Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense) (13 page)

BOOK: Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)
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    Stefan reappeared, bearing a wine bottle and three glasses. He poured the wine. "Take it easy, Kevin. You didn't listen back then, either."

    Kevin stood aggressively before them, a muscle in his tight jaw twitching as if to some inner debate, until finally he lowered his head, acceptance written on his face. He stayed still and silent, before reaching up to rub his forehead. "Fine, let's get it over with…meaning talk to Daisy, and then get out before you're recognized."

    Damn him for his wording. This entity had felt distant and not quite real up until now. Kevin's words brought the entity into the present, big time. Several soul-searching moments later, Alexis realized she didn't have a choice. She had to do this.
    wouldn't let her do otherwise. Instinct? Intuition? Or just the hope that Daisy would know
    useful. Now if only Alexis could get at what that was.

    Within minutes, the lights were dimmed, the fire was roaring, and in true Stefan style, they all sat comfortably on the floor. Lit candles completed the warm, intimate look of the space, as did the half-drunk glasses of wine.

    Stefan calmly and quietly directed Alexis's mind.

    "Visualize the same path that you follow in your meditations. Take a walk through the door to the beautiful calm sunny meadow. Feel the sun on your face, the breeze in your hair. Smell the flowers blooming around you. See Lissa waiting for you on the other side. Walk toward her, happy and full of joy at seeing her again." Stefan's smooth velvet voice spoke calmly, pausing at times to allow her to slip deeper and deeper. "Now that you're relaxed and happy, open the door and set your mind free."

    Alexis appreciated the two men's presence. She'd been this far in a few times during practice, but had never allowed herself to go further while alone. Until she'd followed the path into her dreams last night.

    Stefan's calm voice guided her. "See yourself in the same meadow full of wildflowers. Use the light as your guide. Know I am at your side. See the path you've traveled and know Kevin stands at your back."

    Alexis smiled, tilting her face upward as she enjoyed the freshness of being free. She knew few people would understand this sensation – there were no words to truly describe it. She found herself trying to store memories for later. The fresh smell of air, taken in through nostrils that weren't there, colors that brightened and blended at will, no longer regulated by the physical constraints of vision and reality. Heat or coolness, it all depended on where she allowed her thoughts to flow. It was unique and incredibly addictive. She realized earlier meditations where she'd thought she walked freely had been simple explorations. Unlike this time.


    Trust Stefan to keep her on track. Almost instantly, she found herself in Lissa's meadow, as she'd come to think of it. Happily, she called for her sister.

    Alex! I'm over here.

    The two sisters hugged and laughed for joy. Alexis knew she was only in her meditative state, but her sister seemed so real. According to Stefan, she was real, just not in the same reality as Alexis.

    Hello, Stefan.
    Lissa glowed with an incandescent light as she recognized the presence with Alexis.
    Thanks for helping my sister.

    It's not as if I had a choice,
    he said humorously.

    Lissa's laughter tinkled lightly.
    When you're on this side of the physical plane, it's a pleasure to find someone like Stefan to talk with.

    Is that all you were doing? Up to now, I thought you were nagging me to take care of Alexis.
    Stefan materialized as a luminous glow, his dry sense of humor unmistakable.

    Alexis found it difficult to accept the totality of the experience. There was a whole other world out there. All she was missing was Kevin… Otherwise this reality seemed perfect. Alexis started. Could Stefan and Lissa read her mind here?

    Lissa's laughter rang free.
    All your thoughts are totally open here. What you think, I hear. It's simple.

    Stefan's voice cut in
    . Not only your words, but every thought is visualized and transmitted.

    As her mind hooked onto that new information, the images surrounding her wavered – the edges started to dissipate.

    Keep your focus!
    Stefan ordered.

    Alexis snapped to attention.
    She immediately recognized her returning clarity was the result of her improved concentration.

    You're doing good, Sis.
    Lissa's warm smile wrapped her in a translucent hug. Alexis couldn't help but shiver in pure delight. Visits with her sister were priceless. Her focus blurred.

    "Focus," Stefan snapped. "You can visit with her later. She damn near haunts my place."

    Lissa's laughter filled the air.

    Alexis grinned.

    Are you ready to get to work?
    Stefan once again cut in.

    Yes, but can't we stay and visit for a bit longer?
    Alexis felt she'd only been there a second or two. How long had it been?

    But suddenly, she could feel it. The air was changing, becoming thicker, cloying. On cue with the air's changes, the sun slid behind a large gray cloud that suddenly appeared. A shadowy darkness moved toward them.

    There's no time.
    Lissa turned from Alexis to Stefan.
    He knows you're here. Make sure she's protected, Stefan.

    Stefan's voice sharpened.
    Stay in the light of love and stay focused. You can do this. Your abilities are strong, just untried. Keep your focus.

    The sunlight went out. Alexis spun around, searching the area. When she turned back, Lissa had disappeared.

    Where is she?
    Alexis spun around, anxiousness crawling over her skin.

    She's gone. Now, are you ready to contact Daisy?

    No sooner had her name floated out on the ethers, than the child's tiny frame, dressed in the same party dress, solidified in front of them as if by magic. Fear contorted her face.
    He's coming. He doesn't like it when I visit with you.

    Stefan's calm voice controlled the conversation.

    He wants me all to himself.

    Alexis hesitated. The child turned those huge blue eyes her way.

    The child's high-pitched voice was sweet, ghostly, and extremely unnerving. Which, considering where and what Alexis was doing, seemed exactly as it should be.


    Shit, she'd done it again. Alexis concentrated harder.
    Daisy, you said you stayed so he wouldn't hurt other little kids


    Stefan's question that floated through the air.
    How long have you been with him?

    Daisy answered, looking around the meadow nervously.

    Alexis had to ask.
    Did he kill you?

    I don't know.

    The preemptory order, from nowhere and everywhere, shocked them all.

    Daisy vanished. She just
    into the air. Alexis spun around, looking for her to reappear.

    Alexis called out. She could no longer sense his presence.

    There was a moment of lonely silence before his faded whisper broke through her doubts.
    I'm here. Give me a moment.

    Alexis waited restlessly. This was no longer a comfortable experiment.

    Loneliness enveloped her. Nervousness dodged her heels. On the heels of that thought, the air around them went smoky gray. Alexis couldn't see her hand in front of her face.

    Stefan whispered harshly.
    Stay calm. He's here.

    She already knew that. Her skin screamed as a million spiders crawled over her nerves. Everything evil materialized in one deep, black, oozing fog.

    Hellooo there, my dear. You don't listen well, do you?

    Alexis shoved the fear down and steadied her spine, taking a deep breath. She refused to be intimidated.
    Apparently not,
    she answered calmly.

    Unholy chuckles wafted around her.
    Fine with me.
    Deep blackness reached for her.

    Alexis took a step back, but the ooze kept coming. Her fear rose, threatening to overwhelm her. Her throat clogged, choking her. It was as if he controlled the very air she breathed. The intensity of the situation increased with her thoughts. She fought against it, struggling to stay calm and aware. She couldn't allow him the upper hand.


    Her spine snapped ramrod straight. Right. She could handle this.

    Instantly, before she could do anything, the overpowering essence of evil lessened. She could breathe again. With each passing second, the air was lighter and less intense.

    Horrible laughter greeted her thoughts.
    Don't think you can stop me. Your fear is my joy. You misjudged your skills and mine. You won't make that mistake again. Neither will I.

    Horrific pain reached out and clawed at her, reaching inside her mind, twisting and churning through her brain.

    Stefan yelled to her through the black whirling mist.

    Macabre laughter drowned him out.

    She can't. She's not strong enough.

    Yes, Alexis, you are.
    Stefan's disembodied voice supported her in the blackness.
    Don't let him do this. Don't fight. Trust in me and think yourself to the other side of this.

    Alexis heard their comments in the distance, but it was so hard to make sense of them. There was so much pain. It crippled her. Oh God, he was in her head… She couldn't do it. She couldn't fight him. He was too strong for her.

    No, he's not. You can do this!

    She screamed, a horrific tearing sound that brought the man sitting beside her in Stefan's living room to his feet. She couldn't make herself stop. All the fear and agony kept pouring out of her, until the air was filled with her never-ending wail.

    CHAPTER 10

    lex!" Kevin cried out, "Come back. Come back to me."

    Hoping she could hear him, Kevin repeatedly relayed instructions. "Damn it, Stefan – help her!"

    "I need a moment." Stefan's thin reedy voice came from his prone body, where it had collapsed during the last part of the journey. "Keep calling her."

    "She's not responding." Kevin's heart pounded away inside his chest. God, what could he do? He had to help her. Touching her physically was out of the question; there was only one option.

    He jumped into her mind – and fell headlong into the stifling, long, black night of her fear.


    she whispered in agony.
    My God, this hurts. You didn't tell me it would be this bad

    He's blocking you. It only hurts if you let him. Damn it, Alexis. Don't give in. Surround yourself with white light. Boot him out

    Off in the cold, smothering blackness, Kevin could sense the other shifting presence. The asshole.
    Alexis, sense my anger. Feel how pissed off I am
    . Kevin waited a moment to sense her probe. When it wasn't forthcoming, he snapped out.
    Do it now

    He waited anxiously for the first magical touch that would show him she was there and listening. Faint and trembling, a whisper of her energy moved toward him. He waited until it touched him.
    Now feel our connection. Really feel it.

    I'm trying…
    she whispered.

    Damn it, don't try – do it! And I mean now
    , he ordered.

    Got it. You don't have to shout,
    she snapped weakly.

    Damn straight I do
    , he answered, slightly mollified.
    Now use that anger to clear a path through the blackness.

    I'm pushing at it.

    Again, he cut in.
    Don't bother. Use the anger to understand what he's doing. Your fear is crippling you. Once you understand what he's doing to manipulate you, your fear will ease and he'll have no power over you

    Almost instantly, the black fog started to dissipate. Alexis's disbelieving laughter broke through.
    Oh wow. Now I see.
    The strength of her conviction matched the pace of the disappearing fog.

    Do you see what he was doing? He was using your own fear to build that fog.

    She sent him a warm hug. Her thanks hung gently in the air all around the two of them.

    Home now


    Kevin watch Alexis slowly return to the present. She was going to be damn sore tomorrow.

    He reached out to stroke her arm. "Are you okay?"

    She tried to reassure him, them. "I'm fine. Really, I am. I'm very tired though and almost feel a disconnect with my body. And you're right. I had to experience that to believe it." Alexis looked at Stefan curiously. "Just what
    happen to you?"

    Disgusted, he answered, "My own fault, really. I split off, used one part of my consciousness to help you and another to track him. Unfortunately, he's good – ancient-with-years-of-experience good. While he was using your inexperience to his advantage, he went after me and kicked me out. Something he could only do because I was functioning in two levels at once and therefore each piece of me was only half as strong."

    Alexis stared at him. "You can do that?"

    Kevin couldn't believe it. Stefan had some mad skills, but this? This seemed too far out to be real.

    "I've been working on it." Stefan reached for the wine bottle to top up their glasses. He waited several moments before adding, "And not very successfully apparently. It was a little disconcerting to be kicked out of the ethers so easily." He shook his head, muttering under his breath. "I'll have to work on strengthening the energy to each piece. At least in this instance, trying this technique was the right thing to do."

    A dual snort escaped both Kevin and Alexis. They looked at each other in surprise, Kevin winked at her before turning to stare at Stefan.

    "How do you figure?" asked Alexis.

    "Because of what I learned." He waited, a bright-eyed look on his face. He tapped away at the armrest. Waiting.

    Lifting the wine glass for a sip, Kevin eyed him over the rim. "Okay, I'll bite. What did you find out?"

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