Read FullDisclosure Online

Authors: Nikki Soarde

Tags: #Geography

FullDisclosure (13 page)

BOOK: FullDisclosure
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As if he’d read her mind, his hand slipped beneath her camisole and found one yearning breast. His touch was gentle but firm and her nipple tingled as he kneaded that tender flesh.

She wove her fingers through his hair and held him firm as she continued the kiss, drinking him in as surely as she’d drunk the wine the night before. He was even more delectable, more intoxicating. And yet she was being denied so much.

“Clothes,” she murmured against his lips as his other hand found her ass and squeezed. “There’s too many.”

“Say no more.” Within moments he had whisked her camisole over her head and tossed her, giggling, to the other side of the bed. Now it was his turn to hover over her. On his knees and straddling her legs, he gazed down on her, the look in his eyes now verging on feral. Even though she was the one who had urged for nudity, her instinctive reaction was one of embarrassment. She’d never relished having men’s eyes on her, and even less so now. But the way he was looking at her was enough to banish those old fears and inhibitions. All she saw in his eyes as he gazed down at her was blatant admiration—even awe. It was enough to make her enjoy his eyes on her—at least for the moment.

He skimmed his hands over her breasts, down her rib cage to tickle her belly—and finally the edge of her thong. She arched her back.

“You want this off too?” he asked, slipping his finger just beneath the hem and driving her slowly insane.

“Yes. God, yes.”

“I don’t know.” He brushed his fingertips across the fabric, only toying with the lacy edges. “It’s so pretty. I almost hate to say goodbye to it.”

At the end of her rope, she abruptly sat up, cupped his jaw in her hands and growled, “If you don’t get on with this I will
be responsible for my actions.”

“Oh…I like that.” He pushed her back onto the bed and at last the panties came off. A moment later his silk boxers joined them on the floor, giving her just the briefest glimpse of that beautiful cock before he parted the lips of her sex and found her clit. And sent her plummeting back onto the pillows.

She sighed in combined ecstasy and relief, her thighs parting of their own volition.

“You’re a dangerous woman, aren’t you?” Two fingers found their way inside her.

“Mmm. I am an ex-con, you know.”

“Perhaps so, but you have the pussy of a princess.” And before she could laugh at the ridiculous image of her pussy sporting a tiny tiara, his mouth was on her. His tongue was warm and gentle, and then more firm as it swirled around her clit and dipped inside her. He tickled her with its tip, then massaged her with the full pad. She squirmed, unsure what she was seeking but unable to keep still for the excitement that danced through her.

“Hey,” he said with a chuckle, “let me do my job here.” Then his hands wedged themselves between the sheets and her backside and held her ass firm. That added pressure and the subtle power in that grip was enough to still her muscles.

“There.” He lapped at her from anus to peak. “That’s better.” His mouth covered her and proceeded to drive her to the brink of insanity.

The orgasm gave her no warning. It came out of nowhere and sprang on her like a thief in the night. She sucked in her breath and let out a long, low moan as the waves of pleasure crashed over her and he continued to lave and massage her pussy without respite.

Spent at last, she collapsed back onto the pillows. “It’s been so long,” she whispered. “I can’t remember the last time a man made love to me.”

“Well, I hope you don’t think I’m done.” With that he slid two fingers inside her and proceeded to massage her G-spot. His thumb gave attention to her clit.

“Oh God.” She tried to squirm away from him. “I don’t think I can take it.”

“Nonsense. Your body is begging me for it.”

“Really?” She settled back, allowing her senses to take over.

“Yes, really.”

She began to feel the familiar pressure deep inside as his expert attentions to her G-spot did their job.

“Christ, you’re wet.”

“Sorry.” She muttered the word without really thinking about it.

He laughed. “You’re funny. I fuckin’ love it.”

Finding her voice at last, she lifted her head. “But I’d love you to fuck me.”

His hand stilled and he let out a long, low growl. “I wanted you to come again first.”

She sat up completely and wrapped her hand around his straining cock. It was thick and hard and perfectly proportioned—with a slight upward curve that she suspected could do wonders for a girl’s G-spot. “But I want you inside me.” She brushed her thumb across the tip. “Now.”

“Damn.” He took a deep breath, allowing her to run her hands up and down his cock a few more times before finally dragging himself away.

“Where are you going?”

“I need a fuckin’ glove!”

“Oh.” She giggled. “It’s been so long…I forgot. I never had to worry about that with—” She stopped herself, realizing talk of her former husband was probably not appropriate for the situation. “I mean before.”

He stood at the end of the bed, ripping open the package. He held out the condom. “Care to give me a hand?”

“Certainly. And a foot and everything in between.” She crawled to the end of the bed and kneeled before him. She took the condom from him. She gave him a coy look. “But first…” And she took him in her mouth. He tasted sweet and clean, not like that horrible cop who had made her— She halted, angry at herself for allowing her past to continually creep into her thoughts. She didn’t want to think about Rufus. Or Philip. Or anyone from her past. If she had her way she’d never think about any of them again.

Instead she focused on Jake and the way
made her feel. On the taste of him, the firmness. On the quickening of his breathing and the soft moans he made as her mouth rode up and down the length of his cock. She tickled his balls with her fingers as she licked the sensitive tip. She felt wanton, uninhibited. It was as if Jake had dug up a part of her that had been buried her whole life. She’d never felt this way before. Except, perhaps, once.

He said her name, the word both a plea and a protest, but only when she tasted that first tiny bead of pre-cum did she withdraw her mouth and apply the glove, as he had so aptly named it.

She rolled it down the length of him, employing exaggerated care as he looked on with hooded eyes. Her fingers hadn’t even broken contact when he grabbed her by the shoulders and heaved her back onto the bed and the mound of pillows.

His body pressed her into the mattress, the hardness of his chest just as exciting to her as the tempting touch of his cock against her pussy. She loved the insistent press of his hands as they held her wrists against the bed, but what she found most exciting of all was the way he looked at her. There was a possessiveness and a wonder in his gaze that made her tummy twist with desire.

He kissed her, his lips a stamp of approval. A seal of affirmation. He drew out the kiss, lacing his fingers with hers as his tongue teased and explored—and his cock finally eased inside her.

Unable to stifle her voice a moment longer, she broke the kiss and cried out, asking for more. Begging him to fuck her even as she arched her hips to take him deeper.

He thrust hard and fast and so deep that he nudged her womb. She cried out again, unsure what the words were but knowing there was no stopping them from tumbling out of her mouth. She’d never been so vocal before, always holding her words and her feelings under tight control. This was new, and she wasn’t sure where it was coming from.

“Christ,” he said. “You’re so tight.”

“My hands. I need my hands.”

He released her, allowing her to wrap her arms around his waist and hold on like she so desperately wanted.

“Kiss me again,” she commanded, still marveling at herself for saying it.

His growl was as exciting as his thrusts, and when his lips joined with hers again there was no tenderness left. Only passion.

His back grew damp from sweat and his thrusts took on a new urgency. “Fuck,” he swore loudly. “You are so fucking amazing.”

And for the first time in her life she believed it.

He slid his hands down her back to cup her ass and adjust the angle of her hips. When one finger crept lower to tease the edges of her anus she didn’t wince like she would have expected. Rather she yearned for it.

“Yes,” she whispered, and that was it. His finger penetrated her and that added pressure was apparently all it took to send them both careening toward heaven. Or perhaps it was hell. She wasn’t sure, and she no longer cared.

The waves of climax pulsed through her and over him, resulting in a shared cry of pleasure that echoed through the room for what seemed like an eternity. And yet it was only a moment.

At last they both collapsed back on the mattress, saturated and spent and gazing at each other with something akin to wonder.

Jake turned on his side and propped himself up on an elbow. “I’m thinking you enjoyed that.” His hands, apparently unable to resist her skin, had already started skimming over her breasts and belly again. She shivered at the touch, her body still hyperaware in her post-orgasmic state.

“I’m thinking you’re right.”

He found her pussy and slipped inside. She sucked in her breath in surprise. “Oh,” she closed her eyes. “I-I don’t know…”

“Don’t know what? Do you want me to stop?”

“No.” At that moment she realized she didn’t. She allowed her legs to fall apart and he added another finger as he slid deeper toward her G-spot. “I guess I don’t.”

He kissed her gently even as his fingers drove her toward another climax. He whispered in her ear, “How about I make you come one more time and then I take you into the shower and wash you slowly.” His fingers pumped and her pussy wept. “From head to toe.” His hand was relentless. “Exploring every inch of you until you tell me to stop.”

“We could be there awhile.” She was amazed she got the words out.

“I’ve got nowhere to go.” He smiled. “But down.”

And then his mouth was on her again and the orgasm tore through her so hard she was surprised she didn’t rip in two.

Chapter Ten

Noah’s mouth felt like fire on Rachel’s lips. His kiss was sweet and gentle, yet the passion that flowed through her was anything but. She longed to feel more of him, his hands on her skin, his chest against hers.

It was she who cupped the back of his head and deepened the kiss, who lay back on the blanket, pulling him with her as she did so. He followed her eagerly, taking the act as the invitation it was meant to be. A deep groan reverberated through his chest and the kiss turned hungry. His body felt deliciously heavy on top of hers, but not so heavy that she couldn’t breathe. However, when his hand crept beneath her shirt, pushed aside her bra and cupped her breast, that was enough to steal the oxygen from her lungs and make her heart throb against her rib cage.

Her nipples tingled with awareness and she arched her back, blatantly offering herself up to his touch. He pushed her shirt up past her breasts and the blast of cool air against her skin was almost as exciting as the touch of his mouth. He lapped at her nipple then took her fully into his mouth and she thought she would burst from the pure joy of it.

Because she needed more, she found the hem of his shirt, slipped her hands beneath and explored the heated skin of his back. She thrilled to the ripple of muscle and the rapid rhythm of his breathing.

He shifted a little and suddenly she was keenly aware of the hard ridge of his erection—pressing firmly against the apex of her thighs. Without considering the implications, she parted her thighs and groaned in ecstasy as he rubbed against her. She felt swollen and thick, and for the first time in her life truly considered what it would feel like to have a man inside her.

“Is this okay?” He had abandoned her breast and had moved to her throat, his voice an urgent whisper next to her ear. “You can tell me to stop any time.”

“No.” She shook her head, angled her hips against him and lost herself in the wonder of it. “More. I want more.”

In response he rolled off her, but before she could protest he had undone the button on her jeans and reached inside. His fingers brushed her clit and she sucked in her breath in combined surprise and pleasure.

He massaged her lightly before sliding lower and easing ever so gently inside. “Good Lord, you’re wet.”

“I-I am?”

“Yeah.” He kissed her. “Yeah, you are. And that’s wonderful.”

The motions of his fingers continued and she began to feel something build inside her. Something unfamiliar but unbelievably exciting.

“I want you inside me,” she breathed, a part of her astonished at what she was asking but unable to deny the truth of it. And, more importantly, unable to stop it. She felt like she did when she’d gone tobogganing for the first time. Once you started down the slope, it didn’t matter what awaited you at the bottom, there were no brakes to slow you down. “Please?”

With his free hand, he brushed some hair from her face. “I don’t know. I’m not sure we should go there. Not yet. And besides, I don’t have a condom.”

“Please,” she begged again. “I need…” She needed something. She just wasn’t sure what it was.

BOOK: FullDisclosure
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