Read Garden of Desire: 1 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Erotica

Garden of Desire: 1 (13 page)

BOOK: Garden of Desire: 1
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Cantor stepped forward. “You’re mine all right. My greatest pain in the ass.” He pulled the belt from its loops as he stalked her. “My crack-brained—”

Martha darted away, dropping her bag to flee into the forest with the sounds of his pursuit close on her heels. She hid behind a tree, feinting right when he circled left, then left to evade him, and she was off again, running deeper into the thicket, fear and desire making her breathless. She wanted him to catch her, but wanted his pursuit—she’d waited so long for this moment.

His large hand closed over her shoulder and she shrieked. The ground rose up to meet her as he tackled her, rolling her in the carpet of leaves, until she lay beneath him.

“You’ve jeopardized this mission. Wasted valuable time with your little game.” He rose up, reaching for her hands.

She shoved him hard, toppling him to the side, and tried to crawl away. But he was too strong and his body covered hers again, pressing her into the soft bed of leaves.

Martha writhed and bucked beneath him, her excitement growing with her struggles. She pounded his shoulders and his back, and kicked at his shins.

He wrestled her for dominance, rolling and cursing until finally he pinned her to the ground, his legs trapping hers beneath him, his loin pressed to hers to hold her hips still. With quiet efficiency he bound her hands together above her head with his belt, cinching it tight.

Her shirt had worked its way free of her loose breeches and his clothing abraded the bare skin of her belly.  He lifted his torso off her and roughly shoved her overlarge pants down her hips, binding her legs in the twisted fabric.

Martha was helpless against his superior strength—and loving it. When he’d subdued her struggles to his satisfaction, he looked back up at her. The black passion written on his face, took her breath away.

Cantor rose and lifted her from the ground and carried her like a bag of potatoes to a fallen tree. There, he seated himself and dragged her over his lap, face down, a heavy arm in the center of her back pinning her to his thighs.

Not ready to end the battle, she squirmed and wriggled all the while excitement beat a tattoo in her veins. When the first loud slap of his palm met her bare ass, Martha gasped. He’d hit her harder than she’d expected. “Bastard,” she screeched. “You have no right.”


“I have the right you gave me when you agreed along with the rest of the women to be governed by me,” Cantor shouted back.

She reared up and scowled over her shoulder at him. “I’m sure this is
what we had in mind.”

His face was dark and dangerous, passion and fury riding high in his red-stained cheeks. “I have the right any sane, responsible man has to teach his woman a lesson in obedience.”

Martha’s buttocks smarted from the sting of his slaps, and her cunt gushed with excitement. “His woman” he’d said this time. “I don’t recognize that right. I’m responsible for me.”

“You will learn to obey me.”

She wriggled her ass, lifting it into his strokes.

The next slap stroked her cunt and the sound of it betrayed her arousal. His palm met moisture.

Martha groaned and rested her chest and head on the tree in surrender to his mastery. Cantor’s hand remained on her ass, and she heard his loud breaths, felt his burgeoning arousal poke at her thighs. His hand circled, smearing the wet, then lifted off her buttocks.

Smack! Smack!
Not as hard this time and aimed at flesh he hadn’t touched, but stinging all the same.

His hand rubbed her hot skin, caressing first one buttock, then the other. He slid his palm between, smearing more of her pre-come.

Martha didn’t move, waiting to see whether he’d continue her “punishment” or elect another form of domination. Her body trembled with anticipation.

When his fingers prodded her sex, she wriggled in earnest, trying to entice him deeper. “Cantor!” she sobbed and held her breath.


Chapter Eight


Cantor aimed his palm at the center of her buttocks and struck her creamy cunt again. The scent of the woman’s arousal, and her fierce struggles that ground her thighs into his swollen cock, distracted him from his purpose.

Martha must be punished. Lacking a place he could lock her away, or a chore he could set her to, he’d settled on physical punishment, hoping the humiliation of being treated like a child would somehow penetrate her stubborn brain. She had acted outrageously, recklessly.

Now, with her delight in her “punishment” smeared across his palm, he realized he’d underestimated her—and her passion. Martha was driving him out of his mind.

Looking at her buttocks, he felt revulsion for his violence. He’d never left a mark on a woman, but there was the reflection of his hand in red relief on her tender skin.

Never mind, the minx seemed to enjoy it. He’d dipped his fingers into her well to test the water, so to speak, rimming her cunt, only to discover the little witch was primed for sex.

Meaning to soothe, he massaged her buttocks, torn between the need to wring satisfaction for her foolish prank and the need to pump his cock against her thighs. Martha moaned, so softly he might have mistaken it for a quiet sob, except that she raised her buttocks to press against his hand. Intrigued, he administered two sharp spanks, taps really, in comparison to his previous slaps.

“Harder,” she whispered.

He shoved her pants past her knees and pushed open her thighs, just far enough to fully expose her labia. Then he slapped her cunt.

Martha sobbed and her sweet little ass trembled.

Smack! Smack!

She bucked on his lap, her back arching upward. “Cantor!”


“Please, harder,” she begged. “Baby, now!”

Cantor couldn’t bear the pressure in his breeches for a moment longer. He lifted Martha off his lap and draped her over the trunk of the tree. Then he wrestled with the buttons on the placket of his breeches, finally freeing his sex. It fell from the opening against her rump, and Martha wriggled until he rested in the crease of her ass.

Taking a deep breath, he told himself to take this slowly—extract the maximum enjoyment for himself and ultimate torment for his captive. Now that he was past the haze of his anger, he realized what the ultimate goal of his punishment really was.

The problem that confronted him was how to teach Martha to be obedient. If the physical punishment he’d administered hadn’t done the trick, perhaps he could use her passion against her.

He backed away to look at her. Her round, heart-shaped bottom was red from his efforts, her cunt redder still and engorged, the slick folds parting slightly to let him see into her dark channel.

Cantor placed his hands on her ass and pushed her cheeks apart. He decided to test another well. He pushed a finger into her asshole.

Martha cried out, rising up partway. “More!” she cried hoarsely.

He slid a second finger inside her and groaned. Bloody hell, she was tight! He circled, pushing and withdrawing, finger-fucking her ass.

Martha squirmed, fighting the stricture of her trousers still bunched below her knees. “Free me! Please Cantor!”

“No, love. You must accept my punishment.”

Her pink ass quivered. “Yes, please. I’ve been a bad, bad girl,” she said in a soft little voice.

Cantor grinned. The girl had spunk. She had to be desperate about now, but she still wanted to play games. He withdrew his fingers and stood. “What shall I do with you, Martha?” he said, infusing disappointment in his voice.

“Spank me, again?” she asked, her tone hopeful.

“I’m not sure that’s harsh enough, love. And I can’t bear to mar the skin of your pretty little bottom. What else could I do?”

“Ream my ass? I’ve been especially wicked.”

He sighed. “I suppose there’s nothing else that might get your attention, but you must tell me what you feel so I can judge how effective this punishment is. If you’re silent, I’ll assume it isn’t working.”

“I will. I promise.”

Placing his feet on either side of her body, he took himself in hand and aimed his cock at the little rosy orifice. He pressed inside her, meeting resistance from the tight ring.

“Oooh! It hurts, it hurts bad, Cantor.” Her breaths were short and sharp—he judged the slight pain he caused was exciting her as much as the spanking had.

He withdrew his cock and dropped spit onto the head, spreading the moisture with his thumb before directing it back to her asshole. “You were very good. Now keep it up. I have to know what you feel.” He pressed slowly inside her, pulsing his cock to ease past the tight muscles. “Tell me, Martha.”

“My ass is burning. You’re too big,” she said, her voice strained.

He held himself still. “Shall I stop?”

“No!” her reply came quickly, and he smiled. “Deeper, I need more…punishment.”

He braced his legs wider apart and flexed his hips, shoving several more inches inside her. Her tight ass, virginal in its resistance to his presence, gripped him like a glove several sizes too small.


“Tell me, Martha, tell me or I’ll stop,” he said, even as he thought he’d die if he didn’t finish this.

“I can’t. Can’t think.” She moaned and her head thrashed. “Feels so good. No, hurts! It hurts bad.”

“That’s better.” He pumped his hips driving deeper with each hard stroke. “Will you be a good girl, baby?” His strokes were longer now. He pushed her cheeks apart to grind the base of his cock into her buttocks.

“I promise. I’ll be good. Soooo good.”

“Will you obey my every command?” He slammed his hips at her ass now.

“Every…command.” Her breaths gusted with his pounding. “Anything… just rub my clit, pleeease!”

“This—” he crashed into her, lifting her ass off the tree, “is punishment, love,” a second thrust, and he felt his thighs tense, “not—” a third and his balls squeezed, “release for you!”

“But I’m so close,” she wailed.

“Tough! I’m there!” With a shout he exploded, cum jetting into her ass.

Even before he stopped moving inside her, she cursed him. “You sorry son-of-a-bitch! Bastard! Liar!”

Draped over her back, Cantor enjoyed her energetic abuse. Her body still shook with need.

He lifted himself off her, slowly pulling out of her body. Leaving her helpless on the tree trunk, he walked back through the forest to find the backpack he’d left beside the trail. He felt deliciously boneless. He pulled out his canteen and a cloth and returned to Martha.

She’d finally quieted down. Having managed to roll off the tree, she lay on her back, watching his approach. He ignored her and poured water onto the cloth and proceeded to clean himself. When he finished, he tossed the cloth onto the ground, laid down the canteen, and tucked his cock inside his breeches.

Without saying a word to her, he knelt beside her and removed her boots. Her eyes glittered with rage, but when he pulled her breeches down her legs she whimpered.

“Did you learn anything, love?” he asked, throwing the trousers onto the tree.

“Do you mean, besides you’re a selfish misogynist?” she said, spoiling the effect of her smartass comment with a hiccough.

“Yes, besides that.”

“No.” She sniffed and her mouth trembled. “I don’t think I’ve learned my lesson…yet.”

Admiration for the courage she showed, despite her obvious distress, caused his chest to tighten. He stepped between her legs and nudged them apart with the toes of his boots. “Do you need another lesson, baby?”

Her lips pressed together and she blinked away tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. She nodded slowly.

Cantor knelt in front of her. Just looking at her for the longest moment. Her shirt had bunched beneath her armpits and one rosy, dimpled peak was exposed.

“Push your shirt up,” he said. “I want to see both of them.” He needed every inch of her creamy skin vulnerable to his assault.

BOOK: Garden of Desire: 1
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