Ghost of a Promise (22 page)

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Authors: Kelly Moran

Tags: #Romance, #Ghost of a Promise, #Maine, #Ghosts, #Investigating, #Covet, #paranormal, #love, #Entangled, #Kelly Moran, #Haunted, #Paranormal Romance, #Spirit, #Phantoms

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What will you do?

Her sigh was dreary.

I don

t know.”

If I told you I met someone would that cheer you up?

Depends. Are you saying it to cheer me up or because it

s the truth?

He didn

t know why he brought up the subject in the first place. It wasn

t as if their relationship could amount to a future.

Both. You

d like her. She

s smart, pretty, feisty, and doesn

t take my crap.

She sounds perfect. You

ve never given me the impression you wanted to settle down.

Took me by surprise too,

he admitted.


s not serious, and we live worlds apart. It won

t last anyway.

She paused yet again. He checked the connection and started making his way back to the mansion.



your father?

Jackson stopped in the middle of the driveway as if slamming into a wall.



doing well. I talked to him before this assignment.

Even as a boy, he knew his father was his mum

s one true love. Mum

s wandering genes and Father

s inability to deeply connect ended the great affair almost immediately after it had begun, leaving Jackson as the side-effect and the middle ground between two people who never managed to move on.

I love you,

he said.

I love you too.

The holidays were looming. He knew this melancholy tone in his mum

s voice and hated it.


d disconnected without ado and Jackson walked out of the bitter cold into the warmth of Trumble mansion. Used to the new routine, he turned off the lights and set the alarm before heading upstairs.


s bedroom door was closed. He stood, torn between his own bedroom door and the third-floor stairs.

He climbed the stairs.

He found Ava curled up on one side of the bed as if leaving him room. Her red hair spilled over the pillow and her pale skin glowed in the moonlight through the window. Her breathing was deep and even. He should go back to his own room.

Should, but didn

t. Instead, he continued to stare from the doorway.

He didn

t know how long he

d been there, but after some time her arm came out from under the comforter and pulled back a corner of the sheets, inviting him in without a word. Shaking his head, swallowing hard, he stripped to his briefs and slipped in bed next to her.

Good night,
” she whispered through a yawn.

The pull of attraction was strong, but he didn’t act on it. For once, he just wanted to sleep with her. Just sleep. He snaked his arm out and tugged her firmly to his chest so that they lay facing each other. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and fell right back to sleep.

He smiled and closed his own eyes.

Chapter Twenty

Ava bit down on her thumbnail in an attempt to not chew through her lip in nervous excitement. Old habits. She couldn’
t believe the EVPs they

d caught. The crew was back, sitting around the dining room table filming as Jackson and Sammy showed them what they

d found in the feed.

This is incredible,

Kerry said.

So the angry spirit is Peter Trumble. He directed you to the portraits just like Sarah led you to the journals.


Paul pushed up his glasses and frowned.

But if both Sarah and Peter

s spirits are in this house, why is he so angry? They

re together again. That

s what he wants, right? To find her again and know what happened?


s mind whirled.

Maybe they don

t know the other one

s here. Like they can

t see each other.

We only have a few days left.

Kerry’s mouth twisted in worry.

Jackson looked right at Ava like she needed the reminder.

She swallowed to moisten her dry throat.

What more can we do?

Amir shrugged.

I think it would be a good idea to move the camera from the parlor to the great hall. We should also leave a recorder in the room. Now that the portraits are displayed, maybe we

ll get a hit.

Good idea,

Sammy said.

In the meantime, the rest of us go hard core. Voice box, thermos, provoking. All out.


m wondering something.

She decided to voice out loud what had been in her head for some time. These people might know the answer and she trusted them.

The house is more than two-hundred years old and has remained in the family all that time. My great-aunt Lois had a special sort of ability. Why did the spirits choose now to seek help? Why me?

Jackson stared at her through emphatic eyes, his gaze direct, seeing right inside every fear and hope.

Because you want to know. Because you care about them.

Kerry placed her hand over hers on the table, the gesture just what Ava needed.

They can see that, and they

re doing what they can, within their means, to assist you. We just need to piece it together.

Paul stood and looked at Jackson.


re a Kerrick by blood.

Her skin chilled when he directed his gaze at her.

And you

re a Trumble. Maybe they just needed both back together on this land. Perhaps Peter Trumble needs a Kerrick to own up to their part in this tragedy. An apology could go a long way toward making things right.


s fingers tightened around Ava


If what you said is true, Ava, and their spirits can

t see each other, then we have to try to reunite them. Draining Peter

s fury could do just that, allow him to find her. Focus on something other than the pain.

Jackson had been unusually quiet through virtually this entire conversation. She tried to grasp what he was thinking, if he thought this plan would work. His gaze was trained on the table before him, seemingly a million miles away.

When he finally looked up the hollow emptiness in his eyes made her want nothing more than to cross the room, hold him and bring the light back. Soothe away whatever had caused the pain etched over his handsome face.

Finally, he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.

I will make an attempt to right what my ancestors did to your family. We

ll stick together, Ava. We may have to try several times.

She let out a relieved breath when he snapped out of whatever funk he

d slipped into. They had a plan. And this plan would work. She

d keep the mansion and her dreams while helping her ghosts get closure.

This. Will. Work.

Paul headed upstairs to examine the portraits while Kerry took off for the library to go over the journal. The rest of the crew teamed up and spread out. Jackson and Ava went into the bedroom Jackson was using, since it used to be Peter Trumble’
s bedroom, hoping to get his attention. Jackson sat in the corner chair, so she took the desk chair across the room. The distance was not lost on her.

What had you so upset earlier in the dining room?

She kept her gaze trained on the digital recorder in front of her. She had yet to turn it on and the cameramen had gone with other team members, so they were alone.

He didn

t answer for the longest time.


m having a difficult time with the concept of leaving.

The brutal honesty and sincerity in his tone had her whipping her gaze to his. He looked at her directly, an unreadable expression on his face, but she learned what that meant over the past few weeks. He was attempting to hide these new-to-him feelings and in the process it left him vulnerable.

Are you under the mansion

s spell?

It was a stupid thing to say, but it was all she could muster. He didn

t stay in one place for long. Didn

t do commitment or relationships. Even if he was so inclined, he had the show. He couldn

t stay.


m under your spell.

All the air left the room.


m not a witch.

I beg to differ.

There gazes locked, the charge between them so electrifying goose bumps rose on her arms. What was he saying? That he felt more than attraction? Because they didn

t agree to that. Nothing could come of it. No matter how badly she was growing to want that, want him in her life.


m turning on the recorder.

She swallowed past the clamp around her throat.


he mumbled.

She didn

t take the bait. Switching on the recorder, she leaned back in her chair.

Without warning, the floor vibrated, rattling the walls. Her teeth clattered with the pulsation and confusion froze her in place. Before either could react, a loud crash from down the hall had them both on their feet and out of the room. The rest of the crew was storming up the staircase. She got to the great entry hall before anyone else and found Paul slumped on the floor, back against the south wall.

What happened?

She kneeled next to him.

The crew formed a half-circle around Paul.

He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

I was examining the portraits. When I got to that one, I felt hands on my chest, pushing me away. Next thing I know, I

m on the floor over here.

Jackson’s jaw tensed. They looked in the direction where Paul pointed. He

d been pushed in front of Sarah Kerrick

s picture.

Did we get this on film?

I haven

t moved the camera to this room yet.

Amir crossed his arms, obviously upset.


Jackson growled, then looked at Paul.

Are you okay?

Paul nodded so she held out her hand to help him stand. His skin was cold, his limbs trembling, but otherwise he appeared fine, just visibly shaken.

She felt for him and struggled to offer a way to comfort, feeling guilty he

d been hurt. She slid her hand down his arm and linked their fingers.

Why don

t you go down to the library? Rest for a while.” Kerry and Paul seemed close. She would know what to do.

Paul nodded.

Ava and I will investigate in here,

Jackson said.

The crew dispersed while she and Jackson waited in the hallway for Amir to set up the camera in the corner to pan the room. He nodded to them and left.

She sighed.

I don

t want anyone else hurt. Keep everyone out of here. Peter didn

t seem to mind the two of us around. You and I can stick to this room.

You got it, luv. I think we should try the voice box again.

He closed the French doors behind them and placed the box in the middle of the floor. She turned on the digital recorder and set it on the fireplace mantle before taking a seat on the floor against the wall. Jackson sat next to her, their hips brushing.

So much for distance.

The ominous tone hadn

t left the room since they found Paul. The air was heavy and cool. The atmosphere had a pulse, thrumming in her ears.

She shivered, deciding to speak first.

That man you pushed was trying to help. His name is Paul and he

s part of Jackson

s team.

Nothing happened, but if it was possible, the pressure grew thicker. Her muscles tensed to the point of pain.

You know who I am,

Jackson called out.

And I know you

re Peter. Our ancestry is connected. I am a Kerrick. You are a Trumble.

The voice box went off, causing him to jump beside her.


God, that robotic voice was freakin’
creepy. Jackson

s wide blue eyes met hers. She motioned for him to keep going, despite the fear inside her.

I know what my family did to yours. You must have felt betrayed when you found out they remained loyal to Britain.

Silence. Then,

From the floorboards, Jackson’
s hand slid over hers and squeezed.

Yes, treason. But I

m here to make things right. I

m sorry for what they did.

Nothing happened, so she confirmed Jackson

s words.

He means it, Peter. A long time has passed since you died. Jackson

s here to help us get answers.


She wasn’
t sure if he was asking what happened to his family or if he was confirming she was family. She took a shot in the dark.

Yes, I am your family. Can you forgive Jackson and the Kerricks for what they did?

Silence resounded for so long she thought Peter

s spirit had left.



s fingers crushed hers with the force of his grip.

Her heart pounded nearly right out of her chest.

Miss who, Peter? Sarah?

No answer came. The air in the room shifted, lightened. The cold receded.

Bloody hell. I think he left.

Frustrated, a headache bloomed between her eyes.

We were just starting to get somewhere too. We didn

t get to tell him Sarah was still here.

Jackson blinked at the sunlight streaming through the bedroom window and stretched his aching muscles. They’
d called it quits late into the night and he hadn

t slept much. He didn

t know if that was because he didn

t have Ava next to him or because he was so wound up from the activity. This hollow ache in his chest wouldn
’t abate. Every day they grew closer to leaving the ache intensified.

He reached for his phone to check the time but stopped when he noticed the chill in the room. Not daring to move, his gaze scanned, seeing nothing out of place on the desk. The oil paintings of the lighthouses weren’t askew. Paul’s cot was empty, the blanket folded neatly on top. Suspicion loomed until he confirmed Sarah’
s presence by smelling her tell-tale lavender. Instead of grabbing his phone, he switched on the digital recorder.

Sarah? I know you

re here. Listen, time is running out. Ava needs to know what happened to you. She could lose the mansion.

He paused, inhaling. Yep, still smelled her presence. His heart rate sped, but he forced the trepidation down.

How did you die? Was your father involved? Something to do with the cliffs, like in Ava

s dream?

The scent was fading but not yet gone.

Please, Sarah. It

ll break her heart to lose this place.

The bedroom door opened and just like that, she was gone.

He scrubbed his hands over his face and rose. After showering and dressing, he grabbed the recorder and took it downstairs. Ava was leaning against the kitchen counter sipping coffee and listening to his techies discuss last night

s feed. Everyone else was scarce. Several loaves of banana bread were cooling on a wire rack between them.

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