Fromms: How Julis Fromm's Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis (31 page)

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Authors: Götz Aly,Michael Sontheimer,Shelley Frisch

Tags: #History, #Holocaust, #Jewish, #Europe, #Germany

BOOK: Fromms: How Julis Fromm's Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis
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Interview with Edgar Fromm by Michael Sontheimer on February 21, 1995, in London

Interview with Ruth Fromm by Hannah Kruse on April 17, 2005, in New York

Interview with Raymond Fromm by Michael Sontheimer on February 2, 2006, in London

Interview with Thomas Harder, head of the condom division of MAPA, Inc., by Michael Sontheimer on March 16, 2006, in Zeven

Telephone interview with Sieglinde Krassauer, manager of the Gösing Alpenhotel for many years, by Michael Sontheimer on March 27, 2006

Interview with Ruth Fromm by Götz Aly on April 12, 2006, in New York

Interview with Henri Fromm by Michael Sontheimer on April 14, 2006, in Charroux

Interview with Liselotte Schroth, niece of Elisabeth Epenstein, by Michael Sontheimer on May 4, 2006, in Mauterndorf

Interview with Ilse Fromm by Michael Sontheimer on May 7, 2006, in Munich


for interdisciplinary Holocaust research at the Fritz Bauer Institute of the University of Frankfurt provided Götz Aly indispensable financial and academic support for this book. The Spiegel Verlag allowed Michael Sontheimer to take a three-month sabbatical. The authors would also like to thank the following individuals for their kind assistance: Lisa Abramson, Petra Benoit-Raukopf, Henri Fromm, Ilse Fromm, Raymond Fromm, and Ruth Fromm; Jakov Kolodizner, Hannah Kruse, Astrid Proll and her students at the Ostkreuz School of Photography, Claus Richter, Sabine Sauer, Ilse Schroth, Elke Schmitter, Katharina Steinberg, Maritta Tkalec, and Klaus Wilczynski; Marion Kühnhausen (archivist at the construction and housing department of the Berlin-Köpenick district office), Katrin Grün, Anke Kandler, and Monika Nakath (Central Archives of the State of Brandenburg, Potsdam), Barbara Welker (Centrum Judaicum, Berlin), Feliks Tych (Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw), Aubrey Pomerance (Jewish Museum, Berlin), Klaus Dettmer, Heike Schroll, and Bianca Welzing (State Archives, Berlin), and Helga Gappmayer (Lungau Regional Museum, Mauterndorf).


Raymond Fromm; Raymond Fromm; from
Das Drogisten-Fachblatt
4/1930; from Hirschfeld/Gaspar,
, p. 242 [originally from A.I.Z.]; from Hirschfeld/Gaspar, p. 353; from Friedrichspalast Berlin, p. 18; from Richmond, picture #20; Jüdisches Museum Berlin (JMB); JMB; Henri Fromm; Raymond Fromm; from
Der Drogenhändler
, Sept. 27, 1917; Henri Fromm; Henri Fromm; Henri Fromm; Henri Fromm; JMB; Henri Fromm; Landesarchiv Berlin; Henri Fromm; from Korn,
, p. 43; from Weitzmann; from Warhaftig, p. 275; from
, 16/1931; Henri Fromm; from
Der deutsche Drogist
, 1/1937, p. 3; from
Der deutsche Drogist
, 1/1937, p. 3; Henri Fromm; Henri Fromm; Helga Gappmayer; Michael Sontheimer; Helga Gappmayer; Helga Gappmayer; Ilse Schroth; Ilse Schroth; Henri Fromm; JMB; from
Moderne Ladenbauten
, pp. 80 and 81;
; Raymond
Fromm; Finanzgeschichtliche Sammlung der Bundesfinanzakademie; Henri Fromm; Henri Fromm; Michael Sontheimer; Film-Foto-Verlag, postcard, Berlin, n.d.; Stadtarchiv Oberhausen; JMB; JMB; Henri Fromm; Raymond Fromm; JMB; MAPA, Inc.; Claus Richter; Henri Fromm.

The translation of this work was supported by a grant from the Goethe-Institut that is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Originally published as
Fromms: Wie der jüdische Kondomfabrikant Julius F. unter die deutschen Räuber fiel
by Götz Aly and Michael Sontheimer

Copyright © 2007 S. Fischer Verlag, GmbH, Frankfurt am Main

Translation copyright © 2009 Shelley Frisch

Production Editor: Yvonne E. Cárdenas
Composition of Pittsfield, NH.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from Other Press LLC, except in the case of brief quotations in reviews for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast. For information write to Other Press LLC, 2 Park Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10016. Or visit our Web site:

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Aly, Götz, 1947–
   Fromms : how Julius Fromm’s condom empire fell to the Nazis / Götz Aly and Michael Sontheimer ; translated from the German by Shelley Frisch.
      p. cm.
   “Originally published as Fromms : Wie der jüdische Kondomfabrikant Julius F. unter die deutschen Räuber fiel by Götz Aly and Michael Sontheimer.”
   eISBN: 978-1-59051-377-4
1. Fromm, Julius, 1883–1945. 2. Fromms Act (Firm)—History.
3. Condom industry—Germany—Berlin—History—20th century. 4. Jewish business-people—Germany—Berlin—Biography. 5. Aryanization—Germany—Berlin. I. Sontheimer, Michael. II. Frisch, Shelley Laura. III. Title.
   HD9995.C63G33513 2009



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