Give Me All Of You (11 page)

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Authors: Delka Beazer

BOOK: Give Me All Of You
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He groaned as his
own need came roaring back and he couldn’t hold it at bay a moment longer.

She began moaning deep in her throat, it
was no cry of pain only … pleasure, soft and unsure at first, it grew and within moments she was screaming, quaking around him, clenching him so tight that he almost came. She muttered incoherently beneath him, thrusting her hips high, demanding he appease the unbearable ache in her womb.

snatched a moment to preen with the heady realization that he had given her her first orgasm.

Then there was no more time for another though
t. Shudders rushed through his body as he surged unchecked into her. It happened so fast, one moment he was sure he wouldn’t last another thrust, but he kept moving until he was blindsided. The explosion caught him completely off-guard bringing him fully alive. He slammed into her and soared to his own heights, he yelled and joined her in mutual bliss.

Chapter t










Was she really hiding under the sheets like a naughty child afraid of being found out?

Mina winced in mortification
, but still couldn’t bring herself to surface from beneath Hunter’s silky cotton sheets though it was morning and she needed to get home.

She inhaled deeply,
the smell of their lovemaking invaded her nostrils, spicy, dark and exhilarating. She grinned, she felt the same way.

If she’
d known making love with Hunter would do this to her, she’d have welcomed his advances a long time ago.

So why then was she hiding, unable to face

He’d disappeared into his
spacious bathroom minutes ago, and she’d stayed stuck under the sheets pretending to be asleep.

She scrunched her
nose. She doubted he’d been fooled but he hadn’t disturbed her.

Yet another thing
about him which gratified her. He valued her privacy.

Though after last night,
her need for privacy around him would be severely reduced.

sound of water flowing strongly came through the pine door from the connected bathroom.

uriosity piqued, she slipped from the bed, looked around for her dress, underwear anything, but they were all gone.

He’d cleaned up after her. Amazing.

As much as she’d love to stay, spend the day in bed with him, she had to go home. Hermile must be frantic. She’d never stayed out except on business trips.

e looked down at her naked body. Hunter had seen it all last night. Her face burned as she remembered the way his eyes had greedily sought every crevice of her body.

But this was no time to be prissy.
She padded over to the bathroom and pushed the door open.

In nothing but black boxer briefs which hugged his
long powerful legs, Hunter was poised over a beautiful claw-foot tub. A jar of creamy liquid was in his hand, she sniffed appreciatively as the heat from the warm water sent the scent of hibiscus blossoms through the room.

He smiled and the tenderness he’d shown her
last night made it to his eyes, but nothing could cloak the thinly suppressed hunger which her nakedness ignited in his eyes.

He closed the lid of the jar and placed it on one of the shelves next to the tub.

“Just in time,” he said.

For what?”

He raised a derisive brow, “for your bubble bath of course.”

The air whooshed out of her tummy. She struggled to keep a straight face. “I don’t take bubble baths.”

Hunter snorted
, disbelief etched into his face, “every woman has taken a bubble bath.”

“Not me.”

“Well, here’s a first,” he walked over to her.

She held out a hand to keep him and his imposing chest at bay, her eyes implored him, “I really need to go home.”

“You need to soak more.”

“Why …” her voice trailed off as the tell
ing reason dawned in his eyes, her face went up in flames.

“I’m fine,
no need to soothe anything away,” she stammered with as much dignity as she could muster.

A determined look came into his eyes, she squeaked but his hands were already at her waist tugging her insistently forward
. “You will take a tub before you leave my house.”

She followed reluctantly, lifted a leg, gasped when H
unter’s hand closed on her knee, his fingers skimmed the sensitive flesh under it. She shuddered and closed her eyes.
“Stop that or you’ll leave the tub sorer than when you came in,” he warned.

If he could manhandle her then she didn’t see any reason why she shouldn’t torture him, “how do y
ou propose to do that?” she pretended to study his lean, bronzed face critically. “I doubt a man of your advanced years could keep up with someone a decade younger.”

Hunter’s eyes flash
ed a feral warning, he growled and before she knew it she’d been deposited into the tub without ceremony, a small tidal wave splashed over the porcelain sides.

She yelped but stayed put in the inviting embrace of the water. Neither
cold or hot it immediately soaked into her body. She sighed and kept a challenging eye on Hunter who had squatted down beside her, watching her but making no move to join.

He turned to the shelves and snatched up a sponge.

Her eyes widened in alarm, she reached for the sponge but he neatly evaded her grasp. She huffed indignantly, clasped her hands across the jutting tips of her breasts which peaked above a swarm of fat bubbles.

“Give me that,” she ordered, flashing him a dirty look
, “I assure you I’m old enough to wash myself.”

Are you sure?” he teased his eyes aglow with an unholy light, “if it’s one thing we
folks have mastered it’s the intricacies of a deep soak, creaking bones and all.”

She grounded
her teeth, “okay … okay, I’m sorry, now give me that damned sponge and leave.”

Hunter made a
tsk tsk
sound at her. Ignoring her demand he dipped the sponge into the water and began washing her.

He started at her knees and worked his way slowly up her leg.

Instantly anger left her, replaced by a hot, impatient itch.

Mesmerized, she watched his hand as he created a rich lather of tiny bubbles along her leg. Everywhere his fingers brushed brought her nerve endings alive. Her breathing started to sputter as she gre
w warm, her gaze fixed on his hand which inched its way lazily towards the dark cluster covering her womanhood. Even beneath the water, she felt her body swelling, readying itself for him again.

Should she stop him? Why?

It wasn’t as if she didn’t want him to touch her there.

She willed herself to relax against the cool back of the tub and
wait, eyes closed.

The slide of
his fingers came closer, nipped at the small gathering of hair which barely covered her femininity. She held her breath, waited, then maddeningly he retreated towards her other leg and began the same climb.

It was like crashing
back to earth without a parachute. She opened her eyes and glared darkly at him.

He was wa
iting. He grinned unrepentantly, then his eyes became serious. “You will marry me tomorrow.”

desire drained away as if it had never been. She bolted up, sending further streams of water splashing onto the tiled floor.

“I can’t ...” she looked wildly at him, “
it’s too soon,” she finished lamely.

Hunter sat back
on his hunches, the sponge in hand.

Why couldn’t he just be satisfied with making love to her for now? Why demand marriage so soon?

His eyes glinted sharply. “I’ve waited long enough Mina. A year in fact. I won’t keep waiting.”

She recoiled from the sting
of his words. Her eyes smarted, further infuriating her. She wouldn’t cry over a man she barely knew!

“Then don’t,” she snapped

Hunter turned away, giving her a wondrous glance at the beauti
fully corded muscles in his back and the tautness of his buttocks beneath his underwear.

“Mina, I want you and after last n
ight you can’t deny that you want me also” he threw her an accusatory glance over his shoulders, “I’ve been truthful about my intentions from the start-”

Her brain worked furious for an escape.

Yesterday at the pond he’d mentioned a complication. Something that had held him back from making love to her then.

“What complication were you talking about yesterday at the pond?”
she demanded.

Hunter froze, the sharp bones of his face became rigid.
“That’s none of your concern.”

grasped at the chance to avoid his trap, she stood up and water streamed from her body down her legs. Stepping out of the tub, she moved past him towards the door, uncaring that she was causing puddles all across the tiles. He remained unmoving.

“I can’t marry s
omeone who hides things from me,” she announced triumphantly.

His mouth
curled into a scowl. “What if it’s for your own good?”

She’d had it with the men in her life trying to manipulate and twist her to their will. “You don’t understand
, do you? I won’t under any circumstances marry you if I can’t trust you.”

He turned to
look at her and his eyes were … scared. “Do I have your word that you’ll honor our understanding to give our relationship a chance no matter what I tell you now?”

Fear clutched her. What could be so bad? Eyes widened she t
ook a tentative step toward him, then stopped herself. “I can’t tell you that Hunter. This is my life. I’ll decide what I can forgive or forget,” she sounded much braver than she felt, already the thought of losing him made her nauseous with pain.

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, then stared straight at her.
“I had sex with someone last week.”

She slumped to the floor but he caught her before he
r knees could hit the wet tile.

She stifled the first sob against
his chest, but his closeness, the scent of their lovemaking still ripe on his body sent shards of hot fury and … betrayal through her.

“Get your
fucking hands off me,” she yelled her voice hoarse from the raw strength of her anger, which surprised even her.

He crushed her face to his chest, she fought against his hold but the palm of his hands was too big, too st
rong. She gave up and started to cry.

“Shush Mina, I’m
so sorry. It wasn’t planned. I … I was an ass and I made a single horrible mistake.”

She groaned against his chest, railing against the pain that rifled through her but unable to pull back because despite
this she couldn’t squash the need to be close to him.

But w
hy? It made no sense.

Because she
loved him.

went boneless in his hold. How could she have let this happen? At once she knew what she had to do. She could never let him know.

But there was one thing she had to know. “Who was she?” she demanded fiercely.

Hunter let loose some foul invectives, “Please Mina. Know that I’ll never do this again. Let it go.”

She shoved violently away from him, breaking his hold. She
raked her nails down his chest, he yelped, caught her hands, there was no anger in his eyes just irritation. “You need to control that temper, it’ll get you into trouble one day,” he quipped hotly.

She bared her teeth, “who the hell is she?” she shouted.

Hunter held her enraged look, “Desiree.”

“The girl from my company
’s picnic?” she bit her lip to try and keep it together. “Why don’t you marry her instead,” she tossed out defiantly, half dreading he’d say yes.
Hunter winced and folded her stiff body back into his arms. It wasn’t the reaction she’d betted on, his heart thudded in her ears. “I plan to get married once to the right woman. You are that woman.”

His words shouldn’t have meant anything to her, not after what he’d done …
but it did. Against her will, she found herself returning the pressure of his embrace. He sought her mouth and a twinge of rebellion to refuse him entry surged but just as swiftly died away.

he pulled her lips away from the soft glide of his. “I haven’t forgiven you,” she swallowed and despite the anger or strangely heightened by it, the taste of him on her tongue was an aphrodisiac.

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