Read Gargoyle (Woodland Creek) Online

Authors: Scarlett Dawn,Woodland Creek

Gargoyle (Woodland Creek) (3 page)

BOOK: Gargoyle (Woodland Creek)
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My lips pinched, even as I pressed up against him, sizzling flames etching to my fingertips and toes. “I have a boyfriend.”

He blinked, the green glow slowly disappearing. They stayed closed. “Is he near?”

Another whimper escaped me as I sucked in a harsh breath…the power blooming further into the air, practically suffocating me in need. “No, he’s across town.”

The green reappeared. He stared. Quiet. “Is that a yes?”

I knew what he was asking, his muscles taut over me. I
the shifters…and my body couldn’t say no, my mind overcome with the need to fuck. And I mean

I whispered, “Yes.”

That simply, it was said. It couldn’t be taken back. I needed to have sex, my mind churning for it. A repeated looping focus, honed for one sole purpose.

I. Needed. Sex.

His voice was rough with tension. “I’ll protect you from my family,” he mumbled absently. “They won’t hurt you.”

Confusion made my eyebrows snap together, but I quickly lifted a hand, thumping my palm on his forehead when his face tilted down toward mine. “Nothing freaky while we do this.”

The glow of his eyes was thinner, his lids at half-mast as he groaned softly, pressing his erection against my thigh. “Nothing freaky.”

I clarified. “If I say it’s too freaky, then you’ll stop.”

“I’ll stop anything you’re uncomfortable with.”

“And not here,” I moaned, even though my body was screaming for him to take me right here and now. “Too many getting their freaky shit on.” I was trying really damn hard not to listen to the wild noises and flashes of blues and greens on the other side of the desk.

He snorted quietly, but he must have seen that I was serious because, in the next second, I squeaked as he moved in a flurry. One of his massive hands went to my ass, the other behind my back, as he lifted us straight off the ground. He may have been stumbling more than a bit when another round of explosive power sizzled through the air,
, but the man was on a mission to take us to one of the doors at the side of the room.

My arms quickly embraced him around his neck, my legs tight around his waist.

I couldn’t wait any longer. My body bowed against his.

My fingers threaded through his hair, and my mouth slammed down on his.

Delectable. His mouth was…
. A sinful indulgence I lost myself in as I pressed my lips to the plushest, softest mouth ever imaginable, sinking into them.

Until I heard what sounded like a furious growl that erupted from deep within his chest as he slammed a door open, kicking it shut absently as he moved his hand from my back and threaded it through my blonde hair, holding my head steady as his lips brushed mine furiously.

The growling was weird. It wasn’t expected. It sounded like a...I mumbled against his lips, “Your name?”

Pressing my back against a wall inside the darkened room, he stilled for a heartbeat. “You don’t know who I am?”

. “No.”

Another long beat, his hot breath panting over my lips. “It
dark in here.”

“No shit.”

I waited.

Gave up.

“Your name?”

He chuckled quietly, utterly entertained with the topic.

My own growl, all me, made an appearance. Especially when my body jerked with another furious hit of power. “Your first name.”

“Yours first.”

I was done, tugging at his hair. “I’m Kennedy.”

He grunted softly, pulling his head back the barest bit, his entire body rock solid with the effort to stay still as he stared me in the eyes. “My first name’s Isaac.”

. I went numb for the briefest moment. Just staring into the glowing green eyes dead set on mine. I think I eventually blinked when the power rolled through the room like a roller coaster. “Oh…fuck it. Why not, right?” I jerked his head back to mine, my lips running over his with crazy fervor. Unable to do anything but this—with a
I despised.

His lips lifted for the barest moment, curling against mine. “I will protect you against them.”

“Just shut it and fuck me,” I mumbled.

Hell, if I was going to have sex with a
…it might as well be the Mayor of Woodland Creek.

His sadist family was the furthest from my mind.

The Mayor’s erection? Now, that was priority.

“Ow! Dammit, be careful,” I groaned when he slammed me back up against the wall, my clothes just having been torn off. Literally. I think my tennis shoes were even in shreds thanks to him. Truly, he was fucking
. My hip was going to be bruised where it had hit with what I was pretty sure was a desk next to us, the sharp edge having jabbed me.

“Toughen up, Little One,” he growled.

He was naked too in a mere blink.


His cock was just as enormous as what it had felt like against my leg with our clothes on. Only now he was grinding it against my clenching, soaking core. I groaned, “Get inside me.”

“No foreplay?”

My voice turned shrill. “
Are you serious

He chuckled softly. “No, I’m not.”

“What? That didn’t…” I sucked in a hard breath when his grip tightened on my bare thighs, and his hips tilted back and he slammed them forward. I
. He was so damn massive, my eyes enormous watching his face even as the fire of the pulsing power shivered in the air, fluxing again. “More…more.”

“You’re bitty,” he ground through clenched teeth.

“You’re huge,” I mumbled, slapping his shoulders and crossing my ankles behind his back. I paused, then almost had a panic attack, my next words a shriek of the freaked-the-fuck-out. “Condom! We need a condom!”

He shook his head absently, tilting his hips back the barest bit, then shoving brutally inside me again. My breasts rubbed along his muscled pecs as my head tilted back on a moan I couldn’t stop. But my heartbeat was still pattering inside my chest in worry. He muttered breathlessly, “There’s a spell…I can’t have any children.”

I stared at the ceiling, sucking oxygen as my gripping channel slowly adjusted, only to be rammed again as he thrust once more, trying to fully seat his cock inside me, my mind half stupid in lust. “What…no condom?”

Entirely breathless. “No condom. You won’t get pregnant.”

Lost in the feeling, I groaned cynically, “Good...cause you feel

He snorted softly. “Good?” He pulled his hips back, then thrust balls deep inside me. I choked, my short nails digging into his shoulders, even as I shouted in pure ecstasy. “
, Kennedy?”

I only whimpered.

He didn’t move, but he did jerk his head so his hair flew back from his face. Just as suddenly, the moon came out from behind a cloud, the tinted window allowing the slimmest amount of the full moon in, bathing the room in subdued, eerie light.

I could see his face now.

Another whimper escaped me, even while I panted for air, so damn full of his cock that I was truly impaled by his manly bit. My gaze flew to his face, taking him all in as quickly as possible, not knowing how long there would be this light to see him by.

He was definitely the Mayor.

The man also appeared cocky as hell right now in comparison to the news footage I had seen of him. He normally appeared fierce and silently cunning. The silently cunning hadn’t left his gaze, an intimidation all of its own. It was still there, but he also appeared arrogant. The man
he was filling me just right.

My blonde brows lifted. I stayed silent. Two could play at this game.

We were both in pain with this power slamming into us. There was only one way to relieve it.

But…I stilled when his eyes gradually…turned into something else. Quite literally.

The shape molded into…his Gargoyle.

It was his Gargoyle peeking out at me.

My voice turned into the whisper of the utterly and completely frightened. “That’s the freaky shit I was talking about. Please stop.”

But the Mayor made no attempt at a verbal response.

He merely tilted his head forward, those eyes, the eyes of
the Gargoyle
staring at me as he—
—inhaled deeply, holding the breath in.

I held my own breath, staying perfectly still.

His voice was whacked, totally half-growling-Gargoyle. “

My lips parted the barest bit, a quiet voice. “Please. Stop.”

He blinked…and it was him staring back at me, his eyes shaped with their normal tilt. “Apologies.”

I exhaled heavily. “Accepted.” Clearing my throat pointedly, I wiggled a bit in his grip, then mumbled grudgingly, “You feel better than good.” I stared, irritated. “Think you can move now?”

His fierce features creased the barest bit as his lips lifted into the devil’s grin, making me feel as if he had been playing a game with me. “Oh, I can move.” His ass flexed as he pulled his hips back, tightening against the heels of my feet. My mouth fell open on an animalistic shout of pure pleasured satisfaction as he slammed his hips flush with mine, his cock gliding gloriously through my channel, filling me beyond pleasure. “I’ll move you. I’ll move you
all night long
, Kennedy.”

I nodded briskly. “Okay.”

He still wore that wicked grin. “Okay.”

His mouth landed on mine as he started pounding into me, no easy penetration. All want and need, the power wrapping us in its grip. It was pure single-minded devotion to completion that held us in its grip.

I panted heavily, and he took the opportunity given, thrusting his tongue into my mouth and gliding it over mine. Sensual and erotic, our tongues played together, just as our bodies were. My breath was long gone, and I breathed him in as the wall I rested against shook in a heavy rhythm to each of his thrusts into me. His cock was like a damn dream inside me, my shouts becoming louder and fiercer as his pace began to quicken.

His Gargoyle—and it was his Gargoyle—took voice, growling fiercely as my thighs began to tremble against his lean waist, his stomach muscles clenching with each of his thrusts.

I didn’t even care at this point. I merely pressed my breasts again his chest even harder, rubbing my pebbled nipples against his pecs. Indulgent, intimate sweat began to mist our bodies as he dropped his face against my shoulder…and bit the living shit out of me.

My body froze, and then rocked hard against him, my scream of pained pleasure brutal, “
Holy hell!

His Gargoyle growled again, and he pressed harder against my clit while sucking fiercely where he had bit down against the soft spot on my neck, his tongue laving the wound.

I groaned, my entire body tightening.

He lifted a hand from his fierce grip on my hip and cupped one of my breasts.

Pinched my nipple.

My body jerked, and I flew into oblivion as his hips pounded against mine, brutally giving me what I needed. Sensual haze overtook me as I screamed again, arching my head back against the unforgiving wall. My legs and arms shook in zapping warmth of carnal bliss, my thoughts alone on mere pleasured satisfaction as he went rigid against me. My channel gripped his thrusting cock in pulses as I gurgled on a choke.

His cock, glistening with my wetness, slammed into me so hard, my body literally shoved back into the sheetrock an inch, the edges cracking and creaking against my sides as he shuddered, shouting on a guttural Gargoyle’s roar against my neck.

I squeaked breathlessly at the sound, my body tensing, bringing me down the smallest bit from my sated haze, but he was quivering against me as his cock jerked deep inside me, repeatedly scalding me with his come as he came just as hard as I had.

It was a new experience for me. A Gargoyle roaring as I climaxed. I would probably need therapy later, but right now, he just felt so damn good, I didn’t give a shit, merely holding onto him tight as I blinked open my eyes slowly, a soft moan my answer as my body relaxed fully inside his relentless grip.

Tap. Pound. Pound.

I jerked, instantly wrapping my arms around his neck tightly at the startling knock.

Still breathing heavily, his chest pumping against mine, Isaac’s head flew up at the wall behind me, where the sound—and vibration—had come from.

A feminine throat cleared from behind the wall we rested against, then…the shifter stated semi-loudly through the wall, clear enough to be heard, “Brother?”

My blink was gradual, my grip not unleashing around Isaac’s throat, his body just as frozen as mine. The woman’s voice…it was the shifter from earlier. The shifter who had been whisked away by the wizard.

He stared for a blink. Another. Cleared his throat, then without sounding as breathless as his chest was heaving, his heartbeat pounding in time with mine, he stated mildly, “Yes?”

I heard an uncomfortable groan, then a repetitive banging sound on the wall. “I. DID. NOT. WANT. TO. HEAR. THAT.” More repetitive thumping, then a pause. Her voice turned cross. “Carla?”

BOOK: Gargoyle (Woodland Creek)
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