Gallicenae (55 page)

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Authors: Poul Anderson

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Sadb: Wife of Cernach.

Salaun: An Armorican version of “Salomon.”

Son of Rovinda and Apuleius Vero.

Saphon: A former Ysan fisher captain.

Sasai: (1) Birth name of Guilvilis; (2) First daughter of Guilvilis and Gratillonius.

Semuramat: (1) Third daughter of Bodilis by Hoel, later known as Tambilis; (2) First daughter of her and Gratillonius.

SERENA: Wife of Stilicho; niece and adopted daughter of Theo-dosius.

Sicorus: The large landowner at Maedraecum.

Sigo, Quintus Flavius: An Imperial courier.

Silis: A prostitute in Ys.

Soren Cartagi: Speaker for Taranis in Ys, Timberman delegate to the Council.

Sosir: A painter in Ys.

STILICHO, FLAVIUS: A Roman general, half Vandal by birth, who became effectively the dictator of the West Roman Empire.

Subne maqq Dúnchado: A follower of Eochaid.

SUCAT (or SUCCAT): A young holy man, later called Patricius; known today as St. Patrick.

Surach: A son of Catto.

Syrus, Lucas Orgetuorig: Mithraic Father in Vienne.

Taenus Himilco: A Suffete of Ys, Landholder Councillor; father of


Talavair: (1) Birth name of Bodilis; (2) First daughter of Bodilis and Hoel.

Taltha: A courtesan in Ys.

Tambilis: (1) A Queen of Ys, daughter of Bodilis and Hoel; (2) A former Queen, grandmother of this one; mother of Bodilis by Wulfgar and Dahilis by Hoel.

Tardelbach: A man of Carpre’s.

Targorix: An early Celtic king.

Tasciovanus: A Britannic curial.

Temesa: A maidservant of Quinipilis.

Tera: An Ysan countrywoman.

THEODOSIUS, FLAVIUS: Today known as the Great; Augustus of the East; eventually, briefly, sole Roman Emperor.

Theuderich: A son of Merowech; a leader of the Frankish laeti around Redonum.

Tigernach maqq Laidchinni: A son and pupil of Laidchenn, murdered by Eochaid.

Timbro: A follower of Ullus.

Tommaltach maqq Donngalii: A young Scotian living in Ys, killed by Gratillonius in combat at the Wood of the King.

Torna Éces:
Greatest poet in Ériu, foster-father of Niall and Conual and teacher of Laidchenn.

Tóthual the Desired:
Founder of Mide.

Tronan Sironai: Late husband of Runa.

Uail maqq Carbri: Henchman of Niall.

Udach: A servant of Gratillonius.

Ullus: A bully from Audiarna.

Una: (1) Daughter of Bodilis and Gratillonius; (2) A Britannic girl, daughter of Ewein; sweetheart of Gratillonius in his youth.

Usun: An Ysan fisherman, Maeloch’s mate on

Utican the Wanderer: An Ysan poet.

VALENTINIANUS, FLAVIUS: Co-Emperor of the West.

Valeria: Fourth daughter of Guilvilis and Gratillonius.

Vallilis: A former Queen of Ys, mother of Tambilis by Wulfgar.

Vellano: A Redonian who moved to Confluentes.

Verania: Daughter of Rovinda and Apuleius Vero.

Verica: A Britannic legionary in Gratillonius’s detachment and fellow Mithraist.

VICTOR: A son of Maximus.

Vindilis: A Queen of Ys, daughter of Quinipilis by Gaetulius, mother of Runa.

Vindolenus: A former Bacauda.

Vindomarix: Druid to Targorix.

Vortivir, Flavius: Tribune at Darioritum Venetorum.

Witch-Hanai: An Ysan poet.

Wulfgar: A Saxon, former King of Ys; father of Tambilis, Quistilis, Karilis, Lanarvilis, and Bodilis.

Zeugit: An Ysan, landlord of the Green Whale.

Zisa: First daughter of Maldunilis and Gratillonius.

About the Authors

Poul Anderson (1926–2001) grew up bilingual in a Danish American family. After discovering science fiction fandom and earning a physics degree at the University of Minnesota, he found writing science fiction more satisfactory. Admired for his “hard” science fiction, mysteries, historical novels, and “fantasy with rivets,” he also excelled in humor. He was the guest of honor at the 1959 World Science Fiction Convention and at many similar events, including the 1998 Contact Japan 3 and the 1999 Strannik Conference in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Besides winning the Hugo and Nebula Awards, he has received the Gandalf, Seiun, and Strannik, or “Wanderer,” Awards. A founder of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, he became a Grand Master, and was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame.

In 1952 he met Karen Kruse; they married in Berkeley, California, where their daughter, Astrid, was born, and they later lived in Orinda, California. Astrid and her husband, science fiction author Greg Bear, now live with their family outside Seattle.

Karen Anderson (b. 1932) is both a science fiction fan and a founder of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America. She graduated from high school in Maryland and worked as a military cartographer to pay for both her attendance at the 1952 World Science Fiction Convention and the academic year 1952–53, which she spent as a drama major. Correspondence with Poul Anderson convinced her that the life she wanted was in science fiction, not on the stage, and she and Anderson later married.

Karen Anderson’s solo work comprises verse and short fiction. She brought many skills to assist Poul Anderson in writing his novels: proofreading, research, languages, mapping, story planning, and collecting material for future works. Discussions led to early shared bylines; after visiting Hadrian’s Wall, Karen Anderson put a year’s research and plotting—plus verses of her own—into his hands for
The King of Ys

Karen Anderson now lives half an hour’s drive from the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society’s clubhouse.

All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this ebook or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 1987 by Trigonier Trust

Cover design by Jason Gabbert


This edition published in 2014 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.

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