Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense) (17 page)

BOOK: Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)
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    Somewhere in the middle of the fog and horror, words mixed and interspersed with her pain and fear. A child's disembodied wail followed her journey through the black of night.
    He's hunting again.

    As Alexis raced back to the safety of her room, his cold, hollow voice drove through her senses, and left her soul quaking with his words.
    It's not your turn yet… But soon, oh, very soon.

    CHAPTER 12

    tefan sat in his solarium enjoying a few minutes of peace. A necessary interlude after all he'd been through. He picked up his cup of chai tea from the small Japanese table.


    "Jesus!" he roared as hot tea streamed over his leg. He sprang to his feet, dancing and shaking his legs free of the hot liquid. Glaring at Lissa, he said, "Did you have to do that?"

    She grinned.

    "I thought you weren't into haunting people," he muttered in disgust as he pulled the still-warm cloth away from his skin. "This definitely falls into that category." He settled back down and wished, not for the first time, that he wasn't an open communication system for those on the other side.

    She's having nightmares every night.

    "Many people have nightmares. Alexis will need to deal with this as she has to all the other issues." He glared at her, wishing for a return to the peace and quiet he'd enjoyed a few moments ago.

    It's not going to happen.

    Stefan knew better, but he didn't need to boot this spirit out of his space. She was hurting. The same as Alexis was hurting. And he couldn't seem to help himself from helping.

    It's him.

    "Until he does something more than torment her, our options are limited." He sighed heavily, running his long fingers through his blond hair. "In the meantime, she's getting stronger everyday, and that makes each additional day a gift." His words hung there before slowly fading on the summer evening air.

    Her voice dropped to just above a whisper.
    I know. I just wish there was another way.

    In a gentle voice, he said quietly, "So do I. So do I."


    It had been days since Stefan had told them he was certain that this asshole was earthbound, yet since then, they'd learned nothing new. Alexis had searched the ethereal plane, with what little skill she had, and had left the detective work to Kevin. They still hadn't identified the skeleton she'd found.

    But she was hoping to change that. She wanted to check schools, birth and medical records, whatever it took, to see how many children who'd resided in the community of Bradford over the last thirty years, or in Portland for that matter, had the name of Daisy. It was such an unusual name, she couldn't see there being many, if any at all.

    At the end of the day, Alexis headed to the public library. She'd gone in early to work in the gardens, given the high temperature forecast for the day. She also appreciated the early end to the day's work. It was barely 1:00 pm. She thought the peaceful atmosphere of the library would be a good place for her to do her research. At least, that was her hope.

    Instead, she kept looking behind her as she roamed the stacks, searching for information. She had the horrible sensation that something was stirring on another plane – in the world that both fascinated and terrified her. It was bad enough she always had to worry about two-legged predators but now there were ones that could walk around outside their bodies. And if that thought didn't get her nominated for the freak award, nothing would.

    That she'd been able to communicate with her sister on any level was a joy and…unnerving. She loved the closeness, that whole reconnection – particularly when it was something she'd believed could never be.

    But the rest of what she'd learned was pretty horrific.

    And it was happening now, again. Shudders and cold sweat trickled down over her chest. Tension built, giving her palm sweats. She turned to search behind her. Something was getting ready to blow, only she didn't know what.

    Or when.

    But it was going to be nasty.

    Like someone was going to die.


    Since when had the vague impression crystallized into a single word? This bastard continued to torment her, stalk her even…as if he were ready to pounce. The anticipation created a sick kind of darkness that had taken over her days. She couldn't explain it very well. But it was as if he were taunting her, telling her he could do what he wanted and she'd be helpless to stop him.

    It was hard to concentrate. To think. This energy, this person had taken over her life.

    She sat forward. What if that had been his plan from the beginning? Making it impossible for her to think this through. Could he be doing something to her? Like putting blocks in her mind to stop her from going down a certain pathway? And how terrifying would that be? And why would he? To keep her from discovering something? From seeing something? From understanding something?

    And again, she looped back. What could it be that he didn't want her to discover?

    What could this person really want? A rich businessman always went after more money. A real estate mogul always went after more properties. A serial killer always went after more victims…

    And the cry the other night had said the person was hunting.

    Hunting what? The obvious answer was 'more victims.'

    Was that what this was all about. While she was distracted, he was choosing his next target. So that she couldn't see the victim? Communicate with his victim? She didn't know how or why she knew that, but suddenly she did. And she couldn't get that thought out of her mind.

    The same vague uneasiness filtered through her again. Somehow, she was inviting trouble if she didn't back off. Again, nothing specific, just gray impressions of dire consequences. His haunting words, '
    your turn will come,
    ' still tormented her sleep.

    Several hours later, in the public archive section of the library, she slammed her pen down on the notepad, letting her head drop to her forearms in defeat. She was getting nowhere. She closed her tired eyes for just a minute.

    Evil swept past her.

    Fear slid up her spine, rooting her in place. Oh, Dear God!
    He is here.

    With heart pounding, Alexis sprang to her feet, attracting curious looks from several other people. She gave them only a cursory look, enough to know they weren't who she searched for. At least she didn't think so.

    Instinctively, leaving her computer and books in place, she circled the main floor of the large library, searching to find the energy she hoped she'd recognize. It was the busiest time of day. With nothing more than intuition and a driving urgency, she moved from right to left, feeling the evil ahead of her, rapidly moving further away.

    She headed down the hallway toward the washrooms, and a series of other doors. Alexis stood indecisively in front of the multiple choices. Just then, the door to the men's room opened and two men, deep in conversation, exited. Her breath exhaled in a gush. She sucked in another one. Deeper, harsher, louder. She cast a quick look around. She was alone.

    Flushing sounds echoed deep within the same room, indicating more occupants. As she stood there uncertainly, she sensed lightness, a lessening of the heavy energy. The energy was dissipating. He'd gone. She rubbed the goose bumps on her arms. How could he just disappear like that? A choked laugh escaped. Who knew what this asshole could do.

    Quickly, she retraced her steps, trying to understand. Had he felt her following him? Did he know who she was?

    Or was his presence here a coincidence?

    And coincidence wasn't something she was real strong on.

    She returned to her spot at the table and collected her laptop and papers before escaping to her truck.

    Once in the driver's seat, she leaned back and tried to relax. Uneasiness continued to niggle at her senses, weaving in under her chest, causing her breath to catch on frissons of fear.

    She closed her eyes in an effort to regain her center of balance. Instantly, the inside of her car disappeared, and she found herself in a tiny, dark, enclosed space. She opened her eyes, thinking she was still inside her truck. She was wrong.

    Trying to talk the bile back down into her stomach, she slowly explored her surroundings. Claustrophobia dragged at her consciousness as her arm gradually slid up the wall in front of her. Her eyes grew accustomed to the lack of light.

    Her hand…? Tiny fingers wiggled at the end of a fragile hand.

    Oh my God. It was tiny, the hand of a child. She was caught inside a child's body. The vision had an antique look to it, making her think this scene happened a long time ago. Not that it mattered. It was as fresh to her today as it had been to the child. She closed her tiny teary eyes and wept. Emotionally, it was brutally different. This poor child was terrified. A whole different child. Curled against the pain and terror, she'd wedged herself in a corner. Alexis felt dampness between her legs. The tiny waif had wet herself.

    Pity welled from deep inside of Alexis. The poor thing. Tremors wracked the thin frame. The odd sob broke free.

    Stefan had tried to teach her to back off emotionally so she could regain mental control. She sent the little girl comforting thoughts, wrapping her in a warm hug as she surveyed the small dark space. From above her head, the shadows slowly formed into the underside of multiple hangers full of clothes.

    She was in a closet.

    The door stood to her right. In truth, the child's body was wedged against the hinges. She knew without looking that the door would be locked. But what was on the other side?

    On the heels of that thought, Alexis found herself on the other side of the door.

    Free from the little girl's body, Alexis could feel her mind wanting to stretch and to shake off the human confines. She felt neither human nor dead, just caught somewhere in-between. An incredible experience – one that given different circumstances, she'd love to explore.

    Glancing around, the room appeared to be a bedroom, the walls, a dull purple. The bed was too painfully neat. Tucked under the top cover slept a raggedy teddy bear, waiting for its owner's return.

    The child's return.

    In its sparse state, nothing about the room could bring joy to anyone.

    Alexis pivoted to look to the closet. Not only was the door locked but a block of wood jammed under the door handle. The child couldn't leave until she was released.

    If she were released.

    The bile fought to reach the top of her throat. Alexis was slammed back to present time and the interior of her overheated car.

    What an idiot. She'd parked in the sun and the windows were closed. She'd been out a long time. Too long. She squinted through the hot glare of her windshield and shrieked.

    Kevin's distorted features stared at her through the glass.

    He pulled open the driver's door, yelling at her. "What fool stunt are you up to now? Are you looking to get heat stroke?" All the while he tugged her arm, half pulling her out of the vehicle. "Of all the idiotic things to do! God, you need a keeper."

    Leaning against the side door with the cooler air washing over her, Alexis realized just how hot and oxygen-starved she'd become. Everything blurred, even his words as they ran over her in rapid abrasive tones. And he wasn't about to give her time to rest or adjust, either. He dragged her, none-too-gently, down the street to a sidewalk café, and shoved her roughly into a white wrought iron chair.

    "Stay here, I'm going to find something cool for you to drink." He stalked into the dark interior of the building, reappearing quickly with several bottles of juice.

    "Here, drink this." A cold bottle of orange juice smacked into her still numb hands. "I said drink," he growled, still pissed.

    She stared at him, then at the bottle. He was right, she needed this. The icy zest hit her numb taste buds, snapping them back to awareness as the cold juice flowed down her throat. Alexis shuddered.

    "Much better." Kevin watched, eagle-eyed as she finished the bottle. "Isn't it?" he barked.

    At her nod, he relaxed back into his chair.

    "Thanks." She took another long drink and had to admit it did feel better. Curiously, she asked, "How did you happen to see me?"

    He shot her a disgusted look. "You were transmitting again." He gave her all of another minute to rest and recuperate, before continuing. "Now, just what the hell were you doing?"

    She studied his grim face. She could count on him saving the day, whether she liked his methods or not. Her problem lay in what to tell him.

    "Don't even think about it!"

    Startled, she widened her gaze. "What?"

    "Don't even think about lying to me."

    She glowered. "I wasn't going to."

    He snorted. "Like hell, you weren't. I can see your brain checking out its options right now." Kevin leaned forward, his ire snapping to the forefront. "Spill. What the hell were you doing?"

    "Research!" she snapped. "I was doing research at the library when I thought I felt him close by." Alexis wrapped her arms around her middle as the remembered sensation rushed back through her.

    "Him?" He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Where? Here?" Intent and cold, his voice sliced through her silence as his eyes skimmed the parking area.

    She waved down the street in the direction they'd come. "In the library," she whispered, suddenly so tired she couldn't think. Hating the fatigue and shock threading her voice, she straightened, and infused a confidence and strength that she didn't feel into her voice. "He was in the library. I was focused on my research when this horrible sensation
    past. It took me a moment, then …" She winced against what she knew was to come. "I went after him."

    "What!" he roared. Several other customers looked over in concern. He looked around, quickly lowering his voice. "What do you mean you went after him?" he asked in an ominous voice. "Are you nuts?"

    "We've already established your opinion of my mental health, thank you." She reached for the second bottle of juice and took a long drink, the sharp citrus firing straight into her brain. "Okay, so it wasn't the most sensible thing I've ever done. But I don't know who this guy is, and it's only recently come home to me that this
    …." She paused. "Is alive and well here in Bradford."

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