George F. Kennan: An American Life (146 page)

Read George F. Kennan: An American Life Online

Authors: John Lewis Gaddis

Tags: #General, #History, #20th Century, #Political Science, #International Relations, #Historical, #Modern, #Biography & Autobiography

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“My friends,”
“My Soldier,”
“Now student A has started,”
to PPS
“The steady flow of words,”
“When the step becomes slow,”
Kennan, George Frost, writings of:
ambitions for
“America and the Russian Future,”
American Diplomacy: 1900–1950,
An American Family: The Kennans; The First Three Generations
“Anton Chekhov and the Bolsheviks,”
Around the Cragged Hill: A Personal and Political Philosophy
Chichele lectures published
The Cloud of Danger: Current Realities of American Foreign Policy
competence of
on containment
The Decision to Intervene
The Decline of Bismarck’s European Order: Franco-Russian Relations
, 1875–1890
Democracy and the Student Left
diary entries as practice for
“The International Control of Atomic Energy,”
“Is War with Russia Inevitable?,”
“Japanese Security and American Policy,”
long telegram (No. 511)
Memoirs: 1925–1950,
Memoirs: 1950–63,
On Dealing with the Communist World
on postwar U.S.
PPS papers,
Policy Planning Staff
“The Prerequisites,”
prolixity of
Realities of American Foreign Policy
Reith lectures
“Runo—An Island Relic of Medieval Sweden,”
Russia, the Atom, and the West
Russia and the West Under Lenin and Stalin
Russia Leaves the War
“Russia—Seven Years Later,”
“Russia’s International Position at the Close of the War with Germany,”
Sketches from a Life
“The Sources of Soviet Conduct” (“X” article)
White Paper on China
Kennan, Grace (daughter)
adolescence of
in Berlin
birth of
childhood of
marriage of (McClatchy)
in Moscow
in Prague
schooling of
Kennan (Hotchkiss), Jeanette (sister):
and biographies
childhood of
death of
and George’s career
and George’s children
George’s letters to
and George’s marriage
husband of (Hotchkiss)
and money matters
personal traits of
recollections of
schooling of
Kennan, Joan Elisabeth (daughter)
adolescence of
and Alliluyeva
birth of
childhood of
in college
engagement and marriage of (Griggs)
in Geneva
and her father’s travels
in Moscow
recollections of
Kennan, Kent (half-brother)
childhood of
death of
Kennan’s letters to
in Moscow
as musician
recollections of
studies of
Kennan, Kossuth Kent (father)
aging and death of
birth and background of
and first George Kennan
and George at Princeton
and George’s career
jobs of
and money matters
remarriage of
Kennan, Louise Wheeler (stepmother)
Kennan, Nellie McGregor Pierpont (father’s first wife)
Kennan, Thomas Lathrop (grandfather)
Kennan, Wendy (daughter):
birth of
childhood of
and son’s birth
Kennan family:
background of
common qualities in
reunions of
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of
and Berlin Wall
and election
fact-finding mission of (1938)
and Kennan
Foreign Affairs
and Khrushchev
and Reith lectures
and Yugoslavia
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Paul
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennedy administration:
and Cuban missile crisis
and Kennan’s career
and Latin America
trade expansiion bill
and Yugoslavia
Kerr, Archibald Clark
Keynes, John Maynard
Khrushchev, Nikita
and Belgrade channel
and Berlin
and Cuban missile crisis
and Kennedy
and Stalin
and Tito
Kim Il-sung
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, William L. Mackenzie
Kirk, Alan G.
Kirk, Alexander
Kirk, Lydia Chapin
Kirov, Sergei
Kissinger, Henry A.
and China
and Nixon
on nuclear weapons
regard for Kennan
Klein, David
Klunk, Fred
Knowland, William
Knox, Frank
Kohl, Helmut
Kohler, Foy
Komer, Robert
postwar occupation of
38th parallel in
U.S. abandonment of
Korean War
Kossuth, Louis
Kosygin, Aleksey
Kozhenikov, Shura
Kozhenikov, Vladimir “Volodya,”
Kozhenikov family
Kreuger, Ivar
Krock, Arthur
Kropotkin, Pyotr
Kuhn, Ferdinand
Kuniholm, Bertel E.
Langer, William L.
Lansing, Robert
Latin America:
authoritarian regimes in
Kennan’s travel to
Lawrence, William H.
League of Nations
Leahy, William D.
Lenin, V. I.
Leopold, Richard W.
Lewis, Sinclair
Lilienthal, David E.
Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Link, Arthur S.
Lippmann, Walter
and Cold War
on containment
death of
on Germany
Kennan’s letters to
and Marshall Plan
and “X” article
Litvinov, Maxim
Long, Huey
Lovett, Robert M.
Lowell, Robert
Luce, Henry
Lukacs, John
MacArthur, Douglas:
and China
and Japan
and Korean War
Truman’s firing of
MacDonald, Betty,
The Egg and I,
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Machrowicz, Thaddeus
Maclean, Donald
MacMurray, John Van Antwerp
MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Makins, Roger
Malik, Jacob
Manhattan Project
Manila, Kennan’s “short telegram” from
Mann, Thomas
Mano, Tony and Ana
Mao Zedong
and civil war
and Korea
and Soviet Union
Marcy, Carl
Marder, Murrey
Marshall, Charles Burton
Marshall, George C.
and China
and European defense
and Japan
methods of
and Policy Planning Staff
as secretary of defense
as secretary of state
and Soviet Union
and Truman
and “X” article
Marshall Plan
administration of
Congressional approval of
costs of
and European division
and European recovery
expansion of
Kennan’s contributions to
and Lippmann
as PPS/1
roots of
and Soviet Union
success of
and Truman Doctrine
and “X” article
Marx, Harpo
Marx, Karl
Masarik, Hubert
Masaryk, Jan
Masaryk, Tomáš
Mason, Paul
Matlock, Jack
Matthews, H. Freeman “Doc,”
Maury, John
Mausolff, Paul
Mautner, Martha
McCarthy, Joseph
McClatchy, Charles K.
McCloy, John J.
McDermott, Michael
McFarlane, Robert
McGhee, George
McGovern, George S.
McGrory, Mary
McMillan, Priscilla
McNamara, Robert S.
McSweeney, John
Medal of Freedom
Meiklejohn, Robert
Melby, John
Merrill, Keith
Messersmith, George
Messolonghitis, Nick
Metternich, Klemens
Meyner, Robert
Middle East:
access to oil in
Kennan’s travel to
Soviet presence in
Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw
Mikoyan, Anastas
Millar, F.M. Hoyer
Miller, Edward G.
Mills, Wilbur
Milwaukee Journal
Miscamble, Wilson D.,
George F. Kennan and the Making of American Foreign Policy
, 1947–1950
Molotov, Vyacheslav
and international conferences
and Smith-Molotov exchange
and Truman
Moltke, Helmuth von
Mommsen, Theodor
Monroe Doctrine
Moore, R. Walton
Morgenthau, Hans
Politics Among Nations
Morris, Leland
Finnsky Dom in
Kennan’s assignment to
Kennan’s return to
life in
Mokhovaya in
progress in
socializing in
Spaso House in
spies in
U.S. embassy in
Mosely, Philip
Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl
Mumford, Lewis
Munich conference (1938)
Murphy, Robert
Mussolini, Benito
Nagy, Imre
Napoleon Bonaparte
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
National Committee for a Free Europe
National Institute of Arts and Letters
National Security Council
and atomic weapons
and CIA
establishment of
and Germany
and Japan
NSC 1/1, “The Position of the U.S. with Respect to Italy,”
NSC 20/4, on Soviet Union
NSC 48/2 and Korea
NSC 68, on national security
NSDD-75, on Soviet-U.S. relations
and Project Solarium
National War College
Acheson’s lectures in
establishment of
Kennan’s assignment to
Kennan’s lectures in
Oppenheimer’s lecture in
purpose of
and Task Force A
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
and Able Archer maneuvers
and Berlin
and defense conferences
expansion of
functions of
and German unification
Kennan’s distaste for
and Kennan’s lectures
and Korea
membership in
nuclear doctrines of
and PPS papers
signing of
and Suez
Naval War College
Navy, U.S., in Taiwan Strait
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nenni, Pietro
Neumann, John von
New Yorker, The
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times, The
Ngo Dinh Diem
Nguyen Cao Ky
Nicholas I, Tsar
Nicholas II, Tsar
Nichols, Lewis
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Nikezic, Marko
Nimitz, Chester W.
Nitze, Paul H.
and Committee on Present Danger
and Kennan
and Korea
and Policy Planning Staff
School of Advanced International Studies
Tension Between Opposites
and weapons of mass destruction
Nixon, Richard M.
and elections
and Kissinger
regard for Kennan
Nixon administration
North Haven, Maine
Kennan family visits to
Nazi invasion of
Russia feared in
sailing in
wartime conditions in
Norweb, Henry
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968)
Oberdorfer, Don
O’Brian, Patrick
Oliver, Bill
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
death of
and ecological issues
and Institute for Advanced Study
and Kennan
security investigations of
War College lecture of
Orwell, George1984
O’Shaughnessy, Elim
All Souls College
Balliol College
Chichele lectures
Rhodes House lecture
Pahlavi, Shah Mohammad Reza
Palestine Mandate
Palmer, Paul
Pan American Airways
Yankee Clipper
Panyushkin, Aleksandr

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