Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense) (24 page)

BOOK: Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)
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    The images circling her increased, the wails and cries of his victims drowning out her hearing – the crescendo of pain and agony built until she couldn't stand it. Her horrified scream slashed through the house, and woke her up.

    Sobbing for breath, she trembled in shock under the twisted covers. She recognized Kevin's wary approach to the bed. Her teeth were chattering so uncontrollably that she didn't think they'd ever stop.

    Kevin sat down on the edge of the bed, looking her over carefully. "I didn't want to approach you too quickly. That can be dangerous, remember?" A large palm cupped her cheek tenderly.

    Alexis leaned into it, gratefully accepting the comfort. "I'm so cold," she whispered. Her fingertips were a curiosity, bluish-gray in color, probably a perfect match for her lips. The chattering showed no sign of slowing either.

    "Move over," he whispered huskily. "I'm coming in." He pulled back the warm blankets and slid under to lie beside her. Without giving her a chance to argue, he snuggled her tightly against his chest. "Just concentrate on getting warm."

    He felt so good, and so right.

    She lay still, accepting his comfort, until his body heat finally started to chase the chills away. "He spoke with me. He said my turn was coming," she whispered against his chest.

    Kevin's arm tightened around her.

    "All his victims were screaming and crying out for mercy. A mercy they never found. So many victims over so many years." As the horrible shrieks echoed in her mind, the tears started to fall. Knowing she had to get it all out now, she quickly repeated the conversation. Her voice dropped to a whisper before choking into sobs.

    Kevin let her cry but she couldn't seem to stop them.

    "Shh… Stop now. That's enough. You're going to make yourself sick." His hands stroked her back and shoulders, smoothing down over the t-shirt she'd worn to bed. "Shh, it's okay, honey. Please stop."

    When his words had no effect, he shifted her and dropped comforting kisses on her cheeks and eyelids. "Please, Alexis, stop."

    She opened her eyes and solemnly gazed up at him. Somehow, she'd ended up stretched out beneath him. The intimacy of the situation struck her.

    He was right where she wanted him.

    Something in her eyes must have shown her thoughts for his gaze warmed in response.

    "Are you feeling better?"

    She didn't trust her voice, choosing to nod instead. He dropped yet another kiss on the corner of her lips. "Are you sure? I could kiss you better here." He dropped a kiss on the other side of her mouth. "Or here." Another kiss landed on her nose. "Or even here." This time, a kiss closed her eyes with his sweet touch. "Anything to make you feel better."

    "You're missing the one place which needs it the most."

    He hesitated, then dropped to angle a soft kiss on her nose. "Are you sure? I don't want any doubts later."

    She smiled warmly. "No doubts in the morning." She'd have to explain her feelings, her confusion…tomorrow. Tonight they needed this. They needed each other.

    "Good." Holding her gaze, he lowered his head and laid a burning, explosive kiss on her lips.

    Oh God, she'd missed him. It was only as her heart melted under his loving touch that she recognized this as a homecoming – something to think about later. Right now, her brain was turning to mush.

    "Is this better?" His lips continued to travel, distracting her from his words as she followed his pathways with intensive interest. Nerve endings were once again alive, igniting sensations, warming her with their heat.


    "Am I getting closer?" His lips whispered down to the nape of her neck.


    "How about here?" He descended further, catching the loose neck of her t-shirt with his teeth and pulling it down to get better access.

    She murmured in anticipation, her body twisting and turning with a will of its own. "Almost…" she whispered achingly. "You're almost there."

    Kevin shifted up onto his knees, letting the bedding fall down his back. Large warm hands slid under her shirt, moving the offending material up to her chin. As he exposed her full breasts, he ducked his head and took one plump nipple deep into his mouth.

    She arched up off the bed in response.

    "That's the spot." He murmured, satisfied, and proceeded to feast on the bounty spread before him.

    Alexis slid quickly under his magical spell, forgetting all else. Only one thing existed for her – him.

    She didn't know when her t-shirt joined the scrambled bedding on the floor, or when his clothing flew haphazardly across to join the rest. She only knew that for those few seconds, she was lost without him. "Shh, I'm here. It's okay, baby." His warm hands took her back under in a sexual haze that had no beginning and no end. It had only him.

    In the dark of night, they burned with a light of their own, which sustained them throughout the long hours until morning.

    CHAPTER 18

    'm awake," she murmured, her eyes still closed against the coming morning.

    "The day is upon us, whether you're ready to face it or not."

    "Not, is my choice." But her luscious lips were smiling. She snuggled closer, loath to answer her body's call for the bathroom. "I'm trying to ignore my bladder, already."

    "I know the feeling. Somehow, I don't think that works for long." He hugged her, then loosened his arms and slowly stood, stretching the kinks out of his spine.

    She peeked up at him, only to have her eyes pop open wide. "Are you sure you don't want to come back to bed? It'd be a shame to waste that."

    After last night, not even those words popping out of her mouth of their own volition could embarrass her. Kevin was strikingly beautiful to her at any time. In his early morning aroused state, he was dynamite.

    "I wish. You do realize it is almost nine. Are you supposed to work today?"

    At her nod, he sighed. "Unfortunately, so do I." With those words, he walked into the bathroom and a cold shower.

    Watching his rear walk away did nothing to slow down her heartbeat. But he was right. Today was not a holiday or a weekend and she was now officially very late. Searching for her cell phone in the chaos of her room, she called Scott.

    "'Bout time, you called. Rick's been asking where you were. I told him you'd gone to see the doctor, being still upset over the murders and such. He didn't like that much."

    "Thanks, Scott." She tried to cover her huge yawn, but he heard it.

    "Did you have another bad night then?"

    Alexis smiled at the concern in his voice. How to excuse her night without letting everything slip?

    "I had a few bad moments. I'll explain when I get there in half an hour or so."

    After ringing off, she made a beeline for the second bathroom and her solo shower.

    When she finally raced down to the kitchen, dressed in yesterday's clothes, and ready for work, she was grateful to accept a travel mug full of rich coffee.

    "Oh, thank God. You're a lifesaver."

    "Do you want me to drive you to your car or directly to work?"

    She checked her watch. Her half hour was past gone. "Straight to work, thanks." Maybe she'd be lucky, and could slip in unnoticed. If there were guardian angels, she hoped one was watching out for her and would keep Kevin's presence undetected.

    If such angels existed, they were on their lunch break when she arrived at work.

    Several of the men were standing around drinking coffee when they arrived, including Scott.

    "Good morning, Detective." Respectful greetings flew in his direction. No one said anything to her.

    "Thanks for the ride, Kevin." Alexis exited his car casually, studiously refusing to look at the men. She rolled her eyes at Kevin, sparking his huge grin.

    She headed for the garden on the farthest corner of her area, knowing Scott would be on her heels. She wanted to separate him from his cronies. Shyness had definitely taken over.

    Whatever. She could only hope he'd let it slide.

    Yeah, as if.

    "Good morning. So you had a bad night, did you?" Scott's gruff voice half teased.

    "Yes, you could say that." She looked over at him casually, catching the curious look on his face. She smiled. "And yes," she drawled slowly, "Kevin made the night much better."

    "Well now." Scott rubbed his hands together gleefully. "It's about time."

    Alexis couldn't help it. She broke out laughing. He'd been pushing her in this direction for a long time. He should be happy. "And you're right. It was time."

    His booming laugh reached across the gardens. "Good for you." His face closed down with a sudden worry. Alexis watched in amusement.

    "You won't jump into this too quickly, will you? You're a little off balance, vulnerable even, right now. I wouldn't want anyone to be taking advantage." Scott latched onto this new concern and wouldn't let go.

    Alexis walked closer to reassure her gentle giant of a friend. "I am taking it easy. I know things haven't exactly been normal. As far as the Sight goes, well, the detective has several abilities of his own. Actually," she added with a resigned look, "he's far more skilled than I."

    "That might be good. He could help you." Scott spoke cautiously as if wording his thoughts carefully. "He wouldn't be having any special power over you, now would he?" He narrowed his eyes in concern.

    "No," she answered slowly. "Though there's no doubt that when you can go into each other's minds, there's an element of helplessness or vulnerability involved." She shrugged. "What do I know about relationships and what men will do to get into a woman's bed?" She looked at Scott teasingly. "That's your specialty, isn't it?"

    Scott's eyes narrowed even further as a detached inward look washed over his face.

    Alexis got a little alarmed. "Hey, I'm teasing, Scott. I didn't mean to imply anything." She stretched out to rub his shoulder reassuringly.

    "No, but I do know what men might do, being one meself." He snagged her into a big bear hug. "And now I'm more than a little concerned about what a man with extra senses and insider knowledge might do."

    "Nothing. He'd do nothing. Don't worry."

    "Sure," Scott brushed it off, but the look in his eyes left her with lingering doubt.

    "Don't you do anything stupid, do you hear me?" Alexis asked.

    "Me?" he asked, too innocently.

    Not feeling reassured by his tone of voice, Alexis dropped the pleading for now. "Shall we get some work done? I have to do something to justify my pay."

    "Especially because Rick was here earlier."

    "Shit." Alexis tucked her hair behind her head, more than a little bothered at being found lacking at work once again. "What did he say?"

    "He wants to see us in his office at the end of the day."


    That statement lingered heavily on Alexis's mind. By the time, she actually completed her day's work it was later than normal.

    "Alex? Are you ready for your meeting with Rick? I was asked to attend too."

    "Sure, why not. If I'm going to get chewed out, it might as well be now."

    "Don't go in there chippy. It won't help, you know."

    "Nothing will help," she grumbled as she brushed off her clothes, resolutely determined to get the meeting over with her temper intact.

    When they arrived at the office, they found something entirely different than expected.

    The mayor and Kevin – in full detective mode – were already in Rick's office. Their raised voices were too loud to be ignored.

    "Sounds like fun," Alexis grimaced. She didn't need a full-blown confrontation.

    As they approached, snippets of conversation were easily heard.

    Rick's voice was the clearest. "She's the one who might pose a problem, damn it."

    "She won't. We'll see to that," Kevin said easily. "We need your cooperation."

    "What difference will that make?" A loud snort echoed down the hallway, followed by Rick's disgusted voice. "
    the one who won't cooperate."

    Alexis looked over at Scott in concern. She had no doubt the female they'd mentioned was her. Scott raised his eyebrows, motioning her to the door first. "Shall we?"

    With a comical look in his direction, she rapped loudly, interrupting the ongoing discourse on the other side.

    "Who is it?" Rick's imperious boss voice made Alexis's hackles rise.

    "It is 'she.'"

    A moment of dead silence, while Scott rolled his eyes at her inappropriate humor.

    The door opened abruptly. Kevin stood there.

    "A job promotion…detective to usher, perhaps?" she murmured for his ears alone.

    "Maybe you should take a lesson in subservience. It would be good for you." He motioned her inside.

    "That'd be a waste of time," Scott quickly interjected, pushing Alexis none too gently further into the room and past Kevin. He turned to face his boss and said, "Hey, Rick. Are we disturbing you? I didn't know the mayor was in here with you two. We can come back tomorrow if that's a better time."

    Rick glared at Alexis. "What's the point? She'd disturb me just as much tomorrow."

    "Nice to know I leave such a lasting impression." Alexis couldn't stop the snappiness in her voice. Rick always brought out the worst in her.

    Kevin said, "Enough. This is official business."

    "Then it doesn't involve us. I thought Rick wanted to see me." She quickly stood up again, anxious to leave the men alone. "We can do this another time."

    "Sit down." Kevin's voice brooked no argument.

    Startled, Alexis obeyed, turning to face him.

    But it was Rick who spoke. "Alexis, Detective Sutherland wants you to leave town."

    Alexis froze. She narrowed her green eyes at Kevin, who stood there with his arms folded across his chest. He was waiting for her explosion. Well, she'd be damned if she'd give it to him.

    "Why?" There, that was simple and adultlike.

    "The power loss that you experienced last night was isolated to just your apartment."


    "There's evidence to show that whoever staged that power outage was the same person involved in yesterday's double homicide."

    Scott's indrawn breath had her reaching out to him. She offered him a tentative smile. "I said I'd had a bad night."

BOOK: Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)
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