George F. Kennan: An American Life (145 page)

Read George F. Kennan: An American Life Online

Authors: John Lewis Gaddis

Tags: #General, #History, #20th Century, #Political Science, #International Relations, #Historical, #Modern, #Biography & Autobiography

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“Nuclear Weapons and the Atlantic Alliance,”
updated “X” article for
“X” article in
Foreign Policy
Foreign Service, U.S.:
diplomacy as practiced in
formation of
Kennan’s application to
Kennan’s career in
Kennan’s generation of officers in
Kennan’s posts in,
see specific venues
Kennan’s resignations from
salaries in
security breaches in
socializing in
training in
see also
State Department, U.S.
Foreign Service School
Forrestal, James V.
and covert activities
death of
as Defense secretary
and Kennan’s writings
as Navy secretary
and “X” article
Fosdick, Dorothy
Communist Party in
and European defense/NATO
and European unity
German armies in
and German occupation
and Indochina
U.S. ambassador to
Francis, David R.
Franco, Francisco
François-Poncet, André
Franco-Russian alliance (1894)
Frankel, Max
Franklin, George S., Jr.
Franks, Sir Oliver
Free Russia Fund
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
Friendly, Fred W.
Frost, Edward and Ida
Frost, George A.
Fuchs, Klaus
Fulbright, J. William
Gaddis, John Lewis
Strategies of Containment
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gascoigne, Sir Alvary
Gavin, James M.
Gellhorn, Martha
Gellman, Barton,
Contending with Kennan: Toward a Philosophy of American Power
Geneva, Kennan as vice-consul in
George, Henry
anti-Semitism in
Austria annexed by
and balance of power
and Belgium
covert operations in
and Czechoslovakia
and European unity
Gestapo in
and Holland
Kennan’s internment in
Kennan’s postings to
Kennan’s return visit (1949) to
and Marshall Plan
Nazi party in
Nazi-Soviet Pact
and Poland
postwar occupation of
Pour le Mérite in
and Program A
rise to power
Social Democrats in
Soviet sector (East)
Soviet Union invaded by
and spies
surrender of
unification of
and war,
World War II
West German government
Geyelin, Philip
Gibbon, Edward
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
on occupying territories
Gilmore, Eddy
Gleason, S. Everett
Gödel, Kurt
Goering, Hermann
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gogol, Nicolay
Goldman, Eric
Goldwater, Barry M.
Gomulka, Wladyslaw
Goodman, Constance Moench
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gordievsky, Oleg
Great Britain:
and atomic bomb
and Azores
and balance of power
and covert operations
and European defense/NATO
and European unity
failing economy of
Greece and Turkey
Lend-Lease aid to
maritime strength of
and Marshall Plan
and Palestine
and postwar Germany
and postwar policies
and Soviet Union
U.S. ambassador to
and World War II
Great Depression
British withdrawal from
Communist Party in
and Truman Doctrine
Green, Joseph C.
Green, Marshall
Green, Theodore Francis
Greenbaum, Edward
Grew, Joseph C.
Griggs, Brandon
Griggs, Joan,
Kennan, Joan Elisabeth
Griggs, Larry
Gromyko, Andrey
Grow, Robert W.
Gruenther, Alfred M.
Gufler, Bernard
Hácha, Emil
Hagerty, James
Haig, Alexander
Hall, Walter P. “Buzzer,”
Halle, Louis J.
Kennan’s assignment in
wartime destruction of
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammarskjöld, Dag
Hammer, Armand
Hankey, R. M. A.
Hard, Anne
Hard, Eleanor Van Someren
Hard William
Harding, Warren G.
Harkins, Philip
Harriman, E. H.
Harriman, Kathleen
Harriman, Pamela Churchill
Harriman, W. Averell
as ambassador to Soviet Union
and Cold War
and end of World War II
and Kennan
and London conference (1945)
and Poland
and Roosevelt’s death
and Russian study center
Soviet investments of
and Stalin
and Truman
and Yalta conference
Harsch, Joseph C.
Harvard University
Hatzfeldt, Hermann
Hay, John
Healey, Denis
Hehir, Father J. Bryan
Hellman, Lillian
Helsinki, Kennan’s visits to
Helsinki accords
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Loy
in Moscow
and Palestine
in Washington
Henlein, Konrad
Hersey, John
Herter, Christian A.
Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Hans-Heinrich “Johnnie,”
Hesse, Hermann
Hessman, Dorothy
Hickerson, John D.
Hill, Harry W.
Hilldring, John
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe
Hiss, Alger
Hitler, Adolf
and Chamberlain
German opponents of
and Holocaust
and Nazi-Soviet Pact
and Poland
and public opinion
rise to power
and succession
see also
Ho Chi Minh
Hochschild, Harold
Hoffman, Paul G.
Hoffmann, Stanley
Holbrooke, Richard
Holland, German invasion of
Holmes, John
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Holt, Henry
Hong Kong
Hook, Sidney
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hopkins, Harry
Horowitz, Vladimir
Hotchkiss, Eugene
House, Edward M.
Howard, Michael
Hoxha, Enver
Huddle, J. Klahr
Hughes, Emmet John
Hull, Cordell
Ickes, Harold L.
Institute for Advanced Russian Studies
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton:
founding of
governance of
and historical scholarship
Kennan as professor emeritus of
Kennan’s hundredth birthday celebrated in
Kennan’s office closed in
Kennan’s work with
and McCarthyism
Oppenheimer as director of
Soviet troops in
U.S. hostages in
Isaacson, Walter, and Evan Thomas,
The Wise Men
Israel, establishment of
Communist Party in
postwar occupation of
war declared by
Ivan the Terrible
Jackson, Henry M. “Scoop,”
James, Alfred (grandfather)
James, Charlie (cousin)
childhood of
Kennan’s letters to
James family
Jameson, Donald “Jamie,”
atomic bombs dropped on
and balance of power
demilitarization of
Kennan’s visits to
and Korea
postwar occupation of
surrender of
in World War II
Jaruzelski, Wojciech
Jebb, Gladwyn
Jenkins, Peter
Jerusalem, U.S. consulate in
Jessup, Philip
and anti-Semitism
and Israel
rescue efforts for
and Zionism
John Paul II, Pope
Johnson, Joseph E.
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Louis A.
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Stuart H.
Johnson administration
Joint Chiefs of Staff:
and atomic weapons
and China
and Korea
and postwar Germany
Jomini, Antoine-Henri
Jones, Hilary P.
Jones, Owen T.
Journal of American History
Joxe, Louis
Kaganovich, Lazar
Kalinin, Mikhail
Kallin, Anna
Kantorowicz, Ernst “Eka,”
Kaunda, Kenneth
Kaysen, Carl
Kelley, Robert F.
Kellogg, Frank B.
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
Kennan, Annelise Sørensen (wife)
and aging
in Berlin
children of
death of
and the farm
and George’s career
and George’s health
and George’s personality
and George’s writings
letters between George and
in Lisbon
marriage of George and
and money matters
in Moscow
in Norway
in Oxford
in Prague
U.S. citizenship of
in Washington
in Yugoslavia
Kennan, Christopher James (son)
birth of
childhood of
in Moscow
schooling of
Kennan (Brandt), Constance (sister):
death of
recollections of
Kennan (Worobec), Florence James (mother)
bequest of
children of
death of
family background of
Kennan, Frances (sister):
death of
and money matters
recollections of
Kennan, George (1845–1924)
death of
meeting of George F. and
parallels with George F. Kennan
proposed biography of
reputation of
Siberia and Hard Labor
wife of
Kennan, George Frost:
adolescence of
aging of
awards and honors to
biographies of
birth of
and boats
career decisions of
childhood of
as color-blind
and covert activities
death of
dreams of
engagement to Annelise Sørensen
engagement to Eleanor Hard
entering politics
European trip (1924)
family background of
and the farm
and fatherhood
and finances
and foreign languages
and Foreign Service,
Foreign Service, U.S.;
specific venues
; State Department, U.S.
grandchildren of
and greatness
health problems of
as historian
influence of
internment in Nazi Germany
and Korean War
lectures and public speeches by
and loneliness
and marriage
see also
Kennan, Annelise Sørensen
and Marshall Plan,
Marshall Plan
media stories about
mood swings of
and mother’s death
and music
personal traits of
and political parties
and PPS,
Policy Planning Staff
and Princeton
professionalism of
and religion
reputation of
and retirement
schooling of
siblings of
solipsism of
on student protests
as teacher
Templehof statement of
and thoughts of death
waning influence of
and women
writings of,
Kennan, George Frost, diaries of; poems by; writings of
Kennan, George Frost, diaries of:
and Africa
on aging
complaints against civilization in
descriptive passages in
earliest entries in
on Foreign Service postings
gloomy passages in
on his family
on Korean War
and posterity
and return to Germany
on Russian history
self-absorption reflected in
self-examinations in
and Task Force A
on traveling
Kennan, George Frost, poems by
on European travel
“From out this world of stars,”
“From you, embattled comrades,”
“Frown not, fair pilgrim,”
on his diary
“How long before the unctuous fly,”
“My corporal’s lot,”

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