GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S) (5 page)

BOOK: GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S)
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The biggest attraction for Stax, was that Serenity got who Stax really was, and what she was about. Stax wasn't a beauty queen with long legs and big tits. Not even close, she was only 5 '3  with perky tits that never really
a bra. Her hair was an auburn spiral, that spilled down to the middle of her back, but when she walked out into the sun the red highlights took over. Standing in the sun, she would look more like a 'Ginger'. Her lightly freckled, oval face was the perfect backdrop for big hazel-green 'bedroom eyes' and soft pouty lips that begged for sweet kisses. With a nice waistline and cushy ass, it was still her beautiful face that was her biggest asset. 

Stax had been born with a natural sensuality. This, combined with the fact that she wasn't easily offended by dirty jokes or vulgar language, put most women off from the start. Making the matter worse, these same attributes that caused women to keep her at arms length, drew men of all ages straight to her. She was always considered, 'one of the boys', but if they were with a women, Stax instantly became a threat in the females eyes, and they wouldn't take the time to get to know her. She had realized early on that females took issue with her, but initially she had thought that they were distant because of the whole 'biker image' issue.

She missed Serenity terribly, she was like a sister who had been gone for several months now. Serenity had went off to Graphics School, and after her second semester decided to take time off to travel with a friend from her dorm. Stax hadn't questioned her on that, she had been waiting for her to get home so that they could catch up. The last time they had spoken, was on her birthday and by that time she felt it had been too long and wanted to know what was going on in her life. As soon as she started to ask, the phone line had dropped. Stax was worried when she didn't call right back, but since it was Serenity, she let it go. She wasn't the most consistent or considerate soul at times, but she was a good soul and Stax loved her, really hard. "She was probably just in a bad service area." She reasoned.

While the three of them sat there enjoying the ocean and all that came with it, Strangler's cell phone went off, interrupting her thoughts of Serenity. Reading the text, he sighed and typed a return message. "Club business Angel, my presence has been requested." He stated, and at that they all stood up and headed back to the motel room.

When they entered the room, Stax began picking up the clothes that she had shed that morning, in preparation to leave. "Is Rage coming right now to pick us up?" She asked. Strangler gave a negative nod and said, "Rage is coming to pick
up," pointing to himself and Samson, "The room is ours for a few more days, and we would like for you to stay here and relax. That is, if your good with that." Strangler added the last part so that she wouldn't think that they were trying to tell her what to do, even though the two of them had already discussed it at length and decided that is was in her best interest to remain and regroup.

Stax thought about going home to an empty house and all that would come next. Knowing that she would need her strength and a clear mind, she nodded her agreement. "There is so much to do right now, yet on the other hand I really do like the thought of staying here for a minute." She said, and then quietly added "I'm not sure I want to be alone though." Strangler smiled at her, glad in his heart that she was willing to go along with their 'therapy' plan. "Not an issue Angel, we will go take care of business and be back here with you tomorrow afternoon, and as for your 'much to do list', I'll wager that there is nothing on your agenda that can't be pushed back. Stax thought hard for a minute, he was right, there was nothing that couldn't wait.

"You left the Clubhouse without anything, so I had Rage run back and grab you some clothes and your make-up bag after he dropped us off here." Strangler advised. While Stax marvelled at his foresight and thoughtfulness, he continued, "The one thing I didn't think about though was cash, so before you tell me 'no', take this and you can pay me back when you get home." Stax watched him open his wallet and started shaking her head as he counted out three one hundred dollar bills. Before she could speak, Samson spoke up "Damn it Stax, you have to eat, and your going to run out of  cigarettes. You'll need some personal items, and just maybe you'll find a new bathing suit or whatever." He saw the look on her face and added, "For fucks sake, just take it, we both know that you can't come to the beach without hitting your favorite shell shops, and the liqour store doesn't hand out free whiskey." He pointed to the dwindling whiskey bottle on the dresser. He also knew her well, and was obviously ready with all of the reasons that she shouldn't be a bitch about this. 

It wasn't like she couldn't pay it back in a couple of days, so there was no reason why she should be an ass about this very kind thing that they were doing for her. "Your right guys. Thank you both so much for having my back and taking such good care of me. I love you both, real hard." And at that, she went up on her tippy toes and gave them both big hugs and kisses, just as Rage honked his horn outside. Samson told Strangler he needed to 'hit the head' on the way out, and Strangler bent down to give Stax a proper kiss before heading out the door.

Shortly after they left, Stax went into the bathroom to shower off the sand and salt water. What she discovered when she opened the door was that the big garden tub had been surrounded by a half a dozen candles waiting to be lit. There was a joint in the ashtray on the back of the toilet, a small CD player loaded with her favorite tropical music, and a big bottle of lavender bubble bath sitting in the middle of the dry tub with a note that read, "Just add water" written in Samsons hand writing. "Damn, they're good!" she thought. "Now all I need is a drink."

She went back to the dresser and grabbed the bottle of Irish whiskey and a can from the six pack of cola that the guys had left for her. Realizing that she needed ice, she sat them back down and grabbed the little bucket left by housekeeping. Out into the hall, she headed straight for the ice machine, making a mental note that the soda machine had been relocated since her last visit and was now a little further down the same hall. Grateful for the individually wrapped stack of small plastic cups that housekeeping had left beside the ice bucket, she went to work. Several minutes later when the tub was filled up with the hottest water she could stand and the bubbles were heading dangerously towards the edge of the tub, she refilled her little cup and shed her still damp clothing. Naked, with a fresh drink in one hand and a lit joint in the other, she slowly lowered herself into the tub.

Relaxed beyond measure, Stax allowed her mind to wander. She didn't allow her thoughts to go to the hard place right now, instead she thought of how thoughtful and gentle Strangler had been every single minute these last days. This was not the norm. They had a unique relationship to say the least. He could be a total asshole and a bit of a strong willed control freak, and she was an independent, strong willed, Southern Belle.  He would call her a 'Bitch', and she would call him a 'Bitch-Fucker'. He would tell her he was going to 'fuck her up' and she would tell him to 'Start fucking and don't stop till I tell you to'.  She would tell him to 'Kiss her fat white ass' and he would respond with puckered lips and a, 'Bend over now, Bitch. I ain't got all day.'

They would go tit-for-tat all day long and then end up in each other's arms when the day was done. For them, much of it was foreplay, some of it was venting, and though it often sounded very serious to others, it was just their private form of humour. They each knew exactly how far they could push the other, and there had been a few times that they had come just a little too close to the 'Point of no return'. Neither was willing to give ground in the heat of the moment, things had to simmer down for a minute, and since they were smart enough to let it, it worked. 

Each meant the world to the other, and neither was willing to toss it out the window over a contest of wills or a badly timed comment. She allowed him to be him and he allowed her to be her. We'll, most of the time, unless he felt that she said something that made him look weak or he said something that made her seem sub-servient.  The truth was, Stax would never intentionally show him disrespect in front of others, no more than she would her own father. She simply wouldn't let things go that far, she would turn it into a joke first. Strangler on the other hand, would tend to take advantage of her natural desire to please and serve those whom she loved, and make it look like she was
doing what she was told
. This was a button that he loved to push, and often. She knew he did it for kicks and she would usually have a quick witted come-back, however, she could go from a 'Sweet Southern Belle' to a 'Bat Straight From Hell' in a flash, if she wasn't in the right mood.

When he would call her 'Bitch' in public, she truly did not take issue, like other women did. Not only did it turn her on, but they considered it just another term of endearment. She knew that it was something that gave him pleasure, and since she was good with it, she wasn't going to act offended or create drama where there was none. She didn't give a shit whether somebody else understood or was offended, that was their issue.

Sex quite frankly, was fucking awesome and frequent. He loved it when she walked over and whispered, "Hey mister, Doyawanna?" straddling his lap so that he could feel her heat as she wriggled her bottom and teased him with hot promising kisses. She had actually went out and had the word, Doyawanna? tattooed on the back of her shoulder. When someone would comment on it, she would wink and say, "I got tired of asking."  There were times when she would be somewhere, waiting in line and would hear a male voice behind her say, "Why yes, yes I do." She wouldn't turn around or say a word, but it never failed to bring a smile to her face.

Her favorite turn on, was when Strangler would corner her somewhere, usually when her hands were full. He would kiss her and slide his hand down her top. Exposing her breast he would pull her nipple into his mouth, rapidly flicking his tongue, while using his hand to firmly rub her crotch through her jeans. Abruptly he would stop and walk away, leaving her standing there alone, wet and wanting.

Both had a past life before they came to be together, and never did jealousy or suspicion become an issue between them. They trusted each other completely and agreed that if either one ever decided to move on, it would be amicable and without issue. Neither could imagine that such a day would ever come, but they each knew reality when they saw it.

Everyone they met, was aware that their's was a non-traditional relationship, but the majority couldn't figure out just exactly what it was. Most women were too insecure to comprehend it, and most men secretly yearned for such an honest relationship for themselves. Women didn't know how to relate to her and men admired him like a demi-god. Neither of them felt the need to explain themselves to anyone. If questioned she would simply use the old adage, "If I had to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand." Strangler on the other hand, would just flat out tell them, "Must suck to be you."

Her thoughts now drifted off to Samson. He too, had been extra gentle with her of late, but he was by nature a gentle soul, his passions and emotions ran deep. Much like his friend Strangler, he was opinionated and sure of himself.  Always open to new information, they would accept only what could be researched and proven, they simply could not abide ignorance on any level. He too, had a full back tat of his ancestry Castle in Ireland, however, since he was also of Scottish descent and proud to be so, he had added the Scottish motto:  "Nemo me impune lacessit", which means, 'No-one harms me without punishment'. The full back tat was something that he and Strangler had done together, it was their way of showing brotherhood solidarity and pride in their heritage.

A long thick auburn braid, a very full beard and laughing green eyes, concealed Samson's youth.  Standing a respectfull, 5'11, his height and strong thick build immediatley captured the womens attention, but it was his personality and knowledge that drew in all that met him. For someone in their mid 20's, he was an ancient soul. Thoughtful and intelligent, combined with a wealth of talent, Samson had a singing voice that could make him a super star if he chose to take that road. A wild sense of humour and the ability to impersonate, rounded out his personality. However, his humour was often lost on those of lesser wit, or strong religious issues. Samson was an avid survivalist who excelled at hunting and fishing, but his most impressive asset was his memory. He could remember everything he read, saw or heard, chapter, page and verse.

Realizing that her water was getting too cool for comfort and her drink was long gone, Stax washed out her bathing suit top and shorts from the day before, and hung them over the shower rod. She released the drain stopper and slowly stood up. Catching a glimpse of her relection in the mirror, she briefly wished once again that she was taller, sexier and bigger in the chest. Sighing, she reconcilled herself with the knowledge that if she were, the world would never be able to live with her. She moved away from her reflection. She much preferred to think of herself the way that Strangler made her feel that she looked, rather than dwell on what the mirror had to say about it.

Naked and dripping, she went to the table and made herself another drink. Opening the top drawers of the dresser, she found the neatly folded clothes that had been brought here for her stay. "For fucks sake," she whispered, "Looks like I'll need to wash my jeans today." She found two pair of shorts, her bathing suit, a halter top, a tank top and two pair of panties. Slipping on the bathing suit top and a clean pair of cut-off's, she walked over to the sliding glass door.

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