From the Heart (32 page)

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Authors: Nora Roberts

BOOK: From the Heart
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At the command, the dog opened one glazed eye, thumped his tail twice, then went back to sleep.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Slade reminded himself that
a run-of-the-mill burglar wasn't the immediate problem. He stepped over the dog again and left him snoring.

Cautiously, he moved through the servants' wing. There was a pale light under one door and the muffled laughter of a late-night talk show. The rest were silent. Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was just past midnight. Slade went back to the parlor to wait.

He sat in a wingback chair, lost in the shadows. Watch and wait. There was little more he could do. And he was itching to do something—anything to move the investigation along. Maybe the commissioner picked the wrong man after all, he mused. This time Slade wanted to look for trouble—and he wanted to find it. Whoever had hired the man in the grove was going to pay, he had little doubt of that. But he wanted to collect personally.

The woman upstairs in his bed was all that mattered. The diamonds were incidental—they were just rocks, after all, with a market value. Jessica was priceless. With a silent laugh, he stretched out his legs. Dodson could hardly have foreseen that his hand-picked bodyguard would fall in love with his assignment. Slade knew his own reputation: thorough, precise, and cool.

Well, he thought, he'd lost his cool almost from the instant he'd seen the little blond whirlwind with the Viking cheekbones. He wasn't thinking like a cop but like a man—a man who wanted revenge. And that was dangerous. As long as he remained on the force, he had to play by the rules. The first rule was no personal involvement.

Slade nearly laughed aloud at that. Rule one down the tubes, he decided as he dragged a hand through his hair. How could he be more personally involved? He was already in love with her, already her lover. If they were any more personal they'd be married and having children.

That thought stopped him cold. He couldn't permit his mind to run in that direction. He wasn't for her. They'd drift apart once the investigation was over. Naturally that's what he wanted, Slade told himself, but the frown remained in his eyes. He had his own life to deal with—the demands of his profession, his responsibilities, his writing. Even if there was room in his life for a woman, their paths ran in opposite
directions. They weren't about to cross again. It was only chance that had brought them together this time, circumstances that had brought about an intimacy that had led to emotional attachment. He'd get over her. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. The hell he would.

Wasn't a man allowed a few dreams? he demanded of himself, when he sat alone in the dark in a room that smelled of lemon wax and fall flowers. Wasn't he allowed to weave some sort of future when a woman lay soft and warm in his bed? He was entitled to some basic selfishness, wasn't he? With a half sigh, Slade settled against the back of the chair. Maybe the man was, but the cop wasn't. And, he reminded himself, Jessica needed the cop more whether she believed it or not.

Blanking out his mind, Slade waited in the dark for just under three hours. Instinct told him he was wasting his time. Some sleep was essential if he was to be alert enough to keep her safe and occupied during the daylight hours. Stiff from sitting, he absently worked out the kinks as he headed back to the stairs. Another day, he mused, two at the most—if Agent Brewster was as close as he'd led Slade to believe.

Fatigue settled over him the moment he allowed his muscles to relax. Four hours' sleep would recharge his system—he'd gotten by on less. Quietly, he turned the knob of his bedroom door.

Jessica was sitting in the middle of the bed, curled into a tight ball. She took the deep, tearing breaths of a drowning woman fighting for air. Moonlight pooled over her as she shuddered.


There was a scream rising in her throat. When her head jerked up, Slade saw the wild sheen of fear in her eyes before she focused on him. She could hold back the cry by digging her teeth into her lip, but the shudders went on. Slade went to her swiftly. Her skin was clammy as he took her shoulders; her face damp with a mixture of tears and perspiration. It ran through his mind that someone had slipped past him and gotten to her, then the idea was as quickly dismissed.

“What is it?” he demanded. “What's the matter?”

“It's nothing.” Desperately she fought to control the tremors. The nightmare had come back, horridly vivid, to attack all of her senses. Cold wind, the smell of salt spray, the roar of the surf—and someone's heavy footsteps as they ran after her, the shifting shadows as clouds blocked out the sun, the iron taste of her own terror. And worse, much worse, she had been afraid to turn, afraid she would see the face of someone she loved on the man who pursued her.

“I woke up,” she managed. “I guess I panicked when you weren't here.” It was partially true and difficult enough to confess. She couldn't bring herself to admit she could be terrorized by a dream.

“I was just downstairs.” He brushed sweat-dampened hair from her cheeks. “I wanted to make sure everything was locked up.”

“Professional habit?” She nearly managed a smile before she dropped her head to his shoulder.

“Yeah.” Even as he gathered her close, she trembled. It wasn't the moment, he decided, to lecture her on flimsy locks and thin chains. “I'll go down and get you a brandy.”

“No!” She bit her lip again as the refusal came out too forcefully. “No, please, I already feel like an idiot.”

“You're entitled to be jumpy, Jess.” Softly, he brushed a kiss over her hair.

She wanted to cling, to beg him not to leave her alone for an instant. She wanted to pour out every fear and fantasy and dread. But she couldn't, and the denial was as much for her own sake as his. “With a policeman in the house?” she countered. Tilting back her head, she looked up at him. A strong face, she mused. Strong arms and serious eyes. “Just come to bed; you must be tired.” Making the effort, she forced away the nerves and gave him a smile. “How does one man cope with two careers, Sergeant?”

He shrugged as he kneaded her tense shoulders. “I manage. How can a woman look so beautiful at three o'clock in the morning?”

“My mother claims it's bone structure.” Her smile warmed a bit as she willed herself to relax under his hands. “I prefer to think it's something less scientific . . . like being born during a lunar eclipse.”

Nuzzling her neck, he chuckled. “Were you?”

“Yes. My father said that's why I had cat's eyes—to help me see in the dark.”

Slade kissed her lightly before he set her away from him and rose. “If you don't get some sleep, they're going to be bloodshot.”

“What a gallant thing to say.” Jessica frowned at him as he undressed. “What about you?”

“I can get by on three or four hours when I have to.”

She gave a quick snort. “Your machismo's surfacing, Slade.”

When he turned his head, the moonlight streamed over his face, illuminating the lightning-fast grin. Jessica felt her heart flutter up to her throat. Shouldn't she be used to him by now? she wondered. The mercurial moods, the streaks of boyish good humor in the sometimes overly serious man? His body was sleek and limber, streamlined like a Channel swimmer's, muscled like a lightweight boxer's. His face mirrored both of his professions—the intellect and the action.

He'll take care of you, her mind comforted. Just trust. But there were lines of fatigue and strain that the moonlight accented as well.
And you take care of him,
her thoughts added. Smiling, she held out her arms to him.

“Come to bed,” she ordered.

Lying down beside her, Slade drew her close. There was no driving physical need to possess her. Instead he felt a simple serenity, all the more precious for its rarity. For the next few hours they would be any man and woman sharing the intimacy of sleep. She curled warmly into him, as much to soothe as be soothed. There were no more words.

Jessica lay still, schooling her breathing so that it was deep and even until she felt him drift off. With her eyes open and fear threatening on the verges of her mind, she watched the moonlight play on his shoulder as it rose and fell. The light was misty with predawn before she slept.


When the phone rang, he jolted out of a restless sleep. Sweat pearled on his forehead. Afraid to answer, more afraid not to, he lifted the receiver. “Yes, hello.”

“Your time's up.”

“I need more,” he said quickly. Knowing that weakness would never be tolerated, he swallowed the tremor in his voice. “Just a few days . . . . It isn't easy to get to them with the house full of people.”

“Must I remind you that you aren't paid to do only what's easy?”

“I tried to get to them last night . . . I was nearly caught.”

“Then you were careless. I've no use for carelessness.”

Less for carelessness than weakness, he thought rapidly and moistened his lips. “Jessica—Jessica's not feeling well.” He reached for a cigarette to steady his nerves. He had to think quickly and calmly if he wanted to stay alive. “She isn't planning on coming into the shop. In a couple of days I should be able to convince her to take a long weekend. She'll listen to me.” He took a greedy drag of his cigarette, praying that he spoke the truth. “With her out of the house, I can get to the diamonds without taking any chances.” Moisture beaded on his top lip and he wiped the back of his hand across it. “You'll have them this weekend. A couple of days won't matter.”

A sigh breathed through the phone, chilling him. “You're mistaken again—too many mistakes, my young friend. Remember my associate in Paris? He made mistakes.”

The phone slid wetly in his hand. He remembered the man found floating in the Seine. “Tonight,” he said desperately. “I'll have them for you tonight.”

“Ten o'clock at the shop.” He paused to make certain the weapon of fear had done its work. The soft, jerky breathing pleased him. “If you fail this time, I won't be so . . . understanding. You've done very well since you started to work for me. I'd hate to lose you.”

“I'll bring them. Then I—then I want out.”

“We'll discuss it. Ten o'clock.” With a gentle click, the connection was broken.


lade's mind and body awoke at the same instant. The luxury of drifting slowly awake was something he had forfeited years before. He had had to perfect the ability to sleep quickly and lightly and to awake just as quickly, ready to function. It was a habit he looked forward to breaking without really believing he ever would.

He saw from the slant of the sun that it was still early, but he shifted his gaze to check the mantel clock nonetheless. Just past seven. The four hours' rest had done all it needed to do.

Turning his head, he looked down at Jessica. The pale blue smudges under her eyes made him frown. Though by his calculations she had slept nearly eight hours, the smudges were deeper than they had been the day before. Today he'd make certain she rested more—if he had to slip a sleeping pill into her coffee. And ate something—if he had to force-feed her. He could all but feel the pounds slipping off her.

Though he barely shifted the mattress as he moved away from her, her hand tightened on his arm. Her eyes flew open. “Get some more sleep,” he ordered, touching his lips to hers.

“What time is it?” Her voice was husky and thick, but her hand stayed firm on his arm.


Jessica relaxed, muscle by muscle, but didn't release him. “How early?”

“Too early.” He bent to give her another brief kiss before he rose, but she pulled him closer.

“Too early for what?”

She felt his lips curve against hers. “You're not even awake yet.”

“Wanna bet?” Running a hand down, she trailed her fingers over his flat stomach. The sleepy kiss smoldered with burgeoning passion. “Maybe you can't get by on three or four hours' sleep after all.”

Cocking his brow, he lifted his head. “Wanna bet?”

Her answering laugh was smothered by his lips.

It had never been like this for her. Each time they made love it stunned her, enticed her, then consumed her. In his arms, with his hands and lips running wild and free over her body, she could lose herself. And how she needed to lose herself.

He'd known from the first how to play her. Each time they came together he found new variations, giving her no opportunity to become familiar with a touch or to anticipate a demand. He could dominate her mind so effortlessly, plunge her back into a world that was all keen emotion and sharp sensation.

Everything would magnetize, from the bare brush of a fingertip to the bruising pressure of lips. Jessica thought she could feel the individual threads of the sheet against the naked flesh of her back. The whispering tick of the clock was like thunder. Pale sunlight danced, gray and ghostly. She could see it fall over his hair, accenting its dark confusion as she dove her hands into it.

In her ear he whispered something poetic and foolish about the texture of her skin. Though the tone was almost reverent, his hands were aggressive—arousing and drugging in turns. Murmuring, she told him what she wanted. Shifting, she offered what he needed.

When he took her, Slade took her slowly, watching the flickers of pleasure and passion on her face in the thin morning light. Savoring the sensations that rippled through him as she moved, he nibbled on her parted lips. He tasted her, and himself, before he roamed over her closed lids.
Fragile, he thought, her skin was so fragile. Yet all the while her hips urged him to take, to take quickly. With iron control he kept the rhythm easy, prolonging the ultimate delight.

“Jess.” He could hardly form her name between labored breaths. “Open your eyes, Jess. I want to see your eyes.” The lids fluttered, as if weighed down by the pale gold lashes. “Open your eyes, love, and look at me.”

He wasn't a man for endearments. Even through the haze of needs and sensations, Jessica recognized it. A new warmth filled her—pure emotion—to double the physical ecstasy. She opened them.

The irises were opaque, rich amber filmed over with passion. As he moved inside her, the lashes flickered, threatening to lower again. “No, look at me.” His voice had dropped to a rough whisper. Their lips were close so that their breath merged, shudder for shudder. Jessica saw that his eyes were dark, dark gray and intense, as if he would look into her mind and read whatever frantic thoughts raced inside. “Tell me that you need me,” he demanded. “I have to hear you say it, just once.”

Jessica struggled to form words as she climbed higher toward delirium. “I need you, Slade . . . you're the only one.”

His lips crushed down on hers to muffle her cry as he drove her swiftly to the peak. His last rational thought was almost a prayer—that the words he had demanded would be enough for him.

Strange that his body felt more rested, more relaxed now than it had upon waking. Slade slid down to press a kiss at the hollow between her breasts before he shifted from her. “Now, get some more sleep,” he ordered, but before he could rise, Jessica had her arms locked around his neck.

“I've never been more awake in my life. What're you going to do with me today, Slade? Make me fill out more of those silly cards?”

“Those silly cards,” he said as he slipped a hand under her knees, “are a necessary part of any organized library.”

“They're boring,” she said defiantly when he lifted her.

“Spoiled,” he decided, carrying her into the bathroom.

“I certainly am not.” The line appeared between her brows as he switched on the shower.

“You certainly are,” he corrected genially. “But that's all right, I kind of like you that way.”

“Oh well, thanks a lot.”

He grinned, kissed her, then set her down in the shower stall. Jessica let out one long surprised scream.
It's freezing!”

“Best way to get the blood moving in the morning.” He stepped in with her, partially blocking the spray. “Well, second best,” he amended, then cut off a stream of abuse with his lips.

“Turn on the hot water,” she demanded when he let her breathe again. “I'm turning blue.”

He picked up her arm, giving it a light pinch. “No, not yet,” he disagreed. “Want the soap?”

“I'll go take my own shower, thanks.” Huffily, she tried to climb out only to find herself tangled with him under the icy spray. “Let go! This is police brutality.” She lifted her face to glare at him and got struck fully with the cold needle spray. “Slade!” Sputtering, she blinked her eyes to clear them. Her body was pressed against his, frigid and tingling. “You're going to pay for this, I swear you are.”

Blinded by the water and her own streaming hair, she struggled to free herself. With one arm keeping her prisoner, Slade took his free hand over her, lavishly soaping her skin.

“Stop it!” Infuriated and aroused, Jessica fought against him. When his hand passed intimately over her bottom, she grew more desperate. Then she heard him chuckle. Temper had her head snapping back up though the spray made her vision vague and watery.

“You listen to me,” she began. Soapy fingers passed over her nipple. “Slade, don't.” With a moan, she arched away. His palm slipped between her thighs. “No.”

But her mouth blindly sought his. Jessica no longer felt the cold.

When she left the shower, she was glowing. Some color had seeped back into her cheeks. Slade noted it with a mixture of relief and pleasure though Jessica did her best to maintain outward indignance.

“I'm going to go get dressed,” she informed him as she wrapped her wet hair in a towel. Because she was still naked, Slade found it hard to be offended by her haughty tone. Refreshed, he hooked his own towel around his waist.

“Okay, I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast in ten minutes.”

“I'll be there,” she told him grandly as she stooped to pick up his shirt, “when I get there.”

Grinning, he watched her slip into his shirt and button it. “I could get used to seeing you like that,” he commented. When she sent him an arch look, his grin only widened. “Wet and half naked,” he explained.

“It's that machismo again,” Jessica muttered, holding back the smile. Turning, she flounced to the door.

“Ten minutes,” he reminded her.

Jessica cast a baleful look over her shoulder, then slammed the door behind her. Her grin quickly escaped, then almost as quickly faded. David stood directly outside her own bedroom door, his hand already poised to knock. His head had turned at the sound of the slam, but he hadn't moved. His eyes roamed over her, taking in Slade's shirt, the damp, glowing skin and sleep-starved eyes.

“Well.” His tone, like his eyes, turned cool. “I guess you're already up.”

Jessica felt more color flow into her cheeks. As close as she and David had been, living in the same house, they had never chanced upon each other under these circumstances. Both had always been extremely private about that area of their lives.

We're both adults, Jessica reminded herself as she walked toward him—but they'd been children together.

“Yes, I'm up. Did you want me?” Part of her wanted to run to him as she had the day before; part of her no longer trusted so unconditionally. Guilt gave her a reserve toward him nothing else could have. Sensing it, he became only more distant and disapproving.

“Thought I'd check with you before I went in, that's all.” He gave her another brief, telling look. “Since you're busy . . .”

“I'm not busy, David. Come in.” Coolly polite, Jessica
opened the bedroom door, then gestured him inside. It never occurred to her that she was breaking one of Slade's rules by talking to David alone. Even if it had, she would have done no differently. “Were there any problems yesterday I should know about?”

“No . . .” His eyes rested on the bed, which hadn't been slept in. His voice tightened. “Nothing to worry about. Obviously you've got enough to keep you busy.”

“Don't be sarcastic, David. It doesn't suit you.” She took the towel from her hair and flung it aside. “If you have something to say to me, come out with it.” She plucked up a comb and began to drag it through her hair.

“Do you know what you're doing?” he blurted out.

Jessica's hand paused in midstroke. Slowly she lowered the comb to place it back on the dresser. She caught a glimpse of herself—pale, shadow-eyed, damp—and inadequately covered in Slade's wrinkled shirt. “Be specific.”

“You're sleeping with the writer.” Shoving up his glasses, he took a step toward her.

“And if I am?” she countered tightly. “Why should you object?”

“What do you know about him?” David demanded with such sudden heat that she was rendered speechless. “He comes out of nowhere, probably without two nickels to rub together. It's a nice setup here, big house, free meals, a willing woman.”

“Be careful, David.” She stiffened as the anger in her eyes met his.

“How do you know he's not just a sponge? A couple million dollars is a hell of a target.”

The angry color paled with hurt. “And, of course, what else could he be interested in, other than my money.”

When she would have turned away, he took her shoulders. “Come on, Jessie.” The eyes behind the glasses softened. “You know I didn't mean it that way. But he's a stranger and you're . . . well, you're just too trusting.”

“Am I, David?” She swallowed the sudden rise of tears as she studied his well-known face. “Have I made a mistake by trusting?”

“I don't want you to get hurt.” He squeezed her shoulders before he dropped his hands. “You know I love you.” The admission seemed to make him uncomfortable. With a shrug, he stuck his hands in his pockets. “And damn it, Jessica, you must know how crazy Michael is about you. He's been in love with you for years.”

“But I'm not in love with him,” she said quietly. “I'm in love with Slade.”

“In love with him?
Jessie, you hardly know the guy.”

The use of the silly exclamation brought a quick laugh from her as she dragged a hand through her hair. “Oh, David, I know him better than you think.”

“Look, let me check into him a little bit, maybe find out—”

“No!” Swiftly, Jessica cut him off. “No, David, I won't permit that. Slade is my business.”

“So was that creep from Madison Avenue who soaked you for ten thousand,” he muttered.

Turning away, she covered her face with her hands. It was funny, she thought. She should be able to laugh. Two of the most important people in her life were warning her about each other.

“Hey, Jessica, I'm sorry.” Awkwardly, David patted her wet hair. “That was a dumb thing to say. I'll butt out, just . . . well, just be careful, okay?” He shifted from one foot to the other, wondering why she was suddenly so emotional. “You're not going to cry or anything, are you?”

“No.” That did nudge a small laugh from her. He sounded suspiciously as he had when he'd been twelve and she'd come home after fighting with her current boyfriend. Loyalty came full circle, overlapping everything else. “David . . .” Turning, Jessica laid her hands on his shoulders, looking beyond the lenses and deep into his eyes. “If you were in trouble—if you'd gotten in over your head and made a mistake, a serious one—would you tell me?”

His eyes narrowed slightly, but she couldn't tell if it was from curiosity or guilt. “I don't know. I guess it would depend.”

“It wouldn't matter what you'd done, David, I'd always be on your side.”

The tone was too serious. Uncomfortable, he shrugged his thin shoulders and tried to lighten it. “I'm going to remind you of that the next time you jump me for making a mistake in the books. Jessie, you really don't look good. You ought to think about getting away for a few days.”

“I'll be fine.” Sensing an argument, she continued. “But I'll give it some thought.”

“Good. I've got to go, I told Michael I'd open up today.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I'm sorry if I came on too strong before. I still think . . .” Hesitating, he shifted his shoulders again. “Well, we've all got to do things our own way.”

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