Gallicenae (54 page)

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Authors: Poul Anderson

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Arel: Father of Donnerch.

Artorius: The former steward of the Gratillonius estate.

Aryagalatis maqq Irgalato:
King of Dál Riata in Alba.

Audrenius: A Gallo-Roman dealer in fuel.

Audris: Dauther of Innilis by Hoel.

Augustina: Daughter of Vindilis and Gratillonius.

AUSONIUS, DECIMUS MAGNUS: Gallo-Roman poet, scholar, teacher, and sometime Imperial officer.

Avonis: Sister of Herun, eventually wife of Adminius.

Bacca, Quintus Domitius: Procurator of Lugdunensis Tertia.

Bannon: Headman of Dochaldun.

Barak Tyri: A young man of Ys.

Belcar: A legendary Ysan hero.

Betha: Wife of Maeloch.

Blodvin: Osismiic maidservant of Fennalis.

Bodilis: A Queen of Ys; daughter of Tambilis by Wulfgar.

Boia: A daughter of Lanarvilis by Hoel.

Bolce Ben-bretnach:
Mother of Conual Corcc.

Bomatin Kusuri: A Suffete of Ys, a sea captain and Mariner delegate to the Council.

Borsus: An Ysan.

Bran maqq Anmerech: A hostelkeeper in Mide.

Breccan maqq Nélli: Eldest son of Niall, killed in battle at Ys.

Breifa: A female servant of Bodilis.

Brennilis: Leader of the Gallicenae at the time of Julius and Augustus Caesar, responsible for the building of the sea wall and gate.

Bresslan: A man of Carpre’s.

BRICIUS: Successor of Martinus; known today as St. Brice.

Briga: Osismiic maidservant of Forsquilis.

A half-brother of Niall.

Budic: A legionary in Gratillonius’s detachment at Ys, of the Coritanean tribe in Britain; killed by Gratillonius in combat at the Wood of the King.

Cadoc Himilco: A young Ysan of Suffete family.

Cael maqq Eriai: An ollam poet at Niall’s court.

Calloch: A Gaul, former King of Ys, father of Fennalis and Morvanalis.

CALVINUS: An agent of Maximus’s secret police.

CALPURNIUS: Father of Sucat.

Camilla: (1) A sister of Gratillonius; (2) Third daughter of Guilvilis and Gratillonius.

Mother of Niall.

Carpre maqq Nélli: A son of Niall.

Carsa, Aulus Metellus: A young Gallo-Roman seaman from Burdigala, stationed in Ys; killed by Gratillonius in combat at the Wood of the King.

Carsa, Tiberius Metellus: A Gallo-Roman sea captain, father of the above.

Cata: A female worker at the Apuleius manor house.

Catellan: A Ysan.

Cathual: Charioteer to Niall.

Catto: A fisherman from Whalestrand.

Catualorig: A former Bacauda.

Cellach maqq Blathmaic: The hostelkeeper at Clón Tarui.

Cernach maqq Durthact: A merchant skipper of Munster.

Childeric: A son of Merowech.

Chramn: A Frankish warrior.

Cian: A name used by Dahut.

Claudia: A woman mentioned by Eucherius.

Clothair: A Frank settled in the Redonic canton; father of Chramn.

Colconor: A Gaul, King of Ys at the time of Gratillonius’s arrival; slain by Gratillonius.

Commius: A Romano-Brittanic senator.

CONCHESSA: Niece of Martinus and mother of Sucat.

CONSTANTINUS, CONSTANS: Elder son of Flavius Claudius Constantinus.

CONSTANTINUS, FLAVIUS CLAUDIUS: A Roman army officer in Britannia, later a usurper known as CONSTANTINUS III.

CONSTANTINUS, JULIANUS: Younger son of Flavius Claudius Constantinus.

CONUAL CORCC MAQQ LUGTHACI: Principal king in Mumu, founder of the kingdom at Cashel.

Conual Gulban maqq Nélli:
A son of Niall.

An ancestor of Niall, remembered to this day as having reigned gloriously.

A holy man, chorepiscopus at Ys, later bishop of Confluentes and Aquilo, known today as St. Corentin.

Coriran: A swineherd in Munster.

Cothortin Rosmertai: Lord of Works in Ys, head of civil service.

Cotta: A Mithraist in Vienne.

Craumthan maqq Fidaci:
Brother of Mongfind, successor to King Eochaid maqq Muredach.

CUNEDAG: A leader of the Votadini, settled in Western Britannia to be an ally of Rome.

Cynan: (1)A legionary in Gratillonius’s detachment at Ys, of the Demetic tribe in Britain, and a convert to Mithraisim; (2) A centurion in Constantinus’s army.

Dahilis: A Queen of Ys, daughter of Tambilis by Hoel, mother of Dahut by Gratillonius.

Dahut: Daughter of Dahilis and Gratillonius.

DAMASUS: Pope, 366-384.

Dardriu: A swineherd in Munster.

Dauvinach: An Ysan.

Davona: A minor priestess in Ys.

DELPHINUS: Late friend of Ausonius.

Dion: A youth from Neapolis.

Docca: A Dumnonic woman, once nurse to Gratillonius.

Domnuald maqq Nélli: A son of Niall.

Donalis: A former Queen of Ys, mother of Quistilis by Wulfgar.

Donan: A member of Maeloch’s crew.

Donnerch: A carter in Ys.

Doranius: A young man from Gesocribate.

Drach: Father of Vellano.

Drusus, Publius Flavius: A Britannic centurion of the Sixth under Maximus and a friend of Gratillonius, later a settler in Armorica.

Elissa: (1) Birth name of Lauarvilis; (2) Daughter of Lanarvilis by Lugaid.

Einiaunus, Valerius: A Britannic official in Constantinus’s service.

Éndae maqq Nélli:
A son of Niall.

Éndae Qennsalach:
Principal king in Qóiqet Lagini (Leinster).

Eochaid maqq Éndae:
A son of Éndae Qennsalach, exiled for murder of a poet and implacable enemy of Niall.

Eochaid maqq Muredach:
A former King at Temir (Tara), father of Niall.

Eógan maqq Nélli:
A son of Niall.

Eppillus, Quintus Junius: A Dobunnic legionary in Gratillonius’s detachment, his deputy at the time, killed in battle at Ys.

Esmunin Sironai: Chief astrologer in Ys.

Estar: (1) Birth name of Dahilis; (2) Second daughter of Gratillonius and Tambilis.

Esun: A son of Catto.

Étain: A female druid at Niall’s court.

Ethniu: A former concubine of Niall, mother of Breccan.

Eucherius: Christian minister (chorepiscopus) in Ys at the time of Gratillonius’s arrival.

EUGENIUS: Briefly Augustus of the West, as a puppet of Arbogast.

Evana: Daughter of Vallilis and Wulfgar, mother of Joreth.

Evar: A maidservant of Innilis.

Evirion Baltisi: A young Ysan sea captain.

Ewein: A neighbor of the Gratilloni in Britannia.

Favonius: Gratillonius’s favorite horse.

Faustina: A sister of Gratillonius.

A late half-brother of Niall.

Fedelmm: A witch, foster-mother of Conual Corcc.

FELIX: A clergyman who became bishop of Trier.

Fennalis: A Queen of Ys, daughter of Ochtalis by Calloch.

Fergus Fogae:
Supreme King in Ulster; a half-brother of Niall.

Fland Dub maqq Ninnedo: Murderer of Domnuald.

Florus: A Gallo-Roman merchant.

Fogartach: A follower of Eochaid.

Forsquilis: A Queen of Ys, daughter of Karilis by Lugaid, mother of Nemeta.

Fredegond: A son of Merowech.

Gaetulius: A Mauretanian, former King of Ys, father of Maldunilis, Vindilis, and Innilis.

GAINAS: A Roman general of Gothic origin.

Galith: A name used by Dahut.

Glabrio, Titus Scribona: Governor of Lugdunensis Tertia.

Gladwy: Birth name of Quinipilis.

Goban: An Osismiic boatman and deacon to Corentinus.

Gradlon: An Armorican version of “Gratillonius.”

Grallon: An Ysan version of “Gratillonius.”

GRATIANUS, FLAVIUS: A legionary officer in Britannia, co-Emperor of the West with Valentinianus; defeated by Maximus and murdered.

Gratillonius, Gaius Valerius: A Romano-Briton of the Belgic tribe, centurion in the Second Legion Augusta. Sent by Maximus to be the Roman prefect in Ys and caused by the Gallicenae to become its King.

Gratillonius, Lucius Valerius: Older brother of the above.

Gratillonius, Marcus Valerius: Father of the two above.

Guennellius: A Britannic curial.

Guentius: A Britannic legionary in Gratillonius’ detachment.

Guilvilis: A Queen of Ys.

Gunnung Ivarsson: A Danic skipper and sea rover.

Gwynmael: Gamekeeper, later groom on the Gratillonius estate.

Hannon Baltisi: Lir Captain in Ys.

Herun Taniti: An officer in the Ysan navy.

Hilketh Eliuni: Former Transporter delegate to the Council of Suffetes in Ys.

Hoel: A Gaul, King of Ys before Colconor; father of Dahilis.

HONORIUS, FLAVIUS: A son of Theodosius, by him made Augustus of the West.

Hornach: An Osismian who would be King.

Innilis: A Queen of Ys, daughter of Donalis by Gaetulius.

Innloc: Father of Maeloch.

Intil: An Ysan fisherman.

Iram Eliuni: Lord of Gold in Ys, head of the treasury.

Ita: Late sister of Rufinus.

ITHACIUS: Bishop of Faro.

Janatha: An Ysan.

Johannes: Son of Julia and Cadoc.

Jonan: A laborer in Ys.

Joreth: A courtesan in Ys.

Julia: (1) Mother of Gratillonius; (2) Daughter of Lanarvilis and Gratillonius.

JULIANUS, FLAVIUS CLAUDIUS: Today known as Julian the Apostate, this Emperor (361-363) tried to revive paganism under the auspices of the state.

Kadrach: A cooper in Ys.

Karilis: A former Queen of Ys, mother of Forsquilis by Lugaid.

Keban: A former prostitute in Ys, converted to Christianity and married to Budic largely at the instigation of Corentinus.

Kel Cartagi: A young man of Ys.

Kerna: Second daughter of Bodilis by Hoel.

Korai: Granddaughter of Bodilis.

LAÉGARE MAQQ NÉLLI: Youngest (?) son of Niall.

Laidchenn maqq Barchedo:
An ollam poet of Munster, attached to Niall’s court.

Lanarvilis: A Queen of Ys, daughter of Fennalis by Wulfgar, mother of Julia.

Laurentinus: A Britannic curial.

Lavinia: A lady of Mediolanum.

Lorcann maqq Flandi: A Scotic warrior.

Lugaid: A Scotian, forner King of Ys, father of Forsquilis.

Lugotorix, Sextus Titius: A Gallo-Roman publican.

Lugthach maqq Aillelo:
A king in Munster, father of Conual Corcc.

Lydris: Wife of Nagon Demari.

Lyria: Birth name of Karilis.

Maclavius: A Britannic legionary in Gratillonius’s detachment and fellow Mithraist.

Maecius: Chorepiscopus at Aquilo, presently retired.

Maeloch: An Ysan fisher captain and formerly a Ferrier of the Dead.

Maldunilis: A Queen of Ys, daughter of Quistilis by Gaetulius.

Malthi: A maidservant of Fennalis.

Marcus: Son of Verania and Gratillonius.

MARCUS: A legionary officer in Britannia, briefly claimant of the purple.

Maria: Daughter of Verania and Gratillonius.

MARIA: First daughter of Stilicho, who became wife of Honorius.

MARTINUS: Bishop of Turonum (Tours) and founder of the monastery at Marmoutier; today known as St. Martin of Tours.

MAXIMUS, MAGNUS CLEMENS: Commander of Roman forces in Britannia, who later forcibly took power as co-Emperor but was overthrown and executed by Theodosius the Great.

Mella: A servant and medical assistant of Innilis.

Merowech: A leader of the Frankish laeti around Redonum; father of Theuderich.

Owner of Sucat when the latter was a slave.

Miraine: A daughter of Lanarvilis by Hoel.

Mochta: An Osismiic prostitute in Ys.

Moethaire of the Corco Óchae: Father of Fedelmm.

Stepmother of Niall, long dead, said to have been a witch.

Morvanalis: A former Queen of Ys, mother of Guilvilis by Hoel.

Muton Rosmertai: A Suffete of Ys and convert to Mithraism.

Murena, Flaminius: Duke of the Armorican Tract.

Nagon Demari: A Suffete and the Labor Councillor in Ys, self-exiled during Graillonius’s reign and bitterly hostile to him.

Namma: Cook in the Apuleius household.

Nath Í:
Nephew, tanist, and eventual successor of Niall.

Nathach: A painter in Ys.

Nemain maqq Aedo: Chief druid at Niall’s court.

Nemeta: Daughter of Forsquilis and Gratillonius.

NIALL MAQQ ECHACH, also known as NIALL OF THE NINE HOSTAGES: King at Temir (Tara) and overlord of Mide in Ireland.

Norom: A crewman of Maeloch’s.

Ochtalis: A former Queen of Ys, mother of Morvanalis and Fennalis by Calloch.

Oengus Bolg:
A king in Munster, father of Ámend.

Ogotorig: A hunter, formerly a Bacauda.

Olath Cartagi: An Ysan survivor who became an ironmaker.

Osrach Taniti: Fisher Councillor in Ys.

Parnesius: A Romano-Britannic centurion, friend of Gratillonius in his youth.

PATRICIUS: An advocate in the service of Maximus.

PAULINUS: A grandson of Ausonius.

Pertinax: A Romano-Britannic centurion, friend of Parnesius.

Philippus: An exorcist in Turonum.

PRISCILLIANUS: Heretical bishop of Ávila, executed by Maximus.

Prudentius: A Redonian, deacon to Eucherius.

Quanis: A demonic mermaid in Ysan legend.

Quinipilis: A Queen of Ys, daughter of Redorix, mother unspecified.

Quintilius: A courtier in Mediolanum.

Quistilis: A former Queen of Ys, mother of Maldunilis by Wulfgar.

RADAGAISUS: A Gothic warlord.

Radoch: A manservant of Vindilis.

Rael: A prostitute in Ys.

Ramas Tyri: Former Artisan delegate to the Council of Suffetes in Ys.

Redorix: A Gaul, former King of Ys, father of Quinipilis.

Rivelin: Royal surgeon in Ys.

Riwal: A Durotrigian (from Britannia) who moved to Confluentes.

Ronach: An Osismiic Mithraist.

Rovinda: Wife of Apuleius Vero.

Rufinus: A Redonian, formerly a Bacauda, henchman of Gratillonius.

RUFINUS: Praetorian prefect of Arcadius, overthrown by Stilicho.

Rullus, Septimius: A curial in Gesocribate.

Runa: (1) Birth name of Vindilis; (2) Daughter of Vindilis by Hoel.

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