the doctor left. Danielle squeezed Alex’s hand and cried. “Please.”

Alex felt helpless. He held her as tears of his own fell. “I wish I could go through this for you,” he whispered. “I’m sorry it hurts so much.” Then he looked into her eyes. “Anything you need. I’m here. You want pain medication? They can give you the epidural Dr. Greene talked about.”

She shook her head. Everything she had read said it was better for the baby without drugs. “Not yet.” She hoped she could tough it out.

Alex was tired and stressed. “OK. Just say the word.” He hadn’t told Danielle he woke up many times in the night. Although, he didn’t realize she had been in labor.

“Dude, you don’t look good.” Nathan dragged a chair over. “Sit.”

Alex did but didn’t let go of Danielle’s hand. “Do you want some water?”

“I can’t.” She closed her eyes and cringed. “Another one.” She breathed deeply and squeezed his fingers.

Nathan put a hand on his little brother’s shoulder. “Anything I can do?”

“Doubt it.” Alex winced. She grew stronger with each contraction.

Sara laid a cool cloth over Danielle’s forehead. “Hope that helps.”

“Thanks.” Danielle was glad they weren’t alone.

Nathan sighed. “Danielle, I know you can’t eat, but Alex should. Can I get him something or take him downstairs?”

“I can’t leave her.” Alex shook his head. “I’m fine. Maybe later.”

Several hours later, Danielle gave up and asked for the epidural. However, by the time they were ready to do it, it was too late. She was past the point that was safe to give it to her. Instead of getting upset about it, she hoped that meant the baby would be born soon.

Alex held both of her hands in his by then. He cried with her, as the contractions got stronger. His family was supportive, but they felt like they intruded, so only one of them would visit at a time by that point. He kissed Danielle’s forehead as she came down from the latest contraction. It killed him that she was in agony. He was powerless to make it better.

Danielle soon became oblivious to anything around her. Familiar voices floated around her, but it didn’t matter who was there. She withdrew to deal with the constant pain. Alex’s hands and lips soothed it a bit. However, more pain came, to start the cycle all over again.

* * *

“OK. Anyone who doesn’t want to see the birth, it’s time to go.”

Alex looked up. The room had filled with doctors, nurses, and equipment. “She’s ready?”

“Yep.” A doctor sat on a stool between Danielle’s open legs. “Time to have a baby.”

Sure that he was in the way, Alex stepped back.

“Dad, grab her leg and pull her knee toward her chest.”

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