Fudge's Sprite: (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC Book 4) (11 page)

BOOK: Fudge's Sprite: (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC Book 4)
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“What else did Adam say?”

“Nothing much, just what I’ve already told you… Nick?”


“If she is the one who broke in. Don’t do anything stupid.”

“I don’t hurt women, Ellie. But if she is the one. Something will have to be done.”

As we are talking, Ellie has curled her body in to mine. One of her legs was thrown over my thighs, while the other was bent under my arm, as once again, she nestles her head into my shoulder, and we watch the news in silence.

A quick look at my watch, shows the time to be just gone eleven thirty. Rarely have I been out of the club by this time. Even when I am working, I rarely leave either the club or Tie Me Down, till the early mornings.

“Are you leaving?”

“No. Why?”

“You were looking at your watch.”

Offhandedly, I drop a kiss on the top of Ellie’s head, as I located the television remote and switched the television off.

“Why did you do that?”

“Because I want to do this.”

For the first time that night, I kissed Ellie deep and hard, thrusting my hand into her hair, as my hand found the fastening on her pants. Ellie’s moan, is music to my ears, until she pulls away and stands up.

Quietly, I watch, as she moves to the large windows and closes the curtains. The room dimly lit by the lamp on the table, beside the chair tucked away in the far corner. While I watch Ellie, she comes to stand in front of me. Our eyes meet, as Ellie undoes the buttons on the blouse she is wearing. One by one, the buttons came free, and a little flesh is teasingly exposed to me. A look towards the middle door confirms that it was closed. But I still could not prevent the hesitation in my voice.

“What about the kids?”

Ellie drops the blouse to the floor. Her breasts, rising up and down in the bra she is wearing. Almost over spilling in the cups of the material.

“They’re at Eliza’s”















Chapter 15


I was still pissed at Nick. Since the incident outside Cassie’s store, and then Adam’s report. All I have thought about, is my relationship with Nick. Was it worth putting Toby’s and Amelia’s life in danger? I had read about stalkers. How they can be a threat to you and your family. Then when he admitted he did not know, or remember her, I wanted to hit him. Hit him hard on the head. When I had gone into this relationship with Nick, I had been aware, that he is a player. That he, and his brothers, put it out to anything which moved.


Nick’s eyes have darkened to almost black, as he watches me remove my blouse. His hands drift to his own fastenings, and he releases his cock from its confines, cupping the appendage, as he runs his thumb, over the tip.


“Nick, are we exclusive? No whores or skanks. Just you and me?”

When Nick lifts his eyes up, away from my tits, and flashes his white teeth at me. My stomach flipped and dropped. Especially, as the smile reached deep into his eyes. It was rare for Nick to give a genuine smile, and when I am the one on the receiving end, it always makes me dizzy. Nick was now pushing his pants down, and kicking them off. His cock rising proudly, to bounce against the small scattering of body hair, which grew at the base of his stomach, up to his belly button.

“Yes Ellie, we’re exclusive.”

Again, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, and I have to take a deep breath, to steady myself. With my back to the window and the faint light from the lamp, I knew I was almost a silhouette for Nick, but this did not stop me from removing my bra, and cupping my breasts. With one in each hand, I cup and played with the soft plump flesh. Nick’s tongue came out to play, as it skittered along his full lower lip. As I squeeze each tit, lifting them up and then dropping them again, Nick’s eyes became hooded with arousal. Pre-cum begins to leak out of the tip of his cock.

The more I watched Nick’s tongue, the harder I pull on the rigid nubs of my breasts. As my clit throbs, my cream begins to gather in my core, making my panties wet. Without taking my gaze away from Nick, I continued to play with my tits. My eyes grew heavy and my breathing became shallow. This time it is my tongue, which slithers over my lips, and I knew what I wanted. Quickly, as I drop between Nick’s knees, I remove the elastic band from around my wrist, and tie my hair back.

Nick did not resist, as I spread his legs a little wider and pushed his hands away from the hard throbbing cock. As the blood flowed through his dick, the veins pulsed like a rapid river. This hard core man. Who had seen it all, and probably done more stuff in the bedroom than I ever have, or will. Was hot and eager for me.

“Ellie as much as I love you watching my cock, I hope you have plans to do more with it.”

I was going to tease Nick and I was going to make him beg.

“Fuck, Ellie, whatever it is you plan to do. Do it.”

“What would you like me to do Nick?”

As I spoke, I trailed a fingernail along the soft flesh. I could never understand why some women refused to give head. To touch this part of a man. To hold that power in their hands, before taking it into their mouths. The salty taste of his flesh, as his body became hot with passion. The soft pulse against the tongue. Fuck, just thinking of having Nick’s cock in my mouth was causing me to flood. Power surged through me, as I thought of the loss of control Nick will soon have.

“Do you need me to talk you through it, Ellie?”

As I continue to study Nick’s dick, I nibble on my lips, chewing on the tender flesh inside my mouth. Mockingly, I lift my head up to Nick, until our eyes clash.

“Nick once you’re in my mouth, you’ll not be able to think, never mind talk.”

“You’re all talk girl.”

“You think so.”

The gentle touch soon changes, as I grip underneath Nick’s cock, and trap his hard flesh in my hand. My fingers may not reach all the way round, however, my hold on his cock is firm as I begin to pump. As my hand moves up and down, our eyes refuse to waiver. This is going to be a battle of wills, and Nick was going to make me work towards my goal.

At twenty seven, I may have only had two lovers, but I was not innocent. Carl had not been a thirty second, lie on your back man, and neither was Nick. In the last eighteen months, Nick has taught me a trick or two. As Nick lay his head along the back of the couch, I reached under the cushion and removed the object I had placed there. In less than ten seconds, Nick’s eyes have flown open, as I place and secured the cock ring. Angry purple flesh pulsed at me.


“Now Nick, is there really any need for that language.”

“You had this fucking planned girl.”

“Nick, if you don’t stop being vulgar, I’ll not be kissing that pretty mouth anymore.”

Damn, my body was pulsing. The throb in my pussy is dancing madly, and all I want to do, is mount the cock, which is bouncing in front of me, and ride Nick long and hard. Instead, I cup the dick and begin to thrust my hand up and down, giving it a twist and squeezing hard. Nick’s head was once again, thrown back against the couch, his Adam’s apple, bobbing back and forth, as small breaths of pleasure escapes his open mouth.

As I pumped his dick, I give in to temptation, and lean forward, brushing my tongue over his protruding nipples. From one nipple to the other I went, leaving a trail of saliva in my wake. Underneath my tongue, I felt the hammer of Nick’s heart, as it beats in time with the throbbing veins of his cock. The harder I pumped him, the more I pushed my face into Nick’s chest, routing and finding his nipple to latch on to. Nick’s hands grips into my hair, anchoring my head onto his nipple. While Nick, thrusts his hips against my hand, I nibble and bite on his sensitive flesh.

Soon, I want more, and I move my head down south. As I pass over the taunt flesh, I alternate between licking and biting, until I found what I am looking for. With the help of my hand, I guide his cock into my mouth. The head filling me, as I take him in further. With each thrust Nick makes, I take more of his cock in to my mouth. Only to draw back and repeat the movement. Soon, Nick’s cock is pushed against the back of my throat, and with ease I relax my coiled muscles and take him in further, only to have him draw out and thrust back in.

As my head bobs up and down, I grip on to Nick’s hips for both anchorage and leverage. Nick’s moans are becoming louder. As my hand pumps the flesh, which I could not take inside of my mouth, I would hit the silver cock ring, and squeeze.

“Ellie, release the ring, so that I can cum down your throat.”

Power surged threw me. I have Nick where I wanted him. Without the removal of the ring, Nick is unable to cum for a while. With this knowledge, I withdrew Nick’s cock from my mouth, and push my trousers and panties down and off. As soon as I am free of my clothing, I mount Nick, but I do not take his cock inside my pussy.

Instead, I knelt my legs on either side of his body and offered him my tits, which he eagerly takes. His large hands, cupping each one easily, as his thumb flicks over the nubs, before he guided one into his mouth, sucking hard on the flesh, his teeth nipping gently.

My own moans were becoming louder, as I thrust against his lower body. As Nick sucked my tit, he moved one of his hands down to my pussy and spread my lips, letting his finger thrust between the soft plump flesh. Heat was rising in my body, and I felt the trickle of sweat, as it dripped in the crevice of my spine.


Nick spun our bodies round, until I was lying on my back and with one easy thrust, he was deep inside me. The silver cock ring, banging against my flesh. With each plunge that Nick made, the muscles on my inner tunnel, tightened, grasping on to Nick’s cock, as I drove my hips upward to him.

“Fuck Ellie. Yes Ellie-girl, that’s it. Fuck Ellie take me in deep.”

Blindly, I do as Nick asked. I bent my knees and braced myself on Nick’s shoulders, as I took him in deeper and deeper. The head of his cock, hitting the muscle in my pussy just where it was needed.

“Harder Nick. Go deeper.”

With each thrust Nick makes, my head hits the arm of the couch, but I do not care. I need to cum. Nick must have known I was ready, because his hand snaked down to my pussy again and unerringly went straight to my clit, where he began to rub frantically against the hard flesh. The quiver began in my toes, making me curl them, as my legs tensed, Nick has me flying. Exhausted, my body drops on to the couch, and I have to breathe hard to steady the erratic beat of my heart.


Nick’s gruff whisper, has me turning my head towards him.


“We haven’t finished yet.”

When I follow Nick’s gaze down our bodies, I spot the hard throbbing dick. Tempted to leave Nick in his agony, I place a kiss on his cheek, before removing my own body from underneath his. When I find Nick’s jeans, I remove one of the condoms, which he always keeps in the back pocket.

When I remove the ring from Nick’s cock, his loud groan of relief, filled the room and echoed down my ear, sending another shaft of arousal through me. Nick has just made me cum hard, fast and furiously and I was ready to go again. Wordlessly, I lent away from Nick and studied his body, as I covered his dick with the condom.

Nick is a fighter, and had the body to go with it. His toned body is well portioned. Unlike some fighters and some of the bikers he worked out with. His body was not overly muscular and as ready as I am for round two, I let my hands roam over his body. The smooth golden flesh, sending shivers through me. I was one of the lucky ones. As I drank in the sight of Nick’s naked body, I could not stop myself.

“Shit, Nick, I could give food up and live on your body alone.”

And I could. I could spend all day, and the rest of my life, just touching and licking his flesh. Maybe throwing in the occasional nibble. With this thought, as soon as the condom was in place, I mounted Nick, and took his cock in to me, in one thrust. As I threw my head back, I began to ride Nick. The fullness of his cock, filling and stretching me. In the morning I was going to be sore. But right now, I did not care. I wanted this man inside me. For him, to take me to nirvana and back.

Nick’s hands gripped onto my hips, and as he plunged into me, he brought my body down to his. Only to lift it again, when he withdrew. Nick manipulated my body for several thrusts. When I was about to cum, Nick shoved me down hard and thrust into me, releasing his seed as he moaned into my ear. My knees clenched on to his sides, as I had my own second orgasm of the night.

“Fuck, Ellie I don’t want to move.”

Nick’s cock was still inside me, semi hard and pulsing quietly against my pussy walls. I did not want him to move either. Shit, I did not have the energy to move, as my body lay lax against his chest.

Smothering his neck in small wet kisses, I smiled to myself.

“I don’t either Nick, but if we stay here, we’ll catch a chill.”

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