GAMBLING ON LOVE (Travis Series) (30 page)

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’s chest puffed with pride
this is Anne
She’s going to be staying here indefinitely.”

’s smile never faltered, although Beth had the distinct feeling his news came as quite a surprise
“I’ll be glad to have another woman to talk to,”
the older woman
said earnestly
“Sam’s okay if you can communicate in grumbles and

Beth laughed, instantly adoring Maggie
“Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Goodness, no
You go freshen up and I’ll have dinner on the table in about twenty minutes.”

Sam took
hand and led her
out of the kitchen and
through the dining room
. As they passed by the table, her gaze fell on the place settings.

, wait
.” She nodded towards the table. ”
Maggie wasn’t expecting me, was she?”

“No, but she doesn’t mind.”

“It’s not that
. Look at the table; it’s
set for two.”

“Maggie always eats with me when I’m home.

He looked at her apprehensively
“Is that a problem?”

“Of course not
your family, but if the table
only set for two, I want to make sure
a third
for Maggie

Sam pulled her into his arms
“This is one of the many reasons I love you, Anne
You’re kind and thoughtful and warm

all the things I’m not.”

Beth’s brows drew together
“That’s not so
You’re all those things and more
you just don’t know how to show it sometimes
Now go on up to the room and wash up while I grab an extra setting for the table.”

Sam kissed her softly
“I’m going to love being married to you.”

She watched him walk away and waited a few moments for her heart to stop pounding so wildly in her chest before returning to the kitchen
She was going to love being married to him

Where are the dinner plates?”

Maggie pointed to a cupboard behind Beth
“Up there, but I’ve already set the table.”

Beth opened the cupboard and pulled down a plate and saucer
The glasses were on the shelf above the plates so she grabbed one and put it on top of the plates.

“I know you did and it’s lovely
There’s just one problem
.” She
turned around and smiled at Maggie
“It’s one setting short
where is the silverware

Maggie turned around and busied herself at the stove
, but not before Beth caught the shimmer of tears in her eyes
“In the drawer below the plates,” she said over her shoulder.

Beth retrieved the silverware and added them to her stack
“Thanks, Maggie
be down i
a few minutes.

the plates so that Sam’s setting was at the head of the table with hers and Maggie’s on either side of his
“There,” she said
, pleased with
, “that’s much better.”

Hurrying up the stairs to Sam’s bedroom, she
didn’t notice Maggie hovering in the doorway
or the worried look on the older woman’s face.

Chapter 11

They had a wonderful time at dinner and
, eager as Beth was to visit Vic, she
was disappointed when it was over
She thanked Maggie for the meal and asked her to come back over for dessert when they returned from the hospital
Maggie seemed a bit flustered but accepted when Beth refused to take no for an answer.

“I’m not sure Maggie likes me,” Beth said with a frown once they’d started for the hospital.

“Of course she likes you, sweetheart
. What’s
not to like?”

“I don’t know
It’s just that I caught her looking at me a few times with a strange expression
You don’t think she has a problem with me staying there
do you?”

Not a chance
me to settle down
for years.
Don’t worry about it, honey
I’m sure you’re just imagining things.”

although she wasn’t entirely convinced he was right.
Her anxiety over Maggie
’s behavior
was waylaid when they
Vic’s room
His leg was propped on a pillow
and he looked as if he hadn’t slept in days, but h
is expression brightened when they walked into the room.

Beth sat on the edge of the bed
, guilt gnawing at her stomach.
“How are you feeling, Vic?”

“Like one of those guys that gets shot out of a canon
The doctor says I can leave tomorrow
They just want to make sure the concussion isn’t going to cause any problems.”

As soon as
you’re released
I want to get you out of town.”

“I’m not leaving you,
Vic’s jaw set defiantly.

“I know you want to play bulldog for me, but you’ve already been hurt once because of me
I’m not about to let it happen again.”

“You need me.”

“Yes, I do need you
. T
hat’s why you have to go away
so you’ll be safe.”

Vic looked to Sam for support
unhappily when he didn’t get it
“She’s right, Vic
What if this man comes after you in person
? How
would you get away with a broken leg?”

“I could kick him with the cast, maybe show him what a broken bone feels like, that’s how.

Beth laughed

Why don’t I have problem believing you would do just that?

She put her hand over his
, her expression sobering
“I love you, Vic, you know that
But until this man is found, I’m suspending you from work.

He opened his mouth to protest but she rushed on
“If I have to shut the whole business down to keep you away, I’ll do it
You wouldn’t want to be responsible for all those people being out of work, would you?”

don’t have it in you to be that ruthless
,” he

glad that’s all she’s threatening you with,” Sam said with an accusing glance at Beth
“She promised to get a restraining order and have
in jail if I
to see her.”

Vic eyed Beth with disbelief
“You really did that?”

“Well, he wouldn’t leave,” she defended herself
“I just wanted him to be safe.”

“But he’s with you now

Vic pointed out.

Beth’s eyes met Sam’s
“Yeah, he can be pretty persuasive when he wants to be.”

“So where are you shipping me to?”

“Where ever you want
If you need me to hire a nurse to take care of you, let me know and I’ll arrange it.”

Vic waved his hand in the air
“I don’t need a nurse
If you send me to the Keys, I’ll have plenty of friends around to help me if I need it
Do you have any idea how long I’ll need to be gone
You know the office will fall to pieces without me.”

“Hopefully, not too long.

Beth stood
“We’ll let you rest now
What time are they releasing you tomorrow?”

“First thing in the morning
around eight o’clock
I think.

pick you up
and take you to your house to pack
f I can
a flight for early tomorrow afternoon
, I’ll
have you in the Keys before happy hour starts.”

They talked briefly about Stockton and then moved onto lighter subjects.
By the time they
arrived at Sam’s house
it was after nine o’clock

She wasn’t really hungry, but didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to bond with Maggie.
“You don’t think it’s too late to ask Maggie to come over, do you?”

“She stays up pretty late
I’ll run out and get her while you cut the cake and set out the plates.”

ecause it
was cozier in the kitchen
, she
set the plates on the small table where she and Sam had eaten the night before
As soon as she entered the room,
started for the cupboards
, her footsteps faltering when she noticed the table had already been set.
Judging by the dour expression on the woman’s face, Beth
made a major faux pas by
on Maggie’s territory

"I’m sorry,
” Beth offered a sincere apology. “
I was
trying to be helpful.”

moved to the table and
“I guess I’m so used to taking care of Sam, it seems strange to have someone else doing it
Sit, you two!”

joined Maggie at the table but there had been something in the older woman’s
that bothered her
While Sam and Maggie chatted, she tried to put her finger on it
It took her a while
but she finally figured out it wasn’t just Maggie’s tone that nagged at her
; it was
what she’d said about being used to taking care of Sam
Maggie didn’t resent her being there, Beth was certain
of that
, but
she probably
as if her importance in Sam’s life was being
by the new woman

After finishing her cake
, Maggie rose from the table and took Sam’s plate along with her own
Beth remained sitting, sipping from her cup and smiling to herself when Maggie reached tentatively for her plate and took it along with
others to the sink
Sam eyed her curiously but
seemed to understand when
Beth nodded
who was washing and drying the plates
It was the only
she could think of
let Maggie know her position wasn't being

“I’m going to take my shower now
,” Sam said as he got to his feet

Thanks for the cake, Maggie
As usual, it was wonderful.”

Beth waited for Maggie to finish the dishes before speaking
“Come and sit with me for a minute, Maggie
I’d like to talk to you for a minute.”

“I think I know what you’re going to say.

She sat
with her fingers
“I know my Sam better than anyone.

She lifted her eyes to Beth’s
“He’s asked you to marry him, hasn’t he?”

“He told you?”

Maggie shook her head

He didn’t have to; from the moment he met you, it was inevitable. The boy was frantic
lost your phone number
and was determined to find you that night
He’s never so much as mentioned a woman’s name to me,
though I know he’s had plenty.

’s hand flew to her
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry

Beth smiled
“I know all about Sam’s reputation
He’s been very honest about it right from the start
so don’t worry about it.”


The night he lost your number, Sam told me
you were special to him.

She smiled softly
“I don’t think he even knew it himself, but he’d already started falling in love with you
When he brought you home tonight and said you
be staying, I knew what that meant.”

“How could
you possibly
based on that

“Because Sam has never brought a woman here before
Fifteen years I’ve been taking care of him
. E
xcept for me and Virginia, there
have been no other women in this house.

Beth waited for
to continue when she
paused for a moment
, as if
considering whether to divulge any more.
“Lord knows Sam has his faults,
” she finally said, “
but he also
some very firm values
and rigid beliefs
on how he want
his home
to be
When he had
this house
built, he made it big enough to entertain in, for his wife, and for his children
I know why he never brought his women here
so his wife wouldn’t go from room to room wondering who
been there before her.”

“Sam told me,” Beth said softly
“I think it’s about the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard

can I ask you something?”

“Something that’s been bothering you?”

Beth nodded
“Sam told me some of it, but maybe

well, maybe you can help me come to terms with it
There was a scandal some years back that hit the tabloids and then
just stopped
Do you know what I’m talking about

When Maggie nodded slowly, Beth took a deep breath and went on
“He told me he talked the woman out of

getting rid of the baby
But he also said he doesn’t see the child
I thought I could work through it, but I’m not sure I can
I love Sam so much
I don’t think I could even function without him, but knowing he abandoned his own child

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