Read Full Circle Online

Authors: Donya Lynne

Tags: #workplace romance, #new adult, #psychological romance, #donya lynne, #strong karma, #mark strong

Full Circle (61 page)

BOOK: Full Circle
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She moaned, rotating her hips as he played
his fingers up and down, lowering his head.

“Fuck.” He pushed her legs apart and knelt
between them. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this wet.” His
fingers sank into her, followed immediately by the flick of his
tongue on her clit.

She arched her back, crying out, already on
the verge of coming.

“Let go. Come for me.” He swirled his tongue
around her swollen nub again.

She squirmed. So close.
“But . . . don’t you . . . ?” Didn’t
he want to be inside her when she came?

Following her train of thought, he paused
long enough to say, “We have all night, Karma, and I’m going to
make you come every way imaginable by morning,” before feasting on
her overly sensitive core once more.

He’d forced abstinence on them two weeks ago,
telling her he wanted to build anticipation for what was happening
this very moment. With that much of a celibate stretch between
them, no doubt they would both come every way imaginable tonight,
especially once he learned he could go bare.

Letting herself go, she succumbed to his
tongue violating her clit, his fingers stroking her G-spot. Her
body rose on a crescendo, her cries grew louder, and in less than
twenty seconds, she blew apart as he pressed the pads of his
fingers hard against the front of her vagina, deepening her orgasm,
prolonging it.

“Mark! Oh God!” She thrust into his mouth as
the vibrations in her core strengthened.

She was still coming as he tore himself away
and reached for a condom.

“No.” She grabbed his wrist. “You don’t need
one.” She needed him in her. Now!

“But . . .” Confusion gave way
to realization, which gave way to lust as he figured out what she
was telling him.

She grabbed at his hips, pulling him, needing
him. Another orgasm was already clamoring for release.

If what she felt tearing her body apart from
the inside out was any indication, Mark was going to make good on
his earlier promise. He’d have to carry her out of the hotel in the
morning, because her legs might not function properly for the next
twenty-four hours.

With more gusto than he’d ever shown, Mark
pushed her legs open, panting hard as if he were on the verge of
exploding, and drove into her.

Almost immediately, she came again.

She didn’t know how it felt for him, but for
her, having him inside her without a layer of latex between them
felt . . . smooth. Hot. Slippery. He glided more
easily in and out as he thrust harder, faster.

“Fuck, but that feels good.” He was a piston
in a high-performance engine, and all she could do was let him
accelerate, push harder, drive faster, and speed toward the finish

“God, I need to slow down.” He shivered,
stopped, and let out a ragged exhale. “If I don’t, I won’t last ten
more seconds.”

She combed her fingers through his hair,
which had fallen over his eyes. A film of sweat had erupted over
his forehead.

Her muscles still quivered from her second
orgasm, her thighs still tingling.

“Do you like my wedding gift?” she asking,

He arched one eyebrow appreciatively. “Like?
Try fucking love it.” He rolled against her for emphasis. “How did
you keep this from me?”

She pulled her legs up, hooking one over his
shoulder, making him groan. With a syrupy smirk, she said, “You’re
not the only one who knows how to get what you want and keep it a
secret. I’ve been planning this for two months.”

“You actually planned this?” He gave her one
of his trademark crooked grins. “Someone’s been taking notes.”

“Someone’s had a very good teacher. One who’s
taught me that a little planning can occasionally be a good

“A teacher who’s going to reward you for
being such a good student.” He thrust into her, making her gasp.
Then he did it again. “A teacher who has a primal urge to fuck you
senseless right now.”

Their flesh slapped together as he plunged
inside her to the hilt.

“Oh God!” Her blunt nails dug into his back
as he awakened a third orgasm. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!”

Gritting his teeth and wrapping his arm
around her thigh so he could maneuver her at will, he levered
himself on his free arm, half-kneeling between her legs, thrusting
into her at a breakneck pace.

She was helpless to do more than hang on. He
was a man possessed, as taken by her special wedding gift as she

His shoulders bunched, his biceps flexed, and
she knew he was close.

The moment his gaze met hers, her soul split
open as her third orgasm shattered her body.

One continuous, keening moan drew out of his
chest, growing as he took what was now his by law. To have and to
hold—and give leg-numbing pleasure to—till death do they part.

With one final thrust that translated into a
series of stiff-bodied shudders, he emptied inside her, spilling
warmth through her core.

She’d never felt that before. That feeling of
life pouring into her, from his body into hers.

Overcome, she cried out and clutched him
close, holding his quivering body to hers, feeling the ceaseless
pulses of his cock as he continued pumping into her.

It had been a long time since she’d felt him
come so hard.

His arms gave out, but instead of collapsing
on top of her, he rolled to his side and scooped her into his arms,
pulling her against him.

Her cheek lay on his chest. She could hear
the hard, rapid pounding of his heart.

It took him a moment to catch his breath
enough to speak. “That was . . .”

She grinned at his speechlessness.

His fingers combed through her hair. “I was
thinking more along the lines of fucking incredible.” He kissed the
top of her head. “You’ve always been able to surprise me. Just when
I think I know what you’ll do, you throw me a curve and prove me
wrong. I hope you never stop surprising me, Karma.”

It was the same thing he’d said during his
speech at the reception.

“I’ll try not to.”

He uttered a weak chuckle and nuzzled her
hair. “You know, there’s a lot I can still teach you. A lot of
we never got to before.”

She recalled their four months of lessons two
summers ago with fondness. She had enjoyed being his student,
especially when he made her feel the way she felt right now.

“Are you thinking about reopening your

His arms tightened around her, drawing her
more firmly against his body. “Give me ten minutes to recover from
your gift, and you’ll find out.”

“What? Here? Now?” Her body responded at just
the thought of engaging in Mark’s idea of lessons again.

“Can you think of a better time?”

She lifted her head so she could look him in
the eye. “Absolutely not.” She drank in the strong angles of his
face, his solid jaw, his straight, regal nose . . .
his firm lips. She kissed him. “I love you, Mr. Strong. I’m ready
for you to teach me all that you know . . . so that
I can please you for the rest of our lives.”

One side of his mouth curled upward. “You’ve
already pleased me for the rest of my life by marrying me.”

“Then let me rephrase.” She trailed her
fingertips down his chest and abdomen, to his rebounding erection.
“So that I can
give you pleasure
for the rest of our

“I like the sound of that.” He closed his
hand around hers as she teased him. “But are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“Another journey, Mrs. Strong.” He reached
under the pillow and pulled out a red scarf, slowly twirling the
fabric around his fingers.

She grinned at the twinkle in his eyes. Then
she rolled to her back, making a deliberate show of opening her
arms and laying them on the comforter in surrender, submitting

“Lead the way, Mr. Strong.”

As he placed the soft fabric over her closed
eyes, she felt all the love in his heart. He would take care of
her, cherish her, and keep her safe. He would more than live up to
his vows.

“There’s no one else I’d rather take this
journey with,” she whispered.

His lips brushed over hers as his fingers
caressed her nipple to attention. “I feel the same way. It’s you
for me, Karma.” He kissed her again. “It’s always been you.”

She bit her lip as he shifted his weight and
linked his fingers around hers, pressing her arms against the bed,
holding her down.

“I only have one question,” she said as he
kissed the side of her neck.

“What’s that?” He spoke softly, his mouth
beside her ear.

“Is there even anything left to teach me?”
She already knew the answer, but teasing Mark was fun.

His dark, sexy chuckle sent a thrill through
her body. Heat bloomed between her legs once more.

He flipped her abruptly to her stomach and
smoothed his palm over her derriere, letting the tips of his
fingers graze along the crease. “Oh, you really shouldn’t have
asked me that, baby.”

Oh, yes she should have, because his reaction
was exactly what she’d hoped for.

Let their new journey begin. She had a
feeling it would be a good one.


Every story has an ending, but in life, every ending
is a new beginning.

-Author Unknown


Friday, July 5

Cupid Loves Psyche

Mark and Karma’s Blog


There once was a virgin named Psyche who was so
beautiful she roused jealousy from the goddess Venus herself.
Furious that her subjects doted their affection on Psyche rather
than her, Venus ordered her son Cupid to make Psyche fall in love
with a hideous, unworthy creature and thus punish her with
mortification for all eternity. But when Cupid saw Psyche, he was
so stunned, he wounded himself with his own arrow and fell deeply
in love with her.

Obviously, this infuriated Venus, but Cupid was
determined to have Psyche, no matter the cost.

Many trials and tribulations followed. They battled
trust, battled Venus, and damn near battled the universe to be with
one another. They were together, then they weren’t, and then
finally they found each other again. Ultimately, they were united
by the gods in a glorious wedding and banquet in the heavens.
Psyche later gave birth to a child they name Pleasure.

Their story is the inspiration for this blog. My
Cupid and I have been through our own trials and tribulations. We
met and fell in love against all odds, then were separated, and
finally found one another again because our love refused to die.
We’ve just come from our own glorious wedding, and even though it
didn’t take place in the heavens, it definitely felt divined by the
gods. And through it all, we’ve discovered our own brand of

Now we will share our journey and resulting pleasure
with you as we continue forth in this magical thing called life,
which refuses to make falling in love easy, which many of you
probably already know. But my Cupid and I wouldn’t have it any
other way, and neither should you, because it was through fighting
for one another that Cupid and I learned who we are and gained a
level of intimacy and trust that is almost supernatural.

Isn’t it through the flames that the phoenix arises
reborn? So it is with love and intimacy. The harder you fight for
it, the better it is once you find it.

My Cupid has opened my eyes to the woman I am and
could potentially become. He has struck me with his arrow, and I
anticipate he will never stop teaching me all the ways of pleasure.
And I hope I can forever do the same for him, because he is my
heart, my soul, and my life. Ours isn’t a perfect story, and our
journey has endured its share of bumps, but we are perfect

There are so many journeys we have yet to take and
so many stories yet to tell. And we plan on sharing them with you
so that many more Cupids and Psyches can find their way to each
other through our example.

For now, Cupid and I have some honeymooning to do in
Saint Lucia—a place for lovers like us—as we plan the next
adventure in our ongoing story. So, until next time, live hard,
laugh often, and love completely. Where there’s possibility,
there’s hope. And where there’s hope, anything’s possible.

Forever in love,

Psyche & Cupid

Thank you for reading Full Circle, the final book of
the Strong Karma Trilogy. However, this isn’t the last you’ll see
of Mark and Karma. Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter and
follow me on Facebook for more information about the upcoming books
that will continue their story.


If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a
review at the site where you purchased it. Reviews make a
difference and matter more than you might realize in this
reader-driven business called publishing.


Mark and Karma’s story came to me back in 2013,
during the peak of popularity of my All the King’s Men Series. So,
I would first like to acknowledge both my AKM characters and my
fans of that series. Anyone who relies on creativity understands
the concept of inspiration striking. And Mark and Karma definitely
struck me, shutting down everything else. So thank you for your
patience as Mark and Karma took over my brain.

Thank you also to my wonderful beta readers. As
always, your feedback made this book better than I could have made
it on my own. Every author needs a tough group of readers who
aren’t afraid to say, “Hey, this isn’t working.” Thank you for
being mine. And a special thanks to Sue for the four-hour
brainstorming “consults.” You have no idea how much they

And to my readers, thank you for investing your time
with my books and me. Every word I write is with you in mind. I
hope you enjoy the final installment of the Strong Karma

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