Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense) (22 page)

BOOK: Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)
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    Alexis latched onto the main issue. "Bond?" she asked tentatively.

    "From the first time the two of you met, there existed an intuitive bond which has strengthened with time. There is one between the two of us, only different. Now, because he could, he used that link to make sure everything was okay in your world. He knew that when you finally had some control, you
    kick him out, but until then he wanted to keep tabs on you. Keep you protected." Stefan held up his hand to forestall her indignant outburst. "Before you blow, you knew, on a subconscious level, what he was doing. He couldn't have forged that link without your permission."

    "What happened to the link after our love…ah …" She stopped, flustered. "What happened to the link now?"

    "A physical joining strengthens the mental or spiritual link. It's up to you two, but it can become almost permanent."

    Alexis didn't know what to think. "Almost permanent?" What a mind-blowing concept.


    "Does that mean, like we're 'special' together? As in 'forever' together?" Alexis couldn't get her mind wrapped around this. What she could understand damn near blew her mind – and her heart. "The thing is, I'm not sure that's what I want. That I'm ready for that." And maybe not with Kevin. And his job. She'd lost so many loved ones already. She didn't know if she could live with the fear of him heading off into danger every day.

    Did she even have a choice any longer?

    Kevin's caustic voice cut through her speech. "I suppose you just wanted to scratch an itch, huh? Gee thanks… Nice to know I was of some use."

    Heat flushed over Alexis's features before draining away, leaving her chilled and wan. "That's not fair."

    Stefan's calm voice stepped in, easing some of the tension in the air. "Be nice to the lady, Kevin. This is between the two of you."

    "She's the one who brought it up with you."

    "I was trying to understand why you were hurt when I closed the door in my mind. That's all." Alexis's voice lowered to a soft, vulnerable pitch. "Now I'm wondering just how the afternoon even happened. It was so unlike me. Did you…?" She broke off, not sure what she wanted to ask.

    But Kevin knew.

    Angry disbelief blasted back at her. "What?" he roared. "So, now I'm an unscrupulous seducer of young women. I get them under my power, and they're helpless to resist! Do you really think I used some kind of hypnotic suggestion on you?"

    His obvious disgust and sense of betrayal shamed her. She didn't think she'd meant that... But although she didn't think he was to blame, a part of her still felt uneasy. Never would she have seen herself doing what she'd done so casually. That it could be something incredibly powerful, like fate, destiny or even – God help her – love, wasn't something she could look at right now. It was much easier to hide behind her anger than look at the rest.

    She knew the two men were watching the emotions flicker across her face. She kept her mind closed off. She had to sort this out without prying eyes, no matter how well intending they might be.

    Kevin snorted in disgust, grabbed up his coat and stormed to the front door. "Thanks for the beer, Stefan. I'm gone. Maybe I can still grab some sleep tonight."

    The door slammed behind him.

    Stupidly, she felt hurt that he didn't say good-bye. What an idiot. He was pissed at her and maybe rightly so. That still didn't change the fact she'd have liked a good-bye hug and kiss after what they'd shared. Even if she second-guessed whether it was right for her, or wrong.

    She sighed and looked over at Stefan who watched her with one eyebrow raised.

    "You could have said good-bye too, you know," Stefan said quietly to her.

    Once again, she flushed. "I didn't think of that in time," she said quietly. She stood to gather her things. "Kevin's right. We should both be trying to follow his example and get some sleep. Morning will be here soon." She glanced over at the living room clock and grimaced. "Very soon."

    With a quick hug good-bye, Alexis walked slowly to her truck.

    Way too late, she remembered the 'almost' in Stefan's shocking revelation on being bonded. Just as shocking was the realization that such a bond was too precious to lose.

    What had she just done?


    The sports car ripped up the long drive before screeching to a dead stop as if a drunken driver slammed on a brake. Charles smiled. The lights were out. The good mayor and his wife were already in bed. They'd never notice his return, the recalcitrant son. Slamming the car door shut, he sauntered casually toward the sprawling mansion. Glancing around, he thought he saw another vehicle hiding under the trees at the fence. He laughed. Not bloody likely. No one would dare trespass on his daddy's all-important property.

    Too bad.

    He'd been tempted several times to smash his car into the front of the stone cold building, but knew it wasn't worth the reproach and reminders that would continue forever.

    Almost walking straight, he made it inside the front door.

    "Hello. Anyone still up?" He hoped not. He wasn't in the mood for more tears and lectures about his lack of career or his heavy drinking – especially not today. He closed his eyes against the pounding headache. God damn them anyway.

    There never seemed to be a reason for these headaches, but they'd been killing him for years now, since he was a teen in fact. Early on his mom had taken him to doctors and tried hard to help him, but then when nothing seemed to work, she had given up.

    "Hello," he called out a little less quietly. Still no answer. Good.

    "Keep it down, Charles." A boozy voice called from the library. "Your mother is asleep. Will you join me for a nightcap?" His father stood in the doorway to his study, drink in hand.

    Asshole. Jesus, his old man was a royal bastard. One of these days, the mayor wouldn't be so cocky. Still, Charles had to maintain the status quo. He accepted the proffered scotch before sitting down beside the fire. "Any news from around town?" he asked, smiling.

    John stilled. "About what?"

    Charles shrugged, tugging his tie loose to dangle down his shirt. "I heard something earlier on the news. Something about a missing child."

    "Oh, that. The child's been found safe and sound." John lifted his glass of scotch in salute and took a healthy pull. "Don't know what we'd do without Detective Kevin Sutherland. He found the vehicle where the child was being held. Unfortunately, the kidnapper is still at large." He shook his head sadly. "Terrible story."

    "But the little girl is going to be okay, isn't she?"

    "Yes," John reassured him. "They found her in time." He looked over at his son curiously. "By the way, where were you earlier?"

    "What? Oh, I was just driving around," Charles mumbled into his glass.

    His father looked at him closely. "Did you go to the mall tonight? That's where the child was found."

    Charles stared at his father.
    Why the hell had he asked that?
    "You don't think I had anything to do with her disappearance, do you?"

    "No! No, of course not." But John focused on the swirling amber liquid in his glass, refusing to meet his son's gaze.

    Sourly, Charles looked at the hint of suspicion on the other man's face. "What about you? Did you go out earlier tonight?"

    The other man's face paled, then flushed in fury. "What? My behavior has never been in question."

    "But then your constituents don't know everything about your world, do they, Father?"

    Horror and pain flowed from the liquid haze in the John's eyes. "Why do you hate me so?"

    No answer was forthcoming. Charles felt a grim satisfaction for putting his father firmly in his place again. But he knew his father would get his revenge soon – he always did.

    He was big on that.

    CHAPTER 16

    creams of terror woke Alexis in the middle of the night.

    They were hers.

    Lying in bed, sweat soaked her silk camisole and her heart pounded inside her chest. Oh God. What the hell was that? She was in her room, but not. She was awake, but not.

    She was caught somewhere in-between.

    The difficult day had roller-coastered her heart and mind into one endless tumultuous ride. Exhaustion had finally married the two into an uneasy truce for the night. Trembling in a crossover between psychic journey and sleepy wakefulness, Alexis didn't know where she was – or why.


    Recognition and terror shuddered through her small frame. He was here, in her room. She curled up against the headboard, frantically searching the dark corners of her room.

    Damn right it's me! Thought you'd spoil my fun, did you?
    A macabre laughter floated through her gray world.
    Well, guess what? I found something to entertain me anyway.
    More haunting laughter echoed in the darkness.
    Or should I say…someone?

    Alexis woke fully, chilled to her soul. She'd never understood the phrase 'in a cold sweat.' Now she did, and wished she didn't. Her throat rasped painfully with every breath. She didn't know what had just happened, but knew it was important.

    Automatically, her mind reached for Kevin.

    Her mind zeroed in with perfect aim. It took several scary moments before the phone beside her rang.

    "What?" growled back his disgruntled voice. "Why the hell did you wake me in the middle of the night?"

    "He was just here."


    His question alone explained his lack of wakefulness. Alexis waited patiently for it to kick in. It didn't take long.

    "Him? The suspect? Was… He's gone? Are you okay? What did he say?"

    Quickly, she reassured him and related the asshole's words, emphasizing the tone of voice. "He sounded so satisfied, exultant even. I'm scared, Kevin. I think he's killed someone."

    The long silence on the other end showed Kevin was digesting her words. "That's not a total surprise. We saved the girl. It made him angry. But if he's killing for revenge, then his behavior is escalating."

    Alexis's hand tightened around the phone. She took a deep breath and expressed what really bothered her. "Maybe. I think he's picked someone you or I know, trying to make it personal."

    Sudden silence filled the room. "I hope not, but there's no way to know until the call comes in. Get some rest. You're going to need it."

    Rest? Not likely. There was no way she was going to close her eyes again. That asshole could be waiting for her.


    Kevin found it impossible to go back to sleep. The initial heat at the sound of Alexis's voice had dissipated into anger. It was easier than dealing with the hurt inflicted last night. He still wanted to kiss her mindless – or at least until she had no doubts about the two of them. He'd never been much of a talker and knew he was reaping the reward of letting her run away yesterday. He'd seen her barriers go up, sensed her insecurity and didn't know how to return to the closeness they'd shared earlier. He'd let her run. If the call about the child hadn't come in then…well… At least she was talking to him this morning.

    Immediately his mind returned to her message. His mind flitted through everyone this killer could target. There were too many of them. After an hour of going in circles, he finally got up and made coffee. It was just after four in the morning. Too early to start the day, but too late to try and grab more sleep.

    It was while sitting with his first coffee that his neck started itching. He opened his consciousness slightly. Awareness slammed into his senses with incredible intensity, letting him know the problem had been there awhile but he'd just tuned in.

    Quietly, he closed his eyes and opened his mind wider. He wasn't as good as Stefan yet, but he could usually search the scope of his county to pinpoint the area of trouble.

    Next, he went high and broad, looking for the black cloud, only to zoom back down into a corner of town he knew only too well. The question was, how did the killer know it, too?

    He hovered about the familiar two-story brick house. His breath whooshed out of him. His heart squeezed painfully before clamping down tight. He couldn't catch another breath. Mandy, the beautiful young lady friend, his former lover and Kyle's mother, lived there. One of the best people Kevin knew.

    Now death had moved in.

    Kevin returned to his living room, exhausted. He buried his face in his hands. Tears, hot and painful, welled up. Pain sat on the edge of his soul. God, he didn't want to go forward with this day.

    Are you okay
    ? Stefan's sleepy voice wove through Kevin's fatigue.

    "No," he answered sadly. Too tired to use telepathy, and knowing the coming day would ask more from him than any day in his life, he'd spoken out loud and let Stefan do the work.

    What's the matter
    ? The sleepy voice was compassionate but not worried. Already, he understood the emotion flowing through Kevin's mind, even if he didn't know the circumstances.

    "The killer got personal last night. Very personal."

    Waves of sadness vibrated between them as he allowed Stefan to watch the movie on continuous replay in Kevin's mind.

    I'm sorry,
    Stefan murmured gently.
    If it makes you feel better, I think that finished the killer's fury

    "I agree, or I'd be standing watch over Alexis right now."

    He waited no longer.

    His fellow officers had all the sleep they were going to get this night.

    He drove to where Mandy lived, at the end of a quiet residential block. Everything looked normal on the street. Years ago, when their relationship was going nowhere, they decided to be good friends. Kevin had seen Mandy and her son many times over the years, the last time at Charles's birthday party. He'd always enjoyed seeing how Kyle had changed as he grew older. Now he just wished he would find the little boy alive.

    He already knew Mandy wasn't.


    He walked up to the front door and knocked.

    A crushing sense of evil permeated the air.

    "Hello? Anybody home?" The front door was locked. He pounded loudly, hoping for Kyle's sleepy voice. Walking around to the back of the older house, Kevin looked carefully for any sign of forced entry. Mandy's car was parked in the back alley and was cold to the touch. She'd been home all night.

BOOK: Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)
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